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cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2014-01/27/content_1715011.htm...重慶晨報訊 (記者 王寒露)2月2日是第18個“世界濕地日”,今年濕地日的主題是“濕地與農業”。昨日,市林業局副局長張洪介紹,我市...迷利倉

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Source: Chicago TribuneJan.迷你倉最平 26--Not long ago, Torsten Gessner, a top executive at a German manufacturing giant, had to decide where to locate the company's new North American headquarters. Consultants offered up a short list with some obvious candidates: San Francisco and Boston because of their tech talent pools, New York because it remains the world's economic epicenter.The city at the top of the list puzzled him. Chicago?"I was surprised," said Gessner, CEO of ThyssenKrupp's North American subsidiary. Still, in late 2011, the German maker of elevators and auto parts with $68 billion in sales chose Chicago, in part because of the city's proximity to ThyssenKrupp's client base and its status as a major transportation hub. "I think it's a marketing issue," Gessner added. "People don't know how good this place really is."Long ago Chicago morphed from a lumbering industrial behemoth into a global city competing on the world stage, a hub for corporate powerhouses tethered to Asia, Europe and Latin America. Chicago didn't go the way of Cleveland and Detroit -- it evolved and innovated.But it is less clear whether the rest of the world sees Chicago as a competitor with Shanghai and Singapore, London and Hong Kong. The rest of the globe still knows little about Chicago and to some extent still perceives it through the prism of Al Capone and rampant crime.Think tanks like the Chicago Council on Global Affairs simultaneously praise the city and argue that it is nowhere close to where it should be. Foreign tourists choose New York, Las Vegas, San Francisco or even Orlando, Fla., before they visit Chicago. Cities like Bogota, Colombia, Frankfurt, Germany, and Toronto rake in twice as much in foreign investment as Chicago, according to a 2012 council report.In today's arena of globally competitive cities, standing pat can send a metropolitan region into a period of economic stagnancy. Think tanks and consulting firms routinely rank the world's most globally competitive cities, and the places clawing upward in the rankings have found new ways to attract outside investors, nurtured their startup communities and reinforced their status as transportation hubs.Simply put, cities that don't think globally become backwaters."It's not just Chicago versus other cities in the Midwest these days -- it's Chicago versus cities all over the world," said Michael Moskow, vice chairman of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and a former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. "If you want to improve the standard of living for people here, this is the landscape you're competing in. ... If cities don't look to the future, they're going to shrink. Chicago won't go out of business, but it will be a much better place to live and work if we compete on a global basis."Global cities share some traits: They thrive in an economic landscape unconstrained by regional or national boundaries. They are international financial hubs. They serve as their region's gateway to the globe. They are magnets for the world's investment community. And they are wellsprings for innovation, buoyed by world-class universities and research institutions.New York and London top virtually every ranking of leading global cities. Behind them, however, a variety of metropolitan regions vie for a place in the rankings' upper tier, and Chicago is consistently a contender. PricewaterhouseCoopers' 2012 Cities of Opportunity report put Chicago ninth among leading global cities, behind New York, London and Toronto but ahead of Tokyo (10th) and Los Angeles (13th).Another ranking put out the same year by Chicago-based consultants A.T. Kearney and the Chicago Council on Global Affairs listed Chicago as the seventh-leading global city, a notch below Los Angeles but four places ahead of financial powerhouse Singapore.Several traits explain Chicago's consistently strong showing. O'Hare is the country's second-busiest airport, handling more than 61.5 million passengers from January to November 2013 and serving as a way station for the world's economic ebb and flow. Chicago also has more highways entering its region than any U.S. city and moves more rail freight than any other American city, according to data compiled by the Global Cities Initiative. Its robust business talent pool is fed by top-shelf universities, like the University of Chicago and Northwestern University.City leaders say they recognize the importance of staying globally competitive. A push to think beyond the Midwest began with Mayor Richard M. Daley, who stewarded the revival of the city's downtown and enticed corporations to begin seeing Chicago as a venue for their headquarters. His successor, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, has trumpeted the need to ramp up the city's international profile, flying to China in December and Mexico in November to nurture stronger economic ties with both countries. He also beefed up the size and influence of World Business Chicago, the public-private partnership that City Hall relies on to foster foreign investment.In the last two years, World Business Chicago has lured at least 149 companies to the region, compared with 84 in 2010 and 2011, said Jeff Malehorn, the group's CEO. Those companies came from a wide array of countries, including Germany, Belgium, China and Finland."We've seen pretty good uptick ...," Malehorn said. "The top two reasons that we've seen for companies wanting to locate in the Chicago area is first, the talent we have in the area -- every year we mint 145,000 new college graduates -- and the dual-hub nature of O'H迷你倉re with American (Airlines) and United (Airlines) based there. ... That's a real selling point."Yet the city faces several challenges. While more companies have established headquarters or branches here, other cities have fared much better in attracting foreign investment, a key indicator of a city's global competitiveness. Chicago's average of $570 million a year between 2003 and 2011 was outpaced by the $1 billion a year pulled in by comparable cities like Toronto, Bogota and Frankfurt, according to the council's 2012 report.At least one of those cities, Toronto, adopts a regional approach toward luring foreign investors. Foreign companies looking to expand or relocate abroad are channeled through a single, regional entity, the Greater Toronto Marketing Alliance -- a group that strives to answer the myriad questions prospective foreign investors have about doing business in the region and guides them through the process of starting up operations once they've decided to set foot in the Toronto area."The organization formed because there was no single voice for the greater Toronto area," said Gerald Pisarzowski, business development director for the alliance. "Our first step is to get foreign companies to think about investing in the Toronto area. These firms are not thinking about municipalities within the region. Once they visit, you can ease them into the nuances of each municipality and what they have to offer."Foreign CEOs and the consultants they hired to assess cities for possible expansions or relocations told authors of the Council on Global Affairs report that the Chicago region's patchwork of municipalities and governmental jurisdictions made doing business in the region cumbersome and delayed startup of operations.Several organizations -- including the Tri-State Alliance for Regional Development, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and the Metro Economic Growth Alliance of Chicago -- foster economic development across the metropolitan area. But there is no entity that can serve as a single entry point for prospective foreign investors.In its own report released in 2012, World Business Chicago recognized the need for a regional organization that provides one-stop shopping for foreign companies, as well as the need for municipalities to band together to lure foreign investment."What's good for the suburbs is good for the city, and what's good for the city is good for the suburbs," Malehorn said. "If a company ends up in the Chicago region, that's a good thing. It strengthens the economic vitality of the Midwest."Equally important to Chicago's efforts to ramp up its global competitiveness is the need to reshape the world's perceptions -- and misperceptions -- about the city.In its 2012 report, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs noted that most of the city's promotional budget was aimed at attracting tourists from within 500 miles of Chicago. Emanuel has tried to revamp the city's approach toward tourism, opening tourism offices in three Chinese cities -- Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou -- as well as in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and the Netherlands."I hear people come here and say, 'What a shock -- this city is so different than what I expected. It's so beautiful,'" Moskow said. "So narrowing that gap between the perception and the reality is very important."One initiative that has helped Chicago's rebranding mission has been the push to persuade a growing number of global corporations to locate their regional or world headquarters in the city. Aircraft maker Boeing moved its headquarters to Chicago in 2001, and GE Transportation, a unit of General Electric and a leading supplier to the rail, mining and marine industries, relocated to the city from Erie, Pa., in 2012. Agriculture giant Archer Daniels Midland announced in December that it was moving its global headquarters from Decatur to Chicago.The revamping of the city's downtown under Daley, anchored by the construction of the $450 million Millennium Park in 2004, has also helped boost international tourism.Nevertheless, changing world perceptions of Chicago remains a formidable task. Early last year, the world media buffeted the city with headlines like "Death turns spotlight on America's murder capital," and "The blood keeps flowing in Chicago" in the wake of a sharp rise in killings that included the January 2013 slaying of 15-year-old Hadiya Pendleton. Last year, the French government caused an uproar when news surfaced in November that it was warning its citizens against traveling to Chicago's West and South sides.Those headlines surfaced just weeks after Gessner had settled on Chicago as the home for ThyssenKrupp's North America headquarters, a decision that brought 500 jobs to the city.If Gessner had put stock in the image that Europeans have long had of Chicago, he probably would have crossed the Windy City off his list. Instead, he brushed aside stereotypes and focused on what he wanted most for his firm's new North American hub: a transportation nexus, a large, skilled workforce, proximity to ThyssenKrupp's main clients, and a city with the right cultural edges -- everything from vibrant restaurants and clubs to a top-shelf arts scene."We feel good in this city, very safe," Gessner said."(Chicago's poor image) is something we are confronted by quite often in Europe. And Chicago needs to invest more to improve that situation."Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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(雪蘭莪.蒲種24日訊)民主行動黨金鑾區服務中心主任朱麗詩申訴,她與家人原訂於去年12月同遊越南慶聖誕節,惟她在刷卡購物時疑遭盜用信用卡,令她損失500令吉,旅程敗興而歸。朱麗詩週五在民主行動黨金鑾區州議員黃思漢陪同下召開記者會,說出一連串透過網絡訂購機票及酒店住宿,及遭盜用信用卡的不愉快經歷。她聲稱,她與另7名家人於去年12月26日至今年1月2日期間前往越南旅遊,行程由她負責策劃,她透過網絡向中介訂購從何志明市至河內的內陸航線。抵達後被告知未接獲訂購“我起初以為8人的內陸航線機票價格為209歐元(約1000令吉),我就刷卡訂下機票,但銀行撥電通知我,指我的信用卡刷了兩項賬單,其一為209歐元的中介手續費,另一項則是500美元(約1667令吉)的飛機票費用。”她才恍然大悟209歐元其實僅是中介網站的收費,機票實際價格達1667令吉,因此她馬上取消這筆交易,轉而自行訂購機票。當他們一行人抵達何志明市之前的網絡上預訂的酒店後,才發現當地所謂的Twin Bedroom及Double Bedroom(雙人房)的價格不一,導致她與家人需額外繳付80美元(約264令吉)。直到他們一行人再抵達河內的酒店,以為可順利入住酒店時,卻被酒店負責人通知未曾接獲他們網絡訂購,導致他們必須再額外付192美元(約633令吉)。“其實我在出發前已透過旅遊住宿代訂網站訂下兩地的酒店,也已付清所宿費,沒料到還會出現問題,家人的旅遊心情已受影響,我只好安慰家人。”她稱,隨後在當地一間頗有規模的精品店購物,買下手袋、服飾及手提包等,以信用卡分別刷了1583令吉及735令吉的賬單,但當她返回大馬時,卻發現信用卡賬單上有一筆在越南同一地點刷下的535令吉82仙款額。“我在當地僅刷了兩次卡,我不瞭解為何信用卡會有另一筆款額,我已向銀行作出投訴,銀行將會進行調查。”她聲稱,由於語言不通,因此與當地小販比手劃腳溝通物品價格後,小販最後卻又提高價格,再加上當地有著不成文繳付小費的規矩,令她與家人無法盡興暢遊。經過一連串不愉快的經歷後,她指本身不願意重游。她希望以本身經歷提醒公眾,呼吁公眾在外地寧可以現金、在當地提款或兌換錢幣,也勿以信用卡購物。黃思漢:勿輕易把信用卡交托他人金鑾區州議員黃思漢指出,現今是網絡時代,許多人都透過網絡購物,他呼吁民眾應慎選有信譽的網站選購物品。他也說,當前往發展中國家旅遊時需保持警惕,若購物時需用到信用卡時,勿輕易把信用卡交給店員,必須親自確定交易確定款額。他認為,目前詐騙案層出不窮,因此消費者必須謹慎提防,避免出現盜用信用卡情況。另外,眼鏡店業者黃榮平(37歲)在越南旅遊同樣有不愉快地經歷,由於人在異地擔憂本身安危,也只好任人魚肉。他指出,本身於一年前到越南旅遊,在街邊購買物品及乘搭交通工具時都有著不愉快經歷,最終硬著頭皮以較為昂貴的價格成交。;24小時迷你倉

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Central government urged to shoulder more of the loan burden at the local level as default risk looms amid a spending spree on infrastructureThe fast growth in the mainland’s local government debt has highlighted the urgency of a revamp of the country’s seriously imbalanced fiscal system, under which the central government should shoulder more of the load, to ease the burden on provincial, city, county and township authorities, analysts said.迷你倉In the years ahead, Beijing also needed to build a rating system for local government credit, a foundation for launching long-awaited municipal bonds; narrow the gap between local governments’ revenue and spending; and improve the transparency of their balance sheets, they said.“The risks of default among some entities related to local governments will remain significant in 2014, especially if economic conditions weaken sharply,” Standard & Poor’s credit analyst Tan Kim Eng said.Local government debt on the mainland reached 17.9 trillion yuan (HK$22.7 trillion) at the end of June last year, up 13 per cent from the end of 2012 and 67 per cent from the end of 2010, a National Audit Office report showed recently.The mainland’s gross domestic product grew at its slowest pace in more than a decade at 7.7 per cent last year. The expansion, while still robust by international standards, has already cooled significantly from a peak of more than 10 per cent in recent years.As economic growth slows further over the next few years, given the shaky global economy and domestic economic rebalancing, analysts warned some local governments might eventually go bankrupt if local fiscal revenues failed to keep up with the pace of the debt build-up.The ratio of central plus local government debt to GDP remains low at 39 per cent, however, way under the international warning line of 60 per cent.The net government debt-to-GDP ratio might be even lower, S&P said, estimating it at under 30 per cent in 2012, after deducting liquid assets held by governments at various levels from total debt.Analysts mostly believe there is no near-term need to worry about systemic financial risks. Nevertheless, the debt situation remains a big concern as local authorities, which have been banned from issuing bonds directly while also facing tightened regulatory policies on bank lending, have relied heavily on land sales and sought help from the risky shadow banking system to finance their infrastructure projects.The most imminent worry is liquidity risk, analysts say, as infrastructure projects launched by local authorities usually do not generate high near-term investment returns.Nomura International’s chief China economist Zhang Zhiwei said profitability at local government financing vehicles weakened in the first half of last year, with the median return on equity falling to about 1.9 per cent from 3 per cent in the second half of 2012, far below the 5.4 per cent median ratio for non-financial companies with A shares.Zhang said that while the government had pledged fiscal reforms to provide more revenue to local governments as part of long-term plans to contain the risk of local government debt, some short-ter迷你倉將軍澳 actions could also be taken to avoid a broad-based default.These might include selling some state-owned assets to cover losses at local government financing vehicles, allowing debt rollovers and restructuring, and continuing to provide subsidies to local authorities.The risks and the corresponding measures to curb them would likely weaken infrastructure investment this year, slowing GDP growth to 7.1 per cent in the second quarter, Zhang said.The National Development and Reform Commission predicted about 100 billion yuan worth of local government debt would come due this year.In order to ease short-term tightness in liquidity, the agency said it would allow local government financing vehicles to issue new corporate bonds to cover part of the old borrowings to ensure projects could be completed.Mainland leaders stressed at their Central Economic Work Conference last month that curbing and resolving the risk of local government debt would be one of the major tasks this year.They pledged to include local government debt in comprehensive budgetary management and revamp the evaluation system of local officials by cutting the weight of GDP numbers in deciding their political careers.People’s Bank of China deputy governor Pan Gongsheng said doing so would be a top priority.Allowing local governments to issue bonds directly rather than having the central government do the job for them as a proxy would make the local government financing system more regulated and transparent, Pan said.“In the future, city governments should be the main issuers of municipal bonds” as they were the main bodies that used the funds, he said at a recent conference.Li Yan, senior analyst at Beijing-based China Chengxin International Credit Rating, expects the government to move “relatively fast” in rolling out municipal bonds or bonds supported by underlying projects, in an effort to cut reliance on borrowing through the shadow banking system.“To repay the debt, county-level authorities have to rely on financing, with the bulk borrowed at high costs owing to regulatory curbs on bank lending, which has pushed up market interest rates,” Li said.Mainland leaders would also need to reform the fiscal system to smooth imbalances in the structure of revenue and spending, analysts said.Some lower-tier governments were heavily indebted, the audit report revealed. As they lack the land and other resources that are concentrated in bigger cities, city and county-level governments in less developed regions are facing the greatest challenges in resolving their debt burden.Of the outstanding local government debt, borrowings by provincial governments, which have the greatest fiscal resources among all levels of local authorities, accounted for just 29 per cent, while city and county-level debt accounted for about 69 per cent.The percentage of local government debt that lower-level governments must repay using their own funds was also much higher than that for provincial governments, the audit report showed.The ratio for city governments was 66 per cent and that for county governments was 78.5 per cent, compared with 34 per cent for provincial authorities.

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澳門特區政府旅遊局上月底推出“論區行賞”社區旅遊iPhone應用程式(App),讓市民及旅客透過手機平台輕鬆地獲取“論區行賞”四條步行路線的資料,令使用者更便捷地遊覽各步行路線,豐富旅遊體驗。旅遊局早於上年九月推出題為“論區行賞”的首四條步行路線,包括“歷史足跡之旅”、“綠色文創之旅”、“中葡交匯之旅”及“藝文探索之旅”,介紹旅客到各區遊覽,感受澳門的風土人情。手機應用程式首階段提供四條步行路線的地圖及短片、各路線景點的資料及介紹,以及前往各路線的交通建議。其他多項功能亦將陸續推出,包括虛擬實景、社交網絡及即時資訊。本程式提供繁體中文、簡體中文、英語及葡語的使用介面及資訊。歡迎市民及旅客下載,用戶可經App Store搜尋“論區行賞”(Step Out, Macau),免費下載。旅遊局也將推出此應用程式的Android版本,以供更多旅客使用。主辦:旅遊局費用:免費https://itunes.apple.com/hk/app/lun-qu-xing-shang-step-out/id775613890?mt=8迷你倉

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  • Jan 25 Sat 2014 19:11
  • 臺灣


緯創(3231)昨(24)日於南港展覽館席舉辦年終尾牙,今年主題為「Power Wistron」,緯創總經理黃柏漙表示,今年公司將擴大招募伺服器人才,徵才人數無上限,同時擴增客戶數量,增添未來營收成長動能。緯創董事長林憲銘昨日沒有接受媒體採訪,他在尾牙現場對7,000多名員工信心喊話時表示,去年對緯創而言,確實是相當挑戰、艱困的一年,但他認為,今年公司肯定更加茁壯,營收與獲利有信心比去年更好。黃柏漙指出,看好伺服器市場規模逐漸擴大,今年緯創將要大舉招募伺服器、智慧終端裝置的產線作業人員與研發人員。伺服器方面將不設定徵才上限,並且祭出高薪吸引國內相關人才,至於智慧終端方面,估人力將增加三成,而筆電事業群則是維持現狀,暫無徵才計畫。日前聯想宣布收購IBM低階伺服器事業部,緯創原本就已是聯想伺服器供應鏈之一,未來能否持續接到新訂單,亦成為市場關注焦點。法人認為,有別於資料中心用的中高階伺服器,低階伺服器更加講究低成本優勢,緯創目前產能規模未必能占上風,因此勢必大舉徵才,才有辦法滿足客戶對產能需求。去年全球電視與筆電市場需求不振,加上緯創既有的訂單遭到國內同業搶單,導致該公司去年整體業績下滑,法人推估,緯創去年每股純益為2.63元,較前年的3.06元衰退,不過,今年緯創將會加強行動裝置客戶拓展的力道,並提升非筆電業務資源的比重,降低消費型筆電市場需求疲軟的衝擊。緯創去年營收達6241.58億元,年減5.21%,表現不如市場預期。法人指出,緯創去年筆電出貨量約2,410萬台,較前年衰退,今年筆電出貨恐將持續下滑,並降至2,000萬台水準。不過,該公司智慧手持裝置與伺服器出貨成長力道可望轉強。迷你倉出租

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【周昭平╱高雄報導】高市府建置自行車道長度去年底達六百公里,日前宣布建置全市單車地圖App,並與公共自行車租賃站資訊結合,已逾千次下載,雖有網友大讚實用,但也有人抱怨常當機,且內容多文字。建置的工務局回應,初期受限經費內容互動性偏低,會加強維護並爭取經費擴充。 高雄市曾獲CNN選為亞洲五大單車友善城市,因應市府近年來不斷延伸擴充的單車路網,工務局今年初推出「高雄單車地圖App」,主打智慧手機透過GPS定位,取得自行車路線與周邊服務據點資訊。 三周逾千人下載 另外也把全市單車路網分類型介紹,並提供使用者所在位置的單車路線建議,還強調結合公共腳踏車租賃站點資訊、軌跡紀錄與照片分享等功能。這款App開放下載迄今約三周,累積超過千次下載量,網友平均給分達四點二分,評價不低,多半讚許資料豐富、很實用,不過也有人抱怨,「一直當機是怎樣?」還有「地圖顯示不清不楚,路線沒有標迷利倉」等缺失。《蘋果》實際下載使用,發現「路網類型」雖羅列出海港、山林、河湖、田野、都會通勤、特殊景觀、運動挑戰及鄉間社區等八大類型,但實際點選進入卻都只有文字介紹;而「建議路線」則推薦西臨港線、愛河、旗津環島、金橙雙湖等十一條路線,但點選進入卻僅有路線遊憩時間、路線全長及沿途景點等文字,搭配幾張路線景點照片,缺乏互動性與完整路線圖示。 使用熱烈將升級 工務局資訊室主任李和宗不諱言「文字確實比較多一點」,介面上的互動性也不足,主要受限預算有限,將來若使用者反應熱烈,會爭取預算擴充升級,也會加強系統維護,增加穩定度。 高雄單車地圖App小檔案 功能:高雄市自行車路線查詢工具選項:路網類型、建議路線、個人騎乘單車軌跡紀錄特色:可定位尋找最近單車租賃站、手機拍照上傳分享缺點:系統不穩常當機、內容多文字、地圖顯示不清、景點介紹不足資料來源:高雄市工務局、《蘋果》採訪整理迷你倉

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  發展商近年積極提供上車盤,以配合市場需求,由�地(00012)牽頭的油塘灣項目修訂方案,單位平均面積大減20%至655平方呎,單位總數則相應急增至6,556伙。  自「買家印花稅」、「雙倍印花稅」等「辣招」實施後,樓市需求轉向以本地上車客為主,過去一年,以中小型單位為主新盤銷情熱賣,相對地,以大單位為主的樓盤銷情放緩,令近期發展商均有傾向發展中小型單位的趨勢。1房及開放式 逾1500伙  位於油塘地鐵站前方、佔地106.迷你倉出租5萬平方呎的油塘灣項目,籌備近20年終於去年獲城規會通過,但發展商近日提交修訂方案,除了調整建築物布局、出入口位置,以及高度分布外,更大幅修訂單位面積。  據發展商提交的文件顯示,新修訂方案維持5倍地積比率,總樓面亦仍然為532.6萬平方呎,不過就單位組合卻有大幅調整,其中753平方呎以下的中小型單位比例,則由原本的58%急增至78%,屬於1房及開放式間隔的單位涉及逾1,500伙,或佔整體單位總數的23%。  隨�中小型單位急增,項目整體單位的平均面積亦由原本82迷你倉平方呎,減少20%至655平方呎,而單位總數則相應增加25%至6,556伙。  另外,發展商指出,做法可配合政府增加中小型單位供應的目標,亦有利於回應社會的房屋需求。減建酒店 保留海水抽水站  同時,文件亦透露,由�地等所組成的財團所擁有的部分,將會兩階段發展,首階段發展近油塘工業區的6幢住宅,涉及3,396伙,及後第二階段則為近油麗�的6幢住宅,涉及2,840伙,視乎補地價進度,預計將於2020及2021年落成,至於其餘由政府、工廈業主擁有的土地部分,則會納入其他發展階段,涉及320伙。  另一方面,在調整單位面積外,發展商決定放棄興建一幢18層高的酒店,以保留現有的海水抽水站,但當中所涉及的樓面,將會轉移至其餘3幢酒店,酒店總樓面減少1.9萬平方呎至81萬平方呎,提供889間客房,而商業樓面增加至13.2萬平方呎。泛海洪水橋項目改則 增99伙  除了油塘灣項目調整單位面積外,泛海(00129)元朗洪水橋項目改則,將平均單位面積縮小12%至518平方呎,令總單位數目增99伙至943伙。mini storage

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Source: Times Union, Albany, N.mini storageY.Jan. 24--AlbanyResidents of the Ezra Prentice Homes and the Mount Hope neighborhood in Albany aren't happy about having oil trains next door, saying their lives are at risk.They're troubled about the lack of information they've received about what's in the oil trains and what they should do if there's ever an accident."Why the secrecy?" asked Charlene Benton, a local resident. "It's time for us not to allow it. It's very unsafe."Another questioned what benefits the flow of Bakken crude from North Dakota's oil fields was providing to Albany."There should be an economic benefit to the city of Albany," said Bill Law of the Mount Hope neighborhood. "We need to know what that is."Albany elected officials were out in force at Friday morning's news conference, led by Carolyn McLaughlin, the Common Council president. Other participants included Second Ward Council member Vivian Kornegay and First Ward Council member Dorcey Appplyrs.Global Partners, a Waltham, Mass.-based operator of a tank farm at the Port of Albany, wants to install seven large boilers to heat tank cars so that the crude they carry, which in cold weather can have the consistency of road tar, is more easily unloaded.That, and a number of derailments and explosions of Bakken crude over the past year, have raised safety concerns over the so-called "pipeline on rails" in the Capital Region and throughout the United States and Canada."This is a community that's getting the disproportionate brunt of the inflow of oil from North Dakota, and the disproportionate risk," said Roger Downs of the Sierra Club's Atlantic chapter. "Energy companies have gotten around not being able to permit pipelines by using pipelines on rail."Also on Friday, Albany County Executive Daniel P. McCoy and several other elected officials expressed their "deep concern" about Global's plans to expand its Albany port facility."(W)e believe that a more comprehensive, public and transparent review of the company's plan is required," McCoy wrote in a letter to state Environmental Conservation Commissioner Joseph Martens. McCoy was joined in the request by Colonie Town Supervisor Paula Mahan, 儲存lbany Mayor Kathy Sheehan, Menands Mayor Megan Grenier, Cohoes Mayor George Primeau, and Watervliet Mayor Mike Manning.Crude oil trains operated by the Canadian Pacific pass through all of those communities en route to the port.The Port of Albany has become a major transshipment point for refineries on the East Coast, thanks to rail links with CSX Transportation and the Canadian Pacific Railway.Pan Am Southern, meanwhile, ships oil trains through the northern part of the Capital Region, across central Saratoga and northern Rensselaer counties, directly to the Irving Oil Co. refinery in St. John, New Brunswick.That refinery was also the destination for another train that derailed last July in Lac Megantic, Quebec, and exploded, killing 47 people and destroying much of the downtown.The railroad involved, the Montreal, Maine & Atlantic, didn't have sufficient funds to pay for the damage and is bankrupt.The assets were auctioned off earlier this week, raising $14.25 million. Purchaser was a subsidiary of Fortress Investment Group. Proceeds will go to the Lac Megantic victims and to creditors.That rail line hasn't reopened, and some believe more crude destined for Irving is flowing through the Capital Region as a result.The Hudson River valley had a close call a year ago when a tanker scraped bottom shortly after leaving the Port of Albany, rupturing its outer hull.An inner hull held, and no oil was spilled into the river. The ship was also en route to Irving Oil's refinery.An informational forum will be held on Monday. McLaughlin said she hopes that "everyone who's in the direct area of these train tracks" attends. The meeting will be from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at 200 S. Pearl St. in Albany."It's all about providing information so people can make decisions about their lives," McLaughlin said. "Global Partners has talked with the Coast Guard, the fire department, Albany Medical Center, but they haven't talked to the people."Global Partners officials weren't immediately available for comment.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) Visit the Times Union (Albany, N.Y.) at .timesunion.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1412402/hong-kong-more-grocery-store-mainland-visitorsself storage

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在iPhone和iPad震撼世界之前,蘋果公司其實早以個人電腦Macintosh改變世界,帶來圖像使用者界面、雙點擊操作、使滑鼠廣泛應用,令桌上個人電腦變得簡單易用,寫下傳奇。今天(周五)是Mac機面世30周年,果迷在加州矽谷大開派對慶祝。已故蘋果「教主」喬布斯(Steve Jobs)在1984年的今天戰戰兢兢帶�Mac機亮相,當年27歲的小伙子在台上揮灑自如,其實每一步都經過反覆練習。首次上台推介喬布斯反覆練習時任蘋果行政總裁斯卡利(John Sculley)回憶說︰「他一再排練每個動作、每個迷你倉最平眼、每個表情。」Mac機由最初128k版本到現在圓筒形Mac Pro,一直帶領電腦潮流,數十年來跟微軟電腦鬥得難分難解,微軟雖以視窗系統和較低廉的售價取得不少優勢,但Mac始�有�一班忠實用家不離不棄。法新社數字說Mac機1984年Mac機誕生,最初版本運行128k Ram500美元製造第一部Mac機的成本2,495美元第一代Mac機的售價25萬1984年售出的Mac機數目1,650萬2013年度售出的Mac機數目442間全球蘋果專門店的數目,當中254間在美國100萬蘋果店平均每天接待的顧客人數迷你倉

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金額逾新臺幣17億元 創造近千個就業機會【記者謝淑芬╱報導】經濟部加工出口區管理處於今(103)年1月23日召開入區投資審查會,通過網銀、佳日世、杏昱、愛家、有山水、上麒、凱士達等7家公司投資進駐,投資金額共計新臺幣17億745萬元,約可創造近千個就業機會。投資產業遍及資訊文創、軟體開發、食品科技、車用電子、金屬製造、管理顧問、貿易服務等行業。加工處指出,102年1~12月區內廠商出口總額達美金126億7,300萬元,較101年同期增加2.迷你倉將軍澳02%,順差為美金36億4,100萬元,且目前全區就業員工人數共75,449人,較去年同期增加2,449人,顯示加工出口區持續穩定成長,該處協助產業升級,促使區內廠商投資、擴大生產高值化產品已顯現具體成效。加工處表示,本次網銀國際股份有限公司投資進駐臺中軟體園區尤具意義,該公司為網路遊戲開發業界中之知名企業,其研發需求將可刺激中部地區路遊戲,提升手機APP軟體設計開發能力,並可促進中部地區學校人才之培養,同時未來將招聘近千名員工,牽動著相關產業之人力需求以及經濟效益。至於進駐屏東園區之新加坡商愛家投資有限公司,專於生產工業、營造業用之高品質金屬擴張網及高空作業台車,為建立亞洲營運總部,選擇屏東園區為實現理想據點,並將新加坡之專業技術移轉至臺灣,提升產品附加價值及競爭力。加工處進一步表示,101年開發之臺中軟體園區投資熱絡,土地出租率已達100%,引進資訊服務、文創(含數位內容)、華文電子商務、雲端及設計、研發與測試等知識密集型產業及營運總部等為主。目前已有大買家、佑順開發、鼎新電腦及網銀國際等公司獲准投資進駐,預計可提供5,000個就業機會,引進投資金額約80億元,年產值達新臺幣150億元,同時可建構中部軟體產業聚落,成為南、北兩大軟體園區之連接埠,強化西部地區創新產業走廊,促進產業升級,帶動地方發展。24小時迷你倉

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眼下回家過年,我們的生活總少不了3C產品的影子。那麼回家過年期間,什麼樣的產品比較適合我們帶回家呢?輕巧防抖長焦相機:出游拍照好輕鬆隨著生活水平的提高,單反成了不少旅行者的伴侶。但是對於追求輕車簡從的旅行者來說,笨重的單反無疑成了他們出行的累贅,給旅途增加不小的負擔。現在,“瘦身”下來的長焦相機完全可以取代單反啦。長焦相機的拍攝範圍能遠能近,還帶有全高清錄像。在功能上,不同于單反對用戶使用上的要求,長焦易用性更強,拍攝能力不強的普通用戶也能輕鬆拍攝出優秀的照片。再加上越來越輕巧的體積,光學防抖的功能,使得長焦相機也變成了市民出游性價比較高的隨身伴侶。現在的長焦相機機身也不重,像佳能SX50 HS包括電池近600g,索尼HX300包括電池也就650g。價位也不高,一般2000多元就能入手一台性價比很好的長焦相機。據蘇寧的工作人員介紹,現在蘇寧賣得很好的一款相機是長焦相機索尼HX300,近期還經常出現賣斷貨的現象。大屏大光圈的手機:一鍵自拍美顏神器對於現在的年輕人來說,自拍可以說得上是他們的最愛,打開微博微信,刷新下來的全部都是他們“美顏”過的自拍照。現在的不少商家看准少男少女們愛自拍的這一特點,專門生產了帶有美顏功能的手機,這樣就能讓他們隨身攜帶、隨時自拍臭美了。“同等價位的手機,索尼拍出來的照片效果比其它同類機好。現在比較好的產品一般都會採用索尼的攝像技術,例如蘋果。”據手機業內人士裴先生介紹。“HTC one的拍照是一個全新的概念,採用400萬超像素、F/2.0大光圈和防抖結構攝像頭。”另外,裴先生表示,現在市面上的HTC one的拍照效果很好。超像素是指三倍大光圈,意味著三倍的入光量。入光量更簡單的說就是能讓更多的光線進入相機,即時在暗光環境也能得到非常不錯的畫面品質。 劉莉雲儲存

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .儲存newssc.org/核心提示“爸比,春節我們去哪兒?”“去金沙太陽節的童夢奇園玩吧!”“2014金沙太陽節”將于2014年1月28日至2月16日在成都金沙遺址博物館舉行。本屆太陽節在保留以往絢麗彩燈、各地美食、精彩演藝的基礎上,更增加了異域風情和時尚元素,創新不斷,亮點豐富。本次太陽節共有“馬上到韓國”“馬上過苗年”“馬上逛花市”“馬上變潮人”“馬上來穿越”“爸比馬上去太陽節”六大部分構成。其中,本屆太陽節最受關注的“童夢奇園”系列兒童主題設施,已經準備就緒。記者探園時看到,這個專為小朋友們打造的兒童主題樂園,不僅可以讓小朋友們在”金沙小鎮“體驗大人們的職場生活,還可以在“金沙解密”探索神秘的古蜀通道,並能在現場參與多項原創科技遊戲。在“童夢奇園”還將同時舉行集章贏大獎的活動,歡迎家長和孩子來一起體驗難忘的親子時光。還等什麼呢?快和孩子們一起來體驗成都版的”爸爸去哪兒“吧!職業體驗讓孩子扮演救生員、育嬰師、點心師一個適合兒童的角色扮演遊戲即將亮相,在名為“金沙小鎮”的項目中,孩子們可以前來扮演救生員、育嬰師、點心師三種職業,不僅可以穿上太陽節特供的兒童服裝,還有專人在現場教授小朋友們做蛋糕,學習救生技巧等。孩子們不用再在家里對著一個死板的洋娃娃發呆,快來到現場和其他孩子一同在這種角色的轉換中,交到更多的新朋友吧。金沙解密讓孩子參加密室逃脫 鍛煉智力記者瞭解到,“金沙解密”還有個神秘的背景:這是一個被巫師施過魔法的房子,一旦有人進入就找不到出口,只有充滿智慧的人才能解開魔法,從中走出來。作為目前成都市唯一一個戶外版的“密室逃脫”,“金沙解密”是由3個大鐵籠構成,表面上,鐵籠外的人看得到鐵籠里的人的活動,但一點也不減少“解密”的困難度,反而可能更困難。在鐵籠里需要找到鑰匙等物件才能過關,“逃脫的方式會因為路線不同有所改變,這就是一個求生的遊戲,我們還有時間上的限制,考驗孩子的應變能力。”樂園的設計者介紹說。而“空氣投籃”等遊戲,則是把當紅的手游移植到現實中,還鼓勵孩子和家長一起去克服各種困難。科技遊戲多項原創科技遊戲寓教於樂當然,太陽節現場還有很多原創科迷你倉遊戲寓教於樂,將成為小朋友和家長們的快樂課堂,金沙太陽節組委會介紹:“比如拉肥皂泡泡,每個孩子拉起身邊的圓環,保持泡泡水不破裂,即為遊戲成功;迷宮運球,控制小球越過陷阱走進迷宮;用鐵絲玩遊戲體驗電的魔力、拼圖遊戲等等,其中蘊含著很多很多的科學道理。”陳謀游園攻略1、“童夢奇園”遊戲規則參與完一項遊戲,並順利通關之後,園區工作人員將會給你印一個該項遊戲的專屬印章。金沙太陽節20天期間,可以連續使用,集齊一定數量的印章即可換取好禮!禮品數量有限,送完即止。2、勇士稱號收集初出茅廬:集齊5個印章,陽光沙灘,爆米花一份。常勝將軍:集齊10個印章,木偶戲免費入場券一張。(中國手影藝術第一人沈曉老師為小朋友們傾情獻藝)百戰百勝:集齊15個印章,兒童套餐一份。終極勇士:集齊18個印章,平板電腦一台。3、溫馨提示快速收集印章:由簡單的體驗式遊戲入手,最容易集齊5個印章。游園省力方法:避開遊戲排隊高峰,預先規劃遊玩路線。一票在手,20天暢游。集章不間斷,好禮換不停!又玩,又拿,妥妥的!“童夢奇園”門票:30元/張,免費送出30萬張,獻給全市兒童的新年禮物。成都商報給孩子送禮今日,成都商報專門為“童夢奇園”推出10萬份夾報服務, 身高在1.3米以下的兒童可以憑今日的夾報,免費進2014金沙太陽節的“童夢奇園”。這10萬份夾報,是成都商報專門送給孩子們的新年禮物。因夾報僅限今日發行,請拿到的市民妥善保管。同時,關注金沙遺址博物館官方微信cdjsbwg,贏取2014金沙太陽節韓國風情園代金券和太陽節其他意外驚喜。向官方微信發送代碼tyj123,憑回複購票即可獲得太陽節園區代金券。1月28日晚,金沙太陽節開節當天,主辦方會通過官方網站和微信以及成都商報征集市民前來提前玩轉太陽節。成都商報小記者憑證免費參觀金沙太陽節2014年1月1日,成都商報創刊20周年。為回饋社會,成都商報成立小記者俱樂部,成都商報小記者俱樂部招聘以來,得到了全市中小學生的大力支持和歡迎。報名參加的同學目前共有1000多人,來自全成都幾十所中小學。最終有近800名同學成為首批成都商報小記者。本屆金沙太陽節特地開闢小記者通道,成都商報小記者憑證,可免費入園參觀。儲存倉

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□東方證券 黃盼盼照明端需求的持續增長驅動2013年LED行業進入單向上升通道。隨著白熾燈使用的進一步限制和LED照明產品價格的下降,LED 照明迎來了迅速發展的機遇。近期,各大晶片龍頭廠商平均稼動率幾乎滿載,其中四元高亮度LED稼動率達100%、藍光LED稼動率則突破90%,生產線將加班趕工因應,淡季加班的情景,再度重現2009年、2010年盛況。綜合各大廠商和調研機構的數據,預計LED照明的出貨規模將超過100%的增長,相關公司也有望獲得超預期收益。行業景氣度持續轉暖這一輪市場行情轉好的端倪出現在去年年底。中國台灣地區的LED企業營收,歷來是LED行業景氣度的指標。雖然12月為傳統意義上的淡季,但是LED產業鏈中芯片營收去年12月份同比增長59%,封裝整體營收53%,億光、隆達、晶電等主流大公司的營收更是出現了喜人的態勢。封裝大廠中,億光12月營收為22.迷你倉將軍澳6億新台幣,同比增長幅度高達70%,而隆達電子受益于筆記本電腦的訂單回溫、韓系手機廠商閃光燈以及電視背光需求提升,12月營收為10.97億新台幣,較11月環比下滑5.84%,同比增長幅度達到55%。芯片大廠中,晶電12月份營收達到20.47億新台幣,環比略降1.36%,同比增長達到78.8%。受益于照明和背光源的訂單,億光公司預計今年1季度的出貨量將會持續增長。龍頭廠商晶電坦言,去年第4季、今年第1季的訂單能見度都比預期好很多,晶電第1季四元高亮度LED磊晶制程已經滿載,明顯優于往年60∼70%水準,而藍光LED 稼動率也超過90%,甚至過年也將加班趕工,整個第1季都可維持滿載盛況,景氣能見度較預期為佳。從近期的技術發展態勢來看,LED照明技術的長足進步使得生產成本進一步降低,從而有望吸引更多的普通消費者。據瞭解,當前LED照明產品源光效已經可以達到200lm/w 以上。同時,市場終端照明產品的售價已經持續下降,歐司朗、科銳等公司的產品均已經降低至10美元附近,而同一品牌的節能燈價格約為5美元,考慮到使用壽命的極大差別,LED燈具實際使用成本比普通節能燈更加便宜。由於LED晶片價格的走低,原本以顯示器晶片為主的廠商,也紛紛提高在照明方面的投資。華燦光電表示,LED照明晶片的營收比重正逐漸加大;士蘭明芯也表示,新投產的機台也將用于生產照明用晶片。燈具廠商率先受益從LED產業鏈的劃分來看,主要包含LED原材料(MO源,發光材料等)、LED芯片、LED封裝和LED燈具等四大板塊,從受益角度來看,首先受益的是具有渠道優勢的下游燈具廠商。其次是LED芯片和封裝兩個環節,伴隨著需求規模的增長,產能利用率已經快速提升,LED 原材料價格亦受到了一定提振。從功能劃分來看,主要分為LED照明和LED背光,業界更看好LED照明的發展。瑞豐光電的近況亦驗證了這種判斷。該公司管理層表示,在穩定LED液晶電視市場的基礎上,加大了LED照明領域的開拓力度,取得了銷售和利潤的相應增長。分析人士表示,從增長的角度來看,由於LED背光在面板和智能終端的滲透率已經超過90%,未來背光規模的增長將主要來源於自然增長,而LED照明的增長將迎來滲透率和自然增長帶來的“戴維斯雙擊”。事實上,以照明晶片為主的廠商產能利用率正快速提升。中國的德豪潤達2012年LED晶片營收僅35.5百萬美元,2013年已達56.5百萬美元,成長超過五成;圓融光電2013年營收更是雙倍成長;而三安光電、同方光電以及華磊光電,產能利用率也都保持在較高的水準。預計這種高速增長的態勢,在2014年仍將延續。目前,國際大廠達成共識,LED照明需求2014年進入爆發期,LED照明將全面鋪開。24小時迷你倉

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裝寬帶只能在指定公司辦理?劉雅瓊(化名)剛剛入住萬象凱旋灣,卻遭遇了寬帶安裝受限的尷尬。近日,她自行聯繫電信營業廳安裝寬帶,卻無故斷網。“只要不是在物業繳費聯網,就會被物業扯斷網線。”劉雅瓊認為斷網跟物業有關,因為“弱電箱只有物業有鑰匙”。記者張芳圓業主:我家寬帶被扯線劉雅瓊欣喜地買了瀏陽河邊上的房子,本想獲得面朝河邊的舒適度,但新家卻給她添了煩惱。“電梯經常壞了也沒人修,小區綠化也不好。”她吐槽道。在小區電梯口貼著這樣的通知:小區內電話、網絡管道預設預埋線路鋪設等全部是由湖南華景創業投資有限公司投資建設的,小區內電話和寬帶業務辦理僅限于小區物業公司,請不要到電信營業廳辦理任何手續。小區物業公司工作人員解釋,這是開發商與投資公司簽的協議,物業只是代收費。據瞭解,通過物業收費辦理的網絡只有6M流量,價格為1000元,業主沒有其他選擇。而通過電信營業廳辦理8M流量才1000元,或者可辦兩年期更優惠的套餐。投資商:投入上百萬要有回報熟悉該小區情況的電信公司高先生稱,寬帶入戶線被稱為“最後一公里”,一般由開發商投資,而該小區的網絡設備由湖南華景創業投資有限公司承建。華景創業投資有限公司相關負責人賈先生說,按照“誰投資誰受益”的原則,他們投資了24小時迷你倉百萬元,必須有回報。他肯定地告訴記者,小區業主必須通過該公司辦理寬帶。但是,2012年新修訂的《湖南省信息化條例》于當年9月1日起實施。《條例》規定,商業開發建築物內的電信網、廣播電視網、互聯網所需費用由建設單位承擔。賈先生稱,他們和開發商簽訂投資協議的時間是在上述條例實施之前,沒有違反有關規定。而開發商一位負責營銷的黃女士稱,他們開發幾個項目都是這樣操作的,至於雙方如何協議,該女士以不了解該小區具體情況為由,匆匆掛斷了電話。律師:協議侵犯公平交易權湖南瀟湘律師事務所律師趙婧認為,開發商與運營商簽訂的壟斷協議,違反了我國《反不正當競爭法》及《湖南省信息管理》的相關規定,侵犯了業主的自由選擇權。“業主可以與開發商、物業協商,要求取得安裝寬帶的選擇權,協商不成的,也可以向工商等相關部門進行投訴,通過法律手段維護自己的合法權益。”趙律師說。她還提醒業主,《住宅區和住宅建築內光纖到戶通信設施工程設計規範》和《住宅區和住宅建築內光纖到戶通信設施工程施工及驗收規範》兩項國家標準已于20 13年4月1日起正式實施。上述規範明確約定住宅建設單位、物業服務企業不得與任何企業簽訂壟斷性協議,不得限制各電信運營企業平等接入和使用,不得以任何方式限制用戶選擇權。迷你倉旺角

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2014年1月7日,金立在北京釣魚台國賓館隆重舉辦“中國式商務智能手機”金立天鑒戰略及新品發佈會。會上,金立集團總裁盧偉冰發佈了金立天鑒戰略,刷新了業內對於商務智能手機的認知。同時,會上還發佈了具有“原筆跡手寫”和“新一代指紋識別技術”的天鑒T1,以及將藍寶石、納米陶瓷、金屬等貴重材質集于一身的天鑒W808,並分別定價為2499元、5999元,將金立手機推向了輿論的焦點。從“金品質、立天下”,到“實用又好用”,再到ELIFE E3、E6、E7以及天鑒系列,在新的數據時代,金立一直在不斷探索。ELIFE作為針對全球年輕人群開設的品牌,在短期內獲得了市場的極大關注和稱讚。而天鑒系列是專為中國政商人群打造的商務手機,是在原有客戶群基礎上對於商務手機的再定義,並且只面向中國市場。正如金立集團董事長劉立榮所說:“天鑒是拼用戶體驗的一款產品,與拼產品參數不同,我們更加關注的是消費者的使用習慣,更加關注消費者對材質的要求,對設計感、身份感的要求,迷你倉樣是拼用戶體驗,方向則有所不一樣。”經過十餘年的發展,金立已經成為商務手機中的代表品牌。金立已經建立了中國最廣泛的渠道網絡,全國銷售網點超過5萬個,覆蓋了中國所有的城市和鄉村,針對用戶偏愛線下購買的消費習慣,金立當仁不讓成為最適合他們的商務手機。事實上,不管是天鑒戰略還是天鑒系統,金立希望在中國的智能手機市場里開闢一個新的“中國式商務智能手機”品類,通過對消費者的洞察,以及行業頂尖研發和技術的積累,能夠為這樣的目標人群提供符合他們使用習慣的中國智能手機。據CBSI(中國)高級副總裁劉小東先生介紹,根據CBSI智能手機用戶關注行為排名,在2013年的四季度,金立手機的關注度大幅度提升。在整個智能手機行業銷量欠佳的背景下,金立的E6、E7、W800等產品,在互聯網用戶中的討論度越來越高。“金立已經在產品定位上發生了巨大的變化,隨著自身產品研發能力,以及整個系統能力的提升,金立快速地向中高端市場衝刺,成為讓中國人驕傲的民族品牌”,劉小東表示。self storage

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門口沒有一疊疊會議材料,取而代之的是人手一台平板電腦。1月21日,惠州市第十次黨代會開始�用無紙化辦公會議系統。平板電腦與會代表只有使用權,會後統一回收,該無紙化會議系統軟硬件配置好後,可在市黨代會、市人大和市政協例會及以市委、市政府名義召開的各類會議上循環使用。電腦所有權屬移動公司,以後將採取租用的方式推廣應用于其他全市性會議。 南都記者 田飛 胡服 攝影報道文件倉

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BOSTON, Jan.迷你倉 23, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The Sports Museum and HP Hood unveiled the first ever Sportsmanship Exhibit presented by Hood Milk during a morning ceremony today at TD Garden. The exhibit highlights great sportsmanship moments in New England and beyond and features past winners of the Hood Sportsmanship Scholarship(R). Gord Kluzak, former Bruins Defenseman, representatives from The Sports Museum and HP Hood and past Hood Sportsmanship Scholarship winners and their families were in attendance.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140123/NE50782)The exhibit provides real-life examples of how professional athletes have been able to excel while still maintaining a high degree of sportsmanship. The iconic moments include:-- Ted Williams and the Negro Leaguers: At his 1966 Hall of Fame induction speech Williams shocks the baseball world by urging the inclusion of Negro League players previously barred from the Hall. As a result, several years later, the Hall of Fame inducts the first Negro Leaguers. -- The Stanley Cup Handshake: At the end of each Stanley Cup playoff series, the two teams (no matter how hard the battle) line up and shake each other's hands. It is perhaps the best and most enduring example of sportsmanship in professional sports today. -- Jackie Robinson and Pee Wee Reese: In his 1947 rookie year, Jackie Robinson (the first African American to play major league baseball) receives a slew of racial slurs from a hostile Cincinnati crowd. Dodger shortstop Pee Wee Reese silences the crowd by walking over to Robinson and placing his arm around his teammate, thus paving the way for widespread acceptance of the heroic Robinson. -- Jesse Owens and Luz Long: On the verge of being disqualified from the long jump competition at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Owens receives some unsolicited advice from Long, his chief rival, about how to shorten his approach. Owens uses the advice to qualify and then goes on to edge Long for the gold medal."In sports, we are so used to celebrating th儲存倉 act of winning that we sometimes forget to celebrate the act of being a good sport," said Rusty Sullivan, Executive Director of The Sports Museum. "Putting together an exhibit solely focused on sportsmanship was a pleasure to curate and we are so grateful for HP Hood for making this possible and for their ongoing commitment to this cause with their Sportsmanship Scholarship."The exhibit kicks off the fifth annual Hood Sportsmanship Scholarship program, which has become one of the largest scholarships in New England and has impacted 72 students and their families over the past four years. In 2014, Hood will award 18 $5,000 scholarships to high school seniors who demonstrate integrity and sportsmanship on and off the field. More information can be found at hood.com/sportsmanship.About Hood:Founded in 1846, today Hood is one of the largest branded dairy operators in the United States. Hood is the number-one dairy brand in New England, and Hood's portfolio of national and super-regional brands and franchise products includes Hood, Crowley(R), Simply Smart(R) Milk, Heluva Good!(R), LACTAID(R), BAILEYS(R) Coffee Creamers, HERSHEY(R)'S Milk and Milkshakes and Blue Diamond Almond Breeze(R) Almondmilks. For more information about Hood, please visit Hood.com.About The Sports MuseumThe Sports Museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational institution that has served Boston and New England for more than 30 years. Located on Levels 5 and 6 of the TD Garden, The Sports Museum preserves and showcases the distinctly rich sports heritage of New England through an unparalleled collection of artifacts, multimedia, works of art, and interactive exhibits - and uses all of that to help build character and teach the values of leadership, respect, and cooperation to our youth. For more on how The Sports Museum is making an impact in our community, please visit .sportsmuseum.orgPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140123/NE50782PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comHP HoodCONTACT: Carrie Riley, Garrand for HP Hood, criley@garrand.com,207-200-2912; Courtney Mercier, TD Garden, cmercier@dncboston.com, (617)624-1853Web site: .hood.com/迷你倉最平

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