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Source: The Day, New London, Conn.迷你倉Aug. 28--MYSTIC -- West Marine would move from its location underneath McQuade's Marketplace to a new building that would be constructed on Mystic Aquarium's overflow parking lot at the corner of Coogan Boulevard and Maritime Drive under a zoning regulation amendment approved Tuesday night.The Stonington Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing and voted Tuesday night on a proposal by Waterstone Retail Inc., a Massachusetts developer, and Sea Research Foundation, to amend the manufacturing zone to allow retail buildings of no more than 15,000 square feet within 1 mile of a highway interchange.Project attorney William Sweeney told the commission that West Marine has outgrown its space at McQuade's and is looking for a new location either in Stonington or elsewhere in southeastern Connecticut. He said approval needs to be quick as West Marine wants the new store opened for the 2014 boating season."This would help keep West Marine in town," he said.Sweeney appeared before the commission earlier this summer to talk about possibly rezoning the 11-acre site owned by Sea Research for tourist commercial use. He said the commission had reservations about that idea, so Waterstone and Sea Research decided to amend the manufacturing regulations.He said the amended regulations could provide flexibility to allow for future development in the zone while the 15,000-square-foot restriction would prohibit "big box" development that he said would have adverse impacts on the community.He said requiring a development to be near a highway interchange would ensure adequate roads for traffic generation.In all, he said the language would protect the health safety and welfare of the community."We designed this to be narrowly tailored to l自存倉mit its impact," he said.In addition, Sweeney said a retail store might be better than an intense manufacturing use along Coogan Boulevard.Sweeney said the overflow parking on the lot on the 11-acre site would be moved to a larger lot across Maritime Drive also owned by the Sea Research. Representatives of Olde Mistick Village told the commission they support the project but want to make sure adequate parking is provided on the lot as part of the project.Economic Development Commission Chairman Blunt White told the commission it is not realistic to expect manufacturing development on the property because of its size and cost.But attorney Tom Collier, who represents McQuade's, said his client is worried about a saturation of retail uses in the area.Collier said the proposal was not a modest one, as Sweeney claimed, but would affect the park-like setting of Maritime Drive. He said it would pave the way for the subdividing of the current lots in the zone and the arrival of other retailers such as Christmas Tree Shops and Pier 1."Do you really think Maritime Drive will remain the idyllic park it is now?" he asked the commission. "I don't think so."Collier called the application not an amendment but a zone change because it would expand allowed uses in the zone, turning it into a "strip mall street" with greatly increased traffic, according to a traffic study he presented to the commission.He said the fact that West Marine and the aquarium "want to make a deal" should not be driving the commission's decision. He added the commission should take its time in making a decision because of the impacts.j.wojtas@theday.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Day (New London, Conn.) Visit The Day (New London, Conn.) at .theday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗

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日前,新蒲崗迷你倉富力地產公佈了截至2013年6月30日的綜合業績。這半年內,富力集團的總營業額為101.9億元,同比增長21%。物業發展的營業額增長22%,占總營業額的88.5%。來自物業投資及酒店管理業務的營業額則分別增加16%及7%。淨利潤為人民幣14.5億元,同比增長11%,主要是由較佳的核心業務物業發展業績所帶動。上半年,富力集團的協議銷售額為人民幣185.8億元,同比增長18.3%,銷售可售面積為161.3萬平方米,同比增長29.1%。富力地產董事長李思廉表示,富力已充分準備好把握房地產市場已踏上穩健長遠增長軌道的良機,有信心可達成全年協議銷售額420億元的目標。多元產品線策略奏效 拿地積極富力上半年繼續保持均衡且豐富的產品線,包括迎合剛需的住宅、位置經悉心挑選適合大小企業的商用物業,和部分于個別市場較高端的產品。富力在15個營運城市中推行完整多元產品線的策略,已于住房限購政策影響下的市場彰顯成效,並令集團充分把握市場對個別產品或地區需求上升所帶來的商機。例如,集團在太原推出的3個剛需產品項目共創下超20億元的協議銷售額。而廣州協議銷售額達45.7億元,高于其他城市,其原因是部分由於富力在廣州當地提供了多個各具特質的商用項目,包括現正發售的辦公大樓富力盈通廣場及富力盈凱廣場,這兩者共計銷售了26.2億元,分別占期內廣州過半及整體協議銷售額14%。另一例子是海南市場,由於集團所發售產品符合市場需求,海南3個度假及退休型住宅物業項目共取得17.7億元的協議銷售額,已超過海南上一年度全年協議銷售額的兩倍。在土地儲備上,富力一直投入大量資源不斷搜尋適合的新土地。自今年初起,富力除首次以非常合理的價格購入位於上海虹橋25萬平方米的首幅市區土地,也于長沙、貴陽、梅州及無錫四個新城市收購570萬平方米的土地,令集團業務所及城市由15個升至19個,覆蓋地域更為多元化,截至6月30日,富力擁有可銷售的優質土地儲備面積達3410萬平方米。富力認為,地產mini storage業將繼續在中國經濟中扮演重要角色,並繼續受惠于中國城鎮化的政策。行業競爭仍相當激烈,為保持競爭優勢,富力會不斷提升產品質量,鞏固其信譽品牌,並計劃提升產品的差異化,因地制宜地結合當地客戶需求,推出不同適合一二線城市和三四線城市的產品,繼續以均衡的產品組合,緊抓市場持續穩定發展的商機。優質投資物業組合創收量穩步增長今年前六個月,富力的投資物業組合及酒店營運業務,在市場競爭激烈環境下,仍取得穩定增長——投資物業組合收入為人民幣3.39億元,同比增長16%,酒店收入為人民幣約4.12億元,同比增長7%。富力的投資物業組合目前包括6間酒店、兩棟甲級辦公大樓及兩座購物商場,均為優質資產,具有強勁的創收能力及長期資本增值潛力。富力旗下的成都麗思卡爾頓酒店目前正進行開幕前的最後準備,未來將可為酒店營運業務注入新動力。購物商場方面,集團計劃以富力廣場品牌建立全國連鎖購物商場,為此,位處成都的富力天匯商場已更名為成都富力廣場,繼北京富力商場後成為第二個富力廣場。成都富力廣場目前正不斷優化,待毗鄰的成都富力麗思卡爾頓酒店開幕後,肯定可更上一層樓。未來,富力集團亦將于包括天津及哈爾濱等城市適時興建更多富力廣場。富力認為,優質投資物業組合對其業務發展甚為重要,因此將致力以最適合其業務模式的步伐及方式壯大組合。富力地產董事長李思廉表示:政府就房地產市場發展的目標已清晰明確,實施的措施圍繞房地產發展政策,因此,業務環境中源自調控措施的不確定因素減少。與此同時,中國房地產市場受城鎮化及家庭收入增長兩個基本因素推動。集團已作好部署,充分把握市場對個別產品或地區需求上升的商機,致力實現全年銷售目標。2013年下半年,富力將推出8個新項目,繼續以多元化的物業組合推動集團持續發展。李思廉展望富力未來說,富力會繼續保持謹慎樂觀的態度,積極應對政策和市場變化,適時調整發展策略。富力將致力發展鄰近北方總部北京和南方總部廣州的外圍城市,以提升管理效率和更有效調配資源。晨報記者 趙昀self storage

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NEW YORK, Aug.自存倉 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:2G, 3G & 4G Mobile Network Subscriptions, Spectrum Licensing, Ownership, Infrastructure Contracts & Handset Shipments Database: 2013 - 2020.reportlinker.com/p01600292/2G-3G--4G-Mobile-Network-Subscriptions-Spectrum-Licensing-Ownership-Infrastructure-Contracts--Handset-Shipments-Database-2013---2020.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Phones_and_PDAWith mobile network subscriptions estimated to reach 7.4 billion by the end of 2013, global mobile penetration is fast approaching the 100% mark. Mobile broadband in particular is witnessing considerable growth. SNS Research estimates that HSPA subscriptions have already crossed the 1 Billion mark.LTE is estimated to account for nearly 130 Million subscriptions at the end of 2013. Driven by ongoing deployments, LTE penetration will significantly grow at a CAGR of 53% over the next 7 years. LTE connections will eventually represent more than 2.4 Billion subscriptions in 2020. Presently U.S, Japanese and South Korean mobile network operators are leading LTE subscriptions with a combined market share of 75%, driven by their early adoption of the technology.Covering over 818 mobile network operators and 222 countries worldwide the "2G, 3G & 4G Mobile Network Subscriptions, Spectrum Licensing, Ownership, Infrastructure Contracts & Handset Shipments Database: 2013 - 2020" database tracks mobile network subscription, penetration, handset shipment, spectrum licensing, mobile infrastructure contracts and network ownership data. The database is delivered as a Microsoft excel file. This product comprises the following databases delivered in a single excel sheet:Mobile Network Subscriptions DatabaseNumber of mobile network subscriptions (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Air interface technology* Mobile Penetration DatabasePopulation data (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- CountryMobile penetration % data (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- CountryMobile Handset Shipments DatabaseMobile handset shipments (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- Country- Air in迷你倉新蒲崗erface technology*Mobile Spectrum Licensing DatabaseOperator Spectrum data by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Air interface technology*- Frequency- BandwidthMobile Network Infrastructure Contracts DatabaseMobile network infrastructure contracts by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Air interface technology*- Infrastructure vendor/supplier- Contract value ($ Million)- Contract date- Equipment typeMobile Network Ownership DatabaseMobile network ownership data by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Parent company- Investment %- Status*Air interface technology is categorized in the following categories:- CDMA (1xED-DO,1xEV-DO Rev A/B, 1xRTT)- UMTS (W-CDMA, HSPA)- GSM- LTE- TD-SCDMA- US TDMA- iDEN- PHSMobile Network Subscriptions DatabaseNumber of mobile network subscriptions (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Air interface technology* Mobile Penetration DatabasePopulation data (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- CountryMobile penetration % data (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- CountryMobile Handset Shipments DatabaseMobile handset shipments (2011 - 2020) by:- Region- Country- Air interface technology*Mobile Spectrum Licensing DatabaseOperator Spectrum data by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Air interface technology*- Frequency- BandwidthMobile Network Infrastructure Contracts DatabaseMobile network infrastructure contracts by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Air interface technology*- Infrastructure vendor/supplier- Contract value ($ Million)- Contract date- Equipment typeMobile Network Ownership DatabaseMobile network ownership data by:- Region- Country- Mobile network operator- Parent company- Investment %- Status*Air interface technology is categorized in the following categories:- CDMA (1xED-DO,1xEV-DO Rev A/B, 1xRTT)- UMTS (W-CDMA, HSPA)- GSM- LTE- TD-SCDMA- US TDMA- iDEN- PHSTo order this report:Phones_and_PDA Industry: 2G, 3G & 4G Mobile Network Subscriptions, Spectrum Licensing, Ownership, Infrastructure Contracts & Handset Shipments Database: 2013 - 2020Contact Clare: clare@reportlinker.com US:(339) 368 6001Intl:+1 339 368 6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/迷你倉出租

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Source: The Columbus Dispatch, OhioAug.儲存倉 28--The Ohio Supreme Court suspended the law license of Chillicothe lawyer Edward Bunstine today for one year for soliciting sex from a mother he was representing in a child-custody case.Bunstein yesterday said he disagreed with the suspension because "there was no discussion (of sex) at all and it was never brought up and she even admits to it."According to court records, Bunstine, during a 2010 meeting with the woman in his office, reportedly offered to make "other arrangements" for his $500 fee. She claimed he told her that he would come to her home that afternoon and she should "get rid of her fiance, find a babysitter for her two children and answer the door naked." The woman said she perceived that comment as a solicitation for sex. She claimed she told Bunstine not to come, but he did anyway and was confronted by her fiance and his father.Bunstine said the woman "willingly participated in any inappropriate conduct and blamed him after her fiance 'caught' her. He said he went to her home to see what would happen, obtain documents and take photographs as part of迷你倉價錢his work on the case.Following the incident, the woman allowed Bunstine to represent her at one court hearing before hiring a new attorney.In a 6-1 ruling, the court disregarded Bunstine's objections and concurred with the findings of a panel of the Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline, which found he violated rules prohibiting a lawyer from soliciting or engaging in sexual activity with a client unless a consensual sexual relationship existed before the professional one."Even if (the woman) had initiated the inappropriate conversation that would not negate Bunstine's misconduct. With regard to sexual conduct, we have said that 'the burden is on the lawyer to ensure that all attorney-client dealings remain on a professional level,' according to the unsigned decision.Justice William M. O'Neill, the court's lone Democrat, dissented, favoring an indefinite suspension of Bunstine's law license.ccandisky@dispatch.com@ccandiskyCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Visit The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) at .dispatch.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Detroit Free PressAug.迷你倉新蒲崗 28--These are the divisions Mick McCabe will use for his weekly rankings of the state's top football teams in all eight divisions.The official divisions will not be determined until the 240-team playoff field is decided after the regular season. Some schools could be in different playoff divisions than the divisions in which they were ranked during the season.Instead of dividing the teams into eight equal divisions, the Free Press used calculations of Ralph Erickson to determine the average breakpoints for playoff teams over the last several years.Division 11 2781 Sterling Heights Stevenson2 2772 Utica Eisenhower3 2737 Clarkston4 2693 Macomb Dakota5 2672 Howell6 2624 Grand Blanc7 2612 East Kentwood8 2572 Rockford9 2568 Troy10 2506 Clinton Twp Chippewa Valley11 2490 Lake Orion12 2309 Dearborn Fordson13 2293 Holland West Ottawa14 2275 Northville15 2262 Detroit Cass Tech16 2169 Troy Athens17 2164 Brighton18 2145 Monroe19 2132 Novi Detroit Catholic Central20 2126 Plymouth21 2078 Canton22 2035 Salem23 2032 Utica Ford24 1986 Novi25 1983 Livonia Stevenson26 1965 Macomb L'Anse Creuse North27 1954 Bloomfield Hills28 1953 Hartland29 1941 West Bloomfield30 1904 Grand Haven31 1899 New Baltimore Anchor Bay32 1897 Saline33 1893 Ann Arbor Pioneer34 1880 Westland John Glenn35 1866 Holt36 1861 Walled Lake Central37 1838 Dearborn38 1830 Utica39 1829 Livonia Churchill40 1823 Ann Arbor Huron41 1815 Grandville42 1796 Warren Mott43 1793 Romeo44 1782 Oxford45 1759 Rochester Hills Stoney Creek46 1746 Harrison Twp L'Anse Creuse47 1746 Livonia Franklin48 1736 Hudsonville49 1733 Wayne Memorial50 1715 Ann Arbor Skyline51 1715 Grand Ledge52 1714 Belleville53 1692 Davison54 1688 Walled Lake Northern55 1669 Roseville56 1667 Warren Cousino57 1661 Fraser58 1660 Waterford Mott59 1655 White Lake LakelandDivision 260 1653 Traverse City West61 1615 Rochester62 1604 Waterford Kettering63 1600 Temperance Bedford64 1598 Grosse Pointe South65 1582 Rochester Adams66 1575 Saginaw Heritage67 1568 Southfield-Lathrup68 1566 Grand Rapids Union69 1564 Warren De La Salle70 1556 Walled Lake Western71 1554 Kalamazoo Central72 1502 Woodhaven73 1488 Flint Carman-Ainsworth74 1476 U-D Jesuit75 1465 Milford76 1462 Midland77 1462 Sterling Heights78 1460 Ypsilanti Lincoln79 1452 Pinckney80 1448 East Detroit81 1448 Traverse City Central82 1438 Kalamazoo Loy Norrix83 1438 Oak Park84 1432 Detroit King85 1424 Jackson86 1420 Dearborn Edsel Ford87 1414 Royal Oak88 1409 Southgate Anderson89 1399 Ypsilanti90 1398 Port Huron91 1391 Jenison92 1387 Detroit Western93 1384 St Clair Shores Lakeview94 1377 Detroit Pershing ^95 1377 Lincoln Park96 1373 Wyandotte Roosevelt97 1372 Portage Central98 1369 Lansing Everett99 1364 Portage Northern100 1362 Garden City101 1356 Southfield102 1352 North Farmington103 1350 Caledonia104 1348 Battle Creek Lakeview105 1337 Birmingham Seaholm106 1326 Birmingham Brother Rice107 1323 Bay City Central108 1323 Grosse Pointe North109 1323 Wyoming110 1314 Muskegon Mona Shores111 1308 Port Huron Northern112 1304 Midland Dow113 1300 Farmington Hills Harrison114 1294 Okemos115 1287 Dearborn Heights Crestwood116 1281 Alpena117 1277 Flushing118 1277 South Lyon119 1277 Swartz Creek120 1275 GR Forest Hills Central121 1274 Birmingham Groves122 1261 Pontiac123 1260 Berkley124 1236 Farmington125 1231 Grand Rapids Ottawa Hills126 1206 Bay City Western127 1188 Fenton128 1182 Grand Rapids Northview129 1176 Mattawan130 1173 Gibraltar Carlson131 1171 Dexter132 1170 Warren Woods Tower133 1168 St Clair Shores Lake Shore134 1156 Lansing Eastern135 1151 Grand Rapids Kenowa Hills136 1151 Muskegon Reeths-Puffer137 1147 Taylor Kennedy138 1146 Lowell139 1131 Taylor Truman140 1130 Holland141 1124 East Lansing142 1124 Holly143 1119 Battle Creek Central144 1118 Muskegon145 1115 Flint KearsleyDivision 3146 1114 Ortonville-Brandon147 1113 Greenville148 1113 Lapeer East149 1110 Marquette150 1109 Detroit East English151 1106 Detroit Cody152 1103 Allen Park153 1097 Detroit Renaissance154 1090 Detroit Mumford155 1079 GR Forest Hills Northern156 1079 St Johns157 1071 Zeeland East158 1063 Lapeer West159 1063 Redford Thurston160 1058 Lansing Waverly161 1055 Auburn Hills Avondale162 1039 Byron Center163 1033 Mt Pleasant164 1026 Richland Gull Lake165 993 Riverview166 987 Owosso167 986 St Joseph168 980 Orchard Lake St Mary's169 973 Saginaw Arthur Hill170 965 Petoskey171 958 Mason172 955 Detroit Osborn173 951 Detroit Cesar Chavez Academy *174 949 East Grand Rapids175 944 Linden176 941 Clio177 941 DeWitt178 940 Hamtramck179 928 Sault Ste Marie180 928 Trenton181 927 Grand Rapids Christian182 916 Gaylord183 911 Cedar Springs184 909 Detroit Denby185 908 Niles186 907 Haslett187 901 South Lyon East188 900 Middleville189 892 Stevensville Lakeshore190 890 Warren Fitzgerald191 886 Fruitport192 884 Parma Western193 882 Romulus194 878 Coldwater195 877 Chelsea196 877 Fowlerville197 872 Milan198 869 St Clair199 869 Tecumseh200 868 Sturgis201 865 Flint Southwestern202 862 New Boston Huron203 861 Wayland204 860 Melvindale205 854 Bay City John Glenn206 852 Plainwell207 852 Redford Union208 851 Ionia209 851 Sparta210 847 Hastings211 847 Jackson Northwest212 844 Eaton Rapids213 838 Detroit Old Redford214 833 Zeeland West215 832 GR Forest Hills Eastern216 832 Carleton Airport217 830 CharlotteDivision 4218 830 Inkster ^219 828 Hazel Park220 823 Battle Creek Harper Creek221 819 Center Line222 819 Warren Lincoln223 818 Dearborn Heights Annapolis224 814 Flint Northwestern225 809 Hamilton226 809 North Branch227 804 Adrian228 802 Dearborn Divine Child229 791 BH Cranbrook-Kingswood230 791 Marysville231 790 Detroit Collegiate Prep232 789 Three Rivers233 787 Edwardsburg234 785 Holland Christian235 784 Ferndale236 783 Spring Lake237 782 Detroit Southeastern238 779 Cadillac239 779 Escanaba240 773 Vicksburg241 764 Coopersville242 761 Detroit Henry Ford243 756 Madison Heights Lamphere244 754 Ogemaw Heights245 738 Croswell-Lexington246 737 Romulus Summit247 732 Pontiac Notre Dame Prep248 724 HW Chandler Park249 722 Goodrich250 704 Yale251 701 Comstock Park252 700 Detroit Country Day253 700 Marshall254 697 Fremont255 695 Hudsonville Unity Christian256 692 Armada257 692 Allegan258 691 Howard City Tri-County259 690 St Clair Shores South Lake260 688 Otsego261 686 Corunna262 684 Lansing Sexton263 684 Benton Harbor264 681 Big Rapids265 678 Grand Rapids Catholic Central266 676 Allendale267 674 Monroe Jefferson268 668 Detroit Douglass *269 667 Muskegon Orchard View270 660 Cheboygan271 656 Lake Odessa Lakewood272 654 Belding273 652 Battle Creek Pennfield274 651 Williamston275 645 Grand Rapids South Christian276 644 Saginaw Swan Valley277 642 Richmond278 640 South Haven279 639 White迷你倉出租all280 635 Dearborn Heights Robichaud281 632 Grosse Ile282 632 Paw Paw283 624 Saginaw Valley Lutheran *284 621 DowagiacDivision 5285 613 Lake Fenton286 610 Alma287 610 Imlay City288 610 Ludington289 603 Saginaw290 602 Algonac291 600 Remus Chippewa Hills292 596 Marine City293 593 Mt Morris294 591 Wyoming Kelloggsville295 586 Detroit Central296 584 Clawson297 583 Essexville Garber298 579 Birch Run299 577 Flat Rock300 577 Livonia Clarenceville301 572 Portland302 572 Midland Bullock Creek303 568 River Rouge304 568 Freeland305 568 Hancock *306 561 Kingsford307 560 Grant308 560 Wyoming Godwin Heights309 558 Caro310 556 Dearborn Hts Star Intl *311 552 Parchment312 549 Ovid-Elsie313 544 Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard314 544 Clinton Township Clintondale315 541 North Muskegon *316 539 Gladwin317 534 Durand318 532 Chesaning319 527 Frankenmuth320 527 Hopkins321 524 Almont322 523 Newaygo323 520 Standish-Sterling Central324 517 Benzie Central325 517 Flint Powers Catholic326 511 Coloma327 507 Pinconning328 505 Olivet329 504 Allen Park Cabrini330 504 Ida331 502 Onsted332 501 Carrollton333 501 Detroit University Prep334 501 Macomb Lutheran North335 501 Menominee336 501 Otisville LakeVille Memorial337 501 Stanton Central Montcalm338 496 Muskegon Oakridge339 495 Bridgeport340 495 Comstock341 494 Grayling342 494 Manistee343 493 Perry344 490 Riverview Richard *345 490 Reed City346 489 Dundee347 486 Berrien Springs348 486 Detroit Community349 480 Lansing Catholic350 474 Brooklyn Columbia Central351 472 Capac352 465 Buchanan353 465 Delton Kellogg354 461 Stockbridge355 460 Shepherd356 457 Det Univ Prep Science & Math357 455 Leslie358 455 Mason County Central359 451 ClareDivision 6360 445 Monroe St Mary Catholic Cent361 441 Jackson Lumen Christi362 439 Gladstone363 439 Grand Rapids West Catholic364 439 Kingsley365 437 Houghton366 432 Napoleon367 431 Detroit Plymouth Educational368 431 Roscommon369 430 Harrison370 430 Millington371 428 Warren Michigan Collegiate372 427 Beaverton373 425 Farwell374 425 Kalkaska375 424 Madison Heights Madison376 423 Houghton Lake377 423 Sanford Meridian378 422 Detroit Consortium379 422 Wyoming Lee380 421 Manistique *381 420 Harper Woods382 419 Kalamazoo Hackett *383 416 Michigan Center384 416 Negaunee385 412 Hanover-Horton386 411 Montrose387 410 Detroit Henry Ford Academy388 409 Fennville389 409 Lakeview390 408 Hemlock391 402 Grass Lake392 402 Oscoda393 402 Tawas Area394 401 Shelby395 400 Elk Rapids396 400 Vermontville Maple Valley397 399 Ithaca398 398 Manchester399 397 Hillsdale400 397 Niles Brandywine401 393 Calumet402 390 Mt Clemens403 389 Jonesville404 388 Maple City Glen Lake *405 388 Grandville Calvin Christian406 387 Watervliet407 385 Bad Axe408 385 Vassar409 384 Detroit Edison410 383 Boyne City411 383 Clinton412 380 Byron Area413 379 Constantine414 378 Leroy Pine River415 376 Morley Stanwood416 375 East Jackson417 374 Adrian Madison418 374 Burton Bendle419 373 Montague420 372 New Haven *421 371 Southfield Bradford422 370 Gwinn423 370 Laingsburg424 369 Blissfield425 367 St Charles426 361 Quincy427 360 Whitmore Lake428 359 Erie-Mason429 359 Saranac430 352 Pellston *431 351 EcorseDivision 7432 351 Hartford433 350 Bangor434 350 Cass City435 350 Vandercook Lake436 348 Indian River Inland Lakes *437 348 St Louis438 346 Schoolcraft439 345 Flint Beecher440 343 Ravenna441 337 Reese442 336 Holton *443 333 Saginaw Nouvel444 332 Marlette445 331 Mesick *446 331 GR NorthPointe Christian447 331 Hart448 330 Iron Mountain449 326 Kent City450 326 McBain451 325 Bath452 324 Galesburg-Augusta453 324 Hesperia454 323 Carson City-Crystal455 322 Ishpeming Westwood456 321 Bronson457 320 Bridgman458 314 Lake City459 313 Charlevoix460 312 Union City461 311 Wyoming Tri-unity Christian *462 309 Whittemore-Prescott463 308 Springport464 307 Lawton465 306 Southfield Christian *466 304 Harbor Springs467 304 Highland Park Academy468 302 Addison469 302 East Jordan470 301 Ishpeming *471 301 Elkton-Pigeon-Bay Port472 299 Flint Hamady473 299 Sandusky474 298 Dansville475 297 Memphis476 295 Madison Heights Bishop Foley477 295 Pewamo-Westphalia478 295 Rochester Hills Lutheran NW479 292 Evart480 292 White Cloud481 291 Traverse City St Francis482 289 Genesee483 286 Mancelona484 285 Unionville-Sebewaing485 284 Homer486 282 Detroit Loyola487 281 Burton Atherton488 281 Sand Creek489 280 Gobles490 279 St Joseph Lk Mich Catholic *491 279 GPW University Liggett492 279 Decatur493 279 Muskegon Heights Academy494 278 Bloomingdale495 278 Cassopolis496 278 Royal Oak Shrine497 277 Ironwood498 276 Aub Hills Oakland Christian *499 275 Ubly500 275 Centreville501 273 Lincoln Alcona502 272 Manton503 271 Brown City504 270 Concord505 268 Reading506 268 Hudson507 268 Iron River West Iron County508 265 Blanchard Montabella510 264 Burton Bentley510 261 Melvindale ABT511 260 Britton Deerfield512 255 SaugatuckDivision 8513 253 New Buffalo514 253 Suttons Bay *515 252 Harbor Beach516 250 Kalamazoo Christian517 250 Merrill518 250 Newberry519 248 Ottawa Lake-Whiteford520 248 Vestaburg521 246 Johannesburg-Lewiston522 246 Mayville523 244 Breckenridge524 243 New Lothrop525 242 Potterville526 241 Bessemer *527 240 Onekama *528 239 Petersburg-Summerfield529 236 L'Anse530 234 Norway531 233 Saginaw Mich Lutheran Sem532 232 Dryden533 228 White Pigeon534 226 Detroit Allen535 225 Coleman536 224 St Ignace537 219 Pittsford538 218 Beal City539 215 Three Oaks River Valley540 211 Mendon541 210 Mio542 206 Stephenson543 205 Morenci544 204 AuGres-Sims *545 204 Eau Claire546 203 Marcellus547 202 North Adams-Jerome *548 202 Lutheran Westland549 200 Bark River-Harris550 200 Fowler551 199 Manistee Catholic Central *552 196 Powers North Central *553 196 Munising554 193 Fife Lake Forest Area555 193 Fulton556 192 Rogers City557 191 Onaway558 191 Rudyard559 188 Central Lake *560 186 Atlanta *561 185 Climax-Scotts562 181 Baraga563 177 Big Rapids Crossroads564 174 Morrice565 173 Waterford Our Lady566 172 Bellevue567 167 Muskegon Catholic Central568 166 Lake Linden-Hubbell569 163 Crystal Falls Forest Park570 163 Colon571 163 Athens572 162 Brethren573 160 SH Parkway Christian574 159 Martin575 156 Marion576 155 Adrian Lenawee Christian577 154 Saginaw Buena Vista %578 154 Gaylord St Mary *579 154 Camden-Frontier580 152 Frankfort581 151 Hillman582 150 Pickford *583 149 Hale584 143 Traverse City Christian *585 141 Ontonagon586 137 Covert587 132 Bay City All Saints588 129 Baldwin589 124 Mt Pleasant Sacred Heart590 110 Clarkston Everest Collegiate591 103 Iron Mt North Dickinson592 91 Ashley* In a cooperative program^ School opted-up% School is closedCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Detroit Free Press Visit the Detroit Free Press at .freep.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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本報駐以色列特約記者 陳克勤圖片說明:上圖和下圖分別為“上帝的紙條”清理現場和祈禱的信徒。今年的猶太新年臨近了,存倉以色列耶路撒冷管理哭牆的猶太拉比早就開始清理哭牆牆縫里留給上帝的紙條了。耶路撒冷老城聖殿山的哭牆是猶太聖地核心,信徒絡繹不絕,這裡也是世界各地朝聖的基督徒、天主教徒和旅遊者必去的,哭牆縫隙總是塞滿寫給上帝的紙條。在哭牆縫隙塞紙條,向上帝祈求實現心願的做法歷經多年,關於“上帝的紙條”有無數的故事和傳奇。哭牆紙條不能翻看據說猶太人認為上帝在“哭牆”上方,這裡是“距離上帝最近的地方”,只要把心願寫下來塞進牆里,上帝就會讓你如願。來此朝聖的猶太信徒把給上帝的祈禱詞寫在紙條上塞進哭牆縫里。世界各地的旅遊者不管是否信教,也都湊熱鬧給上帝寫個心願紙條,塞進牆縫。甚至教皇、美國總統等政要訪問耶路撒冷時也要寫張紙條塞進牆縫。關於上帝的紙條,有個不成文規矩:尊重隱私,不翻看別人的紙條。因為哭牆紙條是和上帝的對話,禁止別人窺視或用于任何其他目的。不過也有紙條被人翻看,甚至被公開的情況。奧巴馬2012年大選前訪問以色列,在會晤以色列和巴勒斯坦領導人後,凌晨訪哭牆,塞紙條後祈禱。他離開後,這張紙條不料被一名學生髮現,刊登于當地《晚報》上。奧巴馬的禱文並沒祈求總統大選勝出,而是希望得到上帝指導:“上主,保佑我和家人,赦免我的罪惡,幫助我抵禦傲慢和絕望。賜我智慧,好讓我做事公平正確。並讓我成為旨意的器具。”這段文字寫在奧巴馬下榻的大衛王飯店信箋上。此事引起輿論嘩然,指摘侵犯奧巴馬隱私。猶太教人士更是抨擊該報。牆縫里匿名塞巨額支票往哭牆牆縫里塞紙條常見,但塞支票罕見。去年12月19日,一名男子在哭牆祈禱時,發現牆邊一個厚厚信封,內裝507張支票,總金額5億多美元。這些支票沒有寫給誰,迷你倉比認為,支票主人可能想匿名把財富交給上帝。猶太人經2000年大流散,近百年漸漸恢複元氣,掌控美國經濟文化命脈。猶太巨富經常慷慨解囊支援他們唯一的國家以色列和全球貧苦猶太同胞。不過,有幸到耶路撒冷哭牆給上帝塞紙條許願的人畢竟是少數。各地信徒寫信給上帝,可愛的孩子也寫信給上帝,但誰也不知上帝在哪兒,於是“離上帝最近的地方”耶路撒冷聖城便成為上帝的地址。不管從世界哪個角落發出的信,只要寫著“上帝收”或者“耶穌收”,十有八九會送到聖城耶路撒冷哭牆邊的郵局。每年有好幾千封這樣的信送來。最初耶路撒冷郵局收到上帝的信件,第一反應是把信退回去。但這些信件大多沒有地址,不得不把信拆開,希望找到回信地址。“私拆”上帝信後發現,寫信人絕大多數希望得到上帝的幫助,求醫問藥、消災祈福,或向上帝訴說煩惱和願望。郵局和管理哭牆的拉比協商後,行善代為塞進哭牆牆縫。郵局為這些信件找到最合適的歸宿,也不用為窺探隱私遭良心譴責。耶路撒冷郵局幾年前專辟一個小郵局處理上帝信件,每年舉行兩次儀式,郵電局長和職員與猶太拉比一起,把幾千封寫給上帝的信,一一打開,塞進牆縫。因為信件一年比一年多,哭牆邊的郵局處理信件的壓力也越來越大。為保安全加固哭牆哭牆聖殿遺址堅固,幸而遊客塞信的牆縫都是低處的聖殿地基巨石。19世紀經修繕加高的牆體幾年前就出現鬆動、滲水,危及遊客安全。以色列政府2010年底批准用2300萬美元、耗時5年加固保養哭牆,以確保牆縫塞信更安全。以色列每年有350萬旅遊者,幾乎都要去哭牆,牆縫有限,但凡人夠得著的牆縫,都塞滿各種各樣小紙條,經常無縫可塞,紙條過多,很容易滑落,牆邊經常能見到散落的紙條。如不清理,日積月累哭牆就會被紙條吞沒。哭牆每年在猶太新年和猶太逾越節定時清理紙條,並收藏在專門的宗教密室。▲自存倉

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 「西關少爺,迷你倉東山小姐」曾經是所有說粵語的人對廣州的共同記憶。現在,隨著西關大屋的相繼被拆,這一切開始變得模糊不清。60歲的「老廣州」蘇少偉在西關度過了他人生的大部分時間,他的打銅舖就開在恩寧路的臨街騎樓裡。「小時候這裡進進出出都是西關大屋,如今要找到一間都難了。」蘇少偉與記者攀談時,隱隱透出對老廣州不斷消失的遺憾。他並不知道,肩負起保護這座歷史文化名城的官方機構的編制裡,不過寥寥幾人,加上無執法權,資金亦不足,顧此失彼,保護和修繕多數淪為空談。 ■香港文匯報記者 顧一丹、趙鵬飛 廣州報道  廣州被拆掉的歷史建築、甚至是受保護的文物建築,絕對不單單只是金陵台、妙高台。六月中,有街坊報料稱,荔灣區下九路的騎樓群,儘管早已被列入了廣州規劃局公佈的22片歷史文化街區,根據國家規定,凡被劃入歷史文化街區核心保護範圍內的,不得進行新建、擴建活動,但在今年1月開始,下九路37-55號騎樓群在「保護加固」項目的名義下,居然被拆得只剩下一堵牆。城管部門稱,在做法和手續上都沒問題。但市規劃局卻稱,在6月初已勒令開發商停止拆除。  為保護廣州歷史建築奔波了數十年的湯國華,是廣州大學建築與城市規劃學院的教授,也是嶺南建築研究所所長。在他看來,從廣州官方對歷史建築保護部門的變遷,即可給出目前歷史建文件倉陷入拆遷窘境的註腳。 主管部門級別越來越低  湯國華說,1999年廣州成立名城辦(廣州市歷史文化名城保護辦公室),直接隸屬市政府,當時是規格比較高的協調部門,在保護廣州歷史建築方面做了不少行之有效工作。然而到了2004年,政府機構改革,名城辦併入市文化局,部門級別由局降至處。「這是一個非常錯誤的決定,因為文化局只管文物,管不了歷史建築。」湯國華說,直到兩年前,名城辦又被劃歸給規劃局,名為名城保護處。這個人數有限的處級部門,是保護廣州歷史建築「有權限」的官方責任單位。  僅有數名專職工作人員,要負責指導保護廣州龐大的歷史建築,顯然是一件難以完成的任務。況且,名城保護處並沒有執法權力,需要通過所轄區域的城管部門來執法。現實的情況是,在歷史建築的拆留問題上,這兩個部門之間常常無法做到及時溝通。在上述下九路騎樓的拆遷問題上,城管執法部門與名城保護處說法不一,恰恰反映問題所在。 修繕缺錢保護空談  名城保護處雖然有保護歷史建築的責任,實則經常陷入手足無措的尷尬境地。一方面人手不足,比如歷史建築最多的越秀區,也只有1個人來負責。另一方面是資金短缺,不屬於文物的歷史建築更沒有財政撥款,因此除非社會捐贈或企業贊助,否則根本無法獲得資金進行保護和修繕。在這種情況下,保護歷史建築多數都淪為空談。 存倉

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While debt may not have reduced, economies are seeing better current account positions[BRUSSELS] ALTHOUGH many European governments have announced expenditure cuts and tax hikes, their debt/GDP ratios continue to deteriorate.迷你倉 So, if the purpose of austerity was to reduce debt levels, its critics are right: fiscal belt-tightening has failed. But the goal of austerity was not just to stabilise debt ratios.In fact, austerity has worked as advertised in some cases. Germany's fiscal deficit temporarily increased by about 2.5 percentage points of GDP during the global recession of 2009; subsequent rapid deficit reduction had no significant negative impact on growth. So it is possible to reduce deficits and keep the debt/GDP ratio in check - provided that the economy does not start out with large imbalances, and that the financial system is working properly. Obviously, the countries on the eurozone's periphery do not meet these conditions.Countries whose governments have either lost access to normal market financing (like Greece, Ireland, and Portugal), or face very high risk premia (like Italy and Spain in 2011-2012) simply do not have a choice: they must reduce their expenditures or get financing from some official body like the International Monetary Fund or the European Stability Mechanism (ESM).But foreign official financing will always be subject to lenders' conditions - and lenders see no reason to finance ongoing spending at levels that previously led a country into trouble.So, in the eurozone periphery, austerity is not a question of fine-tuning demand, but of ensuring governments' solvency. Economists like to point out that solvency has little to do with the ratio of public debt to today's GDP, and much to do with debt relative to expected future tax revenues. A government's solvency thus depends much more on long-term growth prospects than on the current debt/GDP ratio.A reduction in the deficit today might lead in the short run to a fall in GDP that is larger than the cut in the deficit (if the so-called multiplier is larger than one), which would cause the debt/GDP ratio to rise. But almost all economic models imply that a cut in expenditures today should lead to higher GDP in the long run, because it allows for lower taxes (and thus reduces economic distortions).Austerity should thus always be beneficial for solvency in the long run, even if the debt/GDP ratio deteriorates in the short run. For this reason, the current increase in debt/GDP ratios in southern Europe should not be interpreted as proof that austerity does not work.Moreover, austerity has been accompanied by structural reforms, which should increase countries' long-term growth potential, while pension reforms are set to reduce co自存倉siderably the fiscal cost of aging populations. Such?reforms promise to strengthen the solvency of all governments that adopt them, including those on the eurozone's periphery.More important, austerity has been very successful in restoring external balance to the eurozone's periphery. The current accounts of all southern eurozone countries are improving rapidly and, with the possible exception of Greece, will soon swing into surplus. This fundamental change has contributed to the reduction in risk premia over the last year, despite the political upheaval that continues in many countries (particularly Italy, Portugal, and Greece).The external aspect is crucial. If public debt is owed to domestic investors, it can be serviced with the taxes levied on GDP. But debt owed to foreigners can be serviced only with goods and services sold abroad - that is, exports. Thus, the key variable for countries that had large current-account deficits, and thus are burdened today with high foreign-debt levels, is not the debt/GDP ratio, but the foreign debt/exports ratio (together with the growth prospects for exports).Here, developments are encouraging. During the boom years, when countries like Greece, Portugal, and Spain were running ever-larger external deficits, their exports did not grow quickly, so their foreign debt/exports ratios deteriorated steadily, reaching levels that are usually regarded as a warning signal.For example, for Spain and Portugal, the sum of past deficits relative to annual exports reached 300 per cent and 400 per cent respectively in 2009, whereas a 250 per cent ratio is typically regarded as the threshold at which external-financing problems can arise.With austerity, imports have crashed everywhere in the periphery, while exports - helped by falling labour costs - are increasing (except in Greece). As a result, these countries' current accounts are now moving into surplus, and their external solvency is improving rapidly.Huge social costsIndeed, according to the IMF, Spain should record growing current-account surpluses over the next five years, as exports rise strongly, thus cutting the external debt/export ratio by half (to about 150 per cent in 2018), while Portugal's ratio should fall to about 250 per cent. Even Italy, whose external deficits have remained small, will soon record a current-account surplus.Austerity always involves huge social costs; but it is unavoidable when a country has lived beyond its means and lost its foreign creditors' confidence. The external fundamentals of the eurozone's periphery are now improving rapidly. In this sense, austerity has done exactly what it was intended to do. - Project SyndicateThe writer is director of the Centre for European Policy Studies.迷你倉新蒲崗

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  8月27日上午,迷你倉山西省互聯網業界召開“堅守七條底線、拒絕網絡謠言”座談會,倡議全省互聯網行業和廣大網民弘揚主旋律、共築“中國夢”,共同營造我省健康和諧的網絡輿論環境。  這次會議是我省深入學習宣傳貫徹全國宣傳思想工作會議精神,倡導全省互聯網業界自覺堅守七條底線、拒絕網絡謠言的具體舉措。與會代表們一致認為,網絡謠言、虛假內容、低俗廣告等不良信息極大影響了互聯網事業的健康發展,影響了社會的和諧穩定,必須堅決予以抵制。大家表示,網絡空間是現實社會的延伸,網絡文明是社會文明的重要組成。堅守七條底線,拒絕網絡謠言,對於弘揚社會主義先進文化、維護廣大人民群�共同的網絡家園、確保互聯網事業健康發展,具有十分重要的意義。  座談會上,與會代表聯合發出“堅守七條底線、拒絕網絡謠言”的倡議,號召全省互聯網業界和網民強化法制意識,遵守公共秩序,拒絕網絡謠言,恪守公共道德,嚴格自警自律,自覺履行好擔負的社會責任。  省委宣傳部、省互聯網信息辦公室、省直相關職能部門、行業協會、部分地市黨委宣傳部、中央重點新聞網站駐晉分頻道、省直新聞網站相關負責同志、部分新聞網站從業人員代表以及知名網友代表參加座談會。  附:山西省互聯網業界“堅守七條底線、拒絕網絡謠言”倡議書  文件倉西省互聯網業界“堅守七條底線、拒絕網絡謠言”倡議書  為營造我省健康和諧的網絡輿論環境,弘揚主旋律,共築“中國夢”,特向全省互聯網行業、廣大網民朋友發出如下倡議:  一、強化法制意識,依法辦網、依法上網,自覺維護國家憲法確立的制度、原則,自覺抵制一切損害國家和民族利益的行為、言論。  二、遵守公共秩序,維護社會穩定,不登載、不發佈非理性、煽動性言論,不炒作違背社會公德、損害社會風尚的信息,不侵犯個人隱私。  三、拒絕網絡謠言,促進網絡和諧,不造謠、不信謠、不傳謠,不傳播未經核實的信息,自覺抵制網絡侵權、泄密。  四、恪守公共道德,崇尚文明上網,不發佈攻擊、謾罵言論,不發佈、不瀏覽、不傳播暴力和淫穢色情信息。  五、嚴格自警自律,勇於接受監督,對於出現的問題及時糾正、主動改進,自覺履行好擔負的社會責任。  小貼士:  七條底線是什麼?  七條底線,是在國家互聯網信息辦公室舉辦的“網絡名人社會責任論壇”上,由網絡名人達成共識,提出遵守的七條原則。具體內容是:一是法律法規底線; 二是社會主義制度底線;三是國家利益底線;四是公民合法權益底線;五是社會公共秩序底線;六是道德風尚底線;七是信息真實性底線。(記者 田國青)標簽:底線 謠言 堅守 山西省 自警存倉

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Source: York Daily Record, Pa.儲存倉Aug. 27--A decorated police officer, Patrolman Gary D.S. Utter took a bleeding Ronald T. Whitaker Jr. into custody the night of July 7, 2007, because Utter was the only one among five officers at a crime scene who had gloves handy.Less than an hour later, Utter shot and killed Whitaker inside the Springettsbury Township Police station.Now, both sides in a civil wrongful death lawsuit say a video of the shooting is all the judge needs to dismiss the suit or send it to trial.An attempt to obtain a copy of the video Friday was rejected by the court. But exhibits filed within the past two weeks -- including interviews with Utter, and still photographs from the security video -- provide details about what happened that night.---The lawsuit "is absolutely without any merit, factually or legally," Utter's attorney David J. MacMain said Friday. "And that is an opinion shared by Mr. (Ronald) Whitaker (Sr.'s) prior attorneys, the Pennsylvania State Police who conducted the investigation and the York County District Attorney."In October 2007, district attorney Stan Rebert ruled the shooting justified. The family sued six months later. In September 2009, Utter and Springettsbury police asked the judge to dismiss the suit. Three weeks ago, Magistrate Judge Martin C. Carlson ordered that the video be made available to him.Matthew Weisberg, the attorney representing Whitaker's family, said Friday that Whitaker's shooting was unwarranted. He said that Whitaker, after struggling with Utter, was shot twice in the back as he was retreating. He contended that the second shot came four seconds after the first and that it was the use of excessive deadly force. In a court filing, Weisberg says that second shot came when Whitaker was on the ground.The defendants say in a court filing that the video does not have sound, and captures 3-4 frames per second, so it's choppy.But MacMain said it shows Utter had every rightto shoot Whitaker to protect his own life and prevent Whitaker from taking his sidearm.Weisberg said it shows Utter shooting Whitaker in the back after the man was no longer a threat to the officer.---Whitaker had spent the day with his family. They were living in the basement of their fire-damaged home in Wrightsville, the only habitable part of the house. Whitaker was working on a demolition derby car, trying to have it ready for the following weekend.He had a few drinks but was not intoxicated, his longtime companion, Dalea Lynn, said. She also told investigators she did not believe Whitaker had taken any illegal drugs. The autopsy found evidence of cocaine, alcohol and marijuana in Whitaker's system.That evening,Whitaker collected $20 in change from his home and went to Giant to exchange it in a Coinstar machine for bills.Whitaker complained to an employee that the machine shorted him more than $17, and he needed the money for gas to get home.Unhappy when told he could only get his money through Coinstar, Whitaker shouted, "Give me my money, bitch," and pushed a cash register off the counter.---Utter said that Whitaker "was calm. Relaxed. Mellow. Just as laid back as can be," when they arrived at the station."He never said anything. He never said a word to me. He went into the room," Utter later told investigators.When Whitaker complained of difficulty breathing and was holding his side, Utter called for an ambulance to respond to the otherwise empty police station.While filling out paperwork, Utter could see on the holding cell surveillance camera that Whitaker was lying on the floor near the door. When Utter pushed his way into the room, he heard "gurgling" sounds, and he saw Whitaker had tied "a string" around his neck and the doorknob."I tried getting it off his neck," Utter said in his July transcribed statement to state police. "And as I did that, then Mr. Whitaker came to life and then he was just berserk. He just started screaming. Started throwing punches. Tried to pull me down. I got away from him."He never spoke any English. No words. It was just somebody that was like berserk. Just crazed. I mean just 'aahh,' just nothing -- no'I'm going to ---- kill you,' 'you're dead.' You know nothing. I mean no words. It was just screaming like a caged animal."Utter said he Tasered Whitaker, and the man dropped to the floor. The officer tried to pull the string from around the man's throat. He said he worked it up Whitaker's face and was "almost ready to slip it off and all of a sudden he came to again."Whitaker renewed his attack on Utter. Utter pushed the Taser button again."I remember as I was backing up as he was charging me. I remember hitting the Taser again and thinking to myself, 'My God, he's just walking right through it,' you know?" Utter told investigators."I, myself, was hit with a Taser and I remember laying on the floor screaming. That's all you could do is friggin' scream because there's no words to describe what it feels like and I was thinking, 'It's got to be working because he's screaming.' He's screaming but he is coming straight at me. He's still coming at me."Utter said Whitaker pulled at his utility belt where he carried his gun, pepper spray and collapsible baton. He said he was afraid one of Whitaker's "hail makers" would knock him out, and Whitaker could get his gun."... one of those punches he keeps throwing is going to be a lucky pun迷你倉價錢h, you know," Utter said. "I'm going to go down, and I can't go down."I remember walking through like if I was out on the (firing) range. Just pulling the snap out, pulling it up, bringing it tight to my body and, at which point, he was to my left."I was in the corner and he was on my left. And I remember having my arm up and just bringing it up and pointing it in his general direction and pulling the trigger for the first shot."Utter said he remembered Whitaker "peeling away" but did not know if the bullet struck him."I remember pulling the weapon up again and firing the second shot," Utter said. "Aiming towards his back and then basically he went down, laid on the ground."The ambulance dispatched for Whitaker's breathing difficulty arrived shortly after the shooting. Officers who had returned to the station for the "Signal 13," Utter's distress call, helped load the man in the ambulance. Whitaker was pronounced dead at York Hospital.---In their objection to Utter's request for summary judgment -- dismissal of the lawsuit -- Whitaker's family attorney argued the court needs only to view the videotape of the shooting, "which is truly the only pertinent evidence for summary judgment purposes," to reject that motion.The defendants also urged the court to view the video. In their response to the plaintiff's objection, the defense attorneys said they had "no idea what the factual basis" of the family's claim is, "but it is certainly not based upon the physical evidence or a viewing of the video."In June, the Whitaker family's first attorneys successfully petitioned to withdraw from the case. In their written request, the attorneys told the court, "Counsel seeks withdrawal because, having substantially completed discovery in this case, (we) do not believe that the facts support the claims (pleaded) in the complaint and thus cannot in good faith continue to prosecute the action."In its lawsuit, in which it seeks more than $75,000 in damages, Whitaker's family claims:--- Utter entered the holding cell "for an unknown reason";--- Whitaker "did not endanger the life of" Utter;--- Whitaker was fleeing from ... Utter's grasp;--- Whitaker's "back was towards ... Utter when ... Utter suddenly and unnecessarily used his firearm to shoot (Whitaker) in the back."Whitaker's longtime partner, Lynn, said Friday she didn't want to comment on the lawsuit.Weisberg said Friday he agreed to take the case because "we believe the video presents compelling evidence that the two shots were both in the back as Mr. Whitaker was running away."On Friday, the court granted the defense's request that it table all trial and pretrial motions until it has ruled on the motion to dismiss.Cited for valor in 2006 for carrying a woman out of a burning apartment, Utter was fired after being charged with driving under the influence while on duty in 2008. His attorney said his drinking problem began after he shot Whitaker. Utter's DUI case is now on appeal in an attempt to be placed on Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition, a program for first-time, nonviolent offenders that would keep him out of jail.SOURCESThis story was reported using the following documents on file in U.S. Middle District Court in Harrisburg:---Complaint of Ronald T. Whitaker Sr., et al., co-administrator of the estate of Ronald Whitaker Jr. v. Springettsbury Township, Springettsbury Township Police Department, Chief of Police David Eshbach and Police Officer Gary D.S. Utter, April 8, 2008;---Investigation reports of Pennsylvania State Trooper Bryan R. Henneman, July 18, 19, 23 and 27, 2007;---Forensic Pathology Associates Inc. autopsy report, July 9, 2007;---Transcript of Pennsylvania State Police interview of Gary D.S. Utter, July 16, 2007;---Brief in support of motion to withdraw as plaintiff's counsel, June 23, 2009;---Defendant Gary Utter's motion for summary judgment, Sept. 3, 2009;--- Plaintiff's opposition to motion for summary judgment, Nov. 12, 2009.COURT WITHHOLDS VIDEOThe York Daily Record/Sunday News formally requested access to a compact disc submitted as evidence in the federal wrongful death lawsuit against former Springettsbury Police Officer Gary D.S. Utter on Friday in U.S. Middle District Court in Harrisburg.That request was rejected after the court contacted the parties and there were objections to its release. The defendants then filed a motion Friday asking the judge to seal the video, and noted that the Whitaker family's lawyer would not oppose the motion.Court documents indicate the CD contains police department surveillance video of the struggle between Utter and Ronald Whitaker Jr.; Whitaker's fatal shooting by Utter; and part of Utter's deposition.DOCUMENTS ONLINEGo to the "Reading Room" of the Daily Record/Sunday News' open records section to see these court documents in the Ronald Whitaker Jr. wrongful death lawsuit:---State police investigative report---Springettsbury Police Department supplemental report---Plaintiffs' reply to defendants motion for summary judgment---Defendants' reply to plaintiffs' opposition to motion for summary judgment---Motion to seal video of incidentThere are more documents available online. For a guide on how to look up federal court records online,Copyright: ___ (c)2013 York Daily Record (York, Pa.) Visit York Daily Record (York, Pa.) at .ydr.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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周二兩市雙雙低開,文件倉盤中低位震蕩,滬指盤中收復2100點,上海股受益國資整合、港口股受益漲價預期聯袂暴漲,創業板較弱。午後,兩市繼續震蕩走勢,在上海自貿區、國資整合和深圳前海等概念帶動下滬指一度站上2100點,隨後圍繞2100盤整。盤面上,互聯網、軟件、4G等題材活躍,近50只個股漲停。截止收盤,滬指報2103.57點,漲7.10點,漲幅0.34%,成交量1046億元。深成指報8341.77點,漲7.20點,漲幅0.09%,成交量1121億元。當日盤面,互聯網手游概念繼續暴漲,其中神州泰岳、中青寶、北緯通信、 天舟文化等封漲停,存倉些公司都有收購手游方案。有分析認為,東南亞股市大跌未能影響到A股,大盤底部很堅實,上升通道正在形成。周一大漲的主板雖然暫且休息,但行情並不差,脈絡也很清晰,上海自貿區概念連續第三天表現強勢,並帶動了深圳、珠海等其他區域概念,大有複制當初金改概念炒地圖的勢頭,在主板製造了久違的熱點行情。而中小盤股也不甘落後,創業板繼續創新高,手游、互聯網概念繼續領跑,作為新經濟的代表,持續性遠比其他概念更長久,成為今年誕生大牛股的重要基地。當前的策略就是選對行業和龍頭之後耐心持股即可,享受新經濟浪潮帶來的紅利,遠比來回追短期熱點收穫更大。(中經)迷你倉

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Source: Billings Gazette, Mont.迷你倉出租Aug. 25--By coincidence, Yellowstone County and the city of Billings undertook major cleanups of transient encampments last month.City crews cleaned out eight or nine camps -- some of them quite large and elaborate -- along the slopes of the Rims between north 12th and 15th streets, removing a couple of small dump truck loads of garbage, debris, sofas, chairs and mattresses.The county cleanup was more concentrated -- all the camps were under the Interstate 90 bridge just north of the J.E. Corette coal-fired power plant -- but the yield was much larger."They hauled at least four if not five dump truck loads to the landfill," county code enforcement officer Mike Schieno said. "Incredible."In both cases, officials were responding to complaints from nearby residents. And they all agree that the number of homeless people sleeping in parks, along the river, under the Rims, anyplace that provides a little shelter, seems to be higher than ever."I think we have more than we had in the past," Schieno said. "It sure feels like it.""This year was terrible," police Officer Tanner Buechler said, referring to the July 31 sweep under the Rims. "We never cleaned out that many at one time."Jon Thompson, the city's superintendent of parks, said there have always been problems with transients sleeping in city parks, but never at the levels seen lately."The last month in particular, I've been spending one to two hours on this issue every day," he said.And as everyone involved agreed, it's a tough problem to deal with. Clearing out one area just pushes the transients somewhere else, and the areas cleaned up are soon recolonized.That was the case with the Rims above the North Side. Wednesday of last week marked exactly three weeks since police, Parks Department workers and 30 to 40 Impaired Driving Court offenders doing community service cleaned out the transient encampments. But neighbors were reporting renewed activity in the area.On their sweep of the area early Wednesday, Buechler and parks maintenance worker Nick Christman encountered only one man sleeping, but they found five or six other camps, some of which looked as though they had been hastily abandoned.One camp, tucked into an open space between a couple of sandstone boulders, was strewn with tarps, sleeping bags, a pair of jeans, a folding cot, T-shirts, a can of bug spray, magazines, a paperback book of word-search puzzles and a wooden back-scratcher.It's hard to say why so much stuff was left behind by whoever lived there. Thompson said a police officer went out the day before the sweep and put notices in the camps, informing transients that anything left in place would be subject to removal the next day."We realize that these are all the belongings these people have," Thompson said. "That's why we give them the notice."The city's efforts did not go unnoticed by at least one person living in the shadow of the Rims. Bob Bassett, who has lived at the top of North 15th Street since 1967, said Thompson "has done a heck of a job up here."Bassett said transients have been sleeping on the slopes of the Rims for many years, but never in such numbers as in the past couple of years."Last year was really bad," he said. "There was all kinds of people living up there. It was scary."Since the big cleanup on July 31, the neighborhood has been markedly more livable, he said."It's just nice to be able to walk down the street without running into people sniffing paint," he said.Schieno said people huffing spray paint to get high were living under the highway bridge, too."You cannot believe how many of those containers we found," he said.The county teamed up with the Montana Department of Transportation on July 18 to clean out the encampments under the bridge, which runs over the railroad tracks that serve the coal plant.Schieno said they gave 24 hours' notice to residents, just as the city did, then went in the next morning with about 10 people, a front-end loader and county dump trucks.Schieno, who retired as a lieutenant with the Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office and has been in county code enforcement for two and half years, said it was a nasty job."Nobody wants to clean them up because they're just horribly filthy," he said.In addition to furniture, clothing and the like, there is usually a lot of rotting garbage and human waste. During the bridge cleanup, Schieno said, he came upon a garbage dump in a hole behind a bridge abutment."I started cleaning it and the mice came boiling out," he said.Four or five neighbors who live on Charlene Street, just south of the bridge, walked over during the cleanup to thank the MDT and county workers for their efforts.It's nice to help the neighbors, Schieno said, but nobody enjoys uprooting transients."My 迷你倉eart goes out to a lot of them, but there are facilities to help these folks," he said. Clearing out the camps might encourage at least some of the transients to seek help, to seek a way out of homelessness, he said.Police Lt. Mark Cady, who helped coordinate the Rims cleanup, said he, too, feels sorry for the transients, but he differentiates between them and the homeless people who live in Billings full time and who may drift in and out of homelessness."We have so many programs available for truly homeless people," Cady said. "My whole point is, if we make our community less attractive for the homeless-by-choice, we'll have more resources for the truly homeless."There are various theories regarding the apparent increase in homeless people and transients.Nicole Cromwell, the city zoning coordinator who oversees code enforcement efforts, said the Montana Rescue Mission's zero-tolerance policy regarding alcohol use may have put more people on the streets.She also noted that creation of a Business Improvement District, which pays for the services of two cops dedicated to the downtown, has done a lot to clean up the city center. But the inevitable result of pushing transients out of the central business district is that they end up in the "edge areas" -- the river, the Rims and the parks.Cady said some of the transients came to this region looking for work in the Bakken oil fields, and when they couldn't find work or lost jobs because of alcoholism or other problems, drifted to the nearest big city.And it's no secret that Billings has numerous programs, agencies and organizations to help the homeless."I think the word travels through these homeless people," he said.Part of that word, Cady said, is that people in Billings are "easy pickin's" for panhandlers. People here have little experience with homelessness, he said, so a panhandler's sob story is taken at face value.It's even easier to appeal to people who live in small towns in Eastern Montana and Wyoming and come here to go shopping or for entertainment. They don't have homeless people where they live, Cady said, and their impulse is to help the street people begging for change."They prey upon the good people of our community," Cady said.Like others who deal regularly with transients and homeless people, Cady said the worst solution to the problem is giving money to panhandlers.Often they are not even homeless, he said, and usually they want money for alcohol or drugs. Last year on Black Friday, the big shopping day that kicks off the Christmas shopping season, Cady said, he saw seven panhandlers hitting up West End shoppers. He recognized four of them as registered sex offenders, and none of them were homeless.Lynda Woods, the city's community development coordinator and staff member on the Mayor's Committee on Homelessness, said the Bakken boom also contributes to homelessness by raising the cost of housing."People who are already marginalized can no longer find affordable housing," she said.This summer, she said, part of the uptick in the transient population may be tied to the Rainbow Gathering near Dillon last month. After the gathering broke up, she said, some members of the Rainbow Family drifted to places like Missoula and Billings to spend at least the rest of the summer.The only hard figures on homelessness the mayor's committee has are the statistics gathered in the annual "point in time survey" coordinated by the department of Housing and Urban Development.The last one, conducted on Jan. 24, found 803 people in Billings who were classified as either homeless or "precariously housed.""I think the numbers are very low," Woods said. "It has to do with our ability to survey."And a survey in January would naturally find many fewer transients than a survey in mid-summer, and fewer people living on the streets. But even in January, 118 people who were surveyed said they were living outside.Police records of citations often associated with transients lend themselves to no easy interpretations. Numbers in many categories -- including trespassing, being in parks after hours, aggressive solicitation and open container -- were up substantially since 2011, but in most categories the numbers were higher last year than this year.The overall number of citations went from 1,510 by the end of July 2011 to 2,132 by the end of July 2012 and to 1,726 at the end of this July.Like Cady, Woods urged people to ignore panhandlers."You can donate your time and your resources to organizations that provide permanent solutions," she said. "It's a huge issue. Nobody's sheltered from its effects."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Billings Gazette (Billings, Mont.) Visit the Billings Gazette (Billings, Mont.) at .billingsgazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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Source: The Columbus Dispatch, OhioAug.新蒲崗迷你倉 28--Nearly 12 years after a man was fatally shot while sleeping in bed at his East Side home, Columbus police have arrested a man for the slaying.Gregory L. Crockett, 31, whose last known address was on the South Side, is charged with murder. He is in the Franklin County jail and is scheduled to appear in Franklin County Municipal Court on Wednesday.Crockett is accused of shooting a gun into a house at 1663 Zettler Rd. early on Sept. 19, 2001. A bullet passed through a wall and struck Jason Satterwhite, 27, in his left eye. He died a few days later at Grant Medical Center.Within a week of the shooting, Crockett, fmini storagellowing the advice of a lawyer, turned himself into police. At the time, witnesses and neighbors interviewed by police had led authorities to Crockett.But Crockett was never indicted for the slaying in Franklin County Common Pleas Court.Columbus police homicide detectives from the Cold Case Unit continued to investigate the case and filed the murder charge against Crockett on Monday. They would not discuss what new evidence prompted them to file charges.jwoods@dispatch.com@WoodsnightCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) Visit The Columbus Dispatch (Columbus, Ohio) at .dispatch.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Source: St.迷你倉 Louis Post-DispatchAug. 25--A boy who survived a haunted hotel grows up. A Mississippi attorney faces another racially charged court case. And a once lovelorn woman has a new crush.All of these characters are older, and presumably wiser, as this fall's books include several major sequels that have been a long time coming: Stephen King offers "Doctor Sleep" 36 years after his famous "The Shining." John Grisham revisits Clanton, Miss., in "Sycamore Row," a follow-up to 1989's "A Time to Kill," and Helen Fielding finds "Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy" 15 years after her famous diary and more than a decade after she teetered on the "edge of reason."In addition, Margaret Atwood fans will grab the third book in her speculative trilogy with "MaddAddam," Amy Tan returns to fiction and Shanghai in "The Valley of Amazement" and Thomas Pynchon goes back to 2001 New York with "Bleeding Edge."Readers won't have any trouble finding big books from big names this fall, particularly on the fiction front (we'll get to Wally Lamb, Jonathan Lethem, Daniel Woodrell, Kathryn Davis and more shortly).Historic momentsFirst, let's mention that elephant-size conspiracy in the corner: Nonfiction authors will be revisiting the past, too, with the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.Among a couple dozen authors marking the Dallas tragedy is respected presidential biographer Robert Dallek, who in "Camelot's Court" looks at Kennedy's own "team of rivals." A doctor who was in the hospital when Kennedy was shot collects physicians' memories in "We Were There." Another man who was there, former Secret Service agent Clint Hill, joins Lisa McCubbin for "Five Days in November." Other remembrances are compiled by Life ("The Day Kennedy Died") and Dean Owen ("November 22, 1963," with a foreword by Helen Thomas) and at least one book focuses on providing a portrait of the setting, "Dallas 1963" by Bill Minutaglio and Steven L. Davis. Ira Stoll makes a case for "JFK, Conservative."Of course, the crowd claiming to divulge secrets weighs in, including former New York Times reporter Philip Shenon, who says he's found new FBI information in "A Cruel and Shocking Act." Some of the others: "The Hidden History of the JFK Assassination" by Lamar Waldron; "CIA Rogues and the Killing of the Kennedys" by Patrick Nolan; and "The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ" by Roger Stone.More history will be coming, too, from Doris Kearns Goodwin, who looks at Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft in "The Bully Pulpit." St. Louisans will welcome author Bill Bryson when he comes to town for "One Summer, America 1927," which recounts Charles Lindbergh's famous flight along with various other spectacles, such as Babe Ruth's 60 home runs. Another book with regional interest is Paul Schneider's "Old Man River," which uses the Mississippi as a pathway to discuss American history (and doesn't mistakenly title it "Big Muddy"). Meanwhile, novelist Fannie Hurst, who grew up in St. Louis, is one of the women profiled in "Miss Anne in Harlem: The White Women of the Black Renaissance" by Carla Kaplan, and Mizzou professor Steven Watts' new biography is of the Show-Me State's Dale Carnegie, "Self-Help Messiah."Among other titles to consider (with mostly self-explanatory subtitles): "Small Wars, Faraway Places: Global Insurrection and the Making of the Modern World, 1945-1965" by Michael Burleigh; "Thank You for Your Service" by David Finkel; "Heretics and Heroes: How Renaissance Artists and Reformation Priests Created Our World" by Thomas Cahill; and "On Paper: The Everything of Its Two-Thousand-Year History" by Nicholas A. Basbanes.Current affairsNonfiction authors aren't just looking at the past, of course. Contemporary society can't escape history when Malcolm Gladwell explains the world, as he does with "David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants." Mark Halperin and John Heilemann revisit last year's presidential campaign with "Double Down" and Debora L. Spar says women are stressing themselves out by trying to having it all in "Wonder Woman: Sex, Power and the Quest for Perfection." Diane Ravitch exposes the weaknesses of charter schools in "Reign of Error" and Eric Schlosser, who once damned our fast food nation, finds another deadly topic. He details the dangers of nuclear weapons -- even if they aren't launched -- in "Command and Control."Also look for "Floating City: A Rogue Sociologist Lost and Found in New York's Underground Economy" by Sudhir Venkatesh; "The American Way of Poverty" by Sasha Abramsky; and "Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us" by Jesse Bering.Favorite sleuthsPopular fiction no doubt will provide some relief from true-life poverty and pervs. But best-selling novels usually do offer a suspicious death or two. That includes Sue Grafton, who will be only three letters from the end of the alphabet after she releases "W Is for Wasted," her 23rd Kinsey Millhone mystery. Not far behind Grafton are Janet Evanovich's "Takedown Twenty"; Patricia Cornwell's "Dust," her 21st Kay Scarpetta novel; and Sara Paretsky's 16th novel featuring V.I. Warshawski, "Critical Mass."Another big suspense title is "Never Go Back" by Lee Child, who sends hero Jack Reacher on his 18th adventure. More books with male sleuths include Michael Connelly's "The Gods of Guilt," John Stanford's "Storm Front," Martin Cruz Smith's "Tatiana" and Jo Nesb?'s "Police."For those interested in less-familiar land, "Alex" by Pierre Lemaitre, translated from the French, is a possibility, says Publisher自存倉 Weekly magazine, which also points to Paula Daly's first novel, "Just What Kind of Mother Are You?" Like Daly, Carla Norton also focuses on kidnapped girls in her first novel, "The Edge of Normal."My family and meMemoirs and biographies, of course, look at the past and so will volume 2 of "Autobiography of Mark Twain," which includes many family remembrances, such as the time the family's cool-headed German nurse saved 7-year-old Clara when her bed caught fire.Modern writers also remember their parents and siblings. "The Death of Santini" by Pat Conroy may appeal to those who recall his 1976 novel "The Great Santini," in which the narrator said he "hated his father." Delia Ephron, whose sister, Nora, died last year, offers her own memoir with "Sister Husband Mother Dog: Etc." (A collection, "The Most of Nora Ephron," will be another way to honor the writer.) Jesmyn Ward, the young author who won a National Book Award for "Salvage the Bones," has had more than her share of deaths. Her 19-year-old brother was killed by a drunken driver, and in "Men We Reaped," she writes about him and four black male friends who died young.Film critic Molly Haskell, meanwhile, remembers when her brother decided to become a woman in "My Brother My Sister," and Ann Patchett comes to St. Louis with a collection of essays, "This Is the Story of a Happy Marriage" (is there a note of irony there?). Katy Butler uses her parents' experiences to look at end-of-life care in "Knocking on Heaven's Door: The Path to a Better Way of Death." Also look for memoirs by Amanda Lindhout, Stephen Hawking, William Ayers and Billy Crystal.On the biography front, we'll soon know any new secrets uncovered by David Shields and Shane Salerno about the author of "The Catcher in the Rye." "Salinger" goes on sale Sept. 3. A. Scott Berg examines a president in "Wilson," and Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard continue their best-selling series of famous deaths with a big one, "Killing Jesus."Literary starsAlthough well-known authors and series almost always get more sales, admired novels by literary writers usually get more love from critics. This fall, that includes at least three with Missouri ties, Ozarks novelist Daniel Woodrell, St. Louis writer Richard Burgin and Washington University professor Kathryn Davis, who spends one semester here and the rest of her time in Vermont. In "Duplex," the always inventive Davis offers an interplay of realism and science fiction. Set in the future and alluding to a tragic past, the "duplex" offers ways to travel space and time.Richard Burgin, who recently retired from St. Louis University, still edits the journal Boulevard. His 16th book, "Hide Island," will be his eighth collection of short stories. Writer Joyce Carol Oates once wrote that "what Edgar Allan Poe did for the psychotic soul, Richard Burgin does for the deeply neurotic who pass among us disguised as so seemingly 'normal' we may mistake them for ourselves."Woodrell's first novel since 2006's "Winter's Bone" is, like that acclaimed story, set in the deep Ozarks. "The Maid's Version" is slimmer, though, and inspired by a true event involving a dance hall explosion in West Plains, Mo. The illiterate maid of Woodrell's novel has her own ideas about what caused the "West Table" tragedy, which takes her sister and 41 others in 1929. A Publishers Weekly editor calls "The Maid's Version" an "under-the-radar" pick that is "entirely original, brutal, and darkly elegant."Another "under-the-radar" novel is "My Notorious Life" by Kate Manning, based on an infamous midwife in 19th-century New York.Jonathan Lethem, known for "Motherless Brooklyn" and other stories about that borough, this time infiltrates Queens for "Dissident Gardens," which follows three generations of rabble-rousers.Another eagerly awaited New York story is Donna Tartt's "The Goldfinch," about an orphan who is drawn ino the city's art underworld.At least two Pulitzer Prize-winning fiction writers have new novels: Jhumpa Lahiri ("Interpreter of Maladies") has another Indian-American family story with "The Lowland" while Paul Harding, who won in 2010 for "Tinkers," follows that novel with "Enon," which involves the grandson of the dying man in the earlier book. Another "quiet" novel will be "Someone" by the admired Alice McDermott. Her someone is a shy girl with thick glasses who grows up to be a fairly ordinary woman. Somehow, though, McDermott always makes her someones remarkable.Wally Lamb's new novel, "We Are Water," centers around the family dynamics that result when the divorced mother of three decides to marry her art dealer (a woman). In Edwidge Danticat's "Claire of the Sea Light," a Haitian girl disappears on her birthday, the day her poor father decides to give her to a shopkeeper.During a fall with almost too many major authors offering new books, here's more to consider: J.M. Coetzee ("The Childhood of Jesus"); Jayne Anne Phillips ("Quiet Dell"); Bob Shacochis ("The Woman Who Lost Her Soul"); Elizabeth Gilbert ("The Signature of All Things"); Margaret Drabble ("The Pure Gold Baby"); Terry McMillan ("Who Asked You?"); Fannie Flagg ("The All-Girl Filling Station's Last Reunion"); Tom Perrotta ("Nine Inches: Stories"); Dave Eggers ("The Circle"); Joanna Trollope ("Sense & Sensibility") and, yet another sequel, Robert Coover's "The Brunist Day of Wrath," which comes a mere 47 years after his first novel, "The Origins of the Brunists."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at .stltoday.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉新蒲崗

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Proposal to include their homes in protected area prompts Tai Long Sai Wan residents to seek judicial review as listing loomsTai Long Sai Wan villagers are one step closer to taking the government to court over a plan to include their Sai Kung homes in a proposed country park after they secured legal assistance for a judicial review.self storageThe legal challenge, funded by the Legal Aid Department, will come as the government is scheduled to gazette the country park proposal on October 11 and introduce a legislative amendment on October 16.If there is no opposition from lawmakers, the area will formally become a country park and become subject to the strictest land-use zoning.But North Sai Kung Rural Committee vice-chairman Joseph Mo Ka-hung said he wanted the lawmakers to refrain from endorsing the proposal before the outcome of the judicial review.The review will aim to overthrow the government’s plan to turn 17 hectares of land, including privately owned sites in Sai Wan village, into part of the Sai Kung East Country Park.The village, accessible only by sea or on foot, is completely enclosed by the park, which was established in 1978.“Talks are being held bet迷你倉een the villagers and lawyers over the legal challenge,” Mo said. “We hope to file the writ in court before the end of next month.”A spokesman for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, which manages the city’s country parks, would not comment directly on the legal challenge, only saying the department would allow lawmakers enough time to scrutinise the park proposal.Lau Wong-fat , Heung Yee Kuk chairman, said the New Territories indigenous inhabitant body would support the villagers’ fight.Villagers in Sai Wan fear the park proposal will compromise their rights to build small houses.If their land was within the park, they said new houses would require approval from the Country and Marine Park Board, which they expected would make building more difficult than now.The board earlier endorsed the park proposal after a public consultation exercise. They had also heard objections raised by opponents of the plan.But it believed that designating the area as a country park would enhance the overall park management and protect the natural landscape of the scenic beach and its surroundings which was defaced by illegal excavation works back in 2010.文件倉

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Source: Post-Bulletin, Rochester, Minn.迷你倉沙田Aug. 26--WABASHA -- So there I was Tuesday, heading down Wabasha County Road 30, professionally early for a press conference at the Criminal Justice Center on the south side of Wabasha when I came to a road-closed sign.I had enough time and instead of going back to U.S. 61, decided to take the U-shaped Wabasha County Road 24, figuring it would come back to 30 and I still would make the 10 a.m. press conference.Nope. I drove east, then north and headed back toward 30 when I hit another road-closed sign. I headed north again and ended up on Teepeeota Point. There was no detour, just a dead-end.I had to go all the way back to 30 and then into Wabasha on U.S. 61.In Wabasha, my troubles weren't over. Much of downtown Wabasha is torn up and it took me an extra 10 minutes to find my way to the justice center.I arrived about 20 minutes unprofessionally late.The moral of my travails: If you're heading to the Upper Prairie around Wabasha 24, factor in extra time.On the good side, it was fun to drive around Teepeeota Point, I haven't been back there in years.- John WeissState Fair sightingsThe Minnesota State Fair has plenty of local flavor. Just take a look through the agriculture barns and you'll see a strong representation from southeastern Minnesota.I was up there with my family and a friend on opening day on Thursday and we ran into a Stewartville seventh-grader who was excited about showing her sheep the next day.Out on the grounds, you can also find some local flavors迷你倉價錢 too.Minnesota State Fair Spam recipe contest is always fun to see what dishes make the final cuts in this Hormel fair staple.If you can't wait for that, there's the Spam booth up near the Education Building where you can eat all things Spam. We sampled the Spam cheese curds. Mixed reviews, but overall tasty and unique, if you haven't tried them. Then next door is where you can sit on a throne of Spam cans or get your picture with a couple of hog statues. There is the full array of Spam labeled T-shirts, flipflops and every other kind of item. Plus, you can get every flavor of Spam the Hormel offers, which is something rare (Hint, the Spam Museum in Austin is the only other place to find them all).Then to wash it down, you can get some Spring Grove Soda over a few blocks at their own stand. The highly sweet liquid that's always been a favorite of mine. The Spring Grove folks make a sweet soda.But finally, the surprise was seeing some of the cast from Austin's Summerset Theatre production of "Monty Python's Spamalot." We spotted them -- where else? -- as we exited the Spam shop. One of my kids recognized the costumes, but we didn't know they were the merry Austin band until we read the Post-Bulletn late that night on our return to Rochester: Summerset was the only Greater Minnesota group selected to be part of the fair's inaugural "Arts A'Fair" performances.-- Mike DoughertyCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Post-Bulletin Visit the Post-Bulletin at .postbulletin.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.迷你倉Aug. 26--On any given day, Washougal Mayor Sean Guard checks his Facebook account a handful of times.His online compulsion, so to speak, draws him to the social media site to drop words of wisdom, offer shout outs to emerging businesses and occasionally throw some jagged elbows at his political opponents. By now his daily Facebook posts come as second nature, even though no one would confuse him for the second coming of Steve Jobs."I am one of the most computer illiterate people around," Guard said. "I don't think I know how to change my photo on Facebook."Still, since Guard started using the social network in 2009, the onetime computer neophyte has racked up 1,241 friends. Today, he views social media not just as an important tool -- but a necessary and, at times, dangerous one.And he's not alone.The prevalence of Facebook and micro-blogging sites such as Twitter and little-used Tumblr have created a Brave New World for politicians, even those with previously Luddite tendencies. For Guard, and other public officials, it's a way of communicating directly with constituents.Studies show that around 72 percent of Americans are on social media. With more than 1 billion active users worldwide, Facebook has moved beyond its early days, when it was a connecting point for college students and a repository for photos of creative drinking practices. It has become, essentially, the Internet within the Internet, linking all aspects of the online world together and creating both a sounding board and connecting point.According to a 2012 Pew Internet and American Life Study, 66 percent of social media users, or 39 percent of all Americans, have used social media to engage in a form of civic or political activity. The study found that social media users who talk about politics on a regular basis are the most likely to use social media for civic or political purposes.The study concluded that 38 percent of users of social networking sites use the media to promote, or "like," posts related to politics with which they identify.Michael Rabby, a communications instructor specializing in social media at Washington State University Vancouver, considers social media a timesaver for politicians."At the local level, it's an easier means of communicating than going door to door," Rabby said. "And it's certainly less invasive."But the rise in politicized social media also creates what's known as a silo effect. People take partisan sides from which they don't deviate and only follow politicians with whom they agree, Rabby said.Washougal Councilman Brent Boger has a sizable Facebook presence -- 2,397 friends and counting. He muses on local politics, as well as broader issues, such as the tenets of classical liberalism.Boger has a very simple rule for his Facebook page: Keep it interesting. He's aware of just how many "likes" each of his posts receives.Of social media, Boger said it allows people to get to know their elected officials better. "Of course," he added, "we only put in there what we want to put in there."He's no stranger to Web-based controversy, either. That happened last year, when he wrote posts voicing dissatisfaction with the local Republican Party, of which he was a member.That act rankled some of the Republican rank and file, and新蒲崗迷你倉Boger ended up apologizing to some of the party leadership with whom he had a personal relationship.But it didn't happen before he was a labeled a so-called Republican In Name Only, or RINO, on Facebook. He bristled at the name. Boger had just returned from Wisconsin, where he'd been knocking on doors for Gov. Scott Walker, who was facing fierce opposition from Democrats because of his attempt to revamp the state's rules for collective bargaining among public employees.When Boger logged onto his computer, he saw one woman in particular had branded him a RINO. He fought the urge to reply."I felt like saying, 'I was doorbelling for Scott Walker. Where were you?'" Boger said. He thought better of it. "I didn't want to toot my own horn."Social media pitfallsLike many politicians, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt (3,174 Facebook friends) exercises control over his Facebook feed. He locks it down to prevent people from posting disagreeable content.He calls it "filtering out the nonsense.""I don't tolerate name calling and vulgar language on there," Leavitt said. "If I think people are getting heated, I'll post a message saying, 'Hey, let's stay civil.'"The immediacy of social media can lead to trouble. Look no further than Anthony Weiner, the former congressman and current candidate for mayor of New York City, who was twice caught gallivanting on social networks with women he met on Facebook and Twitter.The first scandal broke because Weiner tried to send a racy "direct message" -- Twitter-speak for a message accessible by only one recipient -- to a young woman. Instead, he posted it to his public Twitter feed, viewable by his 50,000-plus followers. In the immediate wake of the scandal, he claimed his Twitter account had been hacked.Other times, it's controversial posts that get politicians into trouble.At the local level, state Rep. Liz Pike, R-Camas, (1,463 Facebook friends) found herself paddling against the stream in July when she wrote a post in which she said teachers should be happy with their pay and implied they worked less than most people. She later apologized for her remarks, saying they showed a "little bit of ignorance on my part."For Camas Mayor Scott Higgins, a Facebook dabbler, "caution" is the most important word, as he sees a greater number of public officials directly addressing constituents.He has a Facebook account but shies away from publishing posts that could be deemed politically divisive. Like he tells his kids --when you put something online, it's forever.More than anything, social media allows politicians to craft sound bites, Rabby said, because it enables them to create sanitized images that seem candid but aren't.The top political pitfall, he said, will be navigating a changing online landscape in which everything is viewed, stored and critiqued.As for Guard, Washougal's mayor, it boils down to staying connected with the broadest cross section of constituents he can."There's no science to it whatsoever," he said. "Out of 1,200 people on my Facebook, there are people from every walk of life."------Tyler Graf: 360-735-4517; twitter.com/col_smallcities; tyler.graf@columbian.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) Visit The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) at .columbian.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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