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Source: Bangkok Post, ThailandOct.儲存 16--Potential digital TV bidders say network rental rates are reasonable to run their new channels in the long term.The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) approved rental rates on Monday. Thai PBS will charge 4.6 million baht a month for a standard-definition (SD) channel and 13.81 million baht for a high-definition (HD) channel, while the Public Relations Department's rates were 4.65 million baht for SD channels and 13.95 million baht for HD ones.The Royal Thai Army will offer 4.72 million baht a month for SD channels and 14.16 million baht for HD and MCOT Plc will charge 4.76 million baht for SD channels and 14.28 million baht for HD channels.Pramote Choksirikulchai, adviser to the managing director of Thai TV 3, which is owned by BEC World Plc, said the rates are affordable and almost equal to the existing annual broadcast concession paid to MCOT.Currently, Channel 3's signal transmission cost is low compared to content production costs. Soap operas cost 1 million baht per episode to produce."Once the bidders know their fixed costs, they must prepare their channel's position in order to draw target audiences," Mr Pramote said.Chalakorn Panyashom, vice-president for television business at Workpoint Entertainment Plc, said the network rental mini storageates are affordable but the regulator should reconsider the issue of rates during network expansion in the first two years.Arak Ratboriharn, CEO of Solution Corner 1998, the operator of Spring News satellite TV channel, said the rates are acceptable even though they do not include signal transmission costs via satellite under the must-carry rule.Jessada Promjart, chief financial officer of MCOT, a licensed network provider, said rental rates can be lowered, depending on private negotiations. If the leasing contracts are longer, such as three to five years, the rates can be reduced.Col Natee Sukonrat, chairman of the NBTC's broadcasting committee, said bidders must be careful about the increase to be in line with their plans as they have ceilings for digital TV auctions, operation costs and content budgets."I believe rental rates will be lower in the next three to five years once signal compression technology is more effective such as MPEG5," Col Natee said.He expressed confidence that there will be more than seven bidders for HD channels, although the cost is much higher than other categories _ variety SD, news and children's channels.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) Visit the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) at .bangkokpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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鄉林文教基金會、科博館合辦「守護台灣最美溼地」,迷你倉選出22個縣市、22個代表濕地讓民眾票選,包括台中高美濕地、台北關渡濕地、台南四草濕地等,即日起至12月8日,民眾上網票選「台灣前十大代表濕地」,能參加涵碧樓住宿券、iPad mini…抽獎活動,網址http://.shining.org.tw,票選結果12月20日公布。(喻文玟)觀光人數計算疑膨風觀光人數的數字膨風? 台中市府發布今年1到7月的觀光遊憩人數突破2千萬人次,其中鐵砧山成長率竟達1000%,后里馬場也成長900%,遭市議員謝志忠、張耀中、蔡雅玲質疑數字「膨風」;中市觀光旅遊局長張大春解釋,縣市合併後,把免門票景點的遊客人數都計入,其儲存加上逢甲夜市、草悟道等,整年100多萬遊客並不為過,未來會採更精準、平均的計算方式。(張明慧)清水明年建大型公園清水區無大型公園,立委楊瓊瓔接獲民眾陳情,昨協調多個單位,獲國有財產署同意撥地、中市建設局也撥款,將清水區中社路附近公8、公9公園用地闢為公園,兩公園合計1萬8千多坪,工程費約1億2千多萬元,今年底可完成規畫,預計明年年初動工、年底完工。(莊亞築)既有道路設路障將查大里區十股路通往烏日區環河路,通行30多年既有道路最近被人設置立柱式路障,汽車無法通行,市議員張滄沂昨邀市府相關單位會勘;建設局表示,1周內會調閱地籍等資料,查明是否為既成道路,若為既成道路會要求拆除路障、恢復通行。(張弘昌)mini storage

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  【本報訊】香港與內地經貿諮詢委員會舉行首次會議,自存倉主席蘇澤光指,會研究如何利用河套區,成為香港與內地之間的緩衝,服務內地旅客,令旅客不用集中在市中心活動。商前海橫琴南沙 拓金融醫療  委員會又會探討在前海、橫琴及南沙,發展金融、醫療等產業。  特首梁振英於會議開場時指,前海、橫琴和南沙能為香港經貿發展所需的土地,提供在香港以外的選擇,希望委員研究如在這3個迷你倉方投資時,會否令本港空洞化。  委員會昨舉行首次會議,會後蘇澤光指,委員會轄下設3個小組,分別是經貿、專業服務及青年事業小組,每兩個月舉行一次會議,而委員會則每3個月舉行一次會議。  經貿小組召集人是鄭家純、專業服務小組召集人是李宗德、青年事業小組召集人是林建岳。  鄭家純表示,上海自貿區的成立為香港發展帶來挑戰,但「一國兩制」為本港帶來優勢,認為機遇大於挑戰。mini storage

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上海自貿區掛牌不足1個月,迷你倉在區內搶閘以虛擬地址註冊的空殼公司已逾數千家。除吸引不少「大媽」加入炒虛擬地址行列,經營公司註冊代理更要為客戶排隊「�籌」。不過,喪炒虛擬地址始終有風險,傳當局將收緊或取消虛擬地址,細節最快下周公布。  早在9月初,自貿區快將成立的消息傳出,已吸引不少投機者打其主意。提供公司註冊代理服務的上海智投主管張先生透露,9月中提供自貿區內的虛擬地址,一年收費約7000至8000元(人民幣,下同),到9月中,收費已升至1.2萬至1.5萬元。到9月29日自貿區掛牌日,這類虛擬地址已即時升至2萬元。同時,實際經營用途的寫字樓租金,亦由過去每天每平方米3元,飆升至目前的6元。虛擬地址熱炒 殼企千家  張先生說,由於企業蜂擁而至,目前以虛擬地址方式進駐自貿區的企業,以貿易公司、投資諮詢公司居多。也有代理承認:「有大媽發功,瘋狂註冊公司,一旦政府提高註冊門檻,就有機會轉手圖利。」  據接近自貿區管委會的消息指出,由於入區註冊的企業太參差,故當局將收緊註冊條件,相信是要打擊渾水摸儲存的炒家,借虛擬地址註冊、業務性質不明的公司,今後或被拒在自貿區門外。  由於自貿區已誕生數千家這類空殼公司,當局亦投鼠忌器,擔心若一刀切砍掉虛擬地址註冊公司,或引起極大迴響,並擔心因此令跨國公司或大中企業卻步,故此當局有意限制虛擬地址註冊,將從事炒門牌的公司清除,早期「盲炒」虛擬地址的炒家,隨時「偷雞唔到蝕渣米」。當局放風 短期料出手  有中介公司已收到風聲,已暫停收新客。有中介透露,若新規則仍允許以虛擬地址註冊,料收費將飆升;若取消虛擬地址註冊,炒家更會血本無歸。  當局近日已放出風聲,試探市場反應。預期短期內有政策調整。若當局決定取消虛擬地址註冊的空殼公司,除了殼公司受影響外,加入炒虛擬地址的大媽數千萬元的本錢,隨時血本無歸。有業界人士估計,虛擬地址註冊的公司逾3000家,涉及虛擬租金或超過5000萬元。  據悉,由於管委會每天只為公司註冊派籌160個,在僧多粥少情況下,代辦手續的中介要花在排隊的時間也在延長。有中介說:「一條龍服務完成所有註冊登記手續,最多也就是賺幾千元辛苦錢。」mini storage

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Source: The Press-Enterprise, Riverside, Calif.儲存倉Oct. 24--The small business world in California could be on the verge of feeling a lot less small than at any time over the last five years, a study of the state's entrepreneurs found.The survey, the American Express OPEN Small Business Monitor, found that many business owners in the state still have misgivings about the strength of the economic recovery. But almost six in 10 do have a positive view of the economy, and many are also markedly more bullish about investing in new workers and equipment.Several business owners in Inland Southern California seem more upbeat, and American Express, which has done this survey twice annually since 2002, said the results indicate steady progress. The study, which is done nationally, was based on 1,038 telephone interviews with company owners or managers. All have fewer than 100 employees.In California, 62 percent said they plan to make capital investments in their businesses over the next six months, up from 55 percent last fall and just 36 percent in the spring. Also, 40 percent say they plan to add more workers, compared to 33 percent six months ago and 29 percent last fall.More revealing are the findings about entrepreneurs' cash flow situations. Six months ago, more than three-quarters said they had cash flow problems, but that number is down to 59 percent now, American Express found."Small business owners appear poised to flip the switch to growth mode," Susan Sobbott, president of American Express Open, said in a statement.At Brithinee Electric, a Colton business that repairs large motors and generation equipment, revenue tends to come in two distinct streams and both are getting stronger, said Wally Brithinee, the co-owner. The company's biggest market is fixing municipal water supply equipment, and he said that part of the business is doing better because most cities are strugg迷你倉最平ing less and paying for upgrades.On the private-sector side, Brithinee said customers are seeking repair jobs and doing so with urgency. During the bottom of the recession year, these customers would hesitate for long periods before proceeding."That tells me that their business is improving," Brithinee said of his customers. "We're not hearing, 'We need more approval' like we used to."Precision Molded Products is doing well enough to move to a larger facility not far from its current Riverside location, Chris Kozloski, the president, said. The company makes plastic, rubber and composite seals for doors and windows of jet aircraft and has both government and private-sector customers.Kozloski said the business is not without issues, which include higher health insurance premiums charged by his carrier. Also, this month's federal government shutdown left him with a bunch of completed orders -- and no one to deliver them to.However, he said that he can expect some steady work from Boeing, which he said has a five-year backlog for seals. "The outlook is very good for us," Kozloski said.Small businesses tend to be major employers in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. While big-box openings get much of the publicity, smaller firms actually create about two-thirds of the region's new jobs.Michael Vanderpool, president and COO of Security Bank of California, a Riverside-based small business lender, said he is taking careful approach because of the lingering uncertainties."I think we do see some optimism," Vanderpool said. "Everyone wants it to be all over by tomorrow, but we know it won't happen that way. It's a slow slosh."Follow Jack Katzanek on Twitter: @JackKatzanek and check his blog on pe.com/businessCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) Visit The Press-Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.) at .PE.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Journal Star, Peoria, Ill.儲存倉Oct. 25--PEORIA -- When you're the largest hotel in Downtown Peoria, facing one of the busiest months of the year, the last thing you want to do is close up shop.But that was the decision made earlier this month by the owners of Four Points by Sheraton, 500 Hamilton Blvd."We probably won't open until late February," said Larry Rose, the hotel's general manager, who now oversees a $4 million renovation project."We've got one room done. Now we just have 318 to go," he said during a tour of the hotel earlier this week.The Stamford, Conn.-based Starwood Hotel chain that owns the Four Points property decided on total renovation after a lift motor in one of the hotel's two major elevators went down, said Rose."(Having only one elevator) would have been a problem for our guests, but we need both elevators to do the renovations," he said.An overhaul for the hotel had been in the works but was originally planned to occur in stages, with the hotel still operating, said Rose.The facility's sudden closing on Oct. 13 was a jolt not only for the hotel's 110 employees, but also for the Peoria Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, which had to relocate hundreds of guests and a number of conventions."We estimate that we'll have moved 3,700 room nights before we're done," said Don Welch, the bureau's executive director, who's also had to shuffle a number of conventions around."Each group that comes to town has different needs and interests. It's been a great opportunity (for the bureau) to strengthen our relationship with these groups," he said.Welch said the bureau also has worked to satisfy the needs of those who chose to stay Downtown because of events at the Peoria Civic Center.Hotel employees will have their jobs waiting for them Downtown when the hotel reopens, said Rose, but not everyone's been put temporarily out of work. Sales and catering staffs continue, "and we still have folks in accounting," he said.Mary Williams and Kim Hendrick bolster the hotel's accounting department, while Mike Moten, the assistant chief engineer, who's worked for numerous owners in his 27 years, carries on with his duties, said the manager.Although there are no guests staying at the nine-floor hotel at present, there's plenty o迷你倉最平 activity as demolition crews work to strip rooms completely."We're using two shifts of demolition workers to get the job done," said Rose, noting that once rooms are cleared down to bare walls, the F, F and E teams take over, providing furniture, fixtures and equipment."Essentially, we'll have a brand new hotel when we're finished," said the manager, who took over the reins in January."This will make us significantly more competitive. The place was old, tired. It needed to be refreshed," said Rose.The overhaul isn't limited to guest rooms, he said. "We're redoing all the public spaces as well as the lobby and the restaurant," said Rose.Weismore Construction from Orlando, Fla. is overseeing the hotel overhaul, using all local subcontractors, he said.This isn't the first time the Downtown hotel, which opened as the Voyager Inn in 1959, has seen change. Over the years, there have been additions, renovations and ownership changes. It's been known as the Continental Regency as well as the Holiday Inn City Centre.But what's going on at Four Points goes much further than a face-lift, said Rose. "The infrastructure here needed a boost. We had to bring it into the modern era," he said.Visitors will see an expanded lobby area with better access to the hotel's bar and restaurant, which also are being totally overhauled, said Rose, noting that the new restaurant will be hotel owned rather than a franchise such as Bennigan's, the previous tenant.With 35 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Rose knows the importance of modernization. "The hotel business is extremely competitive, with guest satisfaction the primary focus, particularly today with social media. If a guest has a bad experience, it hits the Internet like a bomb," he said.While competitive, hotels also work together, added Rose, crediting Welch and the visitors bureau team along with area hotels for handling the business originally booked at Four Points this winter.Steve Tarter can be reached at 686-3260 or starter@pjstar.com. Follow his blog, Minding Business, on pjstar.com and follow him on Twitter @SteveTarter.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Journal Star (Peoria, Ill.) Visit the Journal Star (Peoria, Ill.) at .PJStar.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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【本報訊】由中國國家旅遊局、雲南省人民政府和中國民用航空局共同主辦的中國國際旅遊交易會於24日在昆明開幕。作為亞洲地區最具分量的專業盛會,迷你倉本屆旅展吸引了來自韓國、美國、俄羅斯等國家及亞太旅遊協會、南太旅遊組織等國際組織近20個海外貴賓團組及雲南省內多家團體參展。在「美麗中國」的國家主題下,東道主雲南備出國內最強陣容,並契機向市場推介再經精心塑造的「七彩雲南.旅遊天堂」品牌,並表示將努力把雲南建設成為國內一流、國際著名的旅遊目的地和中國面向西南開放的區域性國際旅遊集散地。「美麗中國」自信倍增據了解,本屆旅交會的重點目標是要深入宣傳「美麗中國之旅」,加快打造中國旅遊形象的核心品牌,將智慧旅遊產品,二、三線旅遊城市的推廣作為重中之重,努力活躍旅遊市場並通過加強國際交流,加大創新力度,建設高水平的世界旅遊交易平台。在此背景下,本屆旅交會再創規模新高,展館總面積約達5萬平方米,展位總數為2359個,參加國家及地區達102個。其中國內展位1941個,國際及海外展位418個,佔展位總數的17.7%。海外買家踴躍,來自韓國、俄羅斯、美國及歐洲地區等約1000多名受邀和自費買家將參加旅交會各項洽談活動。值得注意的是,本屆旅交會厲行節約,勤儉辦會,將開幕式簡化成15分鐘的開館儀式,並取消了招待晚宴。同時在對外接待,活動組織、後勤保障等方面減少預算。為滿足各類專業需求,主辦方設置了中國國際旅遊品牌營銷研討會、中國國際旅遊交易會專業洽談會等交流活動。研討會由國家旅遊局和中央電視台共同主辦,邀請海內外旅遊、傳播、營銷等方面的專家學者,就旅遊品牌塑造和營銷等議題展開討論。此外,參展者還將有機會欣賞到由匈牙利、保加利亞、斯洛伐克和馬其頓等四個中東歐國家的專場推介。而每年self storage會參展的台灣海峽兩岸觀光旅遊協會也將為觀眾帶來「台灣之夜」精彩活動。雲南品牌七大出路在23日舉行的旅遊品牌營銷研討會上,雲南省旅遊發展委員會黨組書記、主任段躍慶在演講中表示,雲南旅遊品牌大致跨越了品牌盲目化、空洞化和同質化的三個誤區階段。而目前世界旅遊經濟發展已經進入品牌化經營時代,中國旅遊業在經歷了血火淬煉後,高舉「美麗中國」的品牌旗幟開始自信地踏入國際市場。因此雲南需提煉重塑品牌,尋找建設旅遊強省的新出路。段躍慶提出了雲南旅遊品牌的七大出路:凸顯形象立品牌:堅持在「七彩雲南、旅遊天堂」整體形象統領下,對各個州市旅遊形象進行固化,並集中對外宣傳;整合力量享品牌:主動開展與主要客源國(地區)和全國旅遊機構多種方式的協作聯合,建立協調聯動機制共同開發;借助媒介彰品牌:綜合利用主流媒體及網絡等電子信息系統,以「智慧旅遊」之便利彰顯品牌;縱橫聯合推品牌: 「政府主導、企業主體、社會參與、市場運作」營銷機制,橫向聯絡、縱向公關;節慶會展拓品牌:開展注意力營銷及與目標市場面對面的直接宣傳促銷,推行活動營銷;精品建設擴品牌:重點培育生態觀光、民族文化、休閒度假、康體運動、會展商務、科考探險、跨境旅遊和自駕車遊等8大類旅遊產品品牌,力求「七彩雲南.旅遊天堂」品牌形象的全覆蓋;做大企業強品牌:�力培育和打造龍頭品牌旅遊企業,和世界名牌聯姻結盟。段躍慶表示,今年是雲南旅遊的突破跨越之年,在省旅發委及《雲南旅遊強省實施意見》出台下,雲南將從發展途徑上力推新舉措,實施「111226工程」,開啟雲南旅遊嶄新篇章。(本報記者黎燕萍)CHINA INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL MARKET2013年10月24日(四)至10月27日(日)中國雲南省昆明國際會展中心迷利倉

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It is an issue many in affluent Singapore feel awkward about - poverty.self storage Robin Chan and RadhaBasu explore why this is so, after Hong Kong set an official poverty line.WHILE attending university in the United States, Singaporean Kevin Seah remembers being struck by the snaking lines outside soup kitchens and homeless shelters."That was my impression of poverty. Begging, homelessness. But in Singapore you don't see all that," said Mr Seah, 27, a former Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) boy who admitted his life until then had been quite sheltered.So he was surprised to find some startling statistics about the poor here, when he first started working on a marketing campaign to raise awareness of poverty in Singapore when he returned after graduating from Buffalo University in upstate New York."There are 105,000 households earning below $1,500 a month. I knew there are some issues which we are facing. But it's quite hidden," he said.Hidden they may be, but they are certainly there. According to latest official data, 10 per cent of Singapore's resident households, comprising an average of 3.5 members and with at least one working person, earn an average of $1,644.This figure is all the more surprising given that Singapore has one of the world's highest annual incomes per head, of $65,000.Singapore has no official measurement of what constitutes poverty here, but the Department of Statistics found the average household expenditure on basic needs to be $1,250 a month for a four-person household two years ago.This is average spending on food, clothing and shelter for those living in a one- to two- room flat, according to a paper to be released by the Lien Centre for Social Innovation.Mr Seah, whose father is a businessman and mother an optometrist, discovered this when he began working with Caritas, the charity arm of the Catholic Church, eight months ago on its "Singaporeans against poverty" campaign, which was launched on Monday.Given Singapore's rapid economic progress over the decades, poverty is a phenomenon that many do not encounter personally, or tend to wave aside because it is not part of their daily consciousness.Indeed, in 2001, Professor Kishore Mahbubani, dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, declared that Singapore had eradicated poverty. "There are no homeless, destitute or starving people in Singapore," he said, in remarks that some considered too sweeping.Even someone like Ms Candice Neo, who grew up in a relatively low-income family, has never encountered first-hand those who struggle to get by daily. This is why she decided to do a project on poverty in Singapore last year, together with her classmates at Nanyang Technological University.They went to rental flats in poorer estates in Circuit Road and Jalan Kukoh and put together videos about the lives of the poor, meeting not just elderly folk abandoned by their families, but also families with young children.One elderly person they met had to sleep on the floor because his mattress was infested with bed bugs, and another did not turn on the lights at night in order to save on the electricity bill.They learnt that while most Singaporeans have enjoyed the benefits of economic growth that has lifted incomes for the majority, pockets of less well-off families remain, often out of sight in this gleaming metropolis.Disappearance of the poorWHAT has led to poverty becoming seemingly invisible in Singapore?Chiefly, it is because Singapore's progress has been so fast.Said Associate Professor Irene Ng of the National University of Singapore's (NUS) department of social work: "Poverty has become hidden because Singapore has progressed so quickly and also become more socially segregated. So many people do not see poverty or know people in financial hardship."With an income gap made wider by globalisation and technology advances, and a liberal inflow of foreign workers in the last decade, wages at the bottom have been depressed, while those at the top have rocketed.And it is not just the material wealth gap, but the education system that has also played a part - more children of well-off families go to the top schools, meaning greater social stratification.A second reason is the nature of the poverty.Mr Yeoh Lam Keong, senior research fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), who helped to draft the upcoming paper on measuring poverty by the Lien Centre for Social Innovation, said that the invisibility could be due to the fact that poverty is largely made up of the working poor - people who work but earn very low wages, and the elderly poor - people who have earned little wages throughout their career and are now either retired or unemployed."It is relatively hard to see, and the extent of the problem has yet to be properly measured and studied," he added.The third reason: Singapore's public housing policy may have played a part, as even the poorest typically have a roof over their heads.It means that "the man in the street would rather help a person devoid of shelter in another country, than pump in money to help a family in Singapore living in a flat but where the per capita income could be very low", said social worker Charis Kuang, a manager at Care Corner Woodlands Family Service Centre.Yet a fourth reason could be a simple reluctance to talk about poverty in developed countries because "poverty implies backwardness, underdevelopment and failure", said Professor Jonathan Rigg of NUS, who has been covering poverty issues in Asia since the 1980s. "In a place like Singapore, which has had extraordinary success and growth in material well-being, to admit there are poor people would seem to be admitting failure."But it certainly seems that discussing poverty is becoming more mainstream.Hong Kong last month set an official poverty line of half the median monthly household income for the first time, immediately declaring 1.3 million people, or a fifth of its population, as living under this line.This has given rise to calls for Singapore to also set an official poverty line.However, Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing on Monday told Parliament that Singapore is not considering having such a line, as it would not fully reflect the severity and complexity of issues faced by the poor, and may also lead to those above the line missing out on assistance."Different countries tailor their methods to identify and assist t迷利倉eir needy according to their circumstances... In Singapore, we use broad definitions for the groups we seek to help, have clear criteria to identify and assess those in need, and tailored schemes to assist them," he said."A poverty line does not fully reflect the severity and complexity of the issues faced by poor families, which could include ill health, lack of housing or weak family relationships."But the issue continues to simmer, with writers to the Forum page of The Straits Times subsequently arguing the pros and cons. Amid this, Caritas Singapore launched its poverty awareness campaign this week, raising the issue for discussion."There is now more interest in poverty among the public, because with rising affluence, education and social awareness, people are concerned that sections of the community are still living in hardship," said Mr Yeoh.What is poverty?YET, while there have been renewed calls to measure and define poverty, the issue is not entirely new and has featured in various government reports and discussions in the past. Still, the way forward remains unclear.Member of Parliament Seah Kian Peng, chairman of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Family and Social Development, said there is no need to define someone as poor or not poor."How does this help them? It doesn't. In my opinion, this doesn't add one iota of depth, of nuance, of understanding," he said."Is a mother who has been trained as a nurse but stuck at home dealing with elderly parents, and coping with psychological harm from domestic violence poor because she doesn't make $1,500 a month? And then we view her through that lens?"Or do we continue to use the approach we do now - not to label anyone under a certain income level poor, but to see them as a complete, complex and precious human being, to be cared for on many levels?"Dr Lily Neo, MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC, believes such attempts to define poverty, while well- meaning, might result in stigmatisation and social stratification."It is more important to ensure that various groups of those in need are helped out holistically at their time of need. The important issue is more on preventive measures to ensure people do not fall into poverty in the first place."The Wall Street Journal also raised concern over Hong Kong's adoption of a poverty line and its impact on work ethic and a government budget in surplus."An arbitrary measure of poverty... encourages policies that will undermine the social mobility and economic growth needed to reduce poverty," it said."Many politicians in both the pro-Beijing and pro-democracy camps are eager to expand Hong Kong's small welfare state, and they will no doubt use this new tool to lobby for more benefits."It is fair warning for a country like Singapore whose work ethic and fiscal prudence have arguably been key to its economic sustainability.Mr Yong Teck Meng of Habitat for Humanity Singapore said: "An income number alone would make it difficult to tell the whole picture. I have been in HDB flats of the 'supposedly-poor' equipped with an LED TV larger than the one I have at home."Added Mr Seah: "We should continue to target those who need help the most and reinforce individual effort and responsibility."Even without having an official poverty line, Singapore appears to have several yardsticks of those in need. One is public assistance. A single adult receives $450, while a household of two adults and two children can receive $1,480.Absolute or relative?OVER time, the way poverty has been defined globally has evolved and there are now three broad methods - absolute, relative and subjective.Absolute poverty is the most simplistic. It fixes a level of income, below which it is deemed that the person or family is poor.In developing countries, the World Bank defines the absolute poverty line at US$1.25 (S$1.55) a day, and has set it at US$2 a day for middle-class developing countries. But it gets trickier in developed countries.The US has an absolute poverty threshold set at three times the cost of a minimum food diet in 1963 updated annually for inflation. But these absolute measures tended to have fluctuating numbers of poor depending on recessions and economic booms, according to economist Michael Forster from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).Relative poverty is a measure more often used in developed countries, as it is set in the context of the overall distribution of income in a country.The OECD sets the mark at half the median household income, while Britain and Taiwan have thresholds at 60 per cent of median household income.But relative definitions of poverty, by definition, mean that some people will always be less well-off, regardless of how affluent a society becomes.So policymakers have to look at other yardsticks to ensure that the less well-off are not falling further and further behind those surging ahead, with some landing in a condition of being in dire need.Subjective poverty, a newer concept, asks what it feels like to be poor, taking in cultural and societal attitudes to being "poor".This has led to new and more nuanced ways of measuring poverty, said Ms Sanushka Mudaliar, senior manager at the Lien Centre for Social Innovation.These include multi-dimensional poverty measures with indicators for poor health, lack of education and disempowerment; and an index used by the United Nations which tracks exclusion from social services, and civil and social life.Yet another is Participatory Poverty Assessments, which involve engaging the community in creating a definition and measure of poverty that aligns with their experience, she added.Some might argue that since relative poverty will always be a concern, the poor will always be with us. While that might be axiomatic, it should not distract society from seeking to understand the underlying causes which keep some members from breaking out of poverty and trying to give them a leg-up.As Singapore strives to become a more fair and just society, one which is plugged into a fast- changing globalised economy, the key to maintaining its social cohesion will be efforts that are made - by Government as well as individuals - to help its weaker members stay with the pack that is racing ahead, rather than have them fall further behind.Having a frank conversation on the issue of poverty, and how to tackle it, is a start.chanckr@sph.com.sgradhab@sph.com.sg迷你倉

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelOct.mini storage 24--A pregnant woman who was arrested after she refused to take an anti-addiction drug, then was ordered to spend 2{ months in a treatment facility, has challenged Wisconsin's 1998 state law that allowed Washington County officials to detain her.Alicia Beltran, 28, of Jackson, whose first child is due in January, has attracted the legal help of national advocacy groups, which contend the so-called cocaine moms law is unconstitutional."This is really the first affirmative civil rights challenge to a law that explicitly says the state can control adult women because they're pregnant," said Lynn Paltrow, executive director with National Advocates for Pregnant Women, based in New York.Beltran has since been released from the Appleton group home where she was sent by court order in July, but she's still the subject of a child in need of protective services petition.Her local attorney, Linda Vanden Heuvel of Germantown, has filed a motion to dismiss the petition. If it's not granted, she said, Beltran will fight."She wants a trial to clear her name and to make sure that her baby comes home with her when it's born," Vanden Heuvel said.The case presents a new challenge to Wisconsin's so-called cocaine mom law aimed at protecting the unborn fetuses and embryos of women with a "severe degree" of drug use that poses a "substantial risk" to the fetus or would "seriously affect" a child upon birth.Critics, including many medical professionals, have long said enforcement can scare pregnant women from seeking prenatal care or being honest with their doctors. But the law has withstood other attacks."Can't speak to this particular case," said Sue Armacost, legislative director with Wisconsin Right to Life. "We just believe the concept is a good one. It's a good law."Records trace caseAccording to court records:A home pregnancy test confirmed Beltran's condition in May. On July 2, she went to West Bend Clinic at St. Joseph's Hospital for a prenatal visit and disclosed that she had been taking Suboxone she got from a friend to help wean her off painkillers on which she feared she was becoming dependent in 2012.The physician's assistant recommended Beltran get her own Suboxone prescription and be monitored by a doctor, but Beltran declined, saying she did not want to use it anymore.Two weeks later, a social worker came to Beltran's home and said she really needed to continue Suboxone, and again Beltran declined.Two days after that, police and sheriff's deputies arrested Beltran at her home, handcuffed her and took her to a hospital. A doctor examined her and declared her and the pregnancy healthy and said in-patient treatment was unnecessary儲存Beltran was next taken to the Washington County Jail and held until she appeared before Court Commissioner Dolores Bomrad, who ordered she undergo in-patient drug treatment.Beltran was taken to a West Bend halfway house and the next day driven by police to an Appleton facility, Casa Clare."It was like a house for 20 women," Beltran said Thursday. "Mostly you did group therapy about drug dependency."When she was tested upon admission, her blood showed no traces of Suboxone or opiates, according to records.Vanden Heuvel said her client was initially supposed to stay at Casa Clare until Oct. 15 but was released Oct. 4 -- days after Beltran's federal lawsuit was filed Sept. 30.The only response to the federal suit so far has been an Oct. 23 request for more time to respond, filed by the state attorney general's office on behalf of Washington County District Attorney Mark Bensen, one of several officials named as defendants in the case. It indicates Benson will file a motion to dismiss next month and notes that Beltran is no longer in custody.In an attached sworn statement, Benson says Bomrad's order was for "non-secure" treatment and suggests Beltran could have left Casa Clare at any time -- a characterization her attorneys sharply dispute.Goals of lawsuitThe federal suit seeks to have Wisconsin's law declared unconstitutional on its face and as applied to Beltran, because she was denied due process, not given a lawyer at her first court appearance (though one had been appointed for her fetus), and subjected to unreasonable search.It also contends her rights to privacy and not to incriminate herself were violated when her statements about prior drug use were shared with law enforcement.Paltrow, of the New York group, said the law unwisely gives too many actors in the system -- police, social workers, non-physician medical staff -- too much discretion to impose their views of what's best for a pregnant woman.Her group's research has found hundreds of cases around the country where pregnant women -- disproportionately the poor and minorities -- were detained, arrested or made to accept medical procedures in the name of fetal protection.Beltran said her confinement at Casa Clare cost her a waitress job in Jackson. She is seeking employment. Her boyfriend, the father of her child, is supportive and wants to raise the child with her, she said."I've never had this much attention," Beltran said Thursday after her story was featured in the New York Times. "It's tough, but I don't want this to ever happen to anyone else."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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By XU WEIxuwei@chinadaily.self storagecom.cnOnline customers are allowed a seven-day cooling-off period to return goods for refund after a revision to the consumer rights law was passed by China’s top legislature on Friday.The revision to the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests was passed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress after three readings since April. It states that people can return goods seven days after they receive them through online, telephone and television shopping.The revised law, which will take effect on March 15, came at a time when the country is trying to further boost domestic consumption. One of the major purposes of the revision is to give more protection to non-traditional shoppers, Jia Dongming, head of the civil law division under the Commission for Legislative Affairs of the NPC Standing Committee, told a news conference on Friday.“If people feel safer and are more willing to spend, business will see more revenue and profit and domestic demand will expand. The whole country will benefit,” he said.The consumer rights law before the revision failed to cover new business areas and models that have emerged over the years, such as online shopping, which now accounts for 6.3 percent of total retail sales of consumer goods in the country, a total sales volume of 1.3 trillion yuan ($213.5 billion).Wu Jingming, a professor of consumer rights law at China University of Political Science and Law, said the new clause on the cooling-off period for online shopping is a “revolutionary breakthrough” in legislation.“It is a practice common in the United States and European countries. People can simply give the excuse ‘I don’t like it’ and return it. It protects them from impulsive and irrational purchases,” he said.The buyer is required to pay for the return costs of the refund process.In order to prevent people from abusing the clause, the revised law has also listed four kinds of merchandise that people cannot return, including customized products, fresh and perishable products, digital products such as software and online downloadable products, and newspapers and magazi迷你倉es.The revision, the first since the consumer law was enacted in 1994, also stated that business owners should take strict measures to protect the personal information of buyers and they must take remedial action immediately if such cases happen.Advertisers should not send commercial information to consumers without their approval.In order to solve the long-lingering problem that people have faced difficulties in claiming their rights, the revision has clauses stating that business owners of durable commodities, such as vehicles, computers and washing machines, are legally liable to provide proof of the integrity of their products if buyers find flaws in the products within the first six months of use.The revision also provides higher compensation for customer losses because of quality problems. Business owners will not only have to compensate purchasers for economic and psychological losses but also pay “punitive” compensation totaling a maximum of twice the amount of the loss. The revised law also added clauses covering mental damage caused by flawed products.“It is big progress because business owners will have to not only pay compensation for their flawed products but also for all the damage the products have done,” said Wu, the law professor.Another major amendment to the law is that consumer associations at provincial levels and above have been designated as the only party that can file public interest litigation.“The party that can file public interest litigation was restricted to provincial levels and above to protect against regional protectionism,” said Liu Junhai, a professor of economic laws at Renmin University of China, who was involved in the legislative process.It could also help prevent the misuse of public interest litigation, he said.The revision is expected to boost the role of consumer associations at regional levels because it means they could receive government funding.“Consumer associations in many areas are struggling to exist because of a lack of funding. The new law will ensure that they will play their role in the protection of consumer rights in the future,” said Wu, the law professor.mini storage

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聽個名就怕怕的危地馬拉,迷你倉一到達首都危地馬拉城,看那烏煙瘴氣、車水馬龍的樣子,的確令人「望而生畏」。難怪大部份的遊客都是轉車到古城安地瓜(Antigua),看那彩色的西班牙殖民風格平房、仍穿�七彩民族裝生活的當地人,的確很易令人愛上這兒。撰文、攝影︰上田莉棋 時光倒流昔日歐洲 由危地馬拉城只需一小時的車程,就可來到全國最重要的旅遊重鎮安地瓜(Antigua);古城名Antigua,在西班牙語中就有古舊之意。事實上,安地瓜曾是危國首都,但於16及18世紀分別經歷過滅城式的大地震後,當地政府才遷都至今日的危地馬拉城。安地瓜自240年前受地震破壞後再重建,早於1979年被納入聯合國文化遺產之列。當地政府竭力保持城市原貌,滿城盡是西班牙殖民時期的建築。走到街上,每條路仍是以鵝卵石鋪建,凹凸不平的,拖�行李或穿平底鞋者肯定受罪。為了保持建築物原貌、維持市容,政府更規定所有店舖的招牌和商標不可掛吊出街道上,只可低調地掛上指定形式的平面門牌。看那黃、藍、白色的西班牙式瓷磚門牌,甚有歐洲色彩。小城亦保持西班牙式城市規劃,以多個廣場為中心,特別在中央公園廣場,可看到當地人穿�精緻的刺繡鬆身上衣、配窄裙的民族服裝,頭上頂�各式的民族布料兜售;或是在販賣一包包切好的水果。賣水果的阿姐教路,要加以辣椒粉、青檸汁等同吃,又酸又辣才夠刺激;當然,我還是喜歡品嚐原本的味道了。 想一覽整個小城的面貌,定要攀上北面的聖十字架山( Cerro de la Cruz)。登山的容易程度拍得住上香港山頂,只需約半小時已可輕易登頂。山頂上那巨大的十字架,像保護�全城的人民。周遭有三座火山包圍,其中更不時可看到烈火山(Volcan Fuego)噴出白煙,在黑夜間中還會看到紅色的熔岩流出,絕對是奇觀。站在高地俯視,看到所有平房都塗上白、紅、藍、橙、黃等,很有回到昔日歐洲的味道。 山城市集 熱捧瑪雅民族風 近年日本大吹山系民族風,在安地瓜看當地人穿�的上衣,以人手繡上精美的花紋、或以膠珠釘上瑪雅人的圖案,件件都像幅畫。要買最多款式、又最抵的民族風手信,就要到距離安地瓜三小時車程的山城Chichicastenango。小鎮名字又長又蹺口,當地人也暱稱為Chichi,人口有瑪雅及其他民族,所以其民族市場在中美洲最為著名。每逢星期四及日,當地族人都捧�大包小包的貨入鎮,在幾條又上斜又落斜的小街擺滿幾百個攤檔,遊客花大半天都逛不完。 我最喜歡當地女性穿�的上衣Huipiles,簡單的說是一幅長布,中間開了個文件倉形的洞剛好給頭穿過,衫身沒剪裁、甚至連前後幅也沒縫上,有點像印第安人的披風。但每幅Huipiles都是以織布機織成,上面再繡上精細的圖案,當地人教路,只要看領口位置繡了三角形、還是正方形,就可知道是由那條村的出品了。而有些則繡上整幅的雀鳥、花草、甚至瑪雅的月曆,較名貴的就以珠仔釘上瑪雅象形文字。即使覺得圖案太花,掛在家中也有如藝術品好看。星期日到Chichi,亦是觀察當地人獨特宗教儀式的日子。危國雖以天主教徒為主,但村民亦會信奉瑪雅傳統中的神明。其中在鎮中心的Santo Tomas教堂有近400年歷史,簡單的白色外形驟眼看不太特別,妙在樓梯設計正代表瑪雅月曆中的日數,和瑪雅金字塔式建築相符;所以在安息日有大量的攤販坐滿樓梯,售賣鮮花、熏香等。信徒、祭師亦會在教堂內外燃點熏香、念經、灑酒和汽水酬神,氣氛肅穆而神秘。 酒店化身遺蹟博物館 安地瓜市內仍保留了不少幾百年的教堂遺蹟,像只剩下倒塌了的樓梯、斑駁噴水池的16世紀San Francisco教堂。想看殖民時期的古董和文物,可以去城內的五星酒店Hotel Casa Santo Domingo,這兒由昔日傳統的修道院紅磚屋建築,復修成128間現代化的客房,價錢在安地瓜是最頂級。但重點是酒店另一邊附設的博物館群,原址本是Santo Domingo教堂及修院。現時酒店保留了有關遺址,遊客可出入中庭噴水池,亦可細看昔日教堂的輝煌;而地底及周邊,則有六間小型博物館,包括當年教會使用過的純金燭台、十字架,結合瑪雅文物與現代藝術的美術館,專門收藏天主教神像的展館,及陶瓷與玻璃工房等,即使非住客也可前來參觀。 Hotel Casa Santo Domingo 地址:3a Calle Oriente No.28 A, La Antigua, Guatemala 網址:.casasantodomingo.com.gt Travel Memo:危地馬拉 機票:聯合航空經美國轉機至危地馬拉城,未連稅約$12,000起。查詢:.united.com(聯合航空) 簽證:持特區護照需申請簽證,可向最就近的危地馬拉共和國駐台灣大使館辦理。查詢:(886)228756952(危地馬拉共和國駐台灣大使館) 貨幣:當地使用Guatemalan Quetzal,簡稱Q,現時1Q約兌1港幣(文中價錢已折算為港幣) 電壓:110-120V,雙腳扁插頭 實用網址:.facebook.com/VisitGuatemala(危地馬拉旅遊局專頁)存倉

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelOct.迷你倉 24--Heroin should not be an issue in Wisconsin because it has moved from urban areas to establish a strong foothold in many of the state's rural and suburban issues. It should be an issue because it affects virtually every county in Wisconsin and causes untold damage no matter where it spreads, city and small town alike.According to the state Department of Justice's Fly Effect Heroin Prevention Campaign website, "The number of heroin cases processed by the state crime lab has steadily increased in almost every Wisconsin county throughout the last three years. So have the number of heroin-related deaths, rising about 50 percent last year to 199, according to a recent survey of county coroners. By comparison, Wisconsin averaged 29 such deaths each year from 2000 to 2007."Those are disheartening numbers, and they require a statewide response, such as the DOJ's campaign. On Sunday, Journal Sentinel reporter Bill Glauber gave the numbers a compelling personal focus by telling the story of heroin addict Cassie Nygren and her father, state Rep. John Nygren (R-Marinette), who has authored a package of bills designed to help those like his daughter suffering from heroin addiction.It's a package that deserves passage by the Legislature.The bills would:--Provide limited immunity for people who either call 911 or bring those suffering an overdose to an emergency room.--Clear the way to drop off narcotics at drug repositories.--Expand the numbers of first responders allowed to carry and administer the drug Narcan, which is used to counter an overdose of opiates.--Require people to show identification when picking up opiate prescriptions at pharmacies.These proposals could help make a difference.Cassie Nygren is in the Marinette County jail, awaitmini storageng a hearing on revoking her extended supervision. She's been in and out of jail since a 2009 overdose incident. Her dad says he wants to help other people and communities facing the scourge of heroin, as well as his daughter.As John Nygren pointed out to Glauber, Marinette "is small-town Wisconsin. For this to be hitting a small town that hard is really eye-opening."Heroin has cut a swath through Marinette and nearby Menominee, Mich., two small cities with a combined population of nearly 20,000, Glauber reported.Law enforcement officials told Glauber there was an explosion of illegal drug use in the area in recent years, fueled in part by a Michigan doctor who wrote unauthorized prescriptions for opiates and other drugs. "That sets the table for the heroin," says Allen Brey, the Marinette County district attorney.Hospitals, law enforcement and area employers saw there was a problem, and the Marinette-Menominee Area Chamber of Commerce brought together community organizations that had an interest in taking on the drug problem. An anti-opiate task force was created earlier this year.The Nygrens have shown courage in being so open about Cassie's addiction and in sending a very public message about their pain.Some like to think that such pain is purely an urban problem -- affecting only people in the city.What the Nygren story tells us is that heroin and other addictive drugs are a statewide plague that can hit any family anywhere. And that plague requires action at the state level. John Nygren understands that and has offered a start to dealing with it, as has the DOJ.We hope other legislators come to the same realization.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: The Philadelphia InquirerOct.儲存 25--PHILADELPHIA Police searched a North Philadelphia ravine Thursday afternoon for the body of a man who has been missing for more than a year -- and whose case may be connected to a veteran homicide detective under investigation for allegedly covering up evidence in three killings.Investigators were trying to establish a connection between Detective Ron Dove and the case of Reynaldo Torres, who was 41 when he disappeared May 8, 2012, along with a family friend, Melanie Colon, 22.Colon was found shot to death behind an apartment building in Juniata Park on May 12, 2012. The mother of a 6-year-old boy, she had been shot six times at close range, five times in the chest and once in the back of the head.Torres, a street mechanic and father of two, has never been found.No one answered the door at Torres' sister's home in Juniata Park on Thursday night.Dove's lawyer could not be reached for comment Thursday.Thursday's search marked the latest development in the investigation into Dove, a 16-year veteran who was already under scrutiny for allegedly helping his girlfriend, Erica Sanchez, leave the state after she was accused of stabbing her ex-boyfriend, Cesar Vera, to death in September.On Wednesday, Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey said Dove was also under investigation for his handling of a fatal shooting in an Olney bar owned by Sanchez's father. Dove was the lead investigator in that case.Police have not yet commented on how Torres' case could be linked to the investigation into Dove, who has been working homicides since 2005.Police have searched Dove's Northeast Philadelphia apartment, confiscating his cellphones and computers.On Thursday, two medical examiners and a crime-scene unit combed the overgrown train ravine at Fourth and Westmoreland Streets for clues, pickingmini storagethrough a mound of earth strewn with trash and garbage bags.At one point, a member of the group examined and photographed a small, slim, bonelike object before placing it into a police van. The object turned out to be a dog's bone, a police officer said.Officers blocked the area off with caution tape and kept passersby away from the bridge crossing the ravine. Internal Affairs officers and other investigators have scoured the site twice this week.Lt. John Stanford, a Police Department spokesman, said he could not comment on the search while the investigation remained open.Dove was removed from street work this month after the department launched an investigation into his conduct in a case involving Sanchez, his girlfriend of five years. She has been charged with murder in Vera's stabbing death at a block party in September and was being held without bail. Vera was Sanchez's ex-boyfriend.Investigators said they believed Dove moved Sanchez's car from the crime scene around the time of the killing and helped her escape to Rochester, N.Y.Dove was also the lead investigator in the 2010 killing of Leslie Delzingaro, a 45-year-old mother of two who was killed in a shooting at J.J.'s Lounge, a bar in Olney owned by Sanchez's father, Humberto Sanchez.Investigators are trying to determine whether Dove used his role as lead detective to suppress the investigation into Delzingaro's death.Delzingaro's family has said Dove did not return their repeated calls about the case and overall was dismissive of their concerns.But Dove made a point of telling them he had a close relationship with the bar owner, whom he described as "a great guy."awhelan@phillynews.com215-854-2961@aubreyjwhelanCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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—惠普數碼多功能一體機產品家族擴容10月15日(北京),儲存惠普打印與信息產品集團(PPS)發佈了支持A3幅面的全新數碼多功能一體機(MFP)系列產品,以及更簡單、更安全的創新移動文印技術。此次發佈的新品將大大簡化數字文檔及紙質文檔的處理過程,讓大型企業和中小企業用戶都能輕鬆享受更加便捷、安全的移動打印,助力其全面提升工作效率。此舉,也吹響了惠普強勢進軍國內復合機市場的號角。“企業必須迅速適應不斷變化的IT環境,比如學會如何應對數據激增所帶來的影響以及員工在工作場合所使用的移動設備數量不斷增加的狀況”,惠普打印及企業解決方案事業部高級副總裁Pradeep Jotwani表示,“惠普此次發佈的創新移動打印技術、全面升級的數碼多功能一體機(MFP)產品和解決方案將幫助提升用戶的移動打印體驗,優化數字化文印管理流程,從而讓其獲得更多的商業機會。”更便捷、安全的移動打印體驗  到2015年時,將會有37%的員工採取移動辦公的形式。為了提高工作效率並降低信息泄露所帶來的mini storage險,企業必須採用更加便於部署和應用的解決方案以適應移動辦公的趨勢。惠普此次即對上述需求提出了針對性的產品和解決方案。惠普打印機與耗材產品事業部總經理金衛東談到:“移動辦公需求促使了打印機與移動終端更加緊密的結合,打印機不僅要支持WiFi打印,還要支持NFC等更新銳的技術,這也是傳統辦公設備與個人終端結合的方向。”惠普此次發佈的打印產品及解決方案包括:   HP LaserJet Pro M435nw 工作組級數碼多功能一體機使用內置以太網和無線連接,輕鬆地安裝、打印及共享。擁有便捷無線打印功能的同時,為用戶提供超快的A3尺寸文件打印速度、配備3英寸彩色觸控屏,輕按觸摸屏,簡單實現高效文印。此外,惠普還發佈了業內首款具備支持觸碰打印和無線直連打印功能的企業級數碼多功能一體機產品HP LaserJet EnterpriSe M800系列(4)以及移動打印配件HP 1200w,用戶只需通過具備NFC(近距離通訊)功能的智能設備便可實現安全的打印服務。 文╱嵐子self storage

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文眼美國前財長康納利說過一句怪話“美元是我們的貨幣,卻是你們的問題。”演變到今天,迷利倉成了“美債是美國的問題,卻是全世界的麻煩。”這個麻煩到底會鬧到什麼程度、什麼時候?對全球經濟與金融的影響有多大?值得深入研究、持續觀察。——亞夫■自美國經濟走出金融危機以來,財政問題便上升為美國兩黨政治對抗的焦點,紛爭愈演愈烈。■當前美國的財政赤字和國債問題與QE的退出相類似,屬於美國為應對金融危機採取的非常舉措留下的後遺症。■美國這次出現的國債違約風波令全球金融市場高度緊張,而第四季度美國經濟增長或將遭遇逆風。■考慮到此次事件對美國經濟的影響,美聯儲的貨幣政策或將受到影響,其今年開始放緩QE的可能性已經降低。■而比美債問題更直接的風險是美國信用評級的下調,它將“不確定性風險”變成了“確定性損失”,其影響類似一個“縮小版”的債務違約。■作為美債最大的海外持有者,中國應慎重考慮如何調整外匯資產配置,以確保自身的投資安全。□王婕美國共和民主兩黨在美國國債“技術違約”的前夜倉促達成提高國債上限並讓政府重新開張的協議。在此之前幾日惠譽宣佈將美國主權評級置於負面觀察名單。這一切是如此似曾相識,僅僅過去兩年,美國又重複了2011年夏天那一幕緊張刺激的國債上限之爭。彼時,雖然國債上限提高了,但卻未能阻止標普下調美國持續了近百年的AAA主權信用評級。再看當前達成的妥協方案中的核心內容:將國債上限的時間延後至2014年2月7日,並保留財政部在緊急狀態下靈活行事的權力,以避免在該日期後的一段時間內發生違約;為政府提供預算資金,確保能夠運營至2014年1月15日;參�兩院爭取在12月中旬之前達成長期預算方案;“奧巴馬醫改法案”得到全面保全。從協議中的幾個關鍵時間點就可知這又是一個“一時之約”,最遲至明年一季度,將風雲再起,盡管彼時財政部可能有了更多靈活行事、避免違約的權力,但這只不過是延遲了“最後時刻”而已。財政不確定性和惠譽評級下調風險並不能因這一協議而實質性解除。事實上,自美國經濟走出金融危機泥沼,逐步複蘇以來,財政問題便上升為美國兩黨政治對抗的焦點,紛爭愈演愈烈。從2011年8月的國債上限之爭,到2012年末的“財政懸崖”,再到2013年3月的全面�動“自動削減支出機制”,美國兩黨對“邊緣政策”玩得不亦樂乎。而本次“政府停擺+國債上限” 危機只不過是兩黨間的又一次過招,這絕不會是最後一次。然而,不管美國國內爭得如何激烈,我們關心的是美國當前的償債能力到底怎樣?美國國債上限之爭和主權信用評級下調風險給市場帶來了怎樣的短期衝擊和長期影響?這是需要回答的問題。國債上限之爭或由政治爭鬥引發經濟危局歷史上,“適度赤字財政”一直是美國聯邦政府的財政政策特點,只是在克林頓主政期間一度實現財政盈餘,因此財政赤字和國債規模過去並不是美國經濟的大問題。相反,適度的赤字財政和龐大的國債發行還通過增加政府開支、增加市場流動性等形式推動了美國經濟的增長。美國財政赤字和國債上限問題升級為兩黨對抗焦點是近幾年才發生的,導致二者快速上升的核心原因只有一個,即始于2008年的金融危機。受危機所累美國財政收入快速下滑。與此同時,為了挽救瀕於崩塌的美國金融體系、推動美國儘快走出衰退的泥沼,聯邦財政支出急速飆升。財政赤字從2007年1607億美元直線上升到到2008年的4586億美元,進而又達到2009年的歷史最高水平——1.4萬億美元。與此同步,美國國債發行量也快速攀升,最終觸及16.7萬億的國債上限水平。根據IMF的預測,2013年國債總量占GDP的比重將達到108.5%。而事實上,危機爆發以來,美國曾多次提高國債上限,之前並沒有引起太多爭執,兩黨很快達成一致,這說明在經濟危如累卵之際,兩黨是願意放下成見的。而真正演變到難以調和的地步正是始自于2011年的國債上限之爭,即美國經濟已轉入上升通道之後。所以,筆者認為,當前美國的財政赤字和國債問題與QE的退出相類似,屬於美國應對金融危機的非常舉措留下的後遺症,當經濟的自我增長動能基本恢複後,該如何在不過分衝擊經濟複蘇的基礎上使政策恢複到正常狀態。出于黨派利益,兩黨在這個問題上存在巨大分歧,由此造成了緊張局面頻出。但是,從美國經濟基本面看,筆者認為,在未來幾年之內,美國尚不存在實質性違約的風險。首先,美國政府的債務都是以本幣美元發行的,美聯儲有著獨立的貨幣政策能力,因此美國從制度上就不存在希臘等國面臨的外債償還困境。其次,美國經濟增長一直處於上升通道,即使今年先後遭遇了“財政懸崖”和“自動削減支出機制”�動導致的財政緊縮,實際GDP在今年一季度和二季度依然分別實現了1.1%和2.5%的增長,失業率也持續下降,聯邦財政收入逐步改善。同時,受惠于美聯儲超低的利率政策,在國債總量大幅飆升的環境下,聯邦政府的國債利息支出淨額卻基本保持不變。其三,政府赤字削減初現成效,2013財年的前11個月的財政赤字為7553億美元,同比下跌35%,預計全年赤字將是5年來首次降至1萬億美元以下,自動削減支出機制已開始顯現效果。根據IMF的預測,美國財政赤字占GDP的比重將從2012財年的8.3%下降到2013和2014財年的5.8%和4.6%,這將有助于降低國債的發行壓力。國債違約風波令全球金融市場緊張 美國國債違約風險顯著加劇金融市場的短期波動,並令美國經濟短期承壓,後續走勢取決于美國主權信用評級下調風險能否緩解。1.國債違約風險加劇國際金融市場緊張情緒,但不同子市場的反應程度有所不同受美國政府關門和國債上限逼近兩大問題交織影響,9月以來金融市場緊張情緒高漲,兩黨談判進展主導了市場走勢,最後時刻的臨近更迅速推高了市場的避險情緒。總體來看,反映最激烈的主要集中于短期市場。1年期美債CDS僅用2周的時間就上漲了129%,在10月15日國會推出新方案後回落到56基點,但16日因惠譽將美國主權信用評級置於負面觀察清單又直線飆升至78基點,達到了2011年的最高水平。同時,1月期國庫券收益率已急速飆升了0.28個百分點,並在歷史上首次超過同期Libor,這顯示市場一度對美國政府信用風險的憂慮已經超越了對美國銀行業的風險憂慮,為了規避不確定性而大幅拋售短期美債。此外,衡量風險厭惡程度的VIX指數隨兩黨談判僵局的持續而大幅上揚,在9個交易日里大漲34%,10月8日達到6月以來的最高點——20.34基點。然而,並不是所有的市場都因為這一事件而做出如此強烈的負面反應。最典型的就是美國長期國債,雖然美國違約在即,可長期美債仍然是避險資產的不二之選,在此前的30個交易日中,10年期國債收益率反而下降了29個基點,市場需求增長明顯。此外,過去30個交易日中,標普500指數、美元指數雖然反複震蕩,但總體表現溫和,標普500指數整體更處於上升態勢,而美元指數的最大下跌幅度僅為3.5%。市場表現溫和的主要原因在於經過之前幾次財政危局的洗禮後,大家已基本就美國兩黨的政治鬧劇達成共識,相信在最後時點前一定可以解決。2.四季度美國經濟增長或將遭遇逆風聯邦政府停擺和國債上限之爭交織將從兩個層面拖累美國四季度經濟。首先,從直接層面來看,美國政府關門本身就會對經濟形成一定衝擊。一是政府關門將直接降低政府支出,根據測算,聯邦政府的薪酬支出在停擺第一周的4個工作日中每日減少4億美元,此後每日減少約2.25億美元;二是約80萬的政府僱員停薪休假將直接降低他們的消費支出,同時資本市場的財富效應也會降低消費者的消費慾望;三是國家公園、博物館等重要旅遊設施的關閉將損害旅館、餐廳和其他旅遊相關行迷你倉,同時推遲處理國外遊客的簽証,也會影響貿易往來。其次,間接影響方面,兩事件交織下的政治博弈所帶來的不確定性會降低消費者和投資者信心。例如,2011年6-8月期間,美國消費者信心指數和企業信心指數分別下跌了22%和3%,這將在一定程度上延遲家庭消費和企業投資。對比以前發生的此類政治事件對經濟的影響,我們發現政府關門對私人消費的影響更顯著,提高國債上限事件對私人投資的影響更顯著,而政府支出在每次事件中都會受到顯著影響。以1995年末聯邦政府關門為例,四季度本應是美國的消費旺季,而當季個人消費支出對實際GDP的環比拉動率僅為1.00%,顯著低於三季度的2.02%和來年一季度的3.01%;而2011年的國債上限之爭事件中,三季度私人投資對經濟增長的拉動率僅為0.36%,較前後兩季度分別低1.52和3.77個百分點。在此類事件中,政府支出對經濟增長的負面影響都非常顯著,1995年四季度聯邦政府消費和投資對實際GDP的環比拉動率為-0.43%,而前後兩季分別為0.53%和0.71%;而2011年三季度聯邦政府消費和投資對實際GDP的環比拉動率為-0.52%,分別比前後兩季多拖累經濟增長0.17和0.21個百分點。而此次事件同時綜合了國債上限問題和聯邦政府關門,四季度美國經濟受到的影響將會更為明顯,預計將被拖累0.5個百分點。需要指出的是,上述數據也顯示出美國經濟較強的自我修復能力。1995年末政府關門事件解決後,消費、政府支出等對經濟增長的拉動作用很快在1996年一季度實現回補,實際經濟增速也從1995年四季度的2.2%上升到來年一季度的4.9%;同樣2011年三季度實際GDP增速顯著降至1.4%之後,四季度也回升到4.9%。當前美國經濟的大環境雖然弱于1995年,但經濟增長一直處於上升通道,經濟基本面較危機期間已大為改善。所以在此基本面支撐下,筆者認為財政僵局解決後,美國經濟有望再次快速回補,從而在很大程度上抵消當前的負面影響。考慮到此次事件對美國經濟的影響,美聯儲的貨幣政策或將受到影響,其今年開始放緩QE的可能性已經降低。雖然9月議息會會議紀要顯示美聯儲官員廣泛支持在今年年底前開始縮減購債規模,但兩黨爭端硝煙並未平息,12月和明年1月的“大戲”近在眼前,財政不確定性對經濟的拖累或將迫使美聯儲延遲做出決定,今年12月�動QE退出計劃的概率下調至40%;明年一季度�動的概率上升到60%;而今年10月已變成不可能選項。3.美國主權信用評級仍面臨下調風險,這是決定未來幾個月國際金融市場走勢的重要不確定性因素到目前為止,本次事件引致的市場走勢與之前幾次財政爭端中市場的走勢非常相似。但在“最後時刻”安然度過後,市場能否較快恢複尚是個未知數。筆者對比了上述幾次財政事件引發的金融市場震蕩以及對美國經濟的影響,發現主權信用評級下調所導致的後期市場震蕩要顯著大於財政爭端本身。從金融市場的反應來看,受標準普爾將美國長期主權債務評級由AAA 下調至AA+影響,全球金融市場不僅深度下跌,且修復時間明顯長于其他幾次事件。標普500指數的累計跌幅一度達到16.8%,用了約140個交易日才恢複到前期水平,而其他幾次事件中的跌幅基本都在5%以內,且在問題解決後很快就恢複到前期水平,並繼續走高。同時,國際金價也大幅走高,8月當月即上漲17%;VIX指數一度從23點躥升到43點,並持續居高不下;而10年期國債收益率也大幅下跌91個基點。新興市場更是受到深度衝擊,MSCI新興市場指數從8月1日的1147.6點一路下跌至9月末的831.22點,跌幅達到27.5%。美國主權信用評級被下調造成的影響之所以遠大於其他事件,關鍵在於它將“不確定性的風險”變成了“確定性的損失”,其影響類似于一個“縮小版”的債務違約,直接衝擊了金融市場的定價基礎並打擊全球市場信心。首先,美債評級下調會導致很多必須持有AAA級債券的投資機構被迫大量拋售被下調評級的債券,一方面導致上述投資機構遭受嚴重損失,更重要的是會顯著抬升市場實際利率,導致整個金融市場的融資成本都會“水漲船高”,進而影響企業盈利,拖累經濟增長。其次,美國主權評級下調後,評級機構勢必降低一些與美國政府有密切聯繫或政府支持企業的評級,例如,2011年標普在下調美國主權信用評級後不久便將美國抵押貸款融資公司房利美和房地美和一些交易結算機構的評級從AAA調降至AA+,直接增加了上述機構的融資成本。第三,市場流動性將被迫收緊,一個典型的表現就是國債和政府支持機構證券將面臨更高的估值折扣,從而導致回購市場可用資金顯著減少。惠譽將美國主權信用評級置於負面觀察名單,且將于2014年1季度前完成對美國評級的評估,其最後決定是影響四季度市場走勢的重要因素。此次兩黨達成的妥協方案中約定將成立專門的委員會,以在12月中旬前就美國的長期預算達成一致方案,筆者認為此方案能否如期達成至關重要。美國當前並不存在實質性違約的風險,評級機構警告要下調美國主權信用評級的核心原因在於兩黨的政治博弈憑空增添了美國技術性違約的不確定性,從而負面衝擊美國信用。而如果兩黨能夠達成長期統一意見,那麼無論是此後為政府繼續提供資金還是再度提高國債上限都將迎刃而解。因此,談判進程將是影響惠譽最終評級的關鍵因素。10月18日,國際金價突然暴漲3%,美元指數暴跌0.7%,市場對惠譽可能下調美國主權信用評級的憂慮依然濃厚。對未來美國的長期信用要打一個問號經此一役,美國共和黨可謂完敗,不僅未能阻止“奧巴馬醫改法案”的實施,而且遭到民意的廣泛指責,順帶還讓共和黨內部出現分裂。如果說有什麼成功,那就是把下次爭吵的時間縮短到了三個月。筆者甚至認為,在明年11月中期選舉之前,兩黨之間圍繞財政問題的爭執很可能會一波過去再來一波,他們不嫌累,我們就姑且當作看客。但更大的問題是,雖然短期美國不存在實質性違約的威脅,但作為金融危機的後遺症,巨額財政赤字的削減之路注定是長期而艱辛的,如果兩黨始終無法達成一致,每隔一段時間就引得全球市場心驚肉跳,我們不禁要擔心這位“全球一哥”的金字信譽還能那麼穩固嗎?雖然筆者不認為以60%這個國際平均的債務警戒線來評估美國當前的償債能力是足夠科學的,但其長期的財政問題仍然不容忽視。美國國會預算辦公室基於現行法律的測算顯示,美國財政赤字占GDP的比重會逐步下降到2015年的2%,此後將由於不斷增大的利息成本和醫療保障支出而再入升勢,並持續推高美國債務總量。即使在未來25年不再發生嚴重的危機事件的假設下,到2038年,公�持有的聯邦債務占GDP的比例都將增長到100%,比現在73%的水平再提高27個百分點。彼時美國的經濟增長能否支撐這一債務水平還是未知數。畢竟,到目前為止,奧巴馬總統竭力推進的“出口翻番計劃”、“再工業化計劃”等經濟結構改革所取得的成效並不顯著。截至2013年二季度,實際商品和服務出口總額為1.998萬億美元,較2007年末僅增長16%;實際私人投資占GDP的比例為16%,較2007年末提高了2個百分點;個人消費在經濟總量中的占比為68%,較2007年末還提高了1個百分點。唯一值得一提的成果大概就在能源領域,頁岩油和頁岩氣開采量的快速攀升令美國能源獨立的夢想不再遙不可及。一邊是長期發展方向的缺失,另一邊是兩黨之間永無休止的內鬥,我們不得不對美國的長期信用打一個小小的問號。作為美國債務最大的海外持有者,中國也應慎重考慮如何在較長的期限內逐步調整外匯資產配置,以確保自身的投資安全。(作者系對外經濟貿易大學博士生,供職于中國工商銀行城市金融研究所)自存倉

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epaper.gmw.cn/gmrb/images/2013-10/25/04/2013102504_pdf.pdf...《 光明日報 》( 2013年10月25日 04 版)國務院新聞辦公室10月22日發佈的《西藏的發展與進步》白皮書指出:“西藏是中國重要的生態安全屏障...迷你倉最平

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【中央社新加坡電】為了防止盜版猖獗,儲存新加坡政府正研擬封鎖可以下載盜版電影或音樂的網站,近期內將會展開公共諮詢。新加坡律政部高級政務部長英蘭妮(Indranee Rajah)21日在國會答詢時表示,律政部正在和其他部會討論封鎖提供盜版電影或音樂網站的可能性,但要如何執行,還需要慎重考慮。新加坡政府去年在一份報告中提出,解決盜版問題的方法之一就是封鎖網站,不過迷你倉法100%保證能完全解決盜版問題。英蘭妮說,封鎖網站是最容易管理的方法,對象是網站,而非使用者,不過還需要搭配公共教育、法規以及確保正版內容的價格一般人都負擔得起。但英蘭妮說,研究顯示,封鎖盜版網站的確能有效遏止民眾取得盜版內容。她舉出國外的例子,指出芬蘭、荷蘭、義大利、英國和比利時封鎖著名的盜版網站piratebay後,這個網站在這些國家的流量下降了69%。self storage

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1本報訊(記者 楊群)昨天,儲存國家統計局網站刊發經濟述評指出,前三季度我國外貿總體運行呈低位企穩態勢,全年走勢有望保持平穩發展。統計數據顯示,我國進出口總額一季度增長13.5%,二季度增長4.3%,三季度增長6%。1—9月進出口總額30604億美元,同比增長7.7%。其中出口16149億美元,增長8%,回落2.4個百分點;進口14455億美元,增長7.3%,加快0.6個百分點。第三季度我國進出口同比增幅雖然比第二季度有所回升,但令市場意外的是,9月份進出口總值同比增速僅為3.3%,與7月、8月的7.8%和7.1%相比大幅回落。其中,9月出口下降0.3%,是繼7月和8月增速出現明顯回升之後,再度跌回負值。如何看待這種“乍暖還寒”?首先是受到了節日因素影響。與去年相比,今年的中秋節在9月中旬,而去年是在9月的最後一天,這在一定程度上影響了貿易表現。此外,市場人士普遍認為,9月出口增速大幅回落主要受到去年較高基數影響。國際環境也是影響因素。交通銀行首席經濟學家連平認為,美國“府、會債務上限之爭”的風波和不利的國際貨幣環境疊加效應,引致9月中國出口同比超預期下跌。而美聯儲退出QE時機的反複,也加大了人民幣被動升值的壓力,不利於出口增長。盡管9月出口不利,但前三季度外貿總體運行中呈現出一些新特點。一般貿易進出口增速顯著高于加工貿易,前三季度一般貿易進出口增長7.8%,而加工貿易進出口僅增長0.7%,一般貿易增速高于增值能力較弱的加工貿易,意味著中國貿易發展的自主能力增強。從貿易結構看,過去中國嚴重依賴進口的資本技術密集型的產品,如今以汽車零件為代表的該類產品不僅實現了部分替代進口,而mini storage還遠銷海外。同時,中國經濟對外貿的依存度持續回落,外需依賴減弱。今年上半年中國外貿依存度為50.4%,較去年同期進一步回落0.7個百分點。海關總署新聞發言人日前表示,預計未來兩三個月,出口仍將保持穩步發展態勢。商務部新聞發言人表示:“今年全年8%的外貿目標有可能實現。”總之,盡管外貿還面臨多重挑戰,但今年四季度將面臨較好發展形勢。22今年出境游將超9000萬人次,海內外旅企攬客旅交會品質旅行團將逐漸取代廉價團2013年10月25日 07 :經濟·民生 稿件來源:解放日報旅交會上海展區以石庫門弄堂、老洋房為設計基調,打造“經典上海”形象。本報記者 邵劍平 攝 1本報訊(記者 郭藝珺)昨天在昆明開幕的2013中國國際旅遊交易會上傳出信息,國內出境游發展迅速,中國公民出境旅遊目的地已達150個,預計今年出境旅遊將超過9000萬人次。記者瞭解到,《旅遊法》實施後,國內旅遊企業對旅遊產品均有所調整,在品質上的比拼將更為激烈。作為上海推進“智慧旅遊”的重要一步,首個專業旅遊電視頻道 SITV 也首次亮相旅交會,傳播滬上名勝和旅遊資訊。記者發現,與會旅遊企業積極布局“旅遊法時代”的中國市場。旅交會現場,台灣館就力推“團客優質行程”及赴台個人游兩大主題。一位台灣參展商表示,旅行社已轉向吸引更多年輕群體自由行赴台遊玩。目前,台灣方面有望將每天批准的大陸自由行遊客個簽數量由2000個名額上升至3000人。泰國參展商透露,為了刺激市場複蘇,在中泰互相免簽政策實施前,近期可能會對中國遊客先行實施一年多次往返簽証的政策。上海錦江國旅負責人表示,旅遊業最終將適應市場需求,由廉價團逐漸轉向品質團。self storage

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TCL系第三季業績大相逕庭,自存倉TCL多媒體(01070)今年第三季業績由盈轉虧,蝕約1.42億元,首三季盈利更按年急跌約82.48%至1.11億元,每股盈利8.39仙,不派息。TCL多媒體首席財務官鄭方稱,現首要目標看重改善庫存狀況及盈利能力,包括優化產品結構及管理經營效率。TCL多媒體今年九月底止首三季營業額約278.87億元,按年增約13.34%,但因內地節能家電補貼推廣政策於六月份退出,令市場對LCD電視機需求下降,導致第三季內地銷售量未達預期。鄭方解釋,今年初集團對市場需求判斷較樂觀,以致原材料及產品庫存較多,相關價格下跌導致庫存需作出較大減值,加上外來供應商的配件導致個別產品出現迷你倉量問題,額外增加售後服務成本,令今年首三季毛利率下降2.7個百分點至14.7%。不過,鄭方透露,該外來供應商正與公司商討補償問題,加上高端新產品及推銷活動料於下月推出,有信心第四季毛利率將按季有所改善。九月底公司存貨周轉天數為65天,較去年底多14天,希望第四季將降至50天或以下的健康水平。TCL通訊銷售升45%同系TCL通訊(02618)今年首三季盈利按年增約5.33%至1,882.5萬元,每股盈利1.66仙,不派息。營業額升約45.59%至約118.6億元,因期內智能終端的總銷量按年急增136%至990萬台,整體平均售價亦升至42.2美元。單計第三季業績,則由虧轉盈,賺約2.25億元。mini storage

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東莞一學校數名學生因惡作劇發生肢體衝突,儲存倉校方將按章處罰南方日報訊 (記者/郭楊陽)“東莞信息技術學校發生學生群架事件,2013級的100多人圍毆汕尾同學。”前天晚上11時40分許,微博@校園東莞發佈微博稱,有學生號召數百人群毆汕尾籍學生,“學校通知公安到場支援,曾一度被學生無視繼續追毆汕尾籍學生。”微博稱,直至公安到場後過陣子才平息事件。昨天上午,記者來到東莞石碣鎮四甲村的東莞信息技術學校,經學校證實,23日晚上確實發生了一起學生打架事件,但並沒有網上所傳的上百人群架,而是8位學生參與。群架起因是其中一人用辣椒粉塗在另外一個同學的毛巾上引發矛盾,群架造成3名學生輕傷。校方表示,打架學生將按學校規章制度處罰。事件起因??一學生把辣椒粉抹同學毛巾上從@校園東莞發佈的微博照片可以看到,群架現場有很多身穿校服的學生圍觀,同時還有警車和身穿警服的人員,但並沒有打鬥的畫面。據瞭解,打架雙方都是2013級信息技術專業同學。10月18日中午,閑著無事的小戴想出了一個惡作劇,用辣椒粉塗抹在同班同學小鄧的洗臉毛巾上。小鄧用過毛巾後感覺面部不適,當時以為是同宿舍的小吳搞的惡作劇,隨後找小吳理論,並用腳踢了小吳一腳。被踢的小吳很快把事情反映到了學校,由於緊接著就是周末,學校沒有處理。等到這周一學生返校後,班主任林老師就對當事人進行了批評教育,同時把事實的緣由告知了小鄧,並讓小戴當面向小鄧道歉迷你倉最平“小鄧同學當時也表示沒有關係,接受了小戴的道歉。”學校相關負責人表示。“學生處對小鄧、小戴兩位同學作出了給予鄧惠波同學嚴重警告和戴祖文警告的處分。”學校相關負責人介紹,沒想到事後小鄧同學對此事耿耿於懷,並于前天晚上放學後叫了幾位同學再次找小戴理論,發生口角後,動手打了起來。據東莞市信息技術學校學生小梁稱:“當時我躺在床上看書,突然聽到外面有起哄聲。”起來一看,樓下圍觀了上百人,真正打架的看上去只有十幾個。小梁說,當時雙方吵得非常兇,氣氛非常緊張,隨後就打了起來。校方回應??打架學生將按學校規章制度處罰東莞市信息技術學校相關負責人稱,23日晚上放學時間,小鄧同學叫了幾位同學再次找戴祖文同學理論,發生口角後,動手打架。他說,當時大約有8位同學參與,由於是放學高峰期,很多學生在那裡打籃球、吃宵夜,網上的圖片看上去很多人其實大多數都是圍觀者。該負責人稱:學生打架主要是推搡,並沒有拿工具。“群架事件沒有造成嚴重受傷情況,只有三個學生手上有指甲劃傷的痕跡。”他表示,對於學生打架的情況,按照學校的規章制度來處罰。“這個事情,我們學校要綜合起來看哪個輕哪個重,有沒有犯過錯誤,沒有犯過錯誤的會多給一次機會,犯過錯誤的從嚴處理。”負責人表示,同時也要通知他們家長,看看他們還願不願意在這裡讀書,要是不願意可以幫他轉學。(報料人:佚名 獎金:50元)圖片說明:@校園東莞發佈的現場圖片。網上截圖迷你倉

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