本月展開的社署廣東計畫已收到逾萬三名長者申請,mini storage社署上水辦事處在過去四日接見二百六十名長居內地的香港長者申請人,已向其中二百四十人批出津貼。工聯會昨帶同八十名長者由內地來港,先往開銀行戶口,其後到社署辦理申請,由於面見人手不足,有長者由起�至輪候面見成功已花逾六小時,大歎辛苦。社署面見人手被指不足 工聯會內地諮詢服務中心昨晨接載近八十名長者,由內地返港到上水一家銀行開設戶口,再往上水社署辦事處輪候申請廣東儲存畫。工聯會副會長黃國健指,近日收到近五千名長者查詢,七成人沒香港銀行戶口;社署辦事處有七個約見櫃位,每天只能會見八十人,按此推算,有申請長者或待明年三月才獲面見。 八十四歲游伯伯昨清晨五時已起�準備來港,至中午才獲社署面見,他斥申請手續繁多,職員不斷查問其學歷,不切實際。由於社署職員拒代長者在申請表填上銀行帳戶號碼,結果花至少廿五分鐘才完成處理一宗申請。 社署指,上水辦事處下周起每日面見申請人人數增至一百人。儲存倉
目前分類:未分類文章 (2695)
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 20:56
廣東計畫手續繁 長者辛苦六句鐘
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 20:49
央行就黃金進出口管理發佈《徵求意見稿》 攜帶200克以下免交稅
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 20:45
外資湧入 央行放手 台幣小升
外資湧入、央行順勢放手,儲存昨天新台幣升破29.500元重要關卡,衝至29.485元價位,勁升1.3角;尾盤央行進場用力「踹1角」,終場收29.610元,小升0.5分。匯銀人士表示,昨天外資持續匯入,呈「連2進」,帶動新台幣持續走升,外匯市場成交量7.81億美元。新台幣昨以29.620元開出後,國際美元雖止跌,惟因外資湧入、央行順勢放手,匯市開盤不到半小時,台幣即攻self storage29.500元大關,直接衝至29.485高價。台幣盤中勁升逾1角,引爆出口商恐慌拋匯;台幣在內、外資夾殺下漲勢凌厲,實質匯價介於29.49至29.50間;惟尾盤央行進場,把台幣從29.497、升值1.18角,直接摜壓至29.610收盤。匯銀人士說,昨天一大早外資即大舉匯入,央行乾脆放手讓台幣升破29.500價位;惟從美元走穩、非美貨幣走軟來看,預估今天台幣將回檔。迷利倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 20:38
台韓外匯存底 同創新高
外資哈韓愛台,儲存台韓外匯存底同創新高!中央銀行公布,9月底外匯存底餘額4126.11億美元,月增32.23億美元,續創新高;南韓9月底餘額3369.2億美元,月增58.3億美元,是2年來的最大增幅,連3月刷新紀錄。即便量化寬鬆政策(QE)並未退場,但先前的退場預期,已讓亞洲國家「有感」。相較於印度、印尼面臨資金抽腿,外匯存底失血且貨幣貶勢劇烈,台韓兩國卻攔不住熱錢流入。央行官員解釋,9月外匯存底增加,主要是歐元等貨幣對美元升值,另外是外匯存底投資運用收益。不過,匯銀主管認為,外匯存底增加是因mini storage錢湧入,「看看新台幣最近升值的情況,就知道這波熱錢有多洶湧」,而央行為了阻升匯率,只得大買美元。匯銀主管表示,這波從東南亞撤出熱錢,轉向比較穩定、開發程度較高的台韓兩國,相較於台韓力抗升值,東南亞新興國家反為幣值劇貶所苦,呈現「幾家歡樂幾家愁」的對比。但匯銀主管也說,隨QE暫緩退場,熱錢將重新擁抱高風險資產,台韓外匯存底增幅可能下滑,先前到台韓避難的熱錢也可能回流。央行官員解釋,新興國家先前受到熱錢大舉撤離影響,貨幣劇烈貶值,熱錢匯入時雖可推升資產價格上揚,但撤離時也容易造成金融市場動盪不安。self storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 20:33
Sylvania man helps police nab alleged bank robber
Source: The Blade, Toledo, OhioOct.self storage 05--Jeremy Fowler thought it was strange that the man in front of him at the bank was wearing sunglasses inside.It wasn't even sunny -- in fact, it was raining at 2 p.m. Friday.The man in sunglasses passed a teller at Key Bank, 245 N. Superior St., a note -- "I want everything 100's, 50's, 20's, 10's, and don't give me any funny money," police said the note stated."I looked over his shoulder, it said, 'This is a stick up,' and he had a hand inside his shirt," Mr. Fowler said. "Super quiet he told the lady, 'Be quiet.' As soon as I saw that, and as soon as I saw the note ... I took off."Mr. Fowler, 26, of Sylvania, stood outside the bank doors, on the phone with 911 operators and motioning to another teller that the bank was being robbed."The first instinct in a bank robbery is to avoid it," Mr. Fowler said. "If someone is going to do a stick up, I don't want to be inside."The alleged bandit left out a different set of doors, and Mr. Fowler followed him.Mr. Fowler hung back far enough so the suspect, who he thought might have a gun, wouldn't hear his conversation with a dispatcher, but close enough to not lose sight.After a couple blocks, the alleged robber stopped to use a portablemini storagetoilet, Mr. Fowler said."The whole time I'm on the phone with the cops saying what he's dressed in, he has a blue bag of money, he's stopped in a Port-a-Potty," Mr. Fowler said.The suspect then got onto a TARTA bus parked on North Erie Street near Madison Avenue, and sat down.Mr. Fowler tapped on the windshield, told the bus driver not to go anywhere, and then saw "about 15" police headed toward him.He flagged down Officer Rick Fisher, from the motorcycle unit, pointing the officer toward bus 715.Officer Fisher got on the bus and ordered everyone to put their hands in the air.With the help of Mr. Fowler, police identified the suspected robber as Leon Napier, 59, of 1460 South Ave.Turned out the suspect didn't have a gun, but rather an umbrella.Mr. Napier was arrested and charged with aggravated robbery and taken to the Lucas County jail.He's expected to be arraigned Monday in Toledo Municipal Court."It wasn't fun," Mr. Fowler said. "Not that anything bad happened, but you feel sick to your stomach. It was scary."Contact Taylor Dungjen at , or 419-724-6054, or on Twitter .Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) Visit The Blade (Toledo, Ohio) at .toledoblade.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:21
專家支招 1 設類安檢措施 勞毅波直言,文件倉想要杜絕景區垃圾成山,景區或可考慮在入口處就設置類似機場一樣的安檢措施。“比如天安門廣場可以規定,進來看升旗的遊客不能攜帶報紙、飲料等東西,在垃圾產生的源頭就杜絕垃圾的出現。當然這可能會產生一個成本問題。” 2 自備垃圾袋 市民楊小姐曾經去過多個地方旅遊,剛剛在國慶去台灣玩的她就直言,台灣多個旅遊景區的垃圾桶設置也比較少,但是遊客均會自備垃圾袋,將自己產生的垃圾全部帶走。“台灣的商家也會在看到你手上拿著垃圾的時候主動問你,需不需要放置在店里的垃圾桶里。”對此鄭文麗也表示贊同,她表示,日本、韓國等國家的街道上很少出現垃圾桶,但是市民出門都會自覺帶上一個備用存倉垃圾袋,“自律性很重要。” 3 出台懲罰細則 鄭文麗指出,在加強宣傳的同時,應該配套出台一個較為嚴格的懲罰措施,方能起到震懾作用。“現在對旅遊者不文明行為的懲罰處理都太輕了,這很容易給人造成一種‘縱容’的錯覺。你看新加坡有鞭刑的存在,很多人還是有一定的害怕,所以大家會特別警覺,不敢做出違法的事情。我國目前的法律缺乏的就是一種震懾作用。” 4 教育從小做起 文明出游的宣傳並非一朝一夕的事情,而應該是一種長期的滲透,鄭文麗就表示,素質的養成應該從小就做起,“與其在幼兒園、小學教小朋友們一些大而空的理念,還不如幫助他們從小養成文明的習慣,不大聲喧嘩、不插隊等,一旦養成良好的習慣,出游的素質自然就提高。”儲存
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:14
Company cashes in on business of sounds
Interest grows in online property rights exchangeBy SHI JING in Shanghai shijing@chinadaily.迷你倉最平com.cnWhen people think of Intel, they first think of the company’s signature four-note jingle rather than its computer processing units.This “sound logo” not only differentiates Intel’s advertisements from its competitor’s, but also helps to make the brand more valuable.Seeing the potential profit looming big from Intel’s example, some Chinese investors are working to introduce a similar business of sounds to the country.China’s first sound property rights exchange, .vocc.cn, went online officially in Hefei, capital of Anhui province, on July 1. The exchange includes pop music as well as all kinds of everyday sounds including a dolphin’s cry, the sound a sweater makes when its wearer breathes in and out or the whoosh of a swinging golf club.All transactions for the sounds and music are made online, in the similar way that China’s largest e-commerce site Taobao.com runs its business.Although the number of registered users has not grown exponentially over the past few months, it has grown steadily. By the beginning of September, the site reached 38,000 account holders, according to Zhang Nan, director of the exchange’s marketing department.In collaboration with Alipay, China’s largest third-party payment platform, the site offers easy payment, collecting a 20 percent commission per transaction.“E-commerce has been thriving in recent years and has become the mainstream way to buy for consumers. Over time, it has become a highly efficient and safe way to make a payment, and it’s widely accepted by the general public. The widespread appeal of e-commerce has contributed to the birth of this online sound property rights exchange,” said Zhang.According to the Internet industry research organization iResearch, the trade volume of e-commerce reached 8.1 trillion yuan ($1.3 trillion) in China last year, up about 27.9 percent year-on-year. Taobao.com, the largest e-commerce platform in China, saw its trade volume exceed 1 trillion by the end of last year, which was about 2 percent of the country’s GDP in 2011.Database of soundsThere are three kinds of registered users on the exchange: well-known music producers such as Li Zejian, one of the most popular singers online, manufacturers of musical instruments such as Yamaha, and grassroots music producers who have uploaded works online in hopes of being discovered or finding work.The exchange was created based on the materials and experiences of the sound database Global Sound Valley, which started operation in the early 2000s. Qin Bo, founder of the Valley, put the huge database together with the aim to promote Chinese culture.“We should come up with a form of culture that is abundant with local characteristics that the international market is willing to pay for,” said Qin, adding that his database is a step in the right direction for keeping Chinese traditions relevant in the digital age.At present, the database has collected over 40,000 sounds and songs, and the ultimate target is 1 million.Of course, the online sound exchange will help promote the creation of originally produced music in China to some extent. But more儲存importantly, it acts as a means to raise awareness of intellectual property rights protection, as e-commerce makes online transactions of property rights more accessible.“In the early 2000s, there was little awareness of intellectual property rights protection in China. The phenomenon was even more rampant on the Internet, in terms of music downloading. But over time, as there is more communication between China and other countries on the subject, Chinese consumers have come to realize that property rights and ideas have a price,” said Zhang.He also added that the growing popularity of the Twitter-like Sina Weibo and other social network services have helped to popularize the concept of intellectual property rights protection, especially among celebrities urging for more protection of copyrighted music and movies.To make sure there is no intellectual property rights infringement on the exchange, the site’s administrator came up with a special procedure.Once a customer completes an order, the work is shown on the website for three days to the public, who then can report the work to an administrator if they find evidence of copying. If the administrator finds the report is true, the customer does not need to pay for the submitted work.But luckily, there has not been such a case so far.It is partly a result of the rising awareness of intellectual property rights. On the other hand, it can be largely attributed to the rich archive of music and sounds stored in the Global Sound Valley, which allows the administrator to quickly check a claim of trademark or copyright breach.Broader protectionMost of the orders that the exchange has seen over the past few months have come from companies and organizations.In late August, the State Council passed a new regulation on sound trademarks, and orders have been increasing rapidly.“The new trademark law is of course a milestone in further protecting intellectual property rights. Similar laws and regulations can be found in other developed countries, such as the United States,” said Xu Lyu, a lawyer at Anhui Yuantai Law Firm.Before the new Trademark Law was implemented, people had to refer to copyright law, which is not totally relevant to trademarks.The new law provides broader intellectual property rights protection and specific guidelines for trademark laws.Xu has been working as a lawyer specializing in intellectual property rights for more than seven years. After a recent move from Shanghai to Hefei, he has seen much fewer of these types of cases than in first-tier cities.“But I am quite sure that awareness of intellectual property rights protection will increase in second- and third-tier cities,” he said.“A trademark brands a product. That is why people rush to register them. But sound trademarks have their own characteristics. As there is no material object to be seen, it is very hard to tell one from another unless there is a reference database,” said Xu.Regarding this difficulty, the Global Sound Valley is ahead of the curve in building up its database of music and sounds.Although the company is still short of its ultimate goal of 1 million sounds, it has seized the opportunity to enter the market, Xu said.mini storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:07
循指引牌走 金龍湖愈離愈遠
台東縣政府國家地理人文海岸廊道計畫打造大武鄉整體旅遊景點,迷利倉其中包含旅遊景點指示牌,但一處指示牌疑標錯方向,有民眾被指引錯誤憤而PO網,引起網友討論,批「工程太粗心了」。台東縣政府表示,指引「大武漁港」及「金龍湖」指示牌屬雙面指引,南下指引方向沒有問題,北上指引方向確實有瑕疵,由於一期工程仍在保固期內,將聯絡包商改善。去年3月縣府花費千萬經費,將原本大武舊台汽車站改建成多功能旅遊中心,其中包括規格統一的景點指牌設施,但設置在省道公路旁的指牌,北上指引卻是錯誤自存倉,日前就發生旅客依指示方向前往金龍湖,一路北上開往太麻里多良後,仍不見金龍湖。「找了20分鐘,才知開錯放向了。」來自南投的黃姓遊客氣憤的說,順著指引往北走,以為就能看到金龍湖,「越開越遠」,後來才知道金龍湖是在南邊,被指引牌給騙的感覺很差。也有遊客將指引牌PO網,引起網友討論,有網友說「GPS有時也會騙人,想不到指引牌也會糊弄」,另有網友表示「當地人不被騙,外地人就糟了」;李姓遊客說,既然要指引,設施品質就要高標準,這樣的品質,真不知道當初是怎麼驗收通過的?mini storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 13:01
今日迎來返程高峰 今明火車票機票吃緊汽車票較充裕 高速公路8日零時恢複收費
本報訊(記者 吳鑫礬 通訊員 曾勇)今明兩日,self storage長沙將迎來客流返程高峰。昨日,記者從廣鐵集團瞭解到,預計今明兩日將發送旅客208萬人次,目前長沙發往各大站方向的火車票基本售完,旅客請提前到就近代售點取票,並提前2個小時到車站候車。今年,廣鐵迎來“史上最火黃金周”, 9月28日至10月5日,共計運客808萬人次,超過往年同期,也遠超今年預期。昨日,廣鐵集團發送旅客98萬人次,預計今日發送旅客100萬人次,明日發送108萬人次。記者從長沙火車站、火車南站瞭解到,普鐵方面,今明兩日前往哈爾濱、沈陽、長春、北京、上海、廣州、深圳、懷化、張家界、重慶、成都方向車票已售完。往岳陽方向的省內短途臨客尚有餘票,往濟南方向的車次尚有少量無座車票。高鐵方面,今明兩日往北京、上海、迷利倉州、深圳、武漢、西安方向票已全部售完,僅有個別車次有少量短途票額。昨日,長沙黃花機場繼續滿負荷運行,全天發送旅客達5萬余人次。目前,長沙飛廣州、深圳、北京、天津、三亞等方向均無票可售。昨日,記者從汽車西站瞭解到,目前該站前往全省各地的車票較為充裕,預計今日開始迎來返程客流高峰,明日早上8時至晚上8時客流較為集中,長沙往常德、益陽、張家界、懷化等地車票可能吃緊,有出行需求的市民請提前購票。今日開始,長沙城區周邊各收費站將迎來返程高峰。預計今日下午3時至8時、明日下午3時至8時高速客流較為集中,建議市民錯峰出行。同時,明晚8時至晚上12時,高速公路入口發卡,出口收卡。對在上述兩個時段有卡或沒有領卡的小型客車,均免費放行。8日零時開始進入繳費時段後,恢複平時管理模式。自存倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:57
(檳城5日訊)全馬第一座3D館“美因檳廊”(Made In Penang)預料月杪開放,self storage共有逾30幅集檳城開埠以來的歷史、人文和名人3D畫作,配合“二維條碼”(QR Code)技術解說,只要手持智能手機遊館,就能穿越過去、回溯檳城200年。3D藝術源於歐美,是街頭先鋒藝術的表現形式。畫面運用光學原理、效果逼真到讓人如身臨其境,也稱“錯覺藝術”。3D畫作目前在韓國、日本和台灣火紅,畫作情境能與遊館人在鏡頭前產生“互動”,像穿越到舊時檳城,與電影之父比南利“飆歌”或和檳首長林冠英一同坐在老店前“嘆茶”,妙趣橫生。畫作情境與遊館人“互動”最叫人驚喜處,是逾30幅畫作都將安裝二維條碼,未來只要遊館人將智能手機在畫作的條碼上掃描,手機上就會出現畫作如比南利的出生、成長背景和成就等解說,能互動拍照同時,具教育意義。位於檳城海墘3號的“美因檳廊”佔地逾1萬7000平方尺,整幢歐式建成於1840年。前身最早是德國東印度公司總部、後為英國總商會會址,早年則為英國文化協會(BritishCouncill)院址,直到近年成為本地文化名人駱錦地產業。“美因檳廊”意取“美麗因檳城而起”,由6名檳城人合力打造將3D畫、微型雕塑和多媒體技術,將檳城的歷史、人文藝術與名人如電影之父比南利、中國國父孫中山、壁球皇后拿督妮歌大衛到檳首長林冠英,一一推介給世界,打造全新地標。合伙人之一的邱武豐指出,3D館應全球趨勢而生。入館首站,左邊是80尺長乘20尺寬的百年前海墘碼頭景緻壁畫,先讓國內外遊客“熱身”,mini storage溯百年檳城起源。入內,有5分鐘多媒體製作的中、英版檳城源起,衝擊訪客視覺。碼頭壁畫好玩處,是有一輛立體三輪車供遊館人坐上拍照,右�則是與實體建築同樣大小的老屋,門窗都由百年真實門窗打造。檳首長林冠英將也成第一個名人3D壁畫,悠哉閑哉坐在老屋前,準備和訪客“嘆茶”。邱武順說,3D館最大賣點是生動好玩,“互動”就是核心主軸。入館二樓,就是集合檳城各名勝地、名人、節慶和美食,一一打造成畫作,讓訪客從細節認識檳城。3D館入門票暫訂為外國遊客30令吉、本地15令吉和學生票10令吉。暫訂每週開放7天,從早上9時到傍晚6時。業主:讓才華展現到全球全馬第一座3D館將面世,業主駱錦地說是“不惜工本”、無條件和限額投資。目的,是讓檳城人的才華,展現到全球人眼前。3D館從壁畫、微雕到多媒體製作,一一出自The One藝術學院師生手筆。今年21歲的多媒體藝術系學生黎廷勝,就負責二維條碼裝置設計。駱錦地週六邀請州內多名校長和文化人,到訪赶工中的3D館。他的目的,是激發更多新生代創意,在檳城尋求到藝術發展的空間、施展才華。恆效中學校長吳文寶遊館後,對3D館概念感到激賞,但認為館方要更系統處理畫作編排,讓學生能在遊走時,能真正達到“穿越”歷史的目的,能在好玩的互動元素中,掌握和瞭解檳城的古往今來。這場午餐宴,共邀得檳城鍾靈校長黃寶明、北海鍾靈學生事務副校長何汶達、協和中學校長謝麗愛、退休校長蔡華中、美以美男校校長顏華明、恆毅中學學生事務副校長王章洲、多媒體主任張碧榮和家協正與副主席黃良好及楊恩賜。;迷你倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:52
你不知道的美食:客家木瓜粄 早鳥才吃得到
【劉智維╱高雄報導】說起美濃客家美食,mini storage多數人想到板條,也帶有濃濃客家味的「木瓜粄」,卻是在地人才知道的好味道。為一嘗美食,《蘋果》起個大早,上午8時興沖沖趕到木瓜粄攤位,竟只剩最後2份,老闆娘自豪說:「好料,只有早鳥吃得到!」 在過去物質缺乏年代,美濃客家婦女常將青黃色木瓜刨絲、加上麵粉及油蔥酥拌勻,倒入油鍋細火慢煎。記者推薦的木瓜粄攤在美濃成功路中油加油站旁,沒招牌,只供外帶。第2代接棒的彭雅倫說,美濃不只她一家賣木瓜粄,但她獨門的麵粉糊除了木瓜絲外,還加蝦米紅、self storage頭乾及蓬萊米漿等餡料,煎後外酥內軟。 當天現做數量有限 《蘋果》花15元買一份2片的木瓜粄,加入一小包店家調製的蒜香醬油,吃來有淡淡米香、口感軟Q,與蘿蔔糕相似,但又多了甜淡木瓜香。陳姓顧客說,木瓜粄只有客家聚落有,是道地家鄉美食。由於製作原料都是當天現做,數量有限,通常上午不到8時就賣完,不早起的話根本吃不到。另外,木瓜粄攤沒招牌,又不起眼,不仔細找很容易錯過,簡直考驗外地遊客眼力。 介紹在地人才知道的巷仔內好味道,鎖定小店或攤販,記者扮祕密客試吃,吃完再採訪mini storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:50
(得州5日綜合)由於銀行擺了大烏龍,self storage美國“Newk’s”連鎖餐廳得州東部一家餐廳的經理索斯,意外成為全球第一位兆億富豪,可惜只是曇花一現。幸好索斯沒有被這筆驚人財富衝昏頭,繼續上班。但美國何其不幸,因為這位新富豪原打算用他的巨額財富償還國債。索斯說,他上網查看他的銀行帳戶,突然發現餘額多了許多零,總額高達4兆元(約12.7兆令吉),令他大吃一驚。他8次登入、登出帳戶,發現巨款數額未動迷利倉一直在帳戶內。原要挪3兆代還國債於是,索斯發願,如果巨款仍在,他將把其中3兆用來償還國債,以解決國會與白宮陷入僵局的國家大問題。但銀行很快發現錯誤並更正,索斯的鉅富轉眼消失。這家銀行覺得非常丟臉,拜託索斯勿公開他們的寶號,並表示,這是銀行更新網路作業軟體時發生的錯誤。於是,這名兆億富豪又變回平凡的餐廳經理,服務上門食客。慶幸他始終頭腦冷靜,沒有為天降巨富而辭職,否則現在連工作都丟失。;自存倉
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:47
(美國 紐約5日電)美國聯邦政府關門進入第四天,自存倉仍無落幕跡象,甚至讓人越來越憂慮債務違約惡夢也恐將成真,讓金融市場陷入大亂。為此美國銀行業開始積極囤積鈔票,為自動提款機(ATM)準備更多現金,預防可能爆發的擠兌亂象。根據《金融時報》報導,美國前10大銀行中有3家業者表示他們已經開始仿照2011年8月上一次美國債務上限危機,啟動應變程序。一名銀行業資深高層就透露,該行現在已為每台提款機額外準備20到30%的現鈔,以備客戶恐慌擠兌。另一家大型銀行雇員亦稱該行已經增加現鈔準備。還有一家大型銀行雖不願正面回應,卻也表示該行按例都會在毀滅性事件發生前預先準備更多現金。10月17日是美國國會必須提高舉債上限的最後截止期限,如果未能及時提高上限,美國將被迫發mini storage有史以來首度債務違約。週二,美國因政治僵局無解導致政府關門之後,債務違約成真的可能性也瞬間提高。按照規定,美國有聯邦存款保險機構(FDIC)可為25萬美元以下的存款提供保障,但事實證明,過去幾次市場動亂時都有不少存戶無視政府喊話,仍急於提領現金。對此銀行方面除了準備大量現鈔供人提領外,屆時也可能暫時開放政府員工和社福金領取者預先透支款項。不過,業界人士指出,這些應變措施都只是暫時性的,如果政府關門時間拉長,債務違約也真的發生,這些措施勢必不足以因應。根據上述大型銀行資深高層的說法,應變計劃大約維持1個月。雖然自上一波金融危機爆發以來,美國銀行業已普遍改善資金準備和流動性,應有能力承受較大的經濟衝擊。但若是發生前所未見的債務違約,後果仍不可想像。;儲存
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:45
(馬六甲4日訊)行動黨兩名州議員賴君萬與邱培棟週五聯合召開新聞發佈會,迷你倉最平聲明他們不支持首長上任以來的行事作風,二人要與州議會反對黨領袖吳良山劃清界線,證清他們並不贊賞首長,並指吳良山在州議會內稱贊首長拿督威拉依德利斯哈倫,只屬吳良山個人的看法。行動黨哥打拉沙馬那區州議員賴君萬指出,吳良山日前在州議會稱贊首長後,他接獲不少選民投訴,選民對行動黨的立場感到混淆,為何行動黨支持種族主義及威脅華社的首長,選民的上述投訴令他們感到尷尬。他說,首長上任以來,並未有任何建樹,沒有值得稱贊的地方,反而一開始就採取不利華社的政策,如宣佈取消雞場街封街、在愛極樂區實行24小時停車收費制及停止宰豬場作業。“首長無論在社會、經濟、教育、文化或旅遊方面根本都沒有建樹,因此沒有甚麼功勞可歌頌,首長週四在州議會中甚至不敢面對現實,採取懦夫的行為,把責任推給華文報,並形容報導他指華社支持反對黨,所以俯順民意取消雞場街封街言論的報章為垃圾報,這是對華文報的侮辱。”賴君萬:不值得表揚賴君萬說,首長週四在州議會的傲慢、野蠻及流氓的態度,已令人覺他沒甚麼地方值得表揚的。他指出,行動黨建黨儲存7年,立場非常明顯,就是與人民站在一起,這個立場不會變質。“我們瞭解行動黨的角色,吳良山贊揚首長純粹是他個人的看法,因此我和邱培棟要與他的立場劃清界限,我們不支持首長。”他強調,巫統就是巫統,所謂“江山易改,黨性難移”,巫統不可能遷就反對黨,這種事不會發生在馬六甲。因此,他與邱培棟會站穩立場,扮演反對黨角色,繼續為民伸張正義,不會向霸權妥協。邱培棟:無需示好此外,愛極樂區州議員邱培棟指出,反對黨無需向國陣示好,事實上,他們不會因為反對黨的示好,就善待人民,他們可能只會善待對他們示好的人。他指出,賴君萬週四被赶出州議會,再次顯示州議長拿督威拉奧斯曼的心態與308大選後一樣沒有改變,沒有公正執行議長的任務。他說,505大選後首次州議會推舉州議長時,當他正要舉手反對的剎那,反對黨主席在沒有與他們討論的情況下,指示他們棄權。邱培棟說,首長在上任後,就宣佈對華社不利的政策,並譴責華社不感恩,加上首長週四在州議會的表現如同流氓,根本不適合做首長。詢及二人公開與反對黨領袖意見相對,是否擔心被紀律對付時,二人指出,這是民主國家,他們只是向公眾交待,表明他們的立場。;mini storage
- Oct 06 Sun 2013 12:38
The government shutdown in the United States has dealt a blow to its efforts in inking ambitious trade and investment deals with major economic partners in Europe and Asia.迷你倉最平A key round of talks this week with the European Union (EU) to seal the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) was cancelled yesterday as the crisis on Capitol Hill entered its fifth day.And over in Bali, US officials battled to put a positive spin on the country's trade relations with Asia in the wake of President Barack Obama's no-show at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit.Discussions over the trade pact, potentially the world's largest and covering over 820 million people, were supposed to take place in Brussels tomorrow, after a first round of talks was successfully completed in Washington in July.But European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said yesterday that his US counterpart Michael Froman called to say that Washington would not be able to send its delegation because of the government shutdown.The shutdown was triggered when the Republican-led House of Representatives refused to pass the new government Budget unless Mr Obama's key health care reform is delayed. Mr Obama has refused to agree to the condition.Mr De Gucht said that while the cancellation was "clearly regrettable", the EU and the US were "strongly committed to see the proce儲存s through".A spokesman for the US trade representative added later that the department will work with the European Commission to craft an alternative work plan that can begin as soon as the US government shutdown ends.Meanwhile, Mr Froman himself was smoothing over ruffled feathers in Asia at a press conference with US Secretary of State John Kerry.The two officials played down Mr Obama's absence at the Apec annual leaders' summit and reiterated the US' commitment to trade with the Asia-Pacific region."The US exports more than US$1 trillion (S$1.25 trillion) worth of goods and services to the Apec countries. These exports support millions of hard-working Americans' jobs," said Mr Froman.The US Trade Representative also underlined the importance of the 21-member grouping to the overall goal of restarting stalled trade talks at the World Trade Organisation (WTO).Apec trade and finance ministers had met for two days during the ongoing summit to discuss this and other issues."There is a hopeful sign this week of our ability to work together and make progress at the WTO," said Mr Froman. "If we succeed... it can provide impetus to a multilateral trading system."ignatius@sph.com.sgMore reports WorldUS focus on Asia not hit: KerryTough times ahead for global growth: Apec ministersMalaysia-China trade association to be set upWTO seeks support for trade dealmini storage
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 14:44
Backbencher Hri Kumar Nair has taken aim at several government policies, including those relating to national service and permanent residents, the PSLE and certificates of entitlement.mini storage After Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew announced changes to the COE system last month, Mr Nair posted a blunt critique on Facebook, describing the move to differentiate cars by engine capacity and power output as "meaningless" as it would disadvantage more efficient cars. Mr Nair, a senior counsel at Drew and Napier and one of five MPs representing Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC, tells Robin Chan he has no inhibitions about speaking his mind and has never been rapped by a minister for doing so. He also debunks any suggestion that he is merely playing the part of "loyal opposition" assigned to him by the ruling party.You have spoken up against many government policies. Why?I wouldn't see it as being critical of government. I think what I say reflects my own honest views and the feedback of the people I talk to.The national service tax (he proposed a tax on permanent residents who do not serve NS) was a response to unhappiness that some PR parents are gaming the system by having their sons renounce their PR just before they became eligible to enlist. And I think there is some merit to that complaint.My philosophy is not to just complain, but I try and say: "Look, this is the issue and I have a proposal." My proposal may not be the best and I certainly don't know all the answers, but I at least have a proposal so that I can start the discussion. Better that than just saying there is a problem and someone else has to think about and solve it.The more cynical people say the PAP MPs who are more vocal and critical, like yourself, are there to play a role, to show that there are diverse views within the party.I think that is one of the bigger misconceptions about the PAP. When I give a speech in Parliament, or when I write a blog, no one tells me what to write and no one vets what I write.That surprises people because they think there is this great machinery that controls what you think, what you say and what you do. There is not.We are pretty much given the freedom to express our own views, so long as they are honest and fair, and we have to defend them.To say that I am saying it because someone told me to say it, or because I have a particular role to play, is completely misplaced. It just never happens.I've got a young daughter, she goes to P1 next year. So a lot of these issues are very real for me - PSLE, P1 admissions. It is useful for MPs to reflect on their own feelings, because we go through it as well. We are not sitting in ivory towers, we don't have different rules that apply to us.When I write a blog or post, I can control my intentions and execution but I cannot control people's perception of what I intend.So while I may intend to say something, there is a perception that I am doing it because I am the mouthpiece. And I am not sure I can do anything to change perceptions. So long as I continue to be honest and I am consistent, people will see me for what I am and that is all I迷你倉can ask for.So when you come up with something quite controversial, what is the reaction from the party leaders?What you want to know is if I have been scolded or told off. No, I have never been! I have not felt in any way inhibited.If I did feel inhibited then I wouldn't continue doing it, and of course I have done a few of these. But for example, let's look at the new committee for recognising NS. I've been told that one of the reasons they did that is because of the issues I, as well as others, have raised. So, as a result of feedback, they put this committee together. So that is work in progress.I raised PSLE some time ago - I am not the first one to raise it - and the debate has been going on and many have expressed their views. And because there has been a generation of views, now we have made a move on PSLE.Debates like this help. If it encourages other people to speak up, it helps, because if people make reasonable arguments, then the Government will listen, as they have shown with PSLE.More recently, when Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy associate dean Donald Low wrote an article recommending that the Government shift from prioritising growth to well-being, you wrote to The Straits Times Forum page to rebut it.That one, a friend suggested that I should respond. And I did so in my own words. I just felt that this issue of growth versus equity was not a debate grounded in any reality. I wanted to express a different point of view.Again, people have criticised me for it on the Net, but I am okay, I am happy to be criticised. As long as I express a view which I honestly hold, I am not afraid of criticism. I am not afraid of being wrong either. It is part of the process.When I came into politics, I had certain views and a number of those views have changed over time.You had your daughter after you entered politics in 2006. Has that changed things for you?It took us some time to have a child. We had been trying for some time. When my daughter came it was a real blessing.I blame myself because we started late. I run a team of lawyers at my firm and every chance I get, I encourage them to get married early, have kids early.How do you relax?Well, I am a Manchester United fan. I used to relax watching football, now I get very tense. I have supported them since the mid-70s. I am not a fair weather fan.When I do have time, I tend to read up on or watch the American political scene. I am intrigued by it. While they are very different from us, I can see us sort of heading that way. I can see how the media, both online and mainstream, try to shape the news, and reflect the bias of those who control it.The opposition parties here don't really have their own platform. They are there to criticise, or as they say, to be the co-driver. But they do not promote any particular policies, or ideology.That is convenient because the minute you do, you will face criticisms from people who disagree with you. It is far easier to blow with the wind - criticise what is unpopular and keep quiet on difficult issues.chanckr@sph.com.sgFor a fuller version, go to Singapolitics.sg文件倉
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 14:34
The Planner
ExhibitionsBetween the Lines: Reading the World My WayTypography exhibition showing how Hong Kong-based artist Mariko Takagi’s German/Japanese background has affected her perception of the world, and how she has turned that influence into art.mini storage Oct 5, 1pm-6pm, Goethe-Gallery and Black Box Studio, Goethe-Institut Hongkong, 14/F HK Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai. Inquiries: 2802 0088. Ends Oct 5Hajime SorayamaAirbrushed works by the famed Japanese illustrator on display, including robot and pin-up paintings. Oct 5, noon-7pm, Aishonanzuka, 13A Regency Centre Phase 1, 39 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Aberdeen. Inquiries: info@aishonanzuka.com. Ends Oct 5Mid-Autumn MoonHung Liu showcases resin and oil-based pigment paintings and tapestries of anonymous Chinese women. Oct 5, 10am-6pm, 10 Chancery Lane Gallery, 10 Chancery Lane, SoHo, Central. Inquiries: 2810 0065. Ends Oct 5Neon GoldenGroup exhibition featuring works on paper by 14 street and graffiti artists, including Shida, Beastman, and Sheryo, each demonstrating their personal style. Oct 5, 1pm-7pm, Above Second, 31 Eastern St, Sai Ying Pun. Inquiries: 3483 7950. Ends Oct 5Chow Chun-fai: I Have Something to SaySolo show featuring four sets of new works by the local artist, including a film painting made in collaboration with the late poet Leung Ping-kwan. Mon-Fri, 10am-6.30pm, Sat, 10am-6pm, Hanart TZ Gallery, 401 Pedder Bldg, 12 Pedder St, Central. Inquiries: 2526 9019. Ends Oct 8Performing ArtsBubble Magic: Pep Bou’s Wonderful World of BubblesA duo conjure up magical bubbles with soap and water. Oct 5-6, 12-13, 11am-2.15pm, Oct 9-10, 4.30pm, Oct 11, 4pm, Oct 13, 4.30pm, HK Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$395-HK$550 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 8203 0299Asian New StoryJapanese cyber singers and dancers take the stage. Oct 5, 1.30pm, 6.30pm, Music Zone@E-Max, Kitec, 1 Trademart Dr, Kowloon Bay, HK$480 cityline.com. Inquiries: ansl.asiaEast Wing West Wing 10 – Les Missr�blse Hong KongZuni Icosahedron’s latest offering in their political comedy series is loosely based on Victor Hugo’s historical novel about a policeman’s search for an escaped prisoner. In Cantonese with Chinese surtitles. Oct 5-6, 3pm, HK Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$162-HK$280 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2566 9696SoreaThe South Korean band gives free public performances of traditional Korean music with traditional instruments, songs and dancing. Oct 5-6, 4pm-5pm, Ocean Terminal Forecourt, Harbour City, TST. Inquiries: 2118 8666One Man Lord of the RingsCharles Ross re-enacts Tolkien’s popular trilogy in a little over an hour. In English. Oct 5-6, 5pm, Oct 5-6, 8pm, HK Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$395-HK$695 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 8203 0299FCC Annual Charity BallThe Foreign Correspondents’ Club ball features a night with American band Huey Lewis and the News. Oct 5, 6pm, HK Convention and Exhibition Centre, 1 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$2,388. Inquiries: 2521 1511Starlight ExpressAndrew Lloyd Webber’s roller-skating rock musical. Oct 5, 8-11, 15-19, 22-26, 7.30pm, Oct 5, 19, 26, 2.30pm, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27, 2pm, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27, 7pm, Oct 12, 3.30pm, 8pm, HK Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$395-HK$950 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 8203 0299The History BoysTheatre Space’s drama about eight high school kids and teachers helping to ensure that the youths get into Oxford or Cambridge. In Cantonese. Oct 5, 7.45pm, Oct 5-6, 2.45pm, Sha Tin Town Hall, 1 Yuen Wo Rd, Sha Tin, HK$180 Urbtix; Oct 12-13, 2.45pm, Oct 12, 7.45pm, Tuen Mun Town Hall, 3 Tuen Hi Rd, Tuen Mun, HK$160 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2540 1011FrozenStylus Theatre presents a drama about three people connected by a 10-year-old girl’s disappearance. In English. Oct 5, 8pm, HK Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$180, HK$200 Urbtix. Inquiries: 9127 0420The Great EvacuationWai Sing-fat conducts Hong Kong Music Lover Chinese Orchestra performing Liu Wenjin’s Impressions of Taihang Mountain, Chen Ning-chi’s Ancient Capital and others. Oct 5, 8pm, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, 72 Tai Ho Rd, Tsuen Wan, HK$100-HK$140 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2268 7321Sebastian Knauer Plays BachJean Thorel conducts pianist Sebastian Knauer and City Chamber Orchestra of HK playing Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No 1 in F major, Concerto for Piano No 1 in D minor and Concerto for Piano No 2 in E major. Oct 5, 8pm, City Hall, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, HK$180-HK$380 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2864 2156Show LuoTaiwanese Mando-pop singer Show Luo Zhi-xiang in concert. Oct 5, 8pm, The Venetian Macao, Taipa, Macau, HK$380-HK$1,480 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: inquiries@venetian.com.moThat’s How We RollFour Gig Heads Percussion Group perform original music by Mantle Hood, Yamazawa Hirojuki and others. Oct 5, 8pm, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, 111 Shau Kei Wan Rd, HK$110, HK$160 Urbtix. Inquiriesself storage 2268 73233 Divas ConcertSingers Frances Yip Lai-yee, Elisa Chan Kit-ling and Maria Cordero perform. Oct 5-6, 8.15pm, HK Coliseum, 9 Cheong Wan Rd, Hung Hom, HK$180-HK$580 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2381 2338DeskaratsSpanish ska band perform. Oct 5, 8.30pm, Hidden Agenda, 2A, Wing Fu Industrial Bldg, 15-17 Tai Yip St, Kwun Tong, HK$150 (advance), HK$180 (door) ticketflap.com. Inquiries: 9170 6073Phil Thompson & Bob CrailPianist Thompson and saxophonist Crail perform a selection of original adult contemporary tunes from the former’s repertoire. Part of the Music Aurora programme. Oct 5, 11pm, Lion’s Bar, MGM Macau, free. Inquiries: hotelenquiry@mgmmacau.comSpanish National BalletDance troupe perform three of their masterpieces – Farruca, Bol�ro and Medea. Oct 6, 5pm, Yuen Long Theatre, 9 Yuen Long Tai Yuk Rd, New Territories, HK$160-HK$300 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2268 7323Amadeus Guitar DuoCanadian Dale Kavanagh and German Thomas Kirchhoff in concert. Oct 6, 6pm, HK Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$200-HK$400 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 3575 9868Pinchas Zukerman – Tchaikovsky Symphony No 5Zukerman conducts celloist Amanda Forsyth, the HK Sinfonietta and Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra playing Alexina Louie’s Bringing the Tiger Down From the Mountain II, Mozart’s Violin Concerto No 3 in G and Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No 5 in E minor. Oct 6, 8pm, HK Cultural Centre, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST, HK$140-HK$680 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2836 3336Rock Angel Power Band FestivalRock DJ queen Angel Leung as MC and producer, with guest performers Don Ashley and Tai Chi. Ten bands compete to be named champion. Oct 8, 7.30pm, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, 18 Oi Kwan Rd, Wan Chai, HK$100-HK$250 Urbtix. Inquiries: 6628 8737Vienna Boys’ ChoirOliver Stech and Jean Thorel conduct the famed choir and City Chamber Orchestra of HK playing Haydn’s Lamentatione, Buxtehude’s Cantate Domino and others. Oct 8, 7.30pm, City Hall, 5 Edinburgh Place, Central, HK$220-HK$500 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2864 2156The Living Paper CartoonItalian comedian Ennio Marchetto impersonates celebrities while wearing paper costumes of them in this one-man show. In English. Oct 8-10, 8pm, Oct 11-12, 6.30pm, Oct 11-12, 9.15pm, Oct 13, 7.30pm, HK Academy for Performing Arts, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, HK$395-HK$695 HK Ticketing. Inquiries: 8203 0299CinemaChaozhou Dialect Films – Key to Hong Kong’s Multicultural HeritageHK Film Archive presents 10 films of Chaozhou dialect, including the following one. Until Oct 19. HK Film Archive, 50 Lei King Rd, Sai Wan Ho, HK$40 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2734 2900A Wronged Daughter-in-LawFilm adaptation of an opera centring on tensions that escalate due to a misunderstanding between a man’s mother and his wife. In Chaozhou dialect. Oct 5, 11am, HK Film ArchiveHKIFF Cine FanHK International Film Festival Society presents films to broaden audience appreciation, including the following three. UA Langham Place, 8/F-11/F Langham Place, 8 Argyle St, Mong Kok; The Grand Cinema, 2/F Elements, 1 Austin Rd West, Kowloon, HK$75; HK Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Rd, TST East; HK Space Museum, 10 Salisbury Rd, TST; HK Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Rd, Wan Chai, HK$65 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2970 3300ShiriDrama about North Korean special forces who steal a powerful new liquid explosive and plan to detonate it at an inter-Korean football match. In Korean with English subtitles. Oct 5, 2pm, HK Arts CentreThe Saragossa ManuscriptWojciech Jerzy Has’ dramatic adaptation of Jan Potocki’s novel revolving around a Napoleonic-era officer who finds an old manuscript written by a Spanish captain about people he met during his voyages. In Polish with Chinese and English subtitles. Oct 5, 5.45pm, HK Arts CentreA Time to Live, A Time to DieDrama narrated from the perspective of the youngest son of a mainland family that moves to a Taiwanese village. In Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles. Oct 5, 9.15pm, Oct 20, 2.30pm, HK Arts CentreRepertory Cinema 2013 – Italian Neo-realism CinemaLeisure and Cultural Services Department presents 16 neo-realist films, including the following one. Until Oct 19. HK Film Archive, 50 Lei King Rd, Sai Wan Ho; HK Science Museum, 2 Science Museum Rd, TST East, HK$55 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2734 2900Chronicle of Poor LoversDrama about several young, working-class lovers in Florence who experience unexpected twists in their relationships. In Italian with English subtitles. Oct 5, 8pm, HK Film ArchiveRestored TreasuresLeisure and Cultural Services Department presents a continuing series of films that have undergone restoration work, including the following one. HK Film Archive, 50 Lei King Rd, Sai Wan Ho, HK$50 Urbtix. Inquiries: 2734 2901The RingAlfred Hitchcock’s 1927 drama about a love triangle between two boxers and a woman. Silent with score and English intertitles. Oct 6, 2pm, HK Film Archivemini storage
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 14:26
微軟CEO鮑默爾 紅利大縮水 僅拿到最高額度的4成,為無法提升平板、WINDOWS 8作業系統買氣付出代價
微軟執行長鮑默爾(STEVE BALLMER),迷你倉最平今年的紅利大縮水,只拿到最高額度的40%,也比去年減少11%。SURFACE平板電腦和WINDOWS 8作業系統銷售不佳,他必須負最大責任。微軟周四向美國證管會申報資料,鮑默爾在迄今年6月底止的2013會計年度裡,獲得的薪酬與紅利達126萬美元(逾3,696萬台幣)。其中紅利為55萬美元,為公司設定目標獎金的79%。但是,鮑默爾最高可以拿到2倍的目標獎金,若以此來計算,他拿到的紅利金額,只達他所能拿到最高紅利額度的4成而已。若跟他前一個會計年度拿到62萬美元紅利相比,獎金也縮水了11%。鮑默爾目前持有微軟的股票價值113億美元,相對之下55萬美元只是九牛一毛,但對於掌權13年,並準備要下台的他來說,儲存利大縮水並非光彩的事。紅利大縮水的主因是,微軟9月推出新SURFACE平板電腦的銷售讓人失望,WINDOWS 8作業系統的業績,又受個人電腦產業萎縮所拖累。微軟表示,儘管去年10月推出的WINDOWS 8仍賣出逾1億套,但電腦市場充滿挑戰,加上WINDOWS 8與SURFACE發行成本高,導致營運收益大減18%。另外,新版平板電腦SURFACE RT銷售不如公司預期,降價促銷導致公司要認列9億美元庫存費用。雖然董事會肯定鮑爾默給公司帶來780億美元營收創新高記錄,但也批評他讓視窗部門的獲利衰退,和無法推升SURFACE RT的買氣。這使得他的紅利大縮水。鮑默爾8月已宣布準備卸下執行長一職。不管未來能否進入董事會,他計劃以重大投資人身份參與公司事務。mini storage
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 14:08
“曾經是中國國家領導人避寒休假的勝地,mini storage江澤民更在此種樹留念的廣西北海銀灘,在九十年代是香港人及內地人嚮往的旅遊景區,曾經因有美女陪泳的玩意而名噪一時,吸引不少香港男士前往渡假,過去10年,當地經濟發展神速,但同時帶來的污染亦非常嚴重,有「天下第一灘」之稱的北海銀灘,已變成不折不扣的「天下第一垃圾灘」,這幾天持續大風天氣,竟然為北海銀灘帶來近60噸垃圾,不可謂不驚人。新報專題組報道”廣西北海銀灘是中國唯一建在少數民族自治區的國家級旅遊渡假區,北海銀灘的沙灘均由石英沙堆積而成,在陽光照射下,潔白、細膩的沙灘會泛出銀光,故稱銀灘,銀灘附近海域每年有9個多月可以入水游泳。北海銀灘過去曾經吸引不少國家領導人前來渡假,江澤民在這�渡假時曾經植樹作紀念,前國家主席楊尚昆更把北海銀灘讚美為「天下第一灘」,因而成為旅遊勝地,九十年代後期,大批南北佳麗隨�遊客潮來到銀灘謀生,提供陪泳玩意,經傳媒報道,銀灘更成為不少香港男士嚮往的渡假天堂,如今「天下第一灘」的楊尚昆題字還在,但水清沙幼的優美環境已經面目全非。據英國每日電訊報報道,指中國過去十多年的發展使銀灘污染問題嚴重,銀灘成為中國環境污染問題又一受害者,而且情況逐年惡化。上半年垃圾逾1200噸新華社去年中亦曾報道銀灘的污染情況,並引述景區粗略統計,去年銀灘垃圾量逾1,800噸,今年上半年迷你倉有1,200多噸,曾經延綿數里的細白沙灘,如今看見的很有可能是避孕套包裝、塑膠瓶。在海灘上負責撿垃圾的清潔工說,有時候遊客都找不到一爿乾淨的沙灘躺下休息。「天下第一灘」已變成了「天下第一垃圾灘」。污染問題除了內地遊客缺乏公德心、城市規劃失誤,人口增加也是原因。海灘入口傾倒垃圾北海市的常住人口從1984年的11萬人,發展到如今的百多萬人,增加了十多倍,當局估計,到2020年北海市人口預計將達到200萬人,隨�人口激增,城市擴張,房屋建造向海邊推進,生活排污,都加深對環境的破壞,地方政府不得不下令拆毀海邊的建築,以免繼續破壞當地的天然環境,但每年350萬人次遊客湧到,肆意拋棄垃圾,破壞環境,做甚麼補救措施都顯得徒勞無功。早於2000年,北海市政府推動環境綜合整治方案,在為期兩年的整治期內,投資八千萬元,拆除銀灘二十七座影響景觀和沙灘自然發育的建築物,恢復被毀的防護林帶和植被,建立垃圾收運系統和污水收集系統。有關專家認為:這一方案標本兼治,銀灘有望恢復昔日風采,不過時間證明,工程成效成疑,儘管內地政府宣布未來5年大力投資整頓空氣污染問題,現任國家主席習近平也承認中國環境問題對經濟造成威脅、對民生造成傷害,但北海居民卻仍然投訴,銀灘的污染問題仍在逐年惡化,在海灘的入口附近就設置了一個垃圾傾倒處,離海不過200碼,顯然是配置不當。文件倉
- Oct 05 Sat 2013 13:52
台中旅展 買東南亞送香港 上摩鐵K歌夯 業績衝百萬
【黃任膺╱台中報導】台中國際旅展昨天開幕,迷利倉人潮擠爆會場,旅遊業者看好下半年度短程出國市場,推出「買東南亞送香港」,溫泉業者推出5到6折住宿券,摩鐵業者則主打「休息K歌房」。業者表示,民眾預期電價調漲後,住宿房價也可能漲價,紛紛進場搶購,以致今年人潮比去年多兩成。 摩鐵集團紀氏源豐昨進駐售住宿券,限平日3小時、假日2小時的「休息」券反客為主,格外搶手。 該店副理歐騏維說,旅展賣的休息券,多半是附設KTV、游泳池的房型,旗下蘭夏、沐夏、竹林雅緻汽車旅館都可通用,會場提供買KTV房送VOD房的優惠;她說,每次參展光休息券業績就上衝百萬,「6成以上都是買來歡唱開趴娛樂的」。 泡湯旺季客多3成 十月漸進入泡湯旺季,惠來谷關業務副理廖沛鈺說,人潮至少比淡季多3成,加上漲電價之後,飯店成本都增加,不知能凍漲到何時,許多民眾也是衝著先買起來、避免漲價的心態,又可享展場優惠才下手。 先買溫泉券享優惠 烏來強羅溫泉在九份、金瓜石接連蓋分館後,首次到台中參展,推出住宿買五送一的優惠套券;飯店副總李勵君說,溫泉飯店在漲電價之後,成本提高許多,以致自存倉店泡湯券已從每張150元漲至199元。當地飯店已陸續傳出調漲房價風聲,趁現在未漲前,先把券買起來是比較保險。國外旅遊的部分,旅行社看好下半年的短程線,吉帝旅遊行銷副理苑宜珊說,下半年陸續有許多國定假日,很多人都會加請一、兩天形成連假,因此像港澳、東南亞等短程線格外看好,故推出「小資女孩結伴玩樂」台中香港3天2夜7999元,買2送1;曼谷自由行5天9800元,加贈地鐵一日票及每房一張電話卡,現場報名還加碼送香港2天1夜。 「最後一天再出手」 民眾王承曦說:「今年參展攤位和遊程都比較豐富,但為了多拗一點優惠,最後一天才會出手買。」 台中國際旅展優惠資訊表 展期:即起∼10/7,10:00∼18:00展場:台中市西屯區天保街60號優惠內容◎消費滿五千元,憑發票兌換一張摸彩券,可抽香港來回機票及住宿券◎300個旅遊相關攤位聯祭優惠:.吉帝旅遊:曼谷5天自由行,現場報名送香港兩天一夜.水相餐廳:雙人套餐券原價1716元售1198元.中天旅行社:長灘島5天自由行,第二人減1萬元洽詢:(04)2350-8487資料來源:台中市旅行商業同業公會mini storage