BADEN-BADEN, Germany, Oct.迷你倉 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The new version of Elektrobit's HMI (human machine interface) development platform -- EB GUIDE -- has a wide range of consumer-inspired features, including 3D content import, graphical animations and effects and speech recognition for dynamic data, as well as multi-touch and touch-gesture recognition for smart phone-like user interaction.(Logo: GUIDE 5.5 also allows carmakers and suppliers to create multi-modal HMIs enriched with HTML5 app-like content."The auto industry is working to provide drivers with the same seamless experience they've come to expect from their smart phones and other consumer electronics products," said Martin Schleicher, EB's vice president of Infotainment Products and Strategy. "New EB GUIDE 5.5 features such as dynamic speech recognition and HTML5 enable carmakers to bring web-based applications into the car."With EB GUIDE, carmakers are able to integrate the latest consumer applications into their vehicles while taking into account driver distraction. The result is a safe, convenient and superior driving experience."The latest version of EB's HMI development platform is being released today (Oct. 16) at the International Conference "Electronic Systems for Motor Vehicles" in Baden-Baden. EB GUIDE 5.5 delivers an inter-process framework (IPC) for the integration of a HTML5 sandbox or any similar technology. The HTML5 integration is based on the EB GUIDE Graphic Target Framework (GTF) and an HTML5 enabled browser engine which is displayed in the core HMI via a HTML5 widget. The API (Application Programming Interface) available for app developers is directly generated from the development tool EB GUIDE Studio making it easier to grant HTML5 content a controlled channel to in-car data.Management of pop-ups and possible driver distraction is handled by the core HMI. As a result, carmakers are able to model the usability of the whole HMI and the security level access for external applications, ensuring that the device will always be up to date during the car's life-cycle and allowing the delivery of new content for the driver.The newest version of EB GUIDE also offers a DirectXRenderer, which enables EB GUIDE GTF mini storagen Microsoft Windows 8 RT. It also supports several new speech options, since external grammar files can be used directly in EB GUIDE Studio for more creative speech interfaces. In addition, version 5.5 allows dynamic vocabulary to adapt speech recognition to real-life data like MP3 lists, address books or radio stations. Furthermore, EB showcases a technology preview on the usage of statistic language models (SLM) to create more natural voice user interfaces.EB GUIDE 5.5 offers an improved support for customers in Japan. For example, the EB GUIDE Studio user interface and the first part of documentation are now available in Japanese.EB GUIDE is one of the world's leading integrated HMI software platforms and has been used by major global carmakers and suppliers across markets and carlines since 2005. It is a complete software solution that provides more flexibility, shortens time-to-market and reduces the cost of developing HMIs.EB, Elektrobit CorporationEB creates advanced technology and turns it into enriching end-user experiences. EB is specialized in demanding embedded software and hardware solutions for wireless and automotive industries. The net sales from continuing operations in 2012 totaled MEUR 185.4. Elektrobit Corporation is listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki (EBC1V). .elektrobit.comElektrobit (EB) - Automotive SoftwareEB represents one of the most important suppliers of embedded software solutions for the automotive industry. In addition to the development of innovative products, it also specializes in services and consulting for the automotive industry, supplying implementations of serial software solutions for a broad range of AUTOSAR and FlexRay, infotainment, navigation, HMI and driver assistance systems. EB continues to invest in feature integration and development tools so that the in-vehicle devices get to market more quickly and ship in volume sooner. Philipp Hanke, Weber Shandwick for EB, +49 89 380 179-48,; Larry Weis, Autocom for EB, +1 248 647 8621,; or Manuela Papadopol, Global Marketing Director, +1425 444 2771, Manuela.Papadopol@elektrobit.comWeb site:儲存
目前分類:未分類文章 (2695)
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 12:01
Latest EB GUIDE Version Supports Auto-Industry Development Of New Connected-Car Features
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 11:57
遠雄跨界結盟 連手共築三能一雲智慧宅 接軌國際 開創台灣建築另一扉頁
【廣編特輯】 產官學研不同領域專家各有專精長才,儲存如今異業結盟攜手合作,已逐漸成為企業重要的發展趨勢。建築業巨擘「遠雄企業團」宣示,將持續建立異業結盟平台,打破產業界線,以跨國界的合作規格群策群力,引領台灣建築業走上世界舞台,打造先進高端的全齡化智慧住宅。 趙藤雄:三能一雲 必定是未來建築趨勢 遠雄企業團從發展「二代宅」一路升級至「二代城」,2011年更獲頒國際LLG創新卓越智慧城市認證,且率先提出「三能一雲」概念,運用IT科技達到建築創能、節能、儲能之功能,整合技術堪稱業界首例。 趙藤雄強調,有鑒於全球有40%的能源消耗,與21%的溫室氣體排放都是來自於建築物。綠能、智能、性能、雲端的「三能一雲」觀念,必定是未來建築的趨勢!所涉及的科技包括雨水蒐集系統、LED照明、太陽光電板、風力發電機、空氣品質解決方案、各種感應自動開關、智慧節能控制平台等,讓生活中「綠色」契機無所不在,實現真正綠色住宅藍圖。 值得一提的是,遠雄企業團結合台灣科技島的專業,進一步將雲端技術結合「遠雄左岸」,打造智慧社區,包含重層防禦的區域聯防中心i-Center,全區光纖網路i-Net、智慧監控系統i-Watch、智慧廣播系統i-Call、智慧交控i-Traffic、智慧巴士i-Bus,及全區LED路燈i-Light等。 全球第一LLG國際認證 混合雲端智慧建築 遠雄企業團除了發展智慧科技住宅外,近期於汐止設置全台唯一「雲端總部U-TOWN」,跨產業與中華電信、趨勢科技、Citrix Systems合作打造「FTTO雲端共構智慧建築」,首創私有雲整合電信公有雲,就算企業沒有龐大資料庫及高性能電腦,也可即時處理大量資訊,預估一般20位員工的中小企業,可節省高達數百萬的IT建置、軟硬體、管理等成本支出,甚至大幅降低30%的總體營運成本。 中華電信ICT技術 打造智慧建築雲 為因應新一代智慧建築的發展趨勢,並提升住戶的生活品質,中華電信以物聯網為基礎架構積極研發雲端化智慧建築服務平台,從用戶端設備規格的標準化、開放式的網路協定、採用模組化弱電系統設備,將各系統資料及各種生活訊息傳送至雲端,運用大數據運算技術進行智慧分析連動管理之應用,建構省能、安全、便利的居住環境,提高住宅之品質。 在智慧建築服務三能一雲整合服務方案中,中華電信的智能服務,是以全IP化架構整合4A系統,並以MICE為服務理念,提供資訊服務、社區管理、通訊整合、安全監控迷你倉防災求救、門禁管理、環境感知及情境控制之智慧化、人性化、生活化、便利化的整合式服務。 在性能服務方面,將建築物各種設備或設施透過電腦化、系統化的有效管理,使建築物設備或設施達到高效能的正常運轉;在綠能服務方面,除提供建築節能規劃及控制,如電力系統、空調系統、照明系統、熱水系統、給排水系統等之節能外,並整合提供能源監控與管理、碳排放監測管理,以智慧方式達成節能環保的效果。 而在雲端服務方面,中華電信擁有高頻寬光纖網路及藉由雲端運算技術,整合智慧建築應用服務功能及物聯網(IoT)技術,讓資訊即時傳送至雲端進行智慧化分析及即時傳送資訊服務,進行連動分析,使居家生活能夠站在「大數據時代」的浪頭上,將所需的生活資訊、智慧叫車、醫療保健、旅遊,甚至居家周遭的促銷優惠都即時傳送到家中。 此外,中華電信同時結合MOD及行動裝置(包含手機與平版),整合多螢服務,住戶可隨時隨地進行遠端控制及獲得家中各種資訊,不漏接社區訊息,生活資訊隨時看。 Panasonic SmartHeMs居家能源管理系統 節能新革命 Panasonic提出居家能源數位化管理提案,未來從住宅基礎建設加入創能、蓄能、節能以及能源管理的「SmartHeMS 智慧居家能源管理系統」,透過網路數位串連將居家能源可視化,消費者可以更有效率的進行家庭能源控管,主動省下不必要浪費的電力。此外,智慧控制系統可同時整合照明、空調設備進行居住環境調節,營造最適宜的居家環境。 透過能源管理圖表,可即時觀看全室以及各項家電的用電狀況以及用電比例分析,還能參考過去的電力使用數據,設定電力使用量的目標值,讓家中的家電變得更智慧,輕鬆節約用電。 利用家中的SMART VIERA或是平板電腦及智慧手機就能控制「SmartHeMS智慧居家能源管理系統」,還可透過網路來監看及控制家裡的用電狀況,如此智慧又先進的能源管理模式,協助消費者達到居家電力的最佳化使用。 不同於舊式的燈光一個按鍵只能控制一組燈光。「SmartHeMS智慧居家能源管理系統」搭配更進步的二線式燈光情境控制,可以顯示各房間的照明狀況並進行整體的燈光控制,不用再像過去要走至家中每個空間才能關燈,給消費者更加簡單方便的居家生活。 「SmartHeMS智慧居家能源管理系統」搭載的環境資訊感測器可以偵測家中的CO2、溫度、濕度等數值,經系統主機分析判斷後,自動啟動空調或是全熱交換機的運作模式,除了更加省電,提供消費者最舒適的居家生活品質。儲存倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 11:51
Globes, Tel Aviv, Israel, Shiri Habib-Valdhorn column
Source: Globes, Tel Aviv, IsraelOct.儲存倉 16--Shlomo Yanai managed Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE: TEVA; TASE: TEVA) for five years, and he was always considered a strategist who plans for the long-term. Yanai was hired as someone who was meant to define the company's strategy, post-Copaxone -- the proprietary Multiple Sclerosis drug upon which Teva is so very dependent. Already then it was clear that its place in the market would not last forever. In 2010 Yanai presented his strategic plan; his vision of what Teva should look like in 2015. A little more than two years later he was already on his way out and, today, 18 months after Jeremy Levin replaced him, not much is left of his grand vision."It is a good thing for a company that a new CEO with a new vision should step in every few years," said Yanai on the day the company announced his departure and Levin's appointment, but it's doubtful that he thought that this "new vision" would change Teva so drastically, so quickly. Yanai's strategic plan effectively died on the day Levin assumed his post. It envisioned Teva in 2015 as a larger and more diverse company, and sought to address its main problem: its tremendous dependence on its proprietary Multiple Sclerosis drug, Copaxone, which is responsible for roughly 50 percent of the company's profit. However, as we know, more than three years later, Levin is trying to address this very problem, as the dependence still exists. Additionally, while in the past Teva was optimistic and estimated that the risk of generic competition for Copaxone was very low, today an awareness that the competition is getting closer is spreading, and the laying-off of 10 percent of the company's workforce is a direct result of this."Yanai's plan no longer exists because it was based heavily on generics, on biosimilar [generics for biological drugs] and on major acquisitions. All these things no longer exist at Teva," says Excellence Nessuah Investment senior analyst, Gilad Alper.How is today's Teva different from Yanai's Teva? First of all, its definition has changed. During Yanai's tenure, the emphasis was always on generics -- that was Teva's origin. "Teva is a generics company; that is our nature and our core business," said Yanai repeatedly, and this was the basis of his strategy.Of course, Teva benefited from its branded drugs as well (foremost, Copaxone), but it never defined itself as anything other than a generics company. Today, it seems that the definition is more fluid. Levin placed greater emphasis on innovation -- development of branded drugs, which is the field from which he came. Alongside this, he also placed emphasis on NTE -- combinations of existing drugs, which has been marked as an important growth engine. Levin also continues his focus on OTC (over-the-counter medications), which Yanai int迷你倉最平oduced to Teva through his strategic partnership with Proctor & Gamble (NYSE: PG). The biosimilar market, which is considered an interesting growth engine, and was supposed to reach sales of $800 million in 2015, was essentially neglected, and the joint venture in this field with Lonza Group (OTC: LZAGY), signed by Yanai, was recently cancelled."Ratiopharm is bad, Cephalon is worse."Another difference is that in Levin's Teva there are no more massive acquisitions to generate growth. Acquisitions such as Barr Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ratiopharm GmbH and Cephalon, Inc. from Yanai's period, each of them in the billions of dollars, will not happen again anytime soon. Cephalon, manufacturer of proprietary drugs that was bought for $6.5 billion, was meant to diversify the product offerings and to reduce the dependence on Copaxone but, in retrospect, it seems that its main products are not taking off, and Teva even had some accounting write-offs related to some of them.According to Alper, "Ratiopharm is a bad company and Cephalon is even worse. The five good years of cash flow from Copaxone were wasted on an incorrect strategy, and expansion in the wrong areas." Incidentally, the write-offs related to Cephalon's products joined the house cleaning that Levin is executing, which also includes write-offs related to the settlement with Pfizer, Inc. (NYSE: PFZ) over Teva's launch of a major generic during Yanai's tenure.Teva's close relationship with the local biomed industry is also not what it once was. Teva, once a natural partner for Israeli biomed companies, jettisoned a few joint ventures with local companies last year, as part of Levin's portfolio restructuring.There were also personnel changes: nearly the entire corporate management was changed (as is common when a CEO is replaced), and some of those who stayed took on new roles. Another change, though a technicality, is the market in which Teva is traded -- its stock was moved from the Nasdaq to the NYSE (Teva continues to be traded on the TASE, as well)."Teva is a company in crisis, without a doubt," says Alper. "The company is at a crossroads: One possible direction is generic competition for Copaxone in the near future -- though, in my opinion, the chances of this are low -- and that would amount to an existential crisis for the company. The other possibility is that the generic will be delayed, and then the company will have some breathing room.""Looking ahead it will become clear to you that the Teva of the future will be a very different company from the Teva of the past," said Levin a few months ago. It seems he is working strenuously towards this end.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Globes (Tel Aviv, Israel) Visit the Globes (Tel Aviv, Israel) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 11:44
緯創(3231)昨(16)日公告,儲存將在10月起於大陸昆山廠增加資本支出約28.56億元,以因應通訊產品的產能擴充需求。法人表示,市場傳出緯創已接獲蘋果iPhone訂單,這次投資主要是為蘋果訂單預做準備。緯創昨天強調,昆山廠增加資本支出是根據訂單產能需求狀況擴產,而且擴產項目的通訊產品,並不僅有手機代工,平板產品也有機會。據了解,緯創取得蘋果高階手機的代工訂單,而非是中低價手機,預計明年第4季出貨,可能瓜分部分原由鴻海代工的蘋果高階手機產品。不過,以蘋果的策略看,緯創初期取得的iPhone訂單量不大,可能只是試量產,蘋果會觀察初期生產的表現。市場日前曾傳出,緯創可能接獲iPad訂單。但昨天又傳出緯創取得iPhone的機率較高。法人表示,雖然緯迷你倉取得的iPhone數量不大,但代表已經取得蘋果代工的入場門票,若是供貨狀況良好,有機會加大供貨占比。緯創表示,今年資本支出除通訊產品方面外,還有先前的LCM、液晶後段模組與售後服務方面也有增加投資。另外,有關第3季是否會召開線上法說會,必須等到11月時才能確定。緯創也積極增加平板電腦出貨量,市場傳出,宏�2014年平板訂單的釋單內容大致抵定,緯創以Android軟硬體研發優勢,接單數量較2013年增加200萬至300萬台。法人表示,緯創第4季雖然代工的華碩筆電出貨量可望提升,但受到聯想拉高自製率、訂單轉移到仁寶的影響下,第4季筆電出貨量將比第3季衰退超過5%。三大法人近五個交易日合計賣超緯創達2.1萬張,緯創昨天收26.35元、下跌0.6元。self storage
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 11:19
LOGISTICS: Larger Panama Canal could shrink Inland economy
Source: The Press-Enterprise, Riverside, storageOct. 15--Depending on who's talking, the widening of the Panama Canal could take a serious chunk out of the Inland region's logistics business, putting the brakes on a growing job generator and potentially leaving cavernous warehouses standing empty.Or it may have no effect at all.But considering the importance of the transportation and shipping industries to the economies of San Bernardino and Riverside counties, civic and business leaders are watching and waiting as 2015 and the opening of the expanded canal approach.The worry is that bigger ships carrying cargo from Asia no longer will be limited to West Coast ports, then truck and rail service to send goods to the southern and eastern United States. With Panama's deeper, wider canal locks opening in 2015, those super-ships will be able to bypass the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles and deliver the cargo directly to Houston, New York and other eastern destinations, eliminating much of the overland travel.Ferdinando Guerra, an international economist with the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation, has studied the issue. He said estimates of how much cargo traffic the Los Angeles County ports would lose have ranged widely."Basically, it's looking anywhere from 1 to 25 percent," Guerra said. "In all likelihood, with conversations that I've had, more in the 1 to 5 percent range is more realistic."Even that could be significant. And if it approaches 25 percent, it could be devastating."The biggest loser here will be the Inland Empire and the entire logistics industry," he said.DEPENDING ON LOGISTICSIn the past two decades, logistics has been the largest growth industry in the Inland region. It currently employs slightly more than 116,000 people. About 60 percent of those jobs were created in the past 20 years. A 31 percent decline in imports at the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports during the height of the Great Recession resulted in the loss of 13,000 logistics jobs in the Inland area.Those employment numbers have only recently regained the ground lost in the recession. With the Panama Canal opening on the horizon, some are worried.About 7 million cargo containers come through the Los Angeles and Long Beach ports annually, Guerra said. Between 2.5 million and 3 million of those containers are bound mostly for Midwest hubs, such as Chicago and St. Louis, with a few going on to the East Coast. Most of it moves through Riverside and San Bernardino counties."Worst-case scenario, you're talking a substantial amount of cargo (being lost)," he said. "Who will be hit the hardest? It's obviously the Inland Empire. It's such a big part of the (region's) economy. If they were to lose a substantial amount of these logistic jobs, it would be devastating."Guerra said his best guess is the drop won't be significant enough to cause a dramatic downturn in the Inland economy. But there are so many variables involved, it's hard to know, he said.Some of the factors influencing the industry's health include:-- Some cargo has been lost from local ports already. A 10-day labor strike in 2002 led shippers to look for alternate routes for their goods. Since then, ports in Canada and Mexico have become more competitive and have siphoned off some business.-- The widened Panama Canal will be able to handle ships carrying up to 12,500 TEU -- the standard container measure, which stands for 20-foot equivalent unit -- versus its current limit of 4,500 TEU. Authorities there are anticipating an 8 percent to 10 percent jump in volume once the enlarged canal opens.-- The trend in shipping is toward larger vessels. Some of the newest super-freighters can carry 18,000 TEU, too large even for the enlarged Panama Canal. Few ports are deep enough to handle ships that size, but Long Beach and Los Angeles can. On the other hand, the routes those ships are destined for are between Asia and Europe.-- While East and Gulf coast ports have been dredging in order to deepen their ports to accommodate larger ships that might bypass the West Coast, logistics experts question whether the infrastructure is in place to handle the larger volumes once cargo has been offloaded from ships.How these and other factors will play out and what it will mean for the Inland logistics industry is hard to know.If volume in the Panama Canal does increase by 10 percent, it would mean an additional 682,000 TEUs annually. In 2012, the total TEUs handled by western ports -- from Manzanillo, Mexico, to Prince Rupert Sound, Canada -- was 24.7 million.A drop of 682,000 would be a 3 percent reduction. How much of that would impact Los Angeles and Long Beach is unclear. The two ports handle 70 percent of West Coast traffic and 40 percent of the country's imports.WEIGHING THE COSTSFran Inman is senior vice president of Majestic Realty, a company that specializes in logistics properties. She also is a member of the National Freight Advisory Committee for the U.S. Department of Transportation. When she gets together with her colleagues, she said, the Panama Canal often is the topic of conversation."I think it all goes to price," Inman said.A ship carrying goods from Asia to Chicago takes four to five days longer to reach its destination using the Panama Canal. Howevself storager, if the cargo is not time sensitive, and overland transportation from Houston or New York is cheaper than sending it from the West Coast, how attractive might that be to shippers?Inman said a big part of the puzzle will be the fees charged by the Panama Canal Authority. Those fees have not yet been announced."Everybody's just waiting," Inman said. "Clearly the ports on the East Coast are chomping at the bit to take market share, but that's nothing new. Everybody is trying to drive every penny out of the supply chain that they possibly can."To that end, cities and ports in Houston, Savannah, Charleston and elsewhere have been pouring billions of dollars into deepening and improving their ports as well as their transportation infrastructure. The combined ports of New York and New Jersey have spent $2.3 billion on such projects in the past few years.California has not been idle, either. In 2006, voters passed Prop. 1B, which in part provided $2 billion to be transferred to the Trade Corridors Improvement Fund. The money has been used to improve highways, rail lines, port capacity and truck corridors, among other projects. Many of the improvements have been made with the threat of the canal in mind.In 2010, Wally Baker, president of Jobs 1st Alliance, started pushing a strategy called "Beat the Canal!" He pulled together a coalition of key transportation and logistics people to bring attention to the issue and encourage projects that would create jobs and increase the region's competitiveness. Much of the effort was tied in with the Trade Corridors Improvement Fund."We came up with the idea that if we could compete with the Panama Canal, we could compete with anybody," Baker said.The group looked at what might be done to increase the efficiency of goods movement from the ports through the Inland region and identified 60 projects with a total price of $7 billion."The Colton crossing was the perfect example of a project at that time that could move more quickly," Baker said.The $96.7 million project created an overpass for Union Pacific's east-west tracks at an intersection with north-south Burlington Northern Santa Fe tracks. The crossing had been a major point of congestion almost since the tracks were built 131 years ago. Construction of the new crossing was completed in August.Such improvements to the efficiency of transport in the region are crucial as shippers look at new route possibilities.Jock O'Connell is the international trade adviser to Sacramento-based Beacon Economics. He said trade routes are in constant flux and that Los Angeles and Long Beach may have more to worry about from the Suez Canal, which can handle the new 18,000 TEU ships, than the one in Panama."Shipping lines are thinking more about shipping through Suez," O'Connell said. "They can use really big vessels. It's a somewhat longer trip, but sometimes you're more concerned with the shipping rate. Depending on what happens in Syria, we're likely to see more shipments coming through there from the Far East."Any substantial diversion of cargo away from Long Beach or LA would have a substantial impact on the Inland Empire," he added.NOT WORRIEDOther experts, such as local economist John Husing, have a more optimistic outlook.The opening of the widened canal will shave some points off the growth but nothing substantial, he said.That's because while imports may drop somewhat, he's projecting an increase in the fulfillment operations in the region, such as the new Amazon centers in San Bernardino. Those goods don't necessarily come from international sources, he said, adding that Amazon prints many of the books it sells onsite.Husing said he knew of 17 companies looking for warehouse space in the region last January. Of those, seven were fulfillment operations."If you have a slowdown at the ports, (but) if you have fulfillment that's growing, this market will still be driven by that," he said.When inventory changes because of trends or fashion, shippers look to the ports in Long Beach and Los Angeles, because operations there and in the Inland area are able to shift gears more quickly, Husing said."(This) is the most sophisticated operation in the United States," he said. "That competitive advantage is the reason (transportation companies) are less worried."Most officials say they have relaxed a little from the dire predictions of a few years ago. Even after the canal opens, they say, it will take some time before the consequences will be fully known."What I'm thinking will likely happen," said Beacon's O'Connell, "is that in the short run, the uniqueness of having the expanded canal might prompt a lot more shipping to use the canal. After awhile, when they realize there's a bottleneck, it may revert back to the West Coast. So we may see a surge in the first year. Then, I think there will be a reversion back and then as we go on we'll figure it out."At the port of Los Angeles, spokesman Phillip Sanfield said officials feel they've done what they can to mitigate any drop-off."Our goal is to keep the impact to a minimum," Sanfield said. "Only time is going to tell."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) Visit The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 11:04
全面優化 Asus A88X-PRO
TextPhoto: Dick Kan / Art: Kin / Editor: Ayu 重點功能 第四代雙智能處理器,迷你倉四方位優化。 5X防護設計加強耐用性。 有齊四大顯示輸出介面。 •規格:ATX•平台:AMD Socket FM2+•晶片組:AMD A88X•DIMM:4 x DDR3-2400/2250/2200/2133/1866/1600/1333•擴充槽:2×PCI-E 3.0 x16、1×PCI-E 2.0 x4、2×PCI-E 2.0 x1、2 ×PCI•儲存裝置:6×SATA 6Gb/s、2×eSATA 6Gb/s•網絡:Realtek RTL8111GR GbE LAN•音效:Realtek ALC1150 7.1Ch. HD Audio•音效輸出:Audio Jack、Optical S/PDIF•顯示輸出:HDMI、DisplayPort、DVI、D-Sub•其他:6×USB 3.0(背板:4;前置:2) 待定Hornington3626 9899 AMD為下代Kaveri APU率先推出A88X晶片組,大廠Asus當然搶頭啖湯,今次介紹的A88X-PRO正是首輪上市型號。A88X-PRO主打一系列Asus自家特色設計,與同廠Intel 8系新板看齊儲存倉其中第四代雙智能處理器,包括EPU、TPU、DIGI+ Power及Fan Xpert2四大技術,提供節能、提速、電源管理及風扇控制等功能。 Asus近期主打的5X Protection用料設計,當然在此板上找到,用上DIGI+ VRM供電控制、5,000小時壽命之全固態電容、ESD及OCP保護電路等,全面加強耐用性。A88X-PRO落齊A88X晶片組的所有8個SATA 6Gb/s及6個USB 3.0介面,其中兩組SATA 6Gb/s改為eSATA介面,以便高速連接外置硬碟。 此板有齊HDMI、DisplayPort、DVI及D-Sub四大顯示輸出,最多可同時輸出至三個屏幕。板上亦有三條PCI-E x16實體插槽,其中兩條為PCI-E 3.0規格,可分配為x8 + x8,另一條實際頻寬則為PCI-E 2.0 x4,可支援3-Way CrossFireX。 背板提供四大顯示輸出,另有4個USB 3.0及雙eSATA。 主供電模組採用「6+2」相設計。 晶片組散熱器以熱導管連接MOSFET散熱器,設計相當復古。 板載Debug LED,並有DirectKey、MemOK等多個按鈕。 Asus A88X-PRO加入多項特色設計,加上用料上佳,是Socket FM2+平台的高階好選擇。迷你倉最平
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 11:03
千年北京 傳承創新 --旅行達人眼中的京城魅力
【行銷專題企劃】世界矚目的中國首都:北京,儲存倉正以令世人驚嘆的速度蛻變,北京包容了千年的傳統與多元的現代面貌,呈現出現今如幻似夢的精彩格局。全球有愈來愈多的旅行愛好者欲一窺這個令人著迷的千年古都,孤獨星球雜誌特別選在2013年臺北國際旅展開幕首日10/18(五),與北京旅遊發展委員會共同主辦,主題為:「千年北京 傳承創新 ----旅行達人眼中的京城魅力」推介會,會中邀請到名主播及名節目主持人—岑永康與旅遊達人及文史工作者—吳駿聲先生進行精彩對談,現場透過輕鬆活潑的方式,將北京傳統與現代的精彩元素巧妙地融合在整場活動中,這是一場難得從旅遊達人眼中觀看新舊北京的方式,將這個全球唯一擁有6處世界遺產,99處國家級景點,326處市級景點,這樣豐沛觀光資源的地方,透過妙語如珠的語言交鋒,與大量具感染力的圖片,相信在這場推介盛會中,必將讓對北京嚮往的旅人們,更深刻地認識北京這一寶地。 另外,10月號孤獨星球繁體中文版策劃了「在地人眼中的新北京」專題,透過不同角色與身份的視野,描繪出新舊北京成為令人神往的旅遊與生活的理想之地。這些人包括了京劇演員、烤鴨店主廚,非物質文化工作者,計程車司機,文物保護工作者及CBD高階白領。全省誠品、金石堂等連鎖書店熱情上市中。 【活動訊息】 ●孤獨星球星客肥皂箱-臺北場 ●主題:千年北京 傳承創新 ----旅行達人眼中的京城魅力 ●主辦單位:孤獨星球 X 北京市旅遊委員會 ●主持人:岑永康 節目主持人、名主播 ●主講人:吳駿聲 旅遊達人,文史工作者 ●時間:2013年10月18日(五)上午10:00-12:00 ●地點:臺北國際會議中心一樓101 B廳 ●前100名參加就送《孤獨星球Lonely Planet》國際中文版十月號一本 ●現場幸運聽眾還可以獲得北京旅遊發展委員會致贈的神祕禮物 【10月號孤獨星球精彩內容摘錄】 如果說有一種味道能讓你立刻聯想到北京,並進而產生念想的話,那一定非烤鴨莫屬了。別看這簡簡單單的一隻鴨子,做起來可極為講究,鴨子日齡要夠天數,日齡短的不夠香,日齡久了嚼起來費勁,烤只鴨子得用上64道工藝,一道不能少,而烤制的木材必須使用果木,這樣烤出來的鴨子才有一股果木的清香。 逛北京胡同是件非常有意思的事情,無論小胡同小街口到哪裡都有屬於自己的故事。在北京城迷你倉最平胡同裡有“活著的”“有故事的”建築,那裡蘊藏著北京的精氣神兒!從南池子的大紅門洞走到菖蒲河公園,經過緞庫胡同,在普度寺前巷拐個彎,可以到達普度寺的大殿,當然,也可以在附近的飛龍橋胡同轉轉。 〝非物質文化遺產〞,這個名詞聽來耳熟,但究竟指的是什麼?。驢打滾的做法,內聯升千層底的針法,花鍵兒的踢法,臭豆腐的釀造方法,宮毯的織造手法甚至燈謎的制訂方法,都在其中。簡單說,只要講究生活方式,注重生活情趣,〝非遺〞就是你會感興趣的所有東西 故宮原名是紫禁城,占地72萬多平方米,有樓8000餘間,建築面積約15萬平方米。故宮是明、清兩代的皇宮,是我國現存最大最完整的古建築群。在500年歷史中有24位皇帝曾居住于此。故宮是以黃瓦、紅牆、金飾、白石構成的建築群。其中黃色琉璃瓦是天子的象徵。 臺北國際旅展時間:2013/10/18-21地點:臺北世貿中心展覽館一館(綜合旅遊區)/一館H區二樓(民宿旅館美食區)《臺北市信義路五段5號》臺北世貿中心展覽館三館(飯店/休閒旅遊區)《臺北市松壽路6號》 主持人 岑永康 1974年生 馬來西亞華人 銘傳大學大眾傳播學系/美國南伊利諾大學廣電研究所碩士(M.A. SIUC) 曾擔任TVBS/壹電視主播 現任談話性主持人 著有: 快樂工作出頭天 聰明省錢過好日 吳駿聲-旅遊達人,文史工作者 從事旅遊業近十年的資歷,同時也是位文史工作者。也是台灣最大文教機構-康軒文教的-教師研習講師,在全省各地學校中,曾經舉辦過數百場文化講座。每每用不同的觀查事物的眼光,再以北京單口相聲的技巧,說學逗唱淘淘不絕的介紹中國的文化。風格風趣幽默,引古喻今…。尤其研究北京的文化,例如:紫禁城的文史長達七年之久,在每一個紫禁小小院落中,都能講述當地的過往,彷彿與當時的人們在相同的地點;不同的時空交會!也時常在網路上介紹景點歷史與個人感想,引起眾多的回響… 經歷: 《木乃伊傳奇》特展藝術指導 《大冒險家-帝國寶藏展》客席講師 《羅馬帝國展》客席講師 真相Hold住、新聞面對面、台視-熱線追蹤、民視-超X檔案、東森-現代啟示錄、新聞挖挖嘩 等特別來賓。 著作: 「古埃及文明錄」 「木乃伊傳奇特展」導覽手冊、語音導覽內容 「戲說紫禁城」部落格迷你倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 10:44
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from買好燈就到西部家居燈飾城!10月19日-10月20日,迷你倉最平高檔水晶燈僅需268元,大吸頂燈只要198元,高檔蠟燭燈220元,客廳燈260元,現代臥室燈180元,精美餐廳燈50元起,節能燈4元/支,名品開關插座4折起……活動時間:10月19日~10月20日活動主題:西部家居名品燈飾購物節活動地址:成都市成雙大道北段268號(三環路川藏立交外800米)自駕線路:1、從紅牌樓川藏路直行,途經太平園家私廣場直行1000米2、沿三環路至川藏立交,出城方向直行800米公交路線:乘10、41、57、338、802、201、213、306、806B到川藏路中段下車即到拉閘限“價”一站式購齊建材為滿足廣大消費者的要求,西部家居建材城特聯合賣場內�多燈飾名品推出“西部家居名品燈飾購物節”活動,活動期間有種類繁多、樣式美觀的各類燈飾品供消費者選擇。歐式水晶燈、紅火樹脂燈、歐式吊燈、LED節能燈、精美手工檯燈、木藝燈、羊皮燈、兒童房個性頂燈等各種不同風格的精美燈飾總有一款適合你,品種涵蓋各種檔次,囊括了吊燈、吸頂燈、落地燈、壁燈、檯燈、簡燈、射燈、浴霸、節能燈、開關插座等十大種類上萬個品種,風格一應俱全。琳琅滿目的各類燈飾能夠滿足消費者任何一種裝修風格和不同層次的裝修要求,讓消費者盡情享受到本屆燈飾節所帶來的光明、溫馨、閃耀和刺激。拉閘限“價”西部家居“負利”促銷本次燈飾節活動推出的燈飾不僅樣式繁多,而且在價格方面也是拉閘限“價”,擊破了曆年以來的超底價,標價幾千元甚至上萬元的各種精美燈飾,活動期間只需千元出頭甚至幾百元便可買到,這在西部家居賣場這麼多年的經營中可謂史無前例。讓利幅度之大前所未有,性價比之高,讓你意想不到。除了總體價格特別吸引人外,活動現場還將推出多款“負利”限時搶購和買燈送好禮活動———五孔插座搶購9元/個、LED吸頂燈搶購35元/個、豪華餐廳加客廳燈搶購價988元/套、正泰開關搶購價1元/個、買西蒙開關送西蒙插板、進店購物即送護眼迷你倉燈,先到先得,多買多送……西部家居燈飾專營區是西部家居建材城的重要組成部分,在本周末的燈飾活動勁爆進行的同時,瓷磚、衛浴、地板、木門樓梯、牆紙、整體衣帽間、櫥櫃電器、油漆、集成吊頂等各大廠商也會有各種優惠活動,周末如果能抽出時間選購建材的你,不妨過來咨詢瞭解。一站式購齊建材就在西部家居建材城西部家居建材城經營面積約為12萬平米,是城南最大的開放式家居建材賣場,開業8年來一直以超高的性價比、優質的售後服務在廣大消費者中擁有良好的口碑!賣場內擁有上千家知名品牌,經營品類齊全,涵蓋瓷磚、衛浴、燈具、地板、木門樓梯、牆紙、整體衣帽間、櫥櫃電器、油漆、集成吊頂、五金輔料、板材、鋁塑型材及不鏽鋼等各類裝修主材及輔料,多數店鋪商家都是廠商直接設點,以批發兼零售方式經營,價格實惠、服務周到,真正為消費者打造了一個所有裝修主材、輔料一站式購齊的家居建材賣場,讓消費者不必為購買建材四處奔波。為消費者提供良好的購物環境、打造可信賴的家居建材購物平台,維護消費者的消費權益,讓消費者在買到更實惠產品的同時,更能保證產品的質量,是西部家居建材城長期以來堅持的宗旨。西部家居賣場內長期設有315投訴站,並且每天都有市場管理人員現場全程監督產品質量,一旦發現不合格產品,立刻清理出市場,讓消費者在西部家居建材城買得舒心,用得放心。(黃利琴)松本電工現代豪華客廳燈8+3特價338元10幢A面10-11號好美佳燈飾美式水晶吊燈5035/8白色原價3180元特價328元7幢B面11-12號澳克爾照明高檔蠟燭燈廠價直銷6頭220元8頭320元12頭450元7幢A面14號景德名窯燈飾全場2.8折起陶瓷6+3客廳燈特價798元4幢A面2號華彩燈源八頭歐式吊燈特價690元5幢A面1號金鼎燈飾歐式鐵藝樹脂燈5018/6原價4950元特價780元2幢B面1號華燈初上水晶館八頭水晶燈將驚爆價1280元2幢A面2-3號賢林燈飾現代水晶燈8253/6優惠價680元2幢A面7-8號尊博燈飾歐式樹脂吊燈9016/6原價7140元驚爆價1250元2幢B面7-8號儲存
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:46
全國版) - (Runtastic Six Pack(六塊腹肌)
隨著人們生活水平的提高,self storage對自身的健康也有更多的要求,因此近年運動成為風潮。對於都會男女來說,運動的重要性還在於讓自己保持健康的狀態、良好的體型、完美的個人形象,這些都是他們征戰“職場”、社交圈相當重要的本錢,所以人們越來越捨得在運動健身上花時間。但捨得花時間不等於能夠拿出很多時間去健身房,或者是難免會有惰性、不能堅持始終,因此市面上出現了很多運動健身類的應用,幫助人們隨時隨地進行鍛煉,同時能夠給與專業性的指引。這款應用就是為那些想要健身鍛煉,但沒有足夠時間去健身房,或者是沒有辦法專門請私人教練的人們服務的,通過練習和定制鍛煉方案,用逼真的漫畫人物的形象,在50多個高清教學視頻中帶領用戶進行鍛煉,終極目標是幫用戶練出魔鬼又誘人的“六塊肌”來。一些用戶喜歡預定義健身訓練的便捷,另一些則更喜歡于一點一點地建立他們個人的健身訓練。為了最好地滿足所有用戶的願望和需求,這款Runtastic Six Pack六塊腹肌軟件除了提供大量的預定義健身訓練之外,也讓用戶通過選擇使用“我的健身訓練”功能來創建個性化的健身訓練方案。用戶不僅可以選擇他們想要完成的練習,也可以將重複次數、組數和暫停整合到他們的健身訓練中去。除了定制鍛煉方案,這款軟件迷利倉設計了可供用戶選擇的大量音樂包,來匹配他們的健身訓練和心情。更多的定制化功能包括:教練選擇、訓練水平選擇、語音選擇、健身訓練提醒設置、社交分享設置及更多。兩個漫畫形象男教練Daniel 和女教練Angie,通過50多個HD高清練習視頻,來帶領用戶並讓他們以恰當的方式去嘗試全新的練習。訓練內容包含7分鐘、Insanity(瘋狂健身)、Shape Up(形態訓練)、Six Pack Junkie(六塊腹肌迷)及更多健身訓練。完全不需健身器材,在任何時間,任何地方都能跟著練習,從而提高整體健身水平、肌肉力量以及纖體塑身。軟件語言:中文、英文軟件性質:免費軟件軟件大小:61.2MB系統要求:與iPhone、iPod touch、iPad兼容,已經針對iPhone5進行了優化,需要iOS6.0或更高版本。並有適合安卓以及windows phone的版本。同類推薦:Full Fitness 這款應用曾在APP健身類常年穩排第一名。雖然是英文,但是界面清晰明確,動作數量也是出奇的多。每個動作都分為分解版和視頻版,指導意義很大。更可以跟蹤記錄你的強度、次數,很人性化。但缺點在於這款應用里用到許多器材,一般用戶家中很難配備。南方日報記者 錢瑋玨自存倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:35
SONY音樂新品曬冷 Hi-Res Audio始動!
CD至今仍然是最流行最普及的音樂規格,自存倉不過其實CD已經有超過30年歷史,隨著技術進步,近年不少發燒友已經開始聽質素比CD更高的數碼音樂檔案,而對影音格式舉足輕重的Sony亦終於發布新一代Hi-Res Audio規格,首批支援Hi-Res Audio的音樂產品亦已正式在香港發佈,並將於今年內陸續推出。 DAP Sony Walkman F880 SPEC •支援格式:MP3、AAC、ATRAC、WMA、FLAC、WAV、ALAC、AIFF•支援取樣率:24bit/192kHz•續航時間:最長35小時 (播放MP3)•容量:32GB(F886)/64GB(F887)•體積:59.9×116.6×8.5mm•重量:103g 2,480(F886)/ 3,180(F887) (F886) 何謂Hi-Res Audio? Sony於日前的發佈會為Hi-Res Audio作出明確的定義,第一,產品必須能夠播放達到或高於24bit/96kHz的音樂檔案,第二,產品的頻率響應要達到40kHz或以上,播放器、解碼器、錄音機要達到這兩個條件才可以印上Hi-Res Audio的標誌,而對於耳機、喇叭,頻率響應可以達到40kHz或以上的亦可納入Hi-Res Audio。 加入全新音效技術 今次發布的中階Walkman F880已經達到Hi-Res Audio規格,可以播放最高24bit/192kHz的音樂檔案,除了數字上規格夠強,新機亦用到新設計的S-Master HX數碼放大器,支援高達40kHz的高頻輸出之外,輸出線路的左右聲道正負極用到四組獨立供電,可減低左右聲道間的干擾,並加大輸出電流,驅動耳機時更有氣有力。另一新功能DSEE HX則專為播放MP3等壓縮音樂而設,能修補壓縮音樂失去的細節及動態,日後經過firmware更新更會支援upsampling功能。 豐富娛樂功能 高音質是F880的重點,不過其他地方它亦相當強悍,硬件方面,屏幕用到有更大色域的Triluminos技術,加上讓LCD面板完全貼服於表面玻璃的OptiContrast Panel技術,畫面色彩鮮明,對比度高,軟件方面就採用Android 4.1平台,播放影片及上網睇片都相當方便。 播放功能完全進化 規格表上,F880支援多個音樂格式,包括FLAC、ALAC及AIFF,我們試過播放16bit/44.1kHz、24bit/96kHz、24bit/192kHz的檔案,全部都能成功播放,而用Windows及Mac電腦都可以Drag&Drop抄歌,非常方便。 音質方面,用入耳式耳機Westone W4聽一首女聲爵士樂,Shanti的〈Talking Low〉,先聽從CD rip出來的FLAC,F880輸出乾淨,低音質感略為重身,令本身低音偏薄的W4聽落更平衡,除了音場偏窄,其他地方都表現得相當自然,再聽購自e-onkyo的24bit/96kHz FLAC,分析力明顯高出一個層次,音場亦稍為拉闊,不過聲音定位仍是太過埋身。之後用頭戴式耳機Yamaha HPH-PRO500聽少女時代〈Gee〉24bit/96kHz FLAC,F880播這類活潑的音樂有更好的發揮,低音飽滿之餘整體亦有不錯的分析力,惟輸出有限,推這隻大耳牛還是未夠力氣。 01 機身右側有齊音量鍵及播放控制鍵,稍為凸出的按鈕非常就手。 02 F880內置ANC主動消噪可能,不過必須配合跟機耳機方可使用。 03 喇叭藏於Walkman標誌下,機背還有NFC晶片,接駁藍牙喇叭更快捷。 04 沿用Walkman插頭,必須用專用線充電及抄歌。 05 音樂播放介面與Xperia手機的Walkman App相似,播放高規格音樂時會出現HR標誌。 06 圖像化的選曲介面簡單直接,反應流暢。 功能用途大包圍!! 主力耳機系列迷你倉線更新 今次發佈會上不只有新Walkman,耳機方面亦陣容強勁,包括有1R系列的第二代以及其便攜版10R系列,兩個系列均有基本型號、藍牙無線型號及ANC主動消噪型號,讓用家按需要及用途選擇,Sony還結合其單元技術優勢,推出採用混合式單元設計的XBA-H系列入耳式耳機。 01 XBA-H系列有XBA-H1、XBA-H1、XBA-H3,定價分別是$1,180、$1,980及$2,880,三機均用到Sony開發的動圈及動鐵單元,入門的H1採用9mm動圈與一個全頻動鐵的組合,而中階的H2就裝有更大的13.5mm液晶震膜動圈單元,高階機H3就採用16mm特大液晶震膜動圈單元,配以一個全頻及一個超高頻動鐵單元。 02 家用音響方面,香港亦會引入內置USB DAC的擴音機UDA-1及書架喇叭SS-HA3,定價分別是$6,280及$4,280,套裝價為$9,980。UDA-1的USB DAC支援最高32bit/192kHz PCM及DSD檔案,還有23W x2的Class AB放大器及耳機輸出,用途廣泛。採用鋁合屬音箱的SS-HA3就加入頂置的高音單元,加強聲音擴散表現。 03 10R系列分為可摺合的10RC、基本型號10R,放在1R MK2旁邊可以見到三者體積的分別。10RC及10R都用上為Hi-Res Audio開發的40mm單元,音域廣闊,兩機主要分別在於前者是On-Ear設計,後者則是Over-Ear設計,定價同樣是$1,580。 04 XBA-H2及XBA-H3都有可換線設計,使用MMCX插頭,不過插座有坑位,未必每一條副廠線都用到。 05 Sony第二代手提耳擴PHA-2亦將於香港推出,售價未定。沿用前作的鋁機身配鋅合金手把,新機不單只支援iPhone及電腦USB解碼,更可以數碼線連接F880等新一代Walkman使用,而改用了TI PCM1759解碼晶片,為電腦解碼時更支援DSD 5.6MHz檔案。 06 旗艦級手提錄音機PCM-D100亦同時登場,預計於12月推出,售價未定。採用15mm大口徑收音咪加強動態,加上X-Y多角度設計,適合於不同場合使用,錄音格式除了有24bit/192kHz PCM,更新增DSD 2.8MHz/1bit格式。 Hi-Res音樂何處尋? 自CD面世,這二三十年大家都習慣了去CD舖買CD聽,而Hi-Res音樂的主要銷售渠道則在互聯網上,如果你想聽中文歌,Hifitrack就提供較豐富的選擇,口味亦較大眾化,例如謝安琪最新專輯《謝--安琪》24bit/96kHz檔案已經有售,而發燒友們常聽的爵士樂、古典樂或西方流行曲,就可以在2L、Naim Label、 Linn Record等網站購買。 Sony:Hi-Res Audio將成大趨勢。 Hi-Res Audio產品是今年年尾Sony的主打產品之一,會上我們訪問了 Sony香港家用產品及營銷市務本部高級市務主任Dick Chan,問到Sony會如何向普羅大眾推廣Hi-Res Audio,Dick表示現時很多用家都未感受過Hi-Res音樂檔案,所以日後在各Sony Store及耳機專門店將有Walkman F880作示範,裡面會有齊MP3、CD規格的FLAC及Hi-Res Audio檔案,讓客人可以試聽及比較。 問到Dick對Hi-Res音樂市場的發展有甚麼睇法,他就認為過往支援高規格音樂的產品很多都集中於中高階,今次Sony推出Walkman等產品價錢較親民,希望可以吸引更多音樂愛好者使用,而Sony香港亦會加強與音樂發行商的合作,推動本地高規格音樂的發展,未來希望有更多高規格本地音樂推出,不過暫時未有具體消息。 Dick Chan Sony香港家用產品及營銷市務本部高級市場主任 Text: BiLy / Photo: 健 / Art: Yiu / Editor: 劉?仁mini storage
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:24
Photographer who created 'Clayton Days' exhibit uses art to overturn preconceptions
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteOct.儲存 16--The 2013 Carnegie International has deservedly received the lion's share of attention since its Oct. 5 opening, but there are other excellent arts offerings in the city featuring artists of high caliber. One of those is "Clayton Days Revisited: A Project by Vik Muniz" at the Frick Art Museum through Oct. 27.Brazilian-born and New York City-based, Mr. Muniz was the first artist-in-residence at the Frick Art & Historical Center in 1999. The decision to sponsor a living artist was controversial given that the center was founded to conserve Clayton, the Gilded Age home of 19th-century industrialist Henry Clay Frick and his family, and an art collection drawn from the 13th to 18th centuries.The staff, looking for ways to make the institution contemporarily relevant, decided to invite a photographer as its inaugural artist. At the time, Linda Benedict-Jones, now Carnegie Museum of Art curator of photography, was curator of education at the Frick.They reasoned the medium "would be easy -- simple and clean," said Sarah Hall, Frick director of curatorial affairs. "Little did we realize the project would involve 27 costumed people and two rented ponies."Mr. Muniz's "Clayton Days," comprising 65 photographs exhibited at the Frick in 2000, was a critical and conceptual success. That series is presented in a new configuration along with 10 works made since by Mr. Muniz including the entire "Pictures of Garbage" series, an impetus for the 2010 documentary film and Academy Award nominee "Wasteland."Ms. Hall made her remark while introducing Mr. Muniz, who entranced a sold-out audience at the Frick last week with a talk that was an effortless mix of populist presentation and philosophical discourse.Mr. Muniz, who was born in 1961 in Sao Paulo, was sent to the principal when his math teacher discovered him drawing in class. The 14-year-old expected to be scolded but instead became the school's representative in an art competition. He won first prize, a two-year scholarship to an academic drawing school. At the art school, he began to wonder what a drawing was and what compels people to make them."Drawing connects us all here," he told the audience. "Everyone makes drawings as a child. Why do we stop making drawings?"Thirty thousand years ago a guy walks into a cave and sees the shape of a boar. He thinks of one he hunted. He thinks of the sweat of the animal. The chase. The blood. The taste. The party after. Then he looks again. It's just a shape on the wall. Unhappy with that he takes a stick, adds an eye, or a tail. This man is the first artist."After fire, representation is the second most important discovery. It's a way of creating a symbolic exchange. Drawing and theater both involve being fooled momentarily."As an impish aside he added, "Economics, religion, politics all involve being fooled longer."Over time Mr. Muniz's curiosity expanded to trying to understand how people see, a topic he addresses when he speaks at neurological conferences. An example of this "exploring of visual narratives" is looking at a large painting hanging on a wall. Contrasted with reading a book, which is held at a fixed distance, a viewer often moves around to see an artwork from different angles. "It's not an image coming toward you. You are coming to the image. And that changes everything."Seen from afar it's a picture, "utterly mental." Close up it's paint, "something [made] from the ground, from animals. You don't want to see either. You're there to see where they come together. This is the sublime in art."Mr. Muniz's medium is photography, but his process involves creating something to photograph. He spoke of various series including landscapes made of thread and portraits made of sugar crystals. He had to work quickly when he drew with melted chocolate due to the short window before the material lost the sheen he wanted to capture on film.One of those images -- "Action Photo I, After Hans Namuth (Pictures of Chocolate Series)," from the iconic photograph of Jackson Pollock at work -- was the first that then-curator Bill Bodine purchased for the opening of the new buildin迷你倉 of the Columbia Museum of Art in South Carolina.When a search firm approached Mr. Bodine to succeed Frick Art & Historical Center director Dick McIntosh, he learned of the center's project with Mr. Muniz. That commitment, Mr. Bodine said at Mr. Muniz's talk, "flew in the face of the image of the Frick" and confirmed his decision to pursue the position. Coming full circle, Mr. Muniz's talk last week was the first center event to follow Mr. Bodine's announcement of his intent to retire at the end of June.Mr. Muniz praised The Frick for having the "courage to bring an artist here. They gave me the run of the place."He knew what he wanted to do from his first visit to Clayton. He'd read several books about Frick before coming to Pittsburgh. "But they didn't talk about the little things -- the old, dirty 19th-century boots at the children's entry, the size of the sinks, the freshly baked bread, the checks about to be written by Henry Clay Frick."What holds the image of the world together? The world we cannot understand because it happens all of the time when we're not looking, where we're not looking. It just happens. We look at what we're told is important. Things must have happened at Clayton. Children must have blown bubbles, discovered a dead snake, cookies were baked, a doctor visited."These are some of the subjects Mr. Muniz photographed to present a visual history constructed of recorded fact, educated guess and artist instinct. He enlisted the staff, dressed in period costume, photographed using vintage camera and lens and orthochromatic film for an aged appearance, often from the uncorrupted vantage point of a child. He re-photographed vintage photographs and mixed them with the new, blending centuries, questioning expectations and norms.Ms. Hall has written an essay for the free gallery guide that is a just-right mixture of personal immersion in and artist strategy for the project. The re-hung exhibition is a genuinely new experience -- post-9/11, which re-cast melancholy and nostalgia, post-iPhones and image promiscuity, post-any remnant of naive acceptance of the veracity of photographic image.Mr. Muniz also turned preconception on its head again when he entered Jardim Gramacho, one of the world's largest landfills outside Rio de Janeiro."I'd wanted to photograph garbage for a long time, something society doesn't want to look at, like death. Garbage is something between an object and matter." When a truck drove by at the landfill, it became "like jelly. You're mentally tired when you get out of there. The smell is unbearable."Still he found incredible beauty, in the people who made a living from gleaning the trash for salable items, and in the subsequent portraits he made in collaboration with them using landfill material. When the project began, Mr. Muniz said, he "had no intention to connect social commentary with artmaking." But the stories of the catadores have touched the hearts of many, through sales of their portraits and boosted by the 2010 documentary.The idea for the "Pictures of Garbage" came at a time when Mr. Muniz was questioning the value of his profession, and the response the project engendered was proof that what he is doing is worthwhile."Art humanizes people. Art makes people more sensitive to life itself," he concluded.Ms. Benedict-Jones will speak on "Vik Muniz: Illusionist" at noon Oct. 24 at the Frick Art Museum (free), including anecdotes about the residency project and her impressions of the artist's career to date. Ms. Benedict-Jones was herself a photographer, teaches the history of photography at Carnegie Mellon University, and was executive director of Silver Eye Center for Photography for almost 10 years. The exhibition continues at 7227 Reynolds St., Point Breeze, through Oct. 27. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. Admission and parking are free. Information: 412-371-0600 or art critic Mary Thomas: or 412-263-1925.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:13
Tulsa World, Okla., John E. Hoover column
Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉Oct. 16--NORMAN -- Bob Stoops knows he's safe, no matter how many win-starved Oklahoma State fans or replay-crazed Texas Tech fans come at him.That's because Brian Orr has his back.Orr, the Oklahoma State Trooper who protects Stoops, is a massive, muscular sentinel who ensures postgame handshakes happen amid complete pandemonium, a dedicated guardian who stands watch over the Sooner coach's every move before and after games."That's my job: his safety," Orr said.If you've seen Stoops on game days, you've probably seen Orr. It would be quite hard to miss him. He's 6-foot-2, 240 pounds of imposing physique, a muscles-on-muscles kind of guy, a self-described gym rat who pounds free weights nearly an hour each day because he wants to get home safe each night to his wife and three daughters."Keeping in shape is a way for me to do that," Orr said. "So if I'm in the bar ditch fighting with that guy that's strung out on meth, I know I'm gonna win that battle."Orr's commanding presence goes to another level entirely with that flat-brimmed Trooper's hat and form-fitting brown shirt -- and sidearm, of course.Simply put, don't mess with Stoops."Brian fits that part as a big guy," OUPD Sgt. Steve Chandler said. "... We get on the ground and start talking to other law enforcement, they see him and they're like, 'Holy cow, look how big this guy is.' And then they start talking to him and they realize he's a person, and he represents OHP extremely well."Chandler coordinates OU's security efforts with other law enforcement agencies, and Orr comes in to help ensure things run smoothly."Steve, he's a great partner," Orr said. "It's nice to be able to work with someone as intelligent as he is. He's kind of the brainpower of everything. He's kind of the brains and I'm kind of the brawn, I guess."Orr, 41, works 40 hours a week patrolling Oklahoma's highways. In his day job driving for Troop S, he checks tractor trailer rigs for size and weight requirements and proper inspections and documentation.Friday and Saturday are his days off, which he usually spends working with the Sooners, either on a road trip or at Memorial Stadium.The OU athletic department pays his (and Chandler's) overtime, rather than taxpayer dollars from the Oklahoma Department of Public Safety.Orr said he wanted to be a Trooper from a young age. During a career day function as a sophomore at Okemah High School, he marked down "law enforcement" almost on a whim. But, an epiphany: Trooper Joel Franks walked in wearing the uniform."I mean, everything was sharp and crisp and as soon as he walked in that door, I turned and saw him and I knew immediately, that's what I want to be," Orr said. "I wanted to be an Oklahoma State Trooper."Orr earned Tulsa World All-State recognition as an Okemah linebacker in 1989. He played football at the University of Central Oklahoma from 1991-94, got a degree in criminal justice and went back home to work for the Okemah Police Department. He then worked five years for the Moore Police Department, including four as a K-9 officer, and after several applications to the Academy, joined the Oklahoma Highway Patrol in 2002 (the Moore PD even let Orr keep his K-9 officer, Lord).He would soon attend the OHP's Dignitary School, but never figured his dignitary would be Bob Stoops. Nine years later, his off-duty job hasn't changed."I'm glad I did," he said. "I've been to a lot of places, I met a lot of people, and it's been a very, very fun and exciting assignment for me. I've enjoyed it a lot."As unlikely as it seems, Orr turned it down when first offered the job."It was so early in my career as a Trooper, I felt it may hold me back as far as developing my skills as a Trooper, being so young," Orr said. "I wasn't interested in anything else."That was one reason. Another was his loyalty as a fan to Oklahoma State. But logic won out over his passion for the Cowboys."When the opportunity came up, yes, there was a little bit of tug there going the other way," Orr said with a laugh. "You know, I'm a Cowboy fan. So, yeah, there was a little bit there."Chandler also proudly works for OU, but just like Orr, he has other Bedlam loyalties, too: He got his associates degree in criminal justice from Oklahoma State.Being so intricately woven into the Sooner program, Chandler and Orr get their share of good-natured teasing."The equipment people, they call us Buzz and Woody," Chandler said, a reference to the main characters from the Disney Pixar movie "Toy Story." "Because he looks like Buzz Lightyear.""Buzz and Woody," Orr said. "Yeah,mini storagethat's kind of stuck with us. Kind of a little inside joke there."But Orr doesn't joke around when describing the pride he feels in serving the State of Oklahoma. And he's certainly not joking when discussing his admiration for Stoops and for OU."Being a Trooper, there's no other job, in my opinion, that is better than that," Orr said. "The pride and the tradition with our agency goes back to 1937, when the Patrol was established. And being able to represent the Highway Patrol in a high-profile assignment like being Bob Stoops' bodyguard, I think it's a good representation for the Patrol. And it's a great recruiting tool for the Patrol."And it's hard not to become a fan. ... Any time you're around a program like the University of Oklahoma, how could you not be a fan? How could you not, just by the way Bob presents himself, the things that he teaches these young athletes? I mean, it's hard not to go, 'Wow! That's awesome!' :" """When I put (the uniform) on and I'm around someone like Bob Stoops, it makes you want to step up your game a little bit more."From near-incidents in Stillwater and Lubbock (see sidebar) to postgame chaos moments in Eugene, Ore., and Boulder, Colo., Orr has stood guardian over Stoops in some tense situations."You're very careful at Oklahoma State and you're very careful at Texas Tech," Orr said. "The fans at both of those places can get pretty rowdy. They love their schools and they cheer 'em on and everybody else is the enemy and they don't care what happens to anybody else."So you definitely want to keep a close eye on Coach and make sure he gets off the field safely and doesn't get hurt."------Stoops' TrooperIn nine years of providing security detail for OU football coach Bob Stoops, Oklahoma State Trooper Brian Orr hasn't had too many sticky situations. In an interview with the Tulsa World, Orr recounted three times, all road games, when he encountered rowdy fans on the field:2005: Texas Tech 23,OU 21What happened: Tech won on a Taurean Henderson touchdown on the final play, but, in the first year of instant replay review, needed three controversial replays. One overturned an incorrect TD call, one wrongly gave Tech a first down and one gave Tech the debated TD as time expired. Fans rushed the field."We had a couple Texas Rangers that were assigned to us, and Steve (Chandler of the OUPD) and I were protecting Bob. He's going out to shake (Mike Leach's) hand and I hear a little scuffle going on behind us. I get kind of nervous and I look back there and this Texas Ranger's got this kid in a chicken-wing. They go out there and do their thing and Steve and I are looking around, going, 'What the heck?' After it was all said and done, we get Bob safely up the ramp and we hook up with the Ranger again and said, 'Man, what's going on?' Well, they interviewed this guy and he was actually going to try to go up and hit Bob in the back of the head. He didn't realize that was a Ranger that was standing behind Steve and I, so he ends up hitting the Ranger and of course that was a bad move."2006: Oregon 34, OU 33What happened: The Ducks came back from a 33-20 deficit with two touchdowns in the final 72 seconds and, again thanks to a botched replay review, took the lead. When Garrett Hartley's 44-yard field goal attempt was blocked as time expired, fans rushed the field."I remember that fiasco at Oregon. Kind of the same deal. They all rushed the field and that was kind of chaotic. That was my very first road big trip with Bob. So all these people rushing the field and me being a young, new Trooper, me being from a small town and protecting somebody like Bob Stoops and I'm, like, 'Holy crap!' So I kind of sucked Bob up next to me and Steve and I, we start making a trail through these people to get Bob out of there. That was pretty exciting."2011: Oklahoma State 44, OU 10What happened: After eight years of Bedlam defeats, the Cowboys pounded the Sooners with a physical running attack and won their first Big 12 championship. Naturally, fans rushed the field."OSU fans start rushing the field and they're all trying to get to Bob. ... There was a water bottle somebody chucked at him. I don't think he ever saw it coming, but my angle, from where I was at, I was able to see it and the guy threw it and missed, but it was one of those deals I was able to kind of knock it out of the air before it got to him. That was a typical going-to-an-away-game type of deal."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 09:01
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 08:48
在中國富人飛往馬爾代夫度假之時,迷利倉北京正籠罩在霧霾之中,這裡擠滿 了從中國各地而來的遊客。但是來到這個海清沙白的熱帶海島上,面對著如同天堂般景色的馬爾代夫,中國富人們卻不捨得享受陽光海灘,只是呆在室內玩著鬥地主。當然,這種情況正在改變,越來越多的中國遊客開始走出房間,擺脫“土豪”避難的形象。中國富人大批湧入據外媒報道,經受了北京霧霾的惡劣天氣以及國內各大景區人山人海的狀況,厭倦了東南亞海灘的中國富人們將眼光再次投在了馬爾代夫這片旅遊勝地,而且馬爾代夫是全球少數幾個可以免簽証進入的國家之一,相對於其他景區人山人海的狀況,馬爾代夫一島一酒店的環境簡直猶如天堂一般。針對近幾年中國富人的大批湧入,馬爾代夫的各大奢華酒店品牌也相繼增加了中文服務,方便中國遊客的到來。馬爾代夫超過9萬平方公里的面積上居住著35萬左右的人口,約200個島嶼有人居住。作為世界上海拔最低的國家,馬爾代夫也是受氣候變化帶來的海平面上升威脅最大的國家之一。從北京飛到馬爾代夫需要八個小時。馬爾代夫旅遊藝術文化部的數據顯示,中國是馬爾代夫旅遊業的最大客源國,今年前七個月到該海島國家旅遊的中國遊客達到103734人次,同比增長66%。英國和意大利以60021和53493人次的遊客數量成為馬爾代夫的第二大和第三大客源國,但數量都遠不及中國。位於上海的私募股權投資公司貝雅的合伙人BrettTucker說,中國人的購買力驚人。他這周剛剛從馬爾代夫度假回來,比以往任何時候都更加堅信“中國消費”的投資理念。他在馬爾代夫看到的遊客大部分是中國人,他們花起錢來毫不手軟。他表示,中國遊客在馬爾代夫喜歡住一天750-1000美元的酒店,這個價格在任何人看來都不便宜。斯里蘭卡航空的相關負責人表示,今年截止到黃金周前,選擇乘坐斯里蘭卡航空至斯里蘭卡轉機至馬爾代夫的中國遊客比往年增長了74%,並且在近幾個月期間航班預訂額都非常的滿,大多數中國遊客都是乘坐斯里蘭卡航空先到斯里蘭卡體驗斯里蘭卡當地的原始風情,之後便會前往馬爾代夫度過寧靜的奢華假期。窩在屋里鬥地主中國遊客希望到海外度假的原因顯而易見,但馬爾代夫真正吸引他們的地方自存倉不那麼明瞭。許多人並不十分喜歡曬太陽,而且才剛剛開始嘗試水上運動。大多數中國遊客還不是很願意品嘗外國食物,馬爾代夫當地的一家高級酒店甚至在今年早些時候撤掉了中國遊客房內的咖啡壺,以防客人用它們來煮方便麵。在剛剛過去的“十一”黃金周,時裝零售商的合伙人朱虹與幾位生意上的伙伴選擇在馬爾代夫旅行,並且住在馬爾代夫的奢華酒店之一———W酒店。500平方米帶泳池的套房內馬爾代夫的美景一覽無遺,但是無奈團友們卻只享受隔岸觀海的享受,不留戀窗外的白色沙灘與蔚藍的海水,只是呆在屋內玩兒鬥地主,體驗著土豪式的旅遊方式。不僅僅只是馬爾代夫的W酒店,同樣狀況也發生在悅榕莊集團在馬爾代夫的度假村之中。悅榕莊集團旗下的伊瑚魯悅椿度假村位於馬爾代夫的安莎娜伊瑚魯島,島上有著一望無垠、令人嘆為觀止的碧綠海水,酒店內可提供免費的浮潛用品,方便客人可以潛入大海中觀賞絢爛的海洋生物,在杳無人跡的海島上歡度美好時光。與酒店的高入住率成反比的是,除了在用餐時間能看到中國遊客的身影之外,全天大部分時間中國富人大多躲在房間中享受空調跟酒店免費提供的WIFI服務,辜負了這如同天堂一般的美麗景色與純淨的陽光海灘。相反,馬爾代夫香格里拉度假酒店卻受到中國遊客的熱力追捧,香格里拉酒店集團的首席營銷長朱福明表示,馬爾代夫特有的旅館“水上屋”很受中國遊客的歡迎,因為他們不喜歡躺在沙灘上。雖然面對日益龐大的中國遊客,馬爾代夫當地酒店對服務做了調整,比如聘請中國員工,提供中式的餐飲等等以方便中國遊客咨詢島上的一切娛樂服務設施,但是中國遊客希望到海外度假的原因顯而易見,以至於馬爾代夫真正吸引人的地方他們都不願意去體驗。許多中國遊客並不十分喜歡曬太陽,對於在陽光下才能進行的水上活動始終保持著一定的排斥心理。結語外媒表示,中國遊客正在繼續挑戰旅遊的極限,盡管許多西方富人已經做過。雖然許多中國遊客仍舊一直躲在樹蔭下,相互拍拍照片,但他們中的一些人已經漸漸打破了大陸遊客的常規旅遊習慣,開始慢慢嘗試水上運動,比如去參加深潛、浮潛和觀魚等水上活動,而不是單純地只呆在房間內隔著窗戶看馬爾代夫的日出日落,努力擺脫“土豪”避難的形象。迷你倉
- Oct 17 Thu 2013 08:34
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- Oct 17 Thu 2013 08:23
美列負面觀察 高位上落
美債上限談判昨仍未有結果,文件倉評級機構惠譽將美國列為負面觀察名單,或對市場氣氛有影響。內地股市回軟,市場再傳出上海自貿區將設立國際板試驗平台,加上投資者觀望即將公布的宏觀經濟數據表現,令大市回軟。港股受外圍帶動向上,但高位有回吐壓力,�指未走出上落局面,維持23000至23500點水平徘徊。 國家統計局公布9月份居民消費價格指數按年上升3.1%,超出市場預期的2.9%,且創下7個月新高,其中食品價格按年上漲6.1%,直接帶動CPI上漲。另一方面,9月份工業品出廠價按年跌1.3%,錄得連續19個月下跌,但跌幅有持續收窄�象。通脹雖有反彈,但由於內地需求仍有反覆,經濟並沒強勁復蘇,對通脹刺激有限,預料通脹風險仍可控,相信人行短期不會大幅改變貨幣政策。 放寬投資限制利內險 內地媒體報道,中保監發出《關於加強和改進保險資金運用比例監管的通知(徵求意見稿)》,擬將險資投資權益類資產的上限從25%提高至30%。此外,險資投資不動產類的資產上限亦擬從不超過20%提高至30%,意見稿還進一步放寬不動產投資範圍,包括基礎設施投資計劃、不動產及不動產投資相關金融產品,境外品種還包括房地產信託投資基金。另外,放寬險企的投資限制,有助穩定投資收益,對險企屬利好消息。 升嬰兒配方乳粉業門檻 備受關注的《推動嬰幼兒配方乳粉行業企業兼併重組工作方案》將於近日出台。據悉主要內容為提高企業進入門檻、提升行業集中度。方案對乳粉生產技術方面提出嚴格規定,進一步提升嬰幼兒配方乳粉行業准入與生產存倉可條件,鼓勵企業採用濕法加工工藝生產嬰幼兒配方乳粉。以兩年左右的時間,對清理審核後的嬰幼兒配方乳粉生產企業全實施GMP改造並通過認證。市場分析指,大型企業的GMP已經完成,相當一部分中小型企業,則因為不能承受改建帶來的成本而最終退出市場。細則實施將提高生產標準,加速奶粉行業集中,加快乳業相關資源整合,對內地大型乳企而言實屬利好。 中芯業績成股價催化劑 全球智能手機及平板電腦付運量持續高速增長,帶動半導體需求強勁,中芯國際(981)的盈利能力持續改善,收入連續五季錄得增長,公司的產能使用率低於80%大幅提升至今年第二季的98.5%,毛利率大幅改善至20%以上水平。公司即將公布第三季業績,受惠於智能手機的需求上升,加上內地客戶銷售額佔比增加,令公司在通訊業務獲得更多市場份額,足以抵銷全球個人電腦市場不景氣的影響。另外,中芯宣布採用中芯嵌入式唯讀記憶體平台的銀行卡產品獲得銀聯認證。中國金融IC卡是一個高速增長的市場,根據中國半導體行業協會積體電路設計分會的統計,目前每年約有8億張的需求,其中50%為金融卡類,未來5年複合成長率可超過20%,中芯可望受惠其中。市場已消化早前兩名機構股東配售股份的消息,業績因素有望成為公司短期股價的催化劑,近日升勢有成交配合,值得跟進。建議於0.6元吸納,上望0.72元,跌穿0.55元止蝕。 中國銀盛財富管理首席策略師郭家耀(作者為證監會持牌人無持上述股份)逢星期四刊出 中芯國際(981)買入價0.6元目標價0.72元止蝕價0.55元儲存
- Oct 16 Wed 2013 10:25
【香港中通社10月15日電】(香港中通社記者 東尼)阿里山、日月潭是台灣寶島耳熟能詳的代表性景點,存倉但對於已成台灣旅遊市場主流客源的大陸旅客來說,這兩處恐已「失寵」,因為集合美食與娛樂的夜市才是他們心目中的最愛。 島內媒體15日引述台灣觀光局在「十一黃金周」期間進行的大陸旅客調查顯示,無論是參加旅行團或者是自由行,大陸旅客最喜歡的旅客景點前三甲同樣是夜市、台北101大樓及故宮博物院,其中又以夜市文化最受歡迎。 這份名為「陸客自由行VS團體客10大遊台景點排名」的調查顯示,夜市、台北101大樓及台北故宮博物院同樣是遊台大陸旅客的前三位選擇,有陸客表示,喜歡去夜市主要是可以在短短的一條街內嚐遍不同的美食,而且這是地道的台灣生活方式。 但從儲存4位開始,團體客與自由行旅客的口味則明顯有分別。調查顯示,自由行旅客還喜歡去的7個主要景點順序為墾丁、中正紀念堂、九份、西門町、孫中山紀念館、淡水及太魯閣;而團體客則仍喜往日月潭、阿里山、孫中山紀念館、高雄西子灣、墾丁、野柳、中台禪寺。島內媒體認為,由於日月潭、阿里山等景點位於郊區,交通較不方便,不如101大樓及故宮博物院等在市區內的景點,可靠公共交通工具「走透透」,因此對自由行旅客的吸引力較差。而大陸旅客團常去的景點,一般在大陸長假期內均會人滿為患,因此自由行旅客也會避之則吉。 觀光局企劃組副組長林佩君分析,調查結果顯示,雖然同樣來自大陸,但自由行旅客明顯希望體驗不一樣的台灣旅遊經驗,「除了購物以外,他們更追求文化等其他方面的體驗!」◇迷你倉
- Oct 16 Wed 2013 10:16
備受關注的北京機場「7·20」爆炸案昨日在北京市朝陽區法院一審宣判,迷你倉法院認定被告人冀中星在公共場所實施爆炸,其行為構成爆炸罪,判其監禁6年。冀未決定是否上訴。法院稱,冀中星因對相關部門的處理不滿,於今年7 月20 日攜帶自製爆炸裝置及傳單從山東乘坐長途汽車前往北京,到北京首都國際機場三號航站樓二層國際旅客到達B出口,拋撒傳單並取出爆炸裝置雙手高舉,其間爆炸裝置在冀中星雙手之間來回倒換。數分鐘後冀中星左手引爆自製爆炸裝置,致使其本人重傷及旁邊一名警員韓某輕傷,同時造成爆炸現場秩序混亂,國際旅客到達出口通道緊急關閉。法院認為,冀中星採用文件倉端方式,在公共場所實施爆炸,雖未造成嚴重後果,其行為已危及公共安全,構成爆炸罪。鑑於冀中星歸案後能夠如實供述犯罪事實,故對其所犯罪行依法予以從輕處罰。鑑於冀中星在案發現場聲稱手中有炸彈,讓周圍人遠離,對該情節在量刑時法院酌予考慮。冀中星的辯護律師劉曉原表示,不能接受這個判決,認為判決過重,而被告家屬也已經簽字繼續委託他的事務所代表訴訟。冀中星的哥哥冀中吉不滿判決,稱法庭沒有考慮冀中星在東莞被治安員毆打致殘的案件,而這才是冀中星持續上訪的根本原因。冀中星上個月在庭審中否認故意引爆爆炸物,稱是失手導致爆炸。本已癱瘓的冀,在爆炸中失去左手。存倉
- Oct 16 Wed 2013 09:56
香港文匯報訊(記者 陳遠威)智能手機越趨普及,self storage並成為用家生活的一部分,當中商機處處,手機程式王昨宣布推出亞洲首個流動程式(Apps)發展平台Apps King,讓中小企藉有限資源自行開發Apps,開展數碼營銷。助省10倍以上成本 手機程式王執行總監羅駿東昨表示,慣常研發一個Apps耗資數萬至數十萬元不等,對中小企而言負擔迷利倉輕,亦不符成本效益,故研發自助手機程式發展平台,幫助有意藉Apps推廣業務及產品的中小企加強宣傳,收費只需999元起,中小企便可利用該平台自製一個Apps,而且製作過程簡易。 他續指,現時本港中小企逾30萬戶,有研究預計2017年最少25%的公司需要自家Apps,公司期望一年內可搶佔這25%的市場佔有率,涉及7.5萬戶中小企。自存倉
- Oct 16 Wed 2013 09:48
周六 西嶼東昌營區 500玩家聚澎湖 「生存遊戲」開戰
亞洲區大型生存遊戲挑戰賽「澎湖巴雅爾行動生存遊戲」周六(19日)在西嶼東昌營區開戰,迷你倉最平 500多名中、外生存遊戲玩家全副武裝,「攻」進軍區大玩「奪堡戰役」,全程開放參觀,民眾可到場感受衝鋒陷陣的刺激!旅遊處表示,用於軍事訓練的「生存遊戲」,這幾年被玩家發揚光大,澎湖縣政府與澎湖國家風景區管理處及澎湖縣赤軍生存遊戲戰術發展協會19日舉辦生存遊戲挑戰賽,吸引美國、日本、香港、大陸、澳洲及迷你倉國超過百位國際玩家參與,堪稱近年最大規模生存遊戲活動。近年來已有愈來愈多各階層生存遊戲愛好者及台灣玩家,看上澎湖的天然屏障和地理環境,揪團開打,尤其廢棄營區及防風林,玩家能在正港軍營感受槍林彈雨、銀合歡林中體驗激烈戰況,實在過癮!這次活動除了多國玩家競技,首度有國際知名連鎖生存遊戲企業公司專程來拍紀錄片,拍攝成果將透過網路宣傳,吸引更多生存玩家來澎湖,填補秋冬旅遊淡季,帶動觀光熱潮。儲存