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- Oct 25 Fri 2013 09:48
中國聯通淨利潤增 51.8%
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 09:45
以錦江區為藍本 探討創意改變城市之路
昨日,迷你倉最平成都文化藝術新地標——梵木藝術館,2013“創意改變城市”論壇在此隆重舉行。國家工商行政管理總局、省、市及錦江區相關領導,來自全國各地的文化創意產業界的重量級專家、企業家代表齊聚一堂,以錦江區文化創意產業發展實踐為藍本,圍繞“創意引導未來,廣告改變生活”話題,共同探討和交流包括廣告產業在內的文化創意產業發展等方面的重要作用,探討文化創意產業促進城區經濟發展方式轉型的特色道路,探討“文化創意未來”的發展機遇與挑戰,厘清產業繁榮發展的方向,半天的腦力激蕩,從不同角度和不同層面,暢所欲言,各抒己見。當天,還舉行了產業發展頒獎儀式和龍頭企業簽約儀式,錦江區政府和紅星路35號創意產業園區分別獲得了中國文化產業發展示範獎和中國最具活力廣告產業園區獎;美國艾奕康設計、日本GK設計集團、華道佳、大賀傳媒股份等4家廣告產業龍頭企業也正式簽約併入駐錦江區。高端對話 為創意產業發展支招壯大文化創意產業錦江區實現了經濟發展智能轉型——文化部國家文化創新研究中心主任、中央財經大學文化經濟研究院院長魏鵬舉“2012年,錦江區文化創意產業占GDP比重達15.49%,而我們知道,北京也才12.3%,這充分說明錦江區已經完全步入後工業化時期,實現了這個區域的經濟發展智能轉型。”一天的實地踏勘,錦江區文化創意產業讓魏鵬舉教授驚嘆:錦江區文化創意產業發展在全國都具有示範價值。錦江文化創意產業發展與城市發展形成了互動。錦江區先後打造出了紅星路35號廣告創意產業園、藍頂藝術中心、梵木藝術博物館、大慈寺歷史文化街區、水井坊歷史文化街區等文化產業重點載體項目。這些文化產業重點項目都成為了成都市的文化地標,成為了人人嚮往的景點,它們具有旺盛的生命力,成為了支撐區域可持續發展的依托。通過租、改、建等形式推動軍印廠改造為“紅星路35號廣告創意產業園”,成都樂器廠改造為梵木藝術館;實施建築空間、內部功能和外觀定制,打造既有產業特徵又具城市風采的產業型城市建築和特色街區,使之在空間和物理形態上煥然一新。如此一來,文化創意產業發展和城市發展實現了交相輝映,水乳交融。實現了城鄉共同發展。以藝術始,以商業終,這似乎成了藝術家聚集區的一個宿命,但是,我們在錦江區“藍頂二號坡地”卻看到了另一個現象。“藍頂二號坡地”的建設,不僅改善了藝術家的創作、生活條件,同時也提升了這一藝術區品牌的發展和競爭力,成為一個文化發展的新地標。我想說的是,“藍頂二號坡地”的藝術家們,他們的房屋有了產權,給他們穩定的生活、創作空間,不再四處顛沛,讓他們真正實現以創新為追求,以藝術為生;同時,藝術家的到來,與當地群�友好相處,也是一種新的藝術下鄉形式,並給農村土地流轉提供了非常好的思路。發展文化創意產業推動城市轉型升級——錦江區委常委、宣傳部長劉曉博回顧文化創意產業在錦江區的發展歷程,其實就是中心城區探索集中、集聚、集約化發展道路的過程,也是調整產業結構迷你倉轉變經濟增長方式、走創新驅動發展的過程。必須順勢而為,走多核共興發展道路。錦江區根據區域發展定位、現實基礎和產業橫向之間高度融合的特點,在產業發展空間上實施“雲”式布局,通過構建“一軸、四基地、多區”的文化創意產業功能布局,促進文化創意產業不斷發展,形成了以紅星路為創意產業發展軸,錦江創意產業基地、錦江區文化創意產業孵化基地、東部新城錦江文化創意產業基地和三聖花鄉藝術原創基地為重要發展載體,多個文化創意產業集聚區協調發展的良好局面。必須堅持城市更新,走產城融合發展道路。產業發展必須與推動城市建設,促進城市更新有機融合,才能迸發出持續發展活力。必須順應產業發展內在規律,走產業融合發展道路。文化創意產業的重要作用是價值傳遞,而價值傳遞的過程就是產業融合的過程。錦江區高度重視這一內在發展規律。一方面,大力發展電子商務,引進天涯社區等國內知名信息服務企業,建立3D打印體驗館,健全完善文化創意產品的設計、展示和傳播交流平台,促進了文化創意產業與科技信息產業、家具製造產業的有機融合;另一方面,通過在4A景區三聖花鄉打造藝術原創基地,建設許燎源博物館、藍頂藝術中心、歲月畫廊等項目,有效促進了文化創意產業與旅遊業的有機融合,帶動了周邊區域餐飲、休閒、娛樂產業的快速發展,為服務業發展注入了內生動力……堅持原創需要適合的環境——丙火創意產業機構董事長余炳創立丙火創意產業機構併入駐紅星路35號、在成都樂器廠舊廠房基礎上打造梵木藝術館……余丙可算是錦江區文化創意產業中的重要實踐者。“梵木藝術館,是讓我實現夢想的文化地標。”余炳說,作為一名設計師,他深知從創意到圖紙並不難,而從圖紙到真實的產品和空間卻有諸多的現實困難。梵木藝術館讓他擁有了讓設計真正變成現實的最好空間,非常難得。現在的丙火,已經擁有了自主家居品牌——梵木,原創的家居藝術品已經打入了國際、國內的高端市場。而在明年,梵木家居將參加米蘭家具展,並在主展場展出。據統計,已經有相當數量的藝術領軍人物聚集在了錦江區,余炳則是其中之一。“藝術家要堅持原創,需要適合的創作和生活環境。”而錦江區之所以讓他這樣的藝術家能扎下根來,正因為提供了讓他們能夠充分施展才華的環境。比如,藍頂藝術中心、許燎原現代設計藝術博物館,以及梵木藝術館都是藝術家們實現夢想的地方。目前的梵木藝術館包含了創意研發、創意展示營銷和文化藝術交流三大功能。藝術館將藝術與設計結合,進行創意的研發,然後通過3D打印中心建設模型,通過打樣中心制定生產規範然後交付工廠生產,成品再回到梵木藝術館的家居館和創意小商店加以體驗和展示營銷,形成了完整的研發、生產、銷售的產業鏈模式。整個園區,就是一個小型的產業鏈。同時,梵木藝術館還以創建大�體驗的文化藝術公共平台為目的,整合社會資源,不定期的舉辦各類文化與藝術活動,促進跨界的交流與合作,讓更多的藝術家在這裡碰撞出創意靈感。本報記者 嚴斌 供圖 王鴻明儲存
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 09:30
大連萬達的每一次引人注目都與並購有關,自存倉這次也不例外。10月21日,萬達集團宣佈並購北京環行五洲國際旅行社,而就在10來天前,萬達旅業公司剛剛將湖北新航線國際旅行社收入囊中。“(我們計劃)3年投入10億元,在擁有萬達項目的城市和主要客源地繼續開展類似對新航線的並購。”萬達文化產業集團副總裁莫躍明對記者表示,萬達集團所在的省市,如哈爾迷你倉、南昌、青島、長白山等都將有萬達旅行社,而北京、上海、廣州等客源地市場,也將展開布局。上述一連串的收購均出自莫躍明手筆,他此前是中國旅行社總社的總裁,被譽為中國旅行社行業“第一人”。在其操刀下,業內猜測下一個將被萬達收購的旅遊企業很可能是傳言已久的南湖國旅。“此事暫時未有進展,目前仍不能肯定該消息準確。”南湖國旅市場部總監蘇峰表示。mini storage
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 09:12
365 Main Adds Wolfe Internet Services to Seattle Data Center
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct.迷你倉 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- 365 Main Inc., a leading data center developer and operator, today announced the addition of Wolfe Internet Services, a Seattle-based Ethernet solutions provider, to 365 Main's Seattle data center.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121213/SF28972LOGO)"365 Main understands that the growth of cloud services requires fast Ethernet, and we're impressed with the service Wolfe has provided to the Seattle area and beyond," said John Churchill, 365 Main VP of sales. "This partnership will benefit our Pacific Northwest customers, many of which have multiple locations, by giving them easy access to our complementary offerings."The partnership brings 365 Main's co-location services to Wolfe customers and Wolfe's Internet protocol and transit services to 365 Main customers. Currently, 365 Main and Wolfe serve some mutual customers, who will gain enhanced benefits and ease of service from the partnership."As we continue to expand our service footprint nationwide, it's important for us to have an experienced data center as our point of presence in new locations, both to help foster growth and to meet our immediate needs," said Deon Hines, Internet Sales Manager for Wolfe. "365 Main more than fulfills that role, and we look forward to expanding our business with them as we move into new markets."Customers at 365 Main's Seattle data center will also gain the option of selecting a blended solution from Wolfe, meaning that data can travel on several different networks, bypassing congested networks to take the fastest available route. This option is also often less expensive, bringing cost savings opportunities to 365 Main customers.About 365 Main Inc.365 Main was founded by industry lself storageaders Chris Dolan and James McGrath in 2002. They began with a single data center based in San Francisco and grew to five facilities nationwide with 39 megawatts of power under management. These data centers were developed and certified to the highest industry standards and compliance requirements. Today, 365 Main operates 17 data centers nationwide, having earned an industry reputation for high touch customer service, satisfaction and retention. With its years of experience in modern data center development and operations, 365 Main has proven its capability of managing customers with a broad range of requirements ranging from retail colocation to build to suit. 365 Main is a privately held company based in San Francisco. Its financial partners include Housatonic Partners, Crosslink Capital and Brightwood Capital. More information is available at 415-901-5700 or 365Main.com.About WolfeWith a focus on delivering world class service to customers, Wolfe is providing companies across the United States with high performance, innovative Ethernet and internet solutions to help meet business connectivity needs including Ethernet Transport Service, Metro E, VPLS, IPVPN and Wolfe Business Internet. Our service offers blazing fast speeds from 10 Mb/s to 10 Gb/s, a reliable, secure connection, and scalable, customized solutions. Wolfe's affordable suite of services provides secure transport and seamless, dependable connectivity. For more information, please contact 1-800-WOLFENET or visit .wolfe.net.Press Contact:Cynthia HarrisPR Strategy Group for 365 Main650-520-8343charris@prstrategygroup.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121213/SF28972LOGOPRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.com365 Main Inc.Web site: .365main.com/迷利倉
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 08:54
據新華社西寧10月24日電 (記者 駱曉飛) 記者從青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州格爾木市政府瞭解到,迷你倉截至10月24日16時,23日晚青藏鐵路列車相撞事故中因輕傷被送往醫院留院觀察的旅客中,有22名已出院,其餘旅客傷情穩定,近日大部分也可陸續解除觀察並出院。另外,青海省衛生廳已派出2名醫療專家趕往格爾木。 10月23日20時10分許,在青藏鐵路西寧至格爾木區段,一列停放在格爾木火車東站3道,正在等待編組的備用車意外滑行,溜逸至察爾汗站與格爾木東站間時,與運行至該處的7581次客車相撞,導致52名旅客因受傷被送往醫院留觀和救治,其中1名旅客經搶救無效死亡;5名住院治療;46名輕傷者留院觀察。 事故發生後,格爾木市在事故現場成立救援搶險指揮部,整合地方和鐵路部門力量,成立醫療救護組、事故調查組、信息組、善後處置組等4個工作組,廣泛動自存倉和組織各方面力量全面開展救援工作,先後將52名受傷旅客轉送到市級醫院作進一步觀察治療,對3名重傷人員給予全面救治,並對其餘乘客進行安全疏散、妥善轉運和安置。現場救援工作已于10月24日凌晨3時結束。 同時,格爾木市要求衛生部門和醫療機構密切觀察住院治療旅客情況,認真做好受傷旅客的信息採集、登記等相關工作,並提醒受傷旅客家屬密切關注病情變化和陪護注意事項。 格爾木市政府部門表示,將進一步加強和青藏鐵路公司的銜接,積極開展受傷旅客的慰問和安撫工作,及時瞭解受傷旅客的合理訴求,從人道主義出發,做好傷員的救治關愛工作,配合做好善後事宜。另據瞭解,有關部門已經與事故中死亡旅客的家屬取得聯繫。 據瞭解,火車相撞事故發生時,7581次客車上共有旅客439名,司乘人員15名。 鐵路部門對遇難旅客表示哀悼,對遇難旅客親屬和受傷旅客及親屬表示慰問。迷你倉
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 08:48
本報訊 截至10月18日,self storage 農業銀行累計發行金融IC卡突破1億張。相關配套服務也在同步推進。 目前農業銀行已全部完成ATM、 自助終端、 智付通、 POS終端等受理環境改造工作, 成為業內首家實現固話渠道全面支持金融IC 卡的金融機構。近兩年來, 農業銀行高度重視金融IC 卡業務發展, 強力推進金融IC卡發卡、 受迷利倉渠道改造、 行業應用拓展、 小額商圈建設等各項工作, 成功推出了東南亞旅遊卡、 網購卡、 金穗QQ卡、 中國旅遊卡等深受市場歡迎的IC卡產品。在不斷優化金融IC卡發卡系統的基礎上, 農業銀行大力推進行業合作。 目前已開展行業合作項目100余個, 行業應用範圍覆蓋社會保障、 交通管理、 移動支付等多個領域。 (楊 帆)迷你倉
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 08:47
南都訊 記者 林廣 萬達集團10個文化旅遊項目,儲存總占地面積已經達到4866萬平方米。按照地球赤道周長約4萬公里計算,萬達這些地塊如果按照奶茶杯約10厘米寬度連起來,可以繞地球12圈。在中國新首富王健林的眼中,沒有“天花板”的文化旅遊顯然成為了新的寵兒。南都記者瞭解到,隨著今年多個萬達文化旅遊城的簽約開工,以及陸續收購旅行社,萬達文化旅遊產業在全國的布局已經初步形成。總占地面積近110個天安門廣場2013年10月18日上午,剛剛開業不久的長沙開福萬達廣場前,十幾輛瑪莎拉蒂並列排開,以一曲《董小姐》走紅的快樂男生左立,為萬達的客戶答謝會助興。同日下午,盡管還是上班日,武漢中央文化區的漢街熙熙攘攘。統計顯示,這條全國最長的城市商業步行街,開業以來每天客流超過10萬人次。而漢街一旁的萬達廣場,外立麵包裹著42333個金屬球,要做全國最大的奢侈品中心。這與萬達集團董事長王健林“萬達進入一個行業,要麼做中國第一,要麼做世界第一”的野心是相符的。相對於全國已經開業79座萬達廣場的商業帝國,萬達集團文化旅遊帝國才浮出水面,但一亮相就是個巨無霸——— 萬達在全國已簽約和開工的文化旅遊項目達10個,個個都占地面積上百萬平方米。南都記者初略統計,這10個文化旅遊項目的總占地面積達到了4866萬平方米,相當于110個天安門廣場。王健林此前接受採訪時表示,全國最多布局7-8家“萬達城”來輻射整個城市群。如今來看,經過2013年的瘋狂簽約和開工,除了西北和西南的萬達城未定,中國首富王健林的文化旅遊全國布局已超預期形成。同樣極具議價權,拿地價格低廉公開資料顯示,相對於數十億元一座的萬達廣場,萬達文化旅遊項目每一個的投資都達到數百億元。南都記者統計發現,就目前已經簽約或開工的10個文化旅遊項目,總投資額已經達到了3500億元。盡管他們的主人是擁有860億元淨資產的王健林,但如此大的投資額依然讓人們對萬達的資金鏈產生懷疑。不過就從最開始的項目拿地這一個環節,萬達似乎就不用付出太大的代價。“每一座萬達城計劃都在3-5年內建成開業,可以創造3萬個就業崗迷你倉,年納稅超過5億元。”這幾乎是每一個萬達文化旅遊項目所能給當地帶來的社會效應,而這一效應也讓它與萬達廣場一樣,成為地方政府眼中的香餑餑。王健林此前就表示,許多政府主動邀請萬達去當地做開發,這也讓萬達在拿地過程中擁有議價權。萬達此前在南昌拿的558畝用地,以3.4億元底價成交,地價僅為914元/平方米;合肥濱湖區666畝“巨無霸”地塊,萬達集團也以7.3321億元的底價奪得,地價為1650元/平方米。項目支持銷售,銷售反哺項目南都記者走訪發現,萬達文化旅遊項目與萬達廣場的財務模式也非常類似,依靠強大的文化旅遊項目促進物業的銷售,再通過物業銷售回籠的資金建設自持物業。在武漢中央文化區展示中心,偌大的沙盤上除了萬達廣場、漢秀劇院、楚河漢街等萬達自持物業之外,更多的是矗立在這些項目周邊的豪宅和寫字樓,上面大多掛著“售罄”的標示。萬達武漢中央文化區擁有80萬平方米的寫字樓和145萬平方米的住宅,按照目前2 .5萬元/平方米的價格售完的話,即可收回560億元的銷售回款,已經超過整個中央文化區500億元的總投資。同樣已經開售的西雙版納國際度假區,銷售物業的面積達到400萬平方米,按照現在4500元/平方米的單價,也可以收回180億元的投資。總投資200億元的萬達長白山旅遊度假區,規劃了400多萬平方米的住宅,即便按照最初3000多元的單價,都可以收回超過120億元的投資。“這還只是因為長白山項目剛開業,人們認識還不夠,才賣3000多。”王健林說,5年8年後,也許能賣到七八千元,那賣完房子就把整個投資收回來了。今年開工的幾個萬達城也同樣依照此模式,4月底開工建設的哈爾濱萬達城,文化旅遊項目都還看不到,但是已經于8月10日盛大開盤。而6月18日開工的南昌萬達城,現在也已經開�了精品商舖的全城認購。王健林說,一個500億元的項目,土地等初期投資約50億元,萬達自有資金、銀行貸款、商戶回款等三方面構成整個投資的主要資金來源。對於人們認為“萬達是打著文化旅遊的牌子來做地產”的質疑,王健林表示:“正好相反,我是拿著搞地產的錢來搞文化和旅遊。”self storage
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 08:45
動盪的數碼年代 (二)
上期我們在此談論到數碼科技已融入成為現今社會、消費者生活的摸式,文件倉數碼生活已分散於智能手機、平板電腦、電腦及電視上。上月Interbrand公布的二○一三全球百大品牌名單,再次印證了全球正經歷一個不肯定及跳躍性的數碼年代,當中有萬千個可能和組合。可樂「龍頭」退位讓蘋果連續十多年獨佔鰲頭的可口可樂亦難對抗這數碼洪流,被逼把「一哥」的位置拱手給予蘋果及第二位的Google,跌至第三位,而由第四至第十位的品牌,包括IBM、微軟、通用電器、麥當勞、三星、Intel及豐 田。十大品牌中便有七個是與電子數碼化相關,當中蘋果及Google一年間品牌價值便有近三成增長,而可口可樂則只有百分之二的增長。再者,今年的大贏家為排行第五十二位的facebook,其品牌價值有百分之四十三的大幅增長。可見數碼化對社會發展、商業發展、品牌建立和消費活動都起了極大的推動力。作為前�的市務人員不但要認清這不可逆轉的大勢外,更應考慮如何坐上這動力火車,為自己的品牌樹立強而有力的基石,繼而擴充市場版圖。數碼化營銷全新局面雙管齊下的宣傳模式:這幾年網上的社群平台發展迅速,對市務人員在考慮宣傳策略時起了近乎翻天覆地的變化。現在網上多了許多自發性的群組及媒體,許多平民專家、社群領袖皆以平地一聲雷地冒起,並能在極短的時間內把議題及事情發酵。二○一二年初名牌D&G無理禁止港人門外拍照一事,經網民在討論區留言,近千人便響應社交網站號召——「D&G門口萬人影相活動」,最後導致品牌要發出道歉聲明。又或近日電視台發牌風波,網絡上不足二十四小時便有三十多萬網民表態支持和應,並在幾日內號召了超過十二萬的市民上街抗議。這些在網上你一言、我一語所引發的殺傷力絕不能漠視,其組織能力及效應更如雪球般愈存倉愈大。今天,市務人員面對的是一群「騙不得」的消費群,他們互相連結、溝通,訊息傳播之快及廣堪稱迅不及掩耳,故營銷者不但要重新檢視傳統媒體的效用,更應學習、全盤了解和評估社交媒體的威力,如何結合這新舊、大眾主流及網絡微播媒體各自的優勝劣敗,以便塑造一個結合傳統與網絡媒體,而又符合新一代消費群的品牌打造傳播模式。智能手機移動通訊無間斷:智能手機的普及化大大改變了新一代消費者的生活模式。根據美國市場調查顯示,六成三的女性及七成三的男性會在一小時內至少查看手機兩次,忙碌的都市人及「低頭族」要求無時無刻利用移動平台與全世界連結起來,為生活帶來方便,享用無限資訊和生活體驗。而通過QR code和智能手機的匯聚和推動,品牌應積極協助消費者抓緊旅途上每分每秒獲取更多資訊,並積極探討和發展移動媒體的宣傳攻勢。消費者自主及主導的市場:現今消費者從往昔被動的角色漸趨主動,甚至主導了市場的運作。愈來愈多品牌、廠商邀請消費者參與設計及研發新的商品,消費者再不只是一件商品的購買者和使用者,更是一件商品的共同創作者。美國首創的Kickstar或香港的ZaoZao,都通過網站進行「眾籌」(crowdfunding),邀請消費者參與創作及推動創意項目。同時,消費者亦可自建個人頁面,上傳自己的設計作品,完全打破了消費者和營銷者的對立面。總結而論,市務人員面對的是一個不連貫及跳躍的時代,大家都是摸�石頭過河,邊了解、邊學習、邊實踐、邊修正,唯一肯定的是這大趨勢絕不會逆轉,誰能先於別人想出亮點,讓消費者無時無刻收到即時訊息,推動到消費者與品牌間建立互動的交流及體驗,便能成為市場上的大贏家。冼日明香港中文大學市場學系教授市場學(理學)碩士課程主任郭慧儀香港中文大學市場學系高級講師儲存
- Oct 25 Fri 2013 08:39
全國版) - (新浪聯手老搭檔NBA:推遊戲類產品,欲做社會化電商
三年前,self storage體育論壇起家的新浪在廣州第一次牽手N BA,當時N BA官方微博剛剛在新浪微博起步,新浪CEO曹國偉和N BA主席大衛·斯特恩打了一個賭:不久的將來,新浪微博N BA的粉絲一定會超過在T w itter上面的粉絲。“我們只用了6個月的時間,我們的粉絲就超過了T w itter的粉絲數,今天來的路上,我看了N B A官方微博粉絲已經超過2500萬,這大約是T w itter上粉絲的3倍。”曹國偉在10月17日舉行的新浪-N BA戰略發佈會上說。新浪公司和N BA中國共同宣佈,雙方將進一步擴大戰略合作。據悉,三年前首次合作,新浪的簽約費用在兩三億人民之間,而這次簽約的費用將會超過上次的金額。重金簽下N BA,繼微博之後,體育頻道成為新浪的另一大主力。N BA將通過新浪的多媒體平台,為廣大中國球迷提供前所未有的N BA精彩內容。雙方也將�動全新的N BA在線社區。合作將覆蓋互聯網和移動互聯網兩個平台,內容包括N B A網絡賽事報道、視頻點播、N BA中文官網及N BA官方微博運營、在線休閒遊戲開發、市場營銷、社交電商等九大方面。推N B A樣本,布局移動端樂視、優酷土豆這樣的專業化視頻網站的優勢是正版版權的購買;搜狐除了長視頻版權外,注重發揮其在娛樂化方面的特長。新浪的優勢是體育,此次與N BA合作,也正是基於這一方面的考慮。據瞭解,新浪深化與N BA的戰略合作,其目的是為了強化新浪在體育方面的流量優勢,與其他視頻網站進行差異化競爭。“在體育方面,除了N BA以外,我們想打造中國最有影響力、最有觀�聚合能力的一個視頻的轉播平台,這裡包括N BA,包括了中超等很多足球的賽事,也包括很多其他像是網球、高爾夫等等體育賽事。”曹國偉在現場表示,與N BA的合作將加強新浪在垂直領域的領先。和三年前初次牽手最大的不同是雙方在移動端的合作迷利倉在移動端視頻方面,新浪與N BA全面開始合作,用戶將在手機新浪網以及PC客戶端享受點播服務,新浪體育移動端經常占據各種體育賽事首位,新賽季,將與PC端同步,用戶享受每天一場的競賽賽事服務。曹國偉表示,將來新浪將為用戶提供多終端、全方位的線上服務。“如果說過去三年的合作主要是在PC上面的話,在未來幾年裡面的合作,我們從覆蓋PC向覆蓋全部的移動終端以及社交媒體網絡。基於這樣多終端多平台的合作,我們將在移動觀賽、視頻直播、社區互動等等方面做非常深入的合作,特別是在移動終端以及在社交媒體上面。”遊戲+電商尋求新的商業模式長期以來,新浪在體育賽事方面投入巨大,這是流量超越同儕的原因。頻道改版還希望解決另外一個問題:長期以來,新浪的問題是“賺流量但不賺錢”,隨著互聯網日趨社交化與移動化,“流量售賣”的模式面臨比較大的挑戰。從門戶1.0過渡到2.0時代,商業模式也在逐漸轉變。最初是廣告,建立在“流量為王”的基礎上。隨著移動互聯和社交媒體的發展,新的商業模式則是基於“移動互聯網+社交網絡”建立網民的關係網絡,通過“雲計算+大數據”讓廣告主實現精准營銷。曹國偉表示,除了希望通過媒體的形式獲取更多的廣告以外,新浪也正在嘗試各種各樣新的商業模式,包括電子商務和遊戲。“我們希望可以有明星,有球星,有我們的很多用戶,包括我們的很多合作伙伴可以參與到電子商務的平台上,不但為我們的球迷提供非常好的視頻媒體服務,同時也提供產品的服務,電子商務的服務,這是一個我們在這一次的合作方面,特別希望能夠達成的。”此次合作的另一大亮點是新浪也希望嘗試遊戲領域。據新浪網副總編輯陸洋介紹,將會根據N BA比賽的數據推出一款全新的競猜遊戲。球迷除了看電視、看視頻,在上面微博互動,還可以在上面買東西,參加很多N BA的遊戲,比賽之中或者是比賽之後的即時遊戲。南都記者 余玥 北京報道迷你倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 11:03
銀川:“電視問政” 越“問”越火
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 10:55
創新揚帆 產業升級
—廈門軟件園推動軟件產業科學發展紀實本報記者 殷陸君無線城市創造美好生活,迷你倉圖為市民在一家食品店移動支付。殷陸君攝金秋10月,記者走進福建廈門軟件園,傾聽年輕的創業者創新創造的感悟,感受軟件企業參與產業升級行動的激情。經濟特區精神在這裡再次燃燒!7年7個台階,從2007年的30億元,到2012年的263億元,今年園區企業銷售額將超過300億元。廈門軟件園管委會常務副主任葉健說,軟件園努力為“美麗廈門”科學發展提供動力、為產業轉型升級優化服務,成為廈門經濟增長的新亮點。園區還積極參與智慧城市建設,推廣新技術應用,推動傳統產業轉型升級,拉動信息消費,培育園區企業,實現信息化建設與軟件產業發展的良性互動。今年1至9月份實現銷售額221億元,同比增長23.4%,創造稅收7.5億元,同比增長18.9%。助力智慧城市建設信息技術的飛速發展,讓我們進入一個智慧時代。廈門把智慧的理念、工具、平台融入政府管理、優化服務,讓“智慧城市”建設惠及民生。為這些民生服務提供智力技術支撐的企業大都來自于廈門軟件園。在廈門中山醫院的門診大廳,一台台自助掛號機前,市民輕鬆地一刷社保卡,便完成掛號、繳費、取藥、打印化驗單、查詢醫保信息等,就診時間從2至3小時縮短到30至40分鐘——這是易聯�公司研發的醫療服務一體機帶來的便利。在廈門勞動力市場一樓大廳,人力資源社會保障自助服務一體機提供了就業服務、社會保險、勞動關係、創業服務等80余項服務功能,實現“15分鐘人社服務圈”。民生“八字經”,衣食住行醫教保業。在廈門軟件園,越來越多的企業通過創新產品,服務民生信息化。廈門易通卡公司向市民推廣使用E通卡買菜,統配秤與POS機相結合的模式全國首創。廈門衛星定位應用有限公司開發的“智慧交通雲”平台推出多款手機客戶端應用,提供公交、自駕、的士等多種出行方式的實時交通信息。廈門世紀�深科技工程有限公司研發了全國首款應用于交通事故快速處理的手機應用軟件“事故拍拍”,專門解決“小事故大擁堵”的交通現象,大大提高了輕微事故的處理效率。美亞柏科上線國內首個“公證雲”,為居民的網上交易進行“公證”。易聯�正在打造一個全方位的民生服務平台——民生雲,整合醫保網、養老網、就業網、三農網、金融網和醫療健康網6張網絡,為居民提供各方面民生信息。廈門是國內最先開展電子政務雲平台建設的城市之一,開闢了政務資源整合共享的新模式;建成了我國首個區域協同醫療服務的樣板項目——市民健康信息系統,每年為患者節約2000多萬元診療費用,獲得“中國地方政府創新獎”;政務、交通、醫療、教育等雲計算項目成為全國試點項目;建成人口、法人、地理和經濟統計等基礎數據庫,為改進社會服務與管理提供了基礎數據支持;易通卡小額電子支付系統輻射到漳州、泉州、龍岩,便利市民出行,促進同城化;社會保障卡系統涵蓋就業、就醫、公積金、借書、購藥等各個領域,僅共享公安二代證照片一項就為市民節約4000多萬元的拍照費用;福建電子口岸成為國家質檢總局口岸監管的“廈門模式”。廈門市信息化局局長孔曙光說,未來將策劃並實施智慧園區、智慧交通、智慧旅遊、智慧家居等若干智慧城市重點示範工文件倉,以提升民生服務能力和水平,改善民生生活質量和體驗,提升城市規劃、建設、管理和運行水平為目標,將智慧城市建設成為市民個個有感覺、人人得實惠的“惠民工程”。建設最佳服務園區7月30日下午,工信部授予廈門軟件園年度“中國軟件和信息技術服務業骨幹軟件園區”優秀園區稱號。在第十一屆中國國際軟件和信息服務交易會上,廈門軟件園榮獲“中國軟件和信息服務業最佳服務園區獎”,成為全國7個最佳服務園區之一。近期發佈的《中國軟件和信息技術服務企業競爭力報告(2013)》中,廈門軟件園被列入中國特色軟件園區……一系列殊榮背後,是軟件園創造的“政產學研用”五位一體化服務模式。園區積極組織企業參加台交會、北京軟博會、海峽兩岸項目成果交易會等,幫助拓展市場;舉辦“企業改製上市和投融資相關政策”專題講座、銀企對接會,解決融資問題;舉辦軟件園招聘會,保證企業人才需求等。在政府與高校合作、實驗室研究成果與企業對接中,廈門軟件園管委會發揮橋樑作用,推動政府與廈門大學等合作,為每所高校建設產業園區與產業對接的研發基地,出台產學研實驗室專項資金管理辦法。軟件園根據廈門市軟件和信息服務業發展規劃和產業特點,選擇行業新一代通信技術、動漫遊戲、嵌入式軟件和IC設計等高校優勢學科入園建設產學研實驗室,確保實驗室的研究成果符合園區產業需求;舉辦多種形式的宣傳推介活動,推廣實驗室的研究成果,組織專家和第三方評價機構對實驗室研究成果進行評定和鑒值,促進成果轉化。書生軟件公司副總經理林溪說,“廈門軟件園的優良服務,創造創新的良好氛圍,使企業願意在這裡紮根發展、激情創業,走進園區就能感受創業的激情總在心中澎湃,創造的張力在飛揚的翅膀中展開”。爭創中國軟件名城服務創造新價值,管理建造新平台。優良的管理不但使軟件園一二期企業快速成長,而且使廈門軟件園成為產業投資的旺地、智慧雲集的福地、年輕人創業的樂土。軟件園一期企業雲集,二期5年就飽和。為了適應軟件產業的發展,2011年12月,廈門�動建設了總規劃面積12平方公里的軟件園三期。其中,動漫教育產業基地4.5平方公里,軟件研發產業基地7.5平方公里,總投資460億元,計劃3年初具規模、5年基本建成,成為“高起點、高標準、高層次、高水平”的國際化智慧園區,規劃容納1000家企業和20萬人才,建成後將形成年產值2000億元。記者看到,建築面積30萬平方米的6棟研發樓已建成使用,多維招商模式成效明顯,龍頭企業紛紛來此落戶,並帶動產業鏈上下游企業入駐發展。截至9月底,軟件園企業入園審核委員會共核准205家企業入駐,他們成為軟件產業的生力軍,中國移動手機動漫基地、中國電信海峽通信樞紐中心、中國數碼港海西營運中心等央企項目更成為其中的亮點。廈門軟件園管委會主任郭金煉說,廈門作為全國信息消費示範城市和全國首批“三網融合”試點城市,正在積極推進國家數字家庭應用示範產業基地的創建,爭創“中國軟件名城”,推進智慧名城建設。未來,廈門信息化和軟件服務業將根據經濟社會發展和產業轉型升級的實際,全面提升信息化水平,加快軟件產業發展,培育和發展信息消費,為全面實現“美麗廈門”兩個百年目標作出更大的貢獻。存倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 10:41
「櫃買創新、全球首創」4 創意集資專區 創業推手
櫃買中心為全球首家主動推廣群眾集資模式之證券交易所,mini storage並透過建置全球首創之「創意集資資訊揭露專區」,提高加入專區之民間集資網站業者,以及其網站上創意提案之知名度、公信力與曝光度。並透過鼓勵加入專區之業者,以銀行成立之「第三方支付平台」來收取及支付群眾贊助款項,健全群眾集資產業之發展。近年來興起的群眾集資網站,是媒合「有創意或想法,但缺乏資金」與「有資金,願意捐款支持好創意」2者的平台。群眾集資網站讓創意者在其網路平台發表創意或想法,而喜歡或認同其創意或想法的社會大眾,則可以直接於網站贊助創意者小額資金。櫃買中心之「創意集資資訊揭露專區」係為一集資提案資訊揭露之專區,此專區係與民間群眾集資迷你倉台業者合作,將已於民間集資網站上架之創意提案訊息,同步於「創意集資資訊揭露專區」中揭示,以提高集資專案曝光率。櫃買中心認為,透過櫃買中心本身財團法人及證券交易所身分,建置「創意集資資訊揭露專區」,可讓加入「創意集資資訊揭露專區」之民間集資網站業者提高公信力。另外,更透過適度管理加入此專區之民間集資網站業者,以健全群眾集資產業發展,例如要求業者建置審核集資專案、交易金流、專案執行控管及網站資安之內控作業,且鼓勵業者以銀行業者成立之「第三方支付平台」(如第一銀行成立之第E支付)來收取及支付群眾捐贈款項,以降低民眾對於捐贈款項是否確實撥付予創意提案者之疑慮,讓大眾能放心捐贈,提高成功集資機會。文件倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 10:27
mini要等到11月香港內地齊首發 iPad Air下周五開售 入場價3888
蘋果公司前日發表第五代iPad「iPad Air」及Retina高清屏幕升級版iPad mini。Air下周五起開售,儲存高清mini則要等到下月。根據香港蘋果網站,Air有16、32、64和128GB等4款容量,以及太空灰和銀色,Wi-Fi版售價3,888至6,288港元。高清mini同樣有4款容量和兩色,Wi-Fi版售價3,088至5,488港元。兩款機的流動網絡版各貴1,000港元。中國內地再次與香港一同成為新機首發地區。 除了iPad Air及高清mini,蘋果還公布多項新產品,包括免費iPad軟件和MacOS更新,在購物旺季開鑼前搶佔先機。舊款mini則下調至299美元(約2,318港元),是首次有iPad定價低於300美元(約2,325港元)。僅重一磅 免費iWork iLife Air維持9.7吋Retina屏幕,但邊框收窄令機身闊度減少,機身厚7.5毫米,而且僅重1磅,均較上一代iPad輕兩三成。兩款新板腦硬件性能均升級,配備A7處理器和M7協同處理器,電池續航力達10小時,並配置雙天線,透過MIMO(多輸入多輸出)技術提升上網速度mini storage蘋果同時宣布向購買新機的顧客免費提供辦公室軟件iWork和iLife等收費軟件。 不過,新機沒配備iPhone 5S的Touch ID指紋掃瞄認證功能,估計是5S銷情佳、相關零件供應吃緊所致。 蘋果會上亦推出Mac Pro桌上型電腦,以及減價版MacBook Pro筆記簿電腦,並宣布開放新版作業系統OS X Mavericks及20個軟件升級供客戶免費下載。分析指,MacBook減價或迫使其他人跟隨,預料購物旺季期間各企業減價幅度可能高達100美元(約775美元)。萬箭齊發開放軟件 未能振股價 蘋果總裁庫克表示,今次是迄今對iPad作出的最大調整。分析認為,蘋果今次發布雖沒大驚喜,但軟件和硬件改進可圈可點,有望掀起iPad換機潮。Gartner分析師貝克形容蘋果「萬箭齊發」,在多個領域均有新產品搶客。有評論指,蘋果免費開放多款軟件,令顧客花錢不再單是買品牌,有望為蘋果吸客。 市場分析員對新iPad反應未算興奮,但也沒太大失望,蘋果股價前日高開後收市跌0.29%,昨早段反彈0.65%,報523.24美元。 ■綜合外電消息/路透社/《華爾街日報》self storage
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 10:16
全國版) - (三季報超預期,平安領漲銀行股 分析稱銀行股四季度取得絕對收益的概率接近90%
首只銀行股三季報取得開門紅。平安銀行周二晚間發佈業績報告顯示,儲存前三季度該行實現淨利潤116 .96億元,同比增長14 .25%。受到三季報靚麗業績的刺激,平安銀行股價昨天早盤一度逼近漲停,雖然受大盤下跌拖累漲幅收窄,最終仍以逾4%的漲幅報收,領漲銀行板塊。年度目標有望提前完成平安銀行的三季報顯示,該行截至9月末的總資產已達到1.85萬億元,較年初增長15 .5%;實現歸屬於母公司的淨利潤116.96億元,同比增長14.25%。由於是第一家披露三季報的上市銀行,平安銀行上述業績尚無法和同業比較。不過在國泰君安銀行業分析師邱冠華看來,如果計算撥備前利潤,平安銀行今年前三季度的利潤達到197億元,同比增長26%;其中第三季度撥備前利潤72.03億元,環比增長6 .8%,同比大幅增長39%。“基於保險文化和團隊磨合的擔憂,我們對平安銀行整合持偏保守態度。”國泰君安銀行業分析師邱冠華坦承,“但平安銀行三季報讓我們眼前一亮,平安銀行資產質量最艱難的時期已過,三季報業績好于預期,說明整合效果比預期要好,年度計劃有望提前達標。”他表示,“預計該行明年的業績預期可兌現,是2014年最值得期待的銀行。”平安銀行有關人士昨天表示,雖然三季報業績達到該行內部擬定的業績預期,但由此判斷全年業績目標已提前完成為時尚早。“我們去年全年實現歸屬於母公司淨利潤有134億元,顯然僅憑三季度的淨利潤還沒有完成全年業績目標。”該行有關人士解釋,“不過依托平安集團綜合金融平台,以公司、零售、同業、投行‘四輪’驅動業務發展,相信平安銀行四季度業績仍將保持穩定較快增長,公司管理層對完成全年業績目標充滿信心。”私募大佬堅守平安受到平安銀行三季報開門紅的激勵,昨天早上A股開盤不久,平安銀行便一馬當先大幅飆升,一度逼近漲停。不過由於昨天概念股和高估值板塊全線暴跌拖累大盤,平安銀行股價沖高回落,最終收漲逾4%,領漲銀行板塊。同時mini storage行全天成交額接近20億元,是前個交易日的3倍。三季報同時披露,平安銀行前10大流通股東合計持股比例為32.76%,環比中報減少了4513萬股,其中第5大流通股東興亞集團第三季度減持2705萬股,銀華、易方達、融通、富時4家基金公司的指數基金也有不同程度減持。不過,作為平安銀行的大股東,平安集團及其旗下的平安人壽持股數量沒有變化,而高居第3大流通股東位置的葛衛東仍持有平安銀行逾1.55億股,按買入時平安銀行平均股價測算,動用資金規模超過15億元。公開資料顯示,身為期貨大佬的上海混沌投資有限公司董事長葛衛東於今年第二季度出現在平安銀行的前10大股東以來,其持股數量和比例沒有改變。銀行股4季度正收益概率近9成三季報顯示,9月末平安銀行不良貸款餘額達80億元,較年初淨增11億元。盡管平安銀行此前曾將部分不良收益歸總行管理,但來自東區的不良貸款餘額年內新增高達8億元,其中主要部分仍來自長三角地區尤其是浙江溫州地區。“盡管資產質量仍然有壓力,但總體來看,平安銀行的三季報算是靚麗,尤其是其消費金融業務和投行業務在事業部制改革後快速發展,帶來中間業務收入的快速增長。”安信證券銀行業分析師許敏敏表示,“前3季度平安銀行的非息收入占比較去年同期提升9.2個百分點至24.4%;手續費收入同比增長120.8%,其中投行收入同比增速超過415%,卡業務、理財業務收入分別同比增長115%、96%。小微貸款較年初增長45.86%,車貸市場份額保持全國第一,信用卡貸款餘額較年初增幅86.05%。”“如果把市場風格按時間尺度進行劃分,過去幾年中每年四季度大概率上低估值板塊會跑贏高估值板塊。”莫尼塔證券銀行業分析師馬昀昨天表示,“銀行板塊自2006年以來在10月及12月取得絕對收益的概率接近90%。相比于全市場盈利一致預期的不斷下調,銀行板塊業績確定性較大。預計三季報行業盈利平均增速12%。”採寫:南都記者 李鶴鳴self storage
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 10:04
Port of Vancouver again approves oil terminal lease
Source: The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.mini storageOct. 23--Faced with charges it shut the public out of a discussion and final decision to approve an oil terminal lease, the Port of Vancouver on Tuesday held a new meeting and took another vote, again unanimously approving the controversial deal after listening to clashing public testimony.At the end of a three-hour public hearing, port Commissioners Nancy Baker, Jerry Oliver and Brian Wolfe each voted "yes" on the re-opened lease, which involves 42 acres and is worth at least $45 million to the port over an initial 10 years.The lease is with Tesoro Corp. and Savage Companies, which want to build an oil-by-rail facility handling as much as 380,000 barrels of oil per day -- the largest such operation in the Pacific Northwest.An estimated 30 people testified to commissioners, with 20 voicing opposition to the Tesoro-Savage plan and 10 saying they support the project or want to see it receive additional examination under a state-level environmental permitting process slated to begin Oct. 28.At times, Tuesday's hearing bubbled with emotion. At one point, port Executive Director Todd Coleman apologized for the port's mishandling of the first discussion and vote on the oil-terminal lease. He said the port's handling was appropriate overall, but that some parts were mishandled.The hearing brimmed with arguments and counterarguments over everything from the potential for oil spills in the Columbia River and the creation of jobs to the implications for global warming and the possibility of U.S. energy independence.Meanwhile, two top executives in the region -- one who leads a Vancouver-based manufacturing business, the other who heads a plan to redevelop Vancouver's waterfront -- delivered opposing views over the proposed terminal.Commissioners directly engaged audience members -- early on, at least 50 people packed the hearing room -- and asked port administrators to answer the public's safety concerns. Administrators said they're working to create robust safety and emergency response plans.Noting the port's reason for re-hearing the lease, an attorney with Columbia Riverkeeper -- one of three environmental organizations that have sued the port alleging violations of the state's open public meetings law -- urged the port to provide a fuller accounting of how it handled the first lease decision on July 22 and 23.At one point during the commissioners' deliberations, Wolfe pressed Commissioner Oliver about global climate change, including the rise in ocean acidification. Wolfe also expressed frustration, saying the port's putting the "cart before the horse" in signing a lease before permitting is completed.In the end, however, Wolfe sided with the other two commissioners in voting "yes" -- just as the three had done on July 23, despite strong public opposition. Other ports are pursuing similar oil projects, Wolfe said, so there's no stopping such facilities. The Port of Vancouver, he said, is the best-equipped port to ensure public safety, to address environmental concerns and to influence "how the railroads handle this."'Not the moral choice'Oil terminal opponents who testified Tuesday included Barry Cain, president of Gramor Development, which wants to conduct a $1.3 billion redevelopment of Vancouver's waterfront with housing high-rises, parklands, shops and offices. The terminal site is about three miles downriver from the development site. Cain said "maybe we shouldn't believe" Tesoro when it says it's mindful of safety, particularly in light of the 20,000 barrels of oil that recently leaked from one of its pipelines onto North Dakota farmland.Cain said a recent series of derailments of trains carrying hazardous materials, including oil, is yet another reason to oppose an oil terminal in Vancouver.Later, Wolfe asked Curtis Shuck, the port's director of economic development and facilities, to explain how the port will manage the oil trains entering and leaving the port. Shuck said the port and BNSF Railway have a maintenance agreement. Under that agreement, he said, oil-bearing trains, rolling at 10 miles per hour, will run seamlessly into and out of the port.Citing Shuck's explanation -- which included specific street locations for incoming and outgoing oil trains -- Wolfe addressed Cain, saying oil trains "won't stop at your location.""I can't make it perfect for you," Wolfe added, but "I'm trying to make you feel better" about it.Cain said the Tesoro-Savage oil-by-rail plan "will devalue" the waterfront property. Knowing what Wolfe knows now about oil-train safety problems, Cain said at one point, would the commissioner feel "more or less excited about owning a condo" on the waterfront property?Cain's remark prompted claps and cheers from some people in the audience.Backers of the oil terminal included John Rudi, president of Vancouver-based Thompson Metal Fab. Building the oil terminal, he told commissioners, would be tantamount to constructing "a great logistical asset" and additional employers will come because of it. Rudi said he supports the growth of "the energy cluster" and the lease with Tesoro and Savage "supports that cluster."Vancouver resident and terminal supporter Steve Lennon said the oil terminal will open opportunities and that blocking it in Vancouver would "not stop consumption of oil in the U.S."Cager Clabaugh, 迷你倉resident of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 4 in Vancouver, urged commissioners to deny the oil terminal lease. The record shows Tesoro holds a poor safety and environmental record, Clabaugh said, so the port should find another employer to bring to the port.Vancouver resident Don Steinke, who raised concerns about burning more fossil fuels and exacerbating climate change, noted arguments suggesting the oil will go elsewhere if it doesn't come to Vancouver. Some people say "well, if I don't deal the drugs, someone else will," Steinke said. "But that is not the moral choice."Port faced concernsThe port re-opened the lease for a new discussion and vote after it faced concerns that it violated the state's open public meetings law when commissioners unanimously approved the deal the first time.Columbia Riverkeeper, Sierra Club and Northwest Environmental Defense Center sued the port on Oct. 2 in Clark County Superior Court. The lawsuit centers on the July 22 meeting of the port commissioners about the oil terminal lease.The suit alleges that after the public comment period, commissioners held an executive session that illegally excluded the public from witnessing discussions about how the public testimony would affect commissioners' decision on the lease. Commissioners "then convened the next morning (July 23) for a public vote but appeared to have previously collectively determined to approve the lease," the lawsuit alleges.As a result, the complaint alleges, the port failed to take final action on the lease deal in an open public meeting.The suit seeks to overturn the lease decision and compel the port to reveal what was discussed in private. It also seeks to require the port to comply with open public meetings law by discussing a lease decision in public.The suit cites, in part, information contained in a July 31 story by The Columbian that first revealed apparent breaches by the port of open public meetings law. That story prompted a citizen complaint, which led the state auditor's office to say it will examine the port's compliance with open meeting rules as part of the port's next regular audit in early 2014.The port says it consulted several experts, including the auditor's office, to make improvements in how it handles executive sessions. That includes implementing a reference guide spelling out the proper use of executive sessions.After the consultations, port Executive Director Coleman said, the port, under the assumption the earlier vote wasn't effective, decided to schedule a fresh hearing.Miles Johnson, clean water attorney for Columbia Riverkeeper, said he appreciates the new discussion and vote but that he's concerned the port gave short notice of the new hearing and held it in the morning when fewer people could attend. Johnson also urged commissioners to explain to the public what they discussed privately before their first vote on the lease.After the hearing, Johnson declined to comment on whether Columbia Riverkeeper will continue to pursue the lawsuit against the port.'I'm the optimist'In voting "yes" to again approve the lease, Commissioner Oliver said "accidents happen" in both the train and airline industries, and yet that doesn't mean we forgo hauling stuff on trains or traveling on airplanes. Oliver said he's confident BNSF Railway, in partnership with the port and others, will safely haul oil to the port.Oliver added that the oil terminal will produce jobs and help enable the United States to achieve energy independence. "I'm the optimist," Oliver said.Commissioner Nancy Baker addressed the recent derailment of a train hauling propane and crude oil in Alberta, Canada. She said that wreck involved difference circumstances "under other people's control or God's control." Since the original vote commissioners took, Baker added, she hasn't heard anything that would change her "yes" vote. She said she's confident in BNSF Railway's ability to safely carry oil to the port.Baker said she'd rather have the oil hauled by trains than have oil "tankers on the road."Under the Tesoro-Savage plan, oil would be hauled to the port by train from the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota, where crude is extracted by hydraulic fracturing. The oil would be stored at the port and transferred to ships headed to U.S. refineries, which would convert the crude into transportation fuels.The companies say the $110 million oil project will generate about 250 temporary construction jobs, 120 full-time jobs, filled mostly with local workers, and boost tax revenues for Vancouver and the state. Opponents raise many concerns, including July's fiery oil train disaster in Quebec that leveled a town and killed 50 people.Although port commissioners have twice now approved the oil-terminal lease, it's not a done deal.The proposal by Tesoro and Savage will undergo a yearlong examination by the Washington state Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council. The public's first opportunity to testify to the council is expected to occur Oct. 28 and 29.The council will review the companies' 872-page application, submitted on Aug. 29, and eventually make a recommendation to Gov. Jay Inslee, who has the final say.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) Visit The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) at .columbian.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:55
Secretary of state issues final voter ID rules
Source: Montgomery Advertiser, Ala.迷你倉最平Oct. 23--The Alabama Secretary of State's office Tuesday issued final rules on the implementation of the state's voter identification law, with an eye toward making voter ID cards available by January.In 2011, the Legislature passed a law requiring voters to present a photo ID issued by a government, tribe, college or university for the 2014 elections. The law initially was subject to preclearance by the U.S. Department of Justice under the 1965 Voting Rights Act, but the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the criteria for preclearance earlier this year.The ID requirement will kick in for the state primary election next June.The new rules will not affect anyone who currently has a government-issued ID, such as a driver's license. T hose who do not will be able to apply for a voter identification at county boards of registrars or at the secretary of state's office. Additionally, voters will be able to obtain "free nondriver identification cards" at offices where they would get driver's licenses.Voters who register at boards of registrars will also be able to apply for an ID card at the same time, should they lack a government-issued photo ID. The card would not expire as long as the individual lives at the same address.Applicants must provide documentation showing date of birth, voter registration status and name and address as reflected in the voting record.Secretary of State Jim Bennett said Tuesday his office plans to spend the next few months training registrars and preparing to get the system online. He stressed that those with photo IDs will not need the cards."College and university IDs, public and private, (and) military cards with a photo will work," he said. "And tribal cards will work. None of those categories of people will be affected by this ... . The迷你倉e will be some who don't have anything, but we will go through extraordinary means to get (IDs) to them."The office plans to send vans across the state at the beginning of next year to reach those who may not have proper IDs. Deputy Secretary of State Emily Thompson said the office has consulted with mayors around the state as to the best locations to make those services available.The Department of Senior Services also will also be issuing photo IDs at its 367 centers around Alabama. Neal Morrison, commissioner of the Department of Senior Services, said Tuesday he hoped to begin issuing those starting on Dec. 1.Bennett anticipates about 1,500 people will sign up for the photo IDs in election years, with more applying during presidential election years, when turnout generally is higher.According to ProPublica, a nonprofit news organization, it is unclear how many people will be affected: A 2012 study by the left-leaning Brennan Center for Justice estimated that 11 percent of eligible voters nationwide lacked proper ID, although a New York Times analysis done later that year estimated the decrease at between 0.8 percent and 2.4 percent. A Reuters survey suggested that those without valid ID were less likely to vote.The secretary of state's office is in the process of finishing a contract with Georgia-based Police & Sheriff's Press Inc. to implement the system. The contract, worth $300,000 over five years, still needs approval from the Legislature's Contract Review Committee.George Noblin, the chairman of the Montgomery County Board of Registrars, said he was waiting for guidance on how to implement the law.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) Visit the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) at .montgomeryadvertiser.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:22
Social Security Corporation to penalise employers who fail to comply with safety standards
Source: Jordan Times, AmmanOct.文件倉 23--AMMAN -- The Social Security Corporation (SSC) will next year start imposing financial penalties against institutions that are not abiding by workplace safety and health regulations.The move comes in line with Article 33 of the SSC law, which gives the corporation the jurisdiction to raise the value of premiums paid by establishments to insure their workers against occupational injuries.SSC Spokesperson Moussa Sbeihi said on Tuesday that work injury premiums paid by employers to the SSC constitute 2 per cent of total contributions. This percentage will be raised up to 4 per cent on any establishment that fails to meet the corporation's safety regulations in the workplace.He added that a campaign will be launched next year to assess the workplace safety and health regulations in selected sectors where work injuries are more frequent."Over the past few years, we have launched campaigns to raise the awareness of employers and workers on this important matter due to the fact that it costs lives as well as money every year," Sbeihi said at a press conference.He added that since it was established in the early 1980s, the SSC has registered 425,000 work injuries ranging from minor to severe, with 16,624 reported in 2012, describing the figure as "alarming, and has prompted the SSC to act in order to address this concern, ensure the safety of all workers and spare th存倉 national economy the loss of life and financial resources".Sbeihi said every four days, one life is lost due to work injuries, and one incident takes place every 32 minutes, adding that 52 per cent of injured workers are under the age of 30, while 15.4 per cent of the fatalities involve those who have been working for less than six months."The majority of workplace injuries occur at the transformative industries. Fifteen per cent of SSC subscribers work in this sector, which registered 7,000 incidents last year, or nearly 40 per cent of the overall number of occupational injuries that have been reported to the corporation," he said, adding that the campaign will focus in its first phase on this sector, which employs more than 139,000 workers.The SSC has distributed a booklet to all establishments registered with the corporation, whose number stands at around 66,000, listing instructions that should be observed before the campaign starts next year.He added that the SSC teams will be conducting an annual evaluation of workplace safety and health regulations, adding that employers in violation will have the chance to rectify their situations and apply for a re-evaluation within a period of 90 days from the date of the last inspection.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at .jordantimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Oct 24 Thu 2013 09:12
經濟發展快 車滿街
有錢買靚牌 唔覺�本澳經濟暢旺,self storage不僅新車落地續增,連帶貴價名車也銷途走俏,有靚車怎可冇靚牌,刺激政府開投汽車特別車牌反應日見踴躍。不少富紳名流出價毫不手軟,祇要合心水的靚�吧,出價四、五十萬元亦“濕濕碎”。中國人講意頭,車牌�吧也望由好意頭的數字組成。為分配被視為靚�吧的車牌,政府歷年設有汽車特別車牌開投制度,讓有興趣人士價高者得。特別車牌的競投底價多年來未有調升,競投分四組,特別車牌最高底價十萬元,最低也要二萬元。回歸前,經濟低迷,特別車牌開投乏人問津,成交以最低價的車牌居多,很多迷利倉一次總收益祇有四、五十萬元。近一、兩年,在博彩、旅遊業帶動下,本澳經濟更見火紅,不少人生活富裕,除了名車是身份象徵,襯托的車牌也絕不能“失威”。好意頭的車牌22、28、33、38、66、68、88、99等組合,成為富豪座駕的�吧,也是不少賭場酒店接載豪客名人的車輛必備。不過,除了一�靚�吧,有特別“意思”的77、55也有不少人追捧,就連被一般人視為“不祥”的44,也有名人情有獨鍾。令到近年特別車牌無論是標書數目還是總收益,均見節節上升,屢受熱捧的“車牌王”四條8,成交價也創新高。本報記者迷你倉