旅遊文化節為期3個月,儲存倉國慶期間有登山節、啤酒節等南都訊 記者陳靜 前日,在媒婆的引領下,100對身著紅嫁衣、長馬褂的新人步入會場,揭開了2013年東莞市旅遊文化節的序幕。此次文化節在鳳崗鎮龍鳳山莊影視旅遊區揭幕,傳統的客家婚禮吸引了近千人前來觀禮。據東莞市旅遊局局長梁少蝦介紹,“本屆東莞旅遊文化節為期3個月,其間將舉辦融生態觀光、休閒體驗、節慶賽事為一體的啤酒節、登山節、美食節等各類主題、節慶、惠民活動。”記者瞭解到,本次旅遊文化節有不少活動恰逢國慶期間,市民可乘長假期間前去體驗。謝崗第十屆登山節時間:9月29迷你倉最平至10月8日地址:謝崗鎮內容:以群�性登山活動、綠道騎行為主的“暢享綠色自由行”;“快樂登頂靚照感言大征集”;廣場原創集體舞蹈活動;書畫、攝影大賽。第八屆廣東國際啤酒節時間:9月28日至10月7日地址:常平鐵路公園內容:開幕式、啤酒品飲、文藝晚會、美食品嘗、文體娛樂、啤酒競飲、旅遊休閒、經貿展銷、攝影比賽和閉幕式晚會等。第十二屆東莞美食節時間:9月30日至10月6日地址:南城富民商業步行街內容:開幕儀式、曲藝表演、動感街舞表演、美食我來做、魔術雜技、卡啦O K大賽、啤酒競飲、餐料展銷、各旅行社組織東莞一日游活動。儲存
目前分類:未分類文章 (2695)
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 13:46
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 13:34
解洪波帶領九�星精耕細作企業資金管理13年作者: ■本報記者史曉芳“我想我退休後就一個事情:找個景好安靜地兒,儲存倉支個洋傘,聽聽相聲、遛鳥兒、養養金魚。有人說我‘你真土’,我說交響樂我聽不懂,我是老北京出身,我就喜歡這個。所以我覺得,最適合自己的其實就是最好的目標或者是夢想。”北京九�星科技股份有限公司董事長兼總經理解洪波快人快語,說話幽默。北京九�星科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱九�星)是一家專注資金管理解決方案的提供商,在資金管理領域精耕細作13年,終成行業領頭羊。作為公司帶頭人,解洪波帶領著企業一直不斷向前——從當初的50萬元起家,到2012年達到將近1.4億元的良好業績,而且還在2012年6月18日在深圳證券交易所發行了中小企業私募債。九�星之所以走到今天,用解洪波的話說,憑借的是專業、專心、專注。腳踏實地實現夢想“實際上,中國夢對於我來說,不僅是一個前景,更重要的是腳踏實地去創造實現。”解洪波說,他大學學的是會計學,畢業後分配到某部委公司,在那裡一干就是3年,從最基礎的出納做起。這對於剛畢業的他來說,是一份讓他覺得很鬱悶的工作,但經過這麼多年,解洪波卻對那一段時間的工作充滿感激,“因為那項工作最鍛煉人,為我以後的工作奠定了基礎。”1992年年底,解洪波辭職,進入中信集團和其下屬的中國租賃有限公司,做了兩年的信貸,在此期間,又去讀了社科院貨幣專業的研究生。這段經歷,讓解洪波認識到資金的重要性,“我意識到了‘錢生錢’的特性,也讓我敢去做資金管理。”解洪波說。中國租賃有限公司旗下成立了北京匯理信息技術有限公司,這是一家專門做軟件、為信托投資公司提供服務的公司,解洪波時任公司副總經理。隨著公司改製,解洪波等6人離開公司。“當時我們也在思考再往何處去的問題,之所以選定資金管理,是因為當時這個領域還沒有人做,這種理念也很新穎,我們看到了這個領域的發展前景。”解洪波說。2000年,解洪波等6人以50萬元資金成立了北京九�星科技股份有限公司。九�星主要為企業提供資金管理研發、技術支持及資金信息增值咨詢服務。用解洪波的話說,“企業領迷你倉最平者通過我們的系統,知道自己有多少錢,知道如何調度這些錢。”贏得信任把握未來作為一個民營企業家,解洪波現在最期盼的是一個公平的市場環境,對所有企業的公平。解洪波表示:“其實我不希望有領導問我‘最希望給你什麼支持?’因為只要有支持,也意味著不公平,大家都在同一起跑線上,才是公平的。”現在,各個層面都在口頭上喊要重視民企,但解洪波認為大部分還是口惠而實不至。不過,在呼喚外部環境公平、公正的同時,解洪波也認為民營企業更要“自身硬”。“現在民營企業都說缺資金、缺市場、缺人才等等,但我覺得民營企業最缺的是信用。”解洪波說,與其現在抱怨不公,不如從自己做起,自我改善,不要將自己的命運依附在未來的支持上,只有贏得別人的信任、尊重,才能有根深蒂固地改變。對於公司現在的發展態勢,解洪波說,不能簡單用“理想”二字來形容。因為如果到達了理想狀態也就意味著停止不前。“我們從一個比較優秀的小型軟件公司變身到一個中型軟件公司,以300人的規模控制著全國一半以上的市場,我們的銷售已經過億元,已經從一個50萬元的註冊資本金變成了5000多萬元的資本金,我們近期的目標就是要成為一個優秀的中型軟件公司。”雖然已經處於領先位置,但解洪波並沒放鬆。目前,九�星根據不同企業的資金管理模式,不斷對旗下產品升級,通過先進的資金管理理念和成熟的網絡信息技術,為各類企業提供了集銀企互聯渠道建設、賬戶管理、結算管理、計劃管理、投融資管理、風險管理及分析決策為一體的智能資金平台,更好地服務于企業資金管理體系建設。解洪波當下的希望是,公司在資本市場能夠上一個更高的台階,能夠規模更大,產品線覆蓋面更廣,給社會創造更多的價值。當然,由此而來的是企業的效益更好、利潤更多、員工的生活水平更高。解洪波開玩笑說,希望員工都能開上屬於自己的汽車,因為北京房價太貴所以不能說讓員工都買上房子,這有些困難。不過他說一些員工現在已經開上了車,而且有的還有了自己的房子。解洪波說:“有夢想是好的,但一定要切合實際。只有夯實基礎,踏踏實實去實現,才能讓夢想照進現實。不想辦法實現它,那真的只能是一場夢。”儲存
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 13:12
自貿區今掛牌 即日接受諮詢 官方低調綵排 首批細則將公布
香港文匯報訊(記者 章蘿蘭、沈夢珊 上海報道)聚焦全球目光的中國(上海)自由貿易試驗區將於今日(29日)上午舉行掛牌儀式,迷你倉首批8家中資銀行率先獲准進入自貿區設立分行。掛牌儀式結束後,上海自貿區即日就可接受企業諮詢。上海市方面也預定今日公布自貿區首批細則。據悉,在國慶長假期間,剛誕生的上海自貿區將節假無休,有專人受理投資者事宜。 上海官方對自貿區掛牌儀式十分低調,就連屆時是否有中央領導人出席也是眾說紛紜。據稱,儀式受邀媒體名額十分有限。記者昨日來到位於外高橋保稅區的上海自貿區管理委員會大樓,發現正在舉行綵排儀式,一隊禮儀小姐正在排演授牌過程。而今日下午還將舉行自貿區說明會,屆時,國家發改委等部委辦負責人、上海自貿區管委會負責人將會介紹上海自貿區相關情況,預計在下午的情況說明會上,將有首批細則發佈。 領導班子有三套 對於官方至昨日仍未公布自貿區管理層名單。知情人士向本報透露,上海自貿區相關領導班子有三套。第一套是由國務院領導牽頭的中國(上海)自貿試驗區推進領導小組,主要負責研究與拍板自貿區內重大事項,由上海市長楊雄任組長,副市長屠光紹和艾寶俊任副組長。第二套是上海市層面的自貿區推進工作小組,副市長艾寶俊任組長,市府副秘書長戴海波、人民銀行上海總部副主任張新、上海海關關長黃勝強任副組長。 第三套是今日將揭曉的上海自貿區管委會框架,是在工作小組基礎上構建。據透露,艾寶俊將擔任管委會主任,浦東新區區委副書記、區長姜梁任第一副主任,上海市政府副秘書長戴海波任常務副主任,原先負責上海市綜合保稅區管委會主任的簡大年則任副主任,負責日常工作。 牽動36部門機構 此外,上海自貿區行業冗雜,涉及事項眾多,因此還將根據試驗區總體方案所涉及的具體領域,來劃分工作分工。知情人士稱,總體方案中所涉及到的投資貿易領域,將由上海商委、浦東新區政府牽頭負責,涉及航運領域的由上海市建設交通委、浦東新區政府負責;金融領域事項由上海市金融辦、浦東新區政府牽頭;行政法制領域則由上海市政府法制辦、浦東新區政府負責等。據悉,上海自貿區政策落實階段,將牽涉到上海市36個相關部門及中央駐滬機構。 目前上海自貿區已經一切準備就緒。昨日自貿區綜合服務大廳內,工作人員正在緊張調試程序。據透露,即便是在「十一」長假期間,上海自貿區亦將連軸轉,相關負責小組也將加班加點。相關負責人對本報表示,自貿區成立之初,尚未步入正軌,有許多事情待推進、待解決,「國慶節長假也沒辦法休息」。 上海自貿區管理層 管委會主任:上海副市長艾寶俊 第一副主任:浦東新區副書記、區長姜梁 常務副主任:上海市政府副秘書長戴海波 文件倉 主 任:原上海市綜合保稅區管委會主任簡大年 自貿區「三問」 一,自貿區為何不開放網絡? 基於國安 互聯網難繞過監管 曾有媒體猜測,上海自貿區內不設防火牆,全球兩大社交媒體Facebook和Twitter將會借此機會進入內地。對此說法,上海自貿區管委會相關人士明確表示,自貿區內互聯網將依法管理,沒有特殊。 有電信業人士表示,自貿區向外資企業開放的增值電信業務不是基礎電信業務,不含語音、短信等業務是基於國家安全因素考慮,就像美國電信會限制華為一樣。事實上,此前已有多家外企通過投資國內企業的方式,開展了類似增值電信業務。 北京郵電大學信息經濟與競爭力研究中心主任曾劍秋指出,內地目前的增值電信業務門檻很低,此次政策開放對於整個產業界而言,幾乎沒有影響。 中國移動互聯網產業聯盟常務副理事長兼秘書長李易認為,上海自貿區向外資企業開放的增值電信業務,是為入駐自貿區內的大量外籍人士定制,以滿足他們與外國聯絡時有更優惠的資費需求,但是所有的一切大前提都是保障網絡信息安全。 二,為何解除遊戲機禁令? 禁令鬆綁 或為引進家庭娛樂終端 今次的自貿區方案中明確允許外資企業從事遊戲遊藝設備的生產和銷售,通過文化主管部門內容審查的遊戲遊藝設備可面向國內市場銷售。有行業人士分析認為,此舉意味著實行了13年的遊戲機禁令將在上海自貿區開始鬆綁。 據業內資深人士透露,此前百視通與微軟在上海自貿區設立合資公司,就是鬆綁遊戲機禁令的一個暗號。微軟有一款遊戲機Microsoft X-Box,如果不解禁,它就無法名正言順地進入中國,而它的進入也不僅僅的是提供遊戲功能。從微軟選擇與百事通合作不難解讀出,微軟將來在自貿區內的方向是專攻數碼家庭娛樂終端,未來或有一款集合影音、娛樂、遊戲甚至購物功能的微軟機頂盒在上海自貿區內亮相。 目前業內普遍預期,隨著百視通與微軟合資模式的公佈,索尼、任天堂等其他遊戲機廠商也很可能會很快跟進,但內地版權環境複雜,想要真正抓住用戶,還得看各家如何適應內地市場。 三,為何允許外商獨資娛樂場所? 服務區內 嚴禁賭博色情場所進駐 在國務院公佈的開放措施,有一條允許設立外商獨資的娛樂場所格外引人注目。文化部有關負責人解釋說明,自貿區設立之後允許設立外商獨資的娛樂場所,是在試驗區內提供服務。而娛樂場所指的是以營利為目的,並向公眾開放、消費者自娛自樂的歌舞、遊藝等場所。對於賭博、色情之類的是堅決不會進駐自貿區的。 該負責人還表示,文化部已經針對上海自貿區文化工作制定了詳細的管理辦法和細則,目前已經上報部領導,將於近日公佈。■本報記者 孔雯瓊 上海報道 存倉
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 12:55
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 12:51
走 國慶到新津放風箏 暢享田園生活
國慶長假到哪裡玩?暢享自在藍天,mini storage一起到新津放風箏吧!9月30日,“五津文化”杯2013中國·新津第三屆風箏節暨第三屆國際特技風箏邀請賽將在中國民航飛行學院新津分院隆重開幕。據悉,此次風箏節將一直持續到10月3日,來自美國、德國、意大利、新西蘭、俄羅斯、韓國、印度、泰國的八支國際風箏隊,以及十支國內頂尖風箏團隊將在“幸福新津”上空進行多個種類的新奇特風箏特技比賽與表演。以國際特技風箏邀請賽、國際名校賽艇挑戰賽等一系列重大活動和節會為契機,圍繞市委“五大興市戰略”,把發展服務業作為轉變經濟發展方式、調整經濟結構的戰略舉措,新津正加快構建“大旅遊”發展格局。狂歡風箏節 11項主題活動精彩紛呈圍繞加快新津“大旅遊”建設步伐,本屆風箏節共籌劃了風箏盛會、全民互動、商貿展銷等三大板塊11項主題活動。與去年風箏節相比,今年的活動更加豐富多彩。據悉,第三屆風箏節將風箏特技比賽與航空航天模型表演賽相結合,融合新津美食展銷會、新津特色產品展銷會、“宜居新津”房地產暨汽車展銷會等,遊客多點互動參與,新津旅遊資源多線融合,形成國慶期間新津“放風箏、品河鮮、看美景”的特色節慶活動,使之成為黃金大假成都及周邊遊客的首選旅遊目的地。風箏節期間,每天都會安排不同的主題活動。9月30日上午舉行“風箏盛典”暨“中國夢·我的夢”萬人簽名主題風箏放飛儀式,10月1日舉行“傳統風箏”比賽,10月2日進行“盤鷹與運動風箏”比賽,10月3日為“萬箏競秀”特技表演。屆時,來自國內外的18支風箏特技表演隊將在新津上空放飛各式新奇特風箏,並參照國際風箏專業比賽的辦法,按照傳統風箏、運動風箏、盤鷹三大類別分組,以風箏工藝、放飛技巧為標準評出今年的“風箏王”。為進一步提升互動性,市民不僅可以現場觀賞國內外專業風箏隊的精彩表演,還能以民間風箏達人的身份參加比賽,與全球風箏高手同台PK。目前,主辦方已正式發佈達人征集令,邀請各地風箏高手國慶聚首新津。“不限年齡不限身份,只要在風箏製作或放飛方面能力出眾,都有機會成為風箏達人。”組委會相關負責人表示,現場將有專業風箏高手根據製作工藝或放飛技術進行現場評選,每場評選出一位風箏達人,獎勵組委會特製精美禮品。此外,會場周邊還將開展兒童樂園、新津美食展、百姓大舞台、社區聯盟運動會、“宜居新津”房地產暨汽車展銷會、航空航天模型表演賽暨科普文化展覽等多項主題活動,節目豐富精彩紛呈,伴您度過一個愉快的假期。多條出游線路 帶您暢享田園生活國慶長假期間,新津花舞人間景區將舉行百合花、野菊花節及多項精彩活動,等待市民光臨——“美麗新娘婚紗秀”、“行攝花舞人間 贏得萬元大獎”、“游迷宮花園 尋最美花兒”、“花舞好聲音 夢想音樂周”、“河鮮美食 天天半價”……花卉博覽園中,蒙娜麗莎、祖瑪、帕拉德羅、巴魯塔等上百萬株精品百合花成片盛開,連成花的海洋;此外,雲海泛舟、森林漂流、半山運河遊船等景點也將推出優惠活動,讓遊客在賞花的同時體驗到玩水的樂趣。褪去夏荷的盛裝,秋季的花舞人間天高雲淡self storage山清水秀。在雲海漫步,營造海天一色的浪漫情懷;乘坐皮划艇隨激流飛馳而下,感受森林漂流激情澎湃……離市區僅20分鐘車程的興義鎮樸寶園,園中有數百株珍貴楠木、銀杏樹種,並有超過三十種鳥類棲息于此。漫步園內,空氣清新,綠道環繞,鳥語聲不絕於耳,遊客可至健康綠道自在騎游,在大自然中享受親子樂趣,也可以在桂花巷文化休閒一條街享用鄉間閑趣及餐飲,品嘗具有台灣特色的小吃和美食。大戰略 大跨越 新津構建“大旅遊”發展格局國際名校賽艇挑戰賽、國際梨花節、河鮮美食節、杜鵑花節……近年來,一個又一個國際性節會活動在新津登場,不斷刷新人們對這座山水生態小城的傳統印象。伴隨2013中國·新津第三屆風箏節暨第三屆國際特技風箏邀請賽的成功舉辦,新津將又一次吸引世界的目光。位於成都南部門戶的新津,素有“蓉城南路第一景,川西名勝上河圖”的美譽。這裡五河匯聚、江河如帶,山不高而堆綠疊翠,水不深而蘊秀吐雅,有國家級文物保護單位——龍馬寶墩遺址、觀音寺,“天下第一忠孝儒林”——純陽觀、老子歸隱地——老君山;有長秋山、牧馬山兩道天然生態屏障;還有以“黃辣丁”為代表的各類河鮮美食享譽國內外。在新津經濟社會發展的主軸線上,旅遊業正不斷確立自己的全新坐標。看優勢——新津五河匯聚、山水相依、氣候宜人,是“國家級生態縣”,生態旅遊文化資源得天獨厚。看能力——新津現有賓館及住宿接待設施70多家,其中3星級以上3家,各類酒樓、餐館近800家。較具規模的農家樂及鄉村酒店達300多家,可滿足遊客餐飲、休閒、娛樂、住宿等多種需求。看前景——近年來,花舞人間、亞特蘭蒂斯·黃金時代、寶資山國際文化旅遊風景區等重大項目先後簽約或動工,逐漸成為新津旅遊產業發展的新動力、新亮點。大跨越背後是大戰略。一系列數字或許更能勾勒新津的雄心:2012年,新津旅遊收入突破6.7億元,增長39.8%;接待遊客人數突破560萬人次,增長24.4%。而新津的目標更是高遠:到2016年,成功創建國家級旅遊度假區,旅遊人數達2011年的3倍以上,旅遊業總收入達2011年的5倍以上。站在新的起點,新津以創建國家級旅遊度假區為契機,搶抓發展機遇,奮力打造西部經濟核心增長極,加快推進現代化、國際化進程,著力構建“大旅遊”發展格局。按照“做大規模、做強配套、做優服務”思路,高水平整合全縣文化旅遊資源,實現集約化開發、集群式聯動,推動新津旅遊由“一日游”向“多日游”、“觀光游”向“度假游”、“過境游”向“目的地”跨越。李自強 /文 (圖片由新津縣委外宣辦提供)國慶大假新津旅遊線路推薦:ヾ 成雅高速新津東(普興出口)—新普路快捷通道—新津風箏節主會場(中國民航飛行學院新津分院)ゝ 成都石羊場—牧山大道(大件路)—新津花橋鎮—中國民航飛行學院新津分院—迎賓大道—純陽觀—花舞人間—老君山—觀音寺ゞ 成都草金立交—成新蒲快速通道—興義鎮—樸寶園(台灣美食)—安西鎮(魚頭火鍋)々 成雅高速新津南(鄧雙出口)—岷江大道—新蒲路(河鮮美食走廊)—花舞人間—老君山mini storage
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 12:48
近日,文件倉有媒體報道,雅虎的聯合創始人楊致遠已在中國互聯網市場悄無聲息地開始了他的投資。此次在中國市場的第一筆投資是投資給了一家低調的旅行網站,世界邦旅行網。從日本雅虎到阿里巴巴再到世界邦旅行網,楊致遠的投資究竟遵循�怎樣的價值規律?精準的投資眼光楊致遠,曾是一個出色的經營者,或是頗具行業前瞻性的投資人。從雅虎後期支撐其股價的兩筆戰略投資——阿里巴巴、日本雅虎上就能看出其投資眼光的犀利。1996年4月,成立僅僅兩年的雅虎進行首次公開募股,以每股13美元的價格發行260萬股,融資1.34億美元。 2000年1月,雅虎股價達到歷史最高值475美元(未拆股前),同年達到市值1300億美元。此後谷歌、存倉bay也曾是雅虎收購計劃的獵物。隨�時間的推移,消費者對於互聯網的應用方式改變。中國曾經的三大門戶衰落了,網易轉型遊戲公司、搜狐的資源傾向視頻領域、新浪更是靠聯合阿里之力力推微博。站在十字路口的雅虎,這一次同樣面對�互聯網歷史的重要節點,卻未做出最明智的應對。目前的互聯網產業已經呈現高度細分化,高度專業化的產業趨勢,在單一領域內為消費者提供具有價值的服務從而獲得成功。基於這個理念,楊致遠在退休轉做天使投資人之後默默地在中國進行了第一筆投資,投給了一家低調的提供出國自助旅行服務新模式的網站,世界邦旅行網。世界邦旅行網是否將是楊致遠一段嶄新的彩色夢想,是他紫色夢想的延續?拭目以待。綜合/記者 林鋒儲存
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 12:32
【新報訊】觀塘基督教聯合醫院正擴建,self storage惟因需興建臨時辦公室,所有時租訪客車位將於後日(10月1日)起全部取消,前往醫院人士需到附近另找車位泊車,有市民及區議員批評對病人及其家屬構成不便,亦擔心阻塞道路交通。運輸署指,會留意市民因工程對交通服務需求的變化,並就繁忙時段乘客需求作出調查,有需要時調整公共交通服務。聯合醫院落成已久,設施早不敷應用,加上九龍東人口增長急促,故擴建聯合急不容緩。經多年籌備,擴建工程已於3月展開,將清拆4幢由行政部門使用為主的建築物F、G、H及P低座,重建為日間服務及癌症中心大樓,大樓採取雙子塔式設計,醫院總樓面面積將增加一倍至22萬平方米,病床由現時1,400張增至1,700張。整項擴建計劃於2021年完成。後日起取消訪客車位不過聯合早前宣布,因工程取消訪客停車場,訪客若有需要可使用附近屋苑時租停車迷你倉,引起不滿。有市民指親屬因行動不便需使用輪椅,乘搭公共交通工具到醫院覆診並不方便,所以以往會協助接載,如取消訪客車位,將令他們甚不便;亦有市民擔心前往醫院車輛,都轉往區內其他停車場泊車,令他將來泊車時有困難。觀塘區議會環境及衛生委員會委員陳俊傑指,現時醫院車位已不足,時租車位經常泊滿,探病亦可能沒有位置泊車,當訪客車位取消,區內市民泊車將更困難;他亦擔心有需要人士可能隨便泊車,對道路交通構成阻塞,認為政府應加強關注。傷殘人士車位不受影響聯合解釋,工程承辦商將於今年第四季於該院K座、P座及S座停車場搭建臨時建築,作為醫院部份行政部門及病人服務的臨時辦公地點。為配合搭建臨時建築、拆卸及重建工程,院方由後日起取消超過300張職員泊車證及所有時租訪客車位,不過傷殘人士時租車位將不受影響。工程期間共有176個車位需封閉,約佔總數四成。自存倉
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 12:10
旺區遊客太擠迫 考驗澳門承載力 搵食遊逛兩相襯 旅遊路線更吸引
上周本澳旅遊業一大新聞,迷你倉乃旅遊局趕在“十·一”黃金周前夕,公佈四條旅遊路線。此舉目的,名為鼓勵旅客到各區遊歷,希望起分流作用,紓緩旅遊旺區壓力,並帶動社區旅遊發展。但細斟之下,似仍欠缺了些什麼。 目前本澳旅遊業現狀,就是旺區太旺,以致引起各方面對澳門承載力的議論和探討。旅遊局發佈四條旅遊路線,開宗明義就是要起分流作用,紓緩旅遊旺區壓力。然這幾條線路,都有一個弊端(或叫不足之處),就是都是單純的景點觀光,而且是步行遊,路程不短(尤其路線四藝文探索之旅,需由澳門漁人碼頭經旅遊塔直到媽閣廟,比每年一度的公益金百萬行還要長),少些體力都唔得,相信能分流的遊客數量有限(不才大膽估計,不會超過來澳遊客比例的百分之五)。 大家都知,遊客來澳旅遊,第一大目儲存倉當然是博彩。除此之外,不外乎食、遊、購物。剔除博彩因素,其餘三項應是同等並重、同時進行,遊客會邊逛、邊玩、邊購物、邊搵�食。購物場所出於商業考量,大都位於旺區,這不用說。旅局要分流旅客到各區,紓緩旺區壓力,設計旅遊線路時,宜將食和遊結合起來考慮,才能吸引更多遊客。 如路線一的歷史足跡之旅,由南灣大馬路為起點,穿越議事亭前地、爐石塘巷、福隆新街、內港到司打口,這一路之中,就有不少本澳傳統美食,應該把營地街市熟食中心的瓦煲咖啡、牛雜,營地大街勝利茶餐廳的豬扒包和西冷牛扒,及福隆新街的祥記麵家、三元粥品專家等導入;又如路線二綠色文創之旅由觀音堂至望德聖母堂,也可把松苑麵家、皇冠小館等導入。添加美食推介,豐富旅遊路線的特色和內涵,相信對遊客的吸引力會更大。 迷你倉最平
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 11:49
茶改場設門禁 魚池觀光死鎖
日月潭觀光據高點的農委會茶業改良場魚池分場,mini storage4年前設門禁管制,除機關團體可申請進場,一般遊客都被擋在門外。地方旅遊業者希望魚池分場適度開放,讓日月潭生態導覽能更圓滿。魚池分場副研究員兼股長林儒宏說,4年前因一般團體與遊客未做管制,可以進出紅茶的故鄉,甚至傳出有心人趁機偷取第一代紅茶樹苗,造成研究很大困擾,才會報請農委會核准做貓蘭山步道與茶業試驗研究分流,讓遊客在分場下方攀登貓蘭山,經多年溝通多數能體諒。面對地方反應,分場也有分階段規劃適度開放構想,日前向總場報告,上級仍堅持管制。魚池鄉前鄉長廖學輝認為,茶改分場從日據時代開放至民國99年,都未封閉園區,如今儲存以研究之名進行封路,遊客想一睹台灣紅茶故鄉與歷史建築鍚蘭紅茶廠都被堵在鐵門外,這是因噎廢食,要培養台灣的紅茶文化,讓消費者了解紅茶如何來的,相當重要。旅遊業者認為,很多遊客來日月潭都會指名要參觀魚池分場,分場設門禁後,生態旅遊完整性形同被切割。縣議員陳昭煜說,茶改分場以研究之名設門禁,卻忘了紅茶也是地方產業之一、是多人努力成果,鍚蘭紅茶廠屬歷史建築,花了那麼多錢整修,站在產業發展的需要,茶改分場不應固步自封。他強烈要求應做適度開放,結合地方達到魚幫水、水幫魚的境界。魚池鄉長陳錦倫也認為茶改場封路多年做法宜做檢討,尤其鍚蘭紅茶廠建築耗費不少公帑,更應讓大家分享。迷你倉
- Sep 29 Sun 2013 11:40
全力提升城市建設品質 市住建系統學習貫徹落實市委全會精神
本報訊(記者 章盛莉 通訊員 雷勇)9月27日下午,存倉市住建委召開幹部大會,迅速傳達學習、深入貫徹落實市委十二屆六次全體(擴大)會議精神,要求系統幹部職工把思想和行動統一到市委的決策部署上來,踐行“六個走在前列”要求,在長沙新一輪大建設、大發展、大提升中奮勇爭先,為全力提升城市建設品質,推動住建事業跨越發展做出積極貢獻。市住建委黨委書記、主任範焱斌表示,全市住建系統將以市委全會精神為動力,創新思路方法,改進工作作風,扎實抓好當前各項業務工作。根據部署,重點工程建設將大力推進軌道交通、航電樞儲存、過江通道、交通樞紐等關係全局、影響深遠的重大項目和供水管網、汙水處理、垃圾站場、公園建設等環境提質項目以及保障性住房建設、棚戶區改造、危房改造等民生工程,加大統一調度力度,加快項目建設進度,確保工程質量安全;小城鎮建設將加快城鎮成片綜合開發,將集約、智能、低碳、綠色的指標貫穿其中,提高集約化程度,提升小城鎮建設品質;綠色兩型建設將打造一批綠色建築示範典型,發展一批綠色低碳示範城鎮,建好梅溪湖綠色示範新區,通過更多的綠色建築產品,帶動全社會逐步認識綠色建築的意義所在,營造更加良好的推廣環境。self storage
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 19:16
李亦筠╱報道在華人影業史上,自存倉新加坡片商扮演重要的角色。上世紀50年代,邵氏、國泰、光藝這三大院商為穩定片源,先後北上香港建立片場,變成制片商,把香港電影送進片場制的黃金時代。三大片商中的光藝專攻粵語片市場,從影片的美術風格到故事內容,反映了深刻的時代特色。新加坡光藝有限公司由何�榮(1901—1966)在1937年成立,光藝成立時,何氏兄弟在香港的合伙人是導演秦劍。秦劍領導有方,光藝由1955年至1969年間製作了近120部粵語片,其中又以文藝片、喜劇片、驚悚片為主。新加坡博物館10月的特別電影項目“光藝的故事”將播映15部光藝制片公司在上世紀五十和六十年代間所製作的粵語電影.其中的“南洋三部曲”,能讓本地觀�回顧新加坡過去的風采,也同時能從中找到與當今社會對應的場景。影片多以窮苦大�為主角秦劍受歐美影片熏陶較深,敘事結構與鏡頭運用,皆善向西片借鏡,除了為光藝闖出自己的影片風格外,也為粵片業找出新路向,回應時代的轉變。到了1957年,為了迎合新馬市場,秦劍親率大隊,來到本地拍攝“南洋三部曲”,包括1957年的《血染相思穀》、《唐山阿嫂》和《椰林月》。光藝親自提拔的新一代演員謝賢、南紅、嘉玲和江雪等也魚貫登場,當時影片多以窮苦大�、圍繞貧賤夫妻與移民勞工為主角。秦劍是光藝的靈魂人,香港名導楚原在光藝時期就師承秦劍,並活躍于影壇,是六七十年代橫跨華語粵語片的一名中堅分子。其他光藝旗下導演還有善於執導偵探片和倫理悲劇片的陳文;吳回原是演員出身,從來沒有當過主角,他卻可以將一些不起眼的角色演活,吳回拍片以又多又快又好見稱,文藝、喜劇、偵探、懸疑、動作樣樣皆能。龍剛擔任秦劍的助導,後來獨當一面,頗具現實意義的處女導作《播音王子》便一鳴驚人。19mini storage6年吳宇森導演的《英雄本色》的故事主線,就出自龍剛1967年執導的同名電影。300張戲票,先到先得新加坡博物館於今年10月10日至20日,將在Gallery Theatre放映光藝制片公司于1957年至1968年所製作的15部粵語懷舊電影,包括秦劍與楚原聯導的《椰林月》與《血染相思穀》,這兩部片的演員是謝賢與嘉玲。還有秦劍導的《胭脂虎》、《九九九命案》、《難兄難弟》、《追妻記》和《歡喜冤家》,《胭》演員是紅線女,《九》是謝賢與嘉玲,《難兄難弟》是謝賢與南紅,《追》是謝賢與嘉玲,《歡》是胡楓與謝賢與南紅和嘉玲。另外,還有楚原導,謝賢與嘉玲演出的《原來我負卿》。陳文導的《唐山阿嫂》與《鐵膽》,《唐》演員是南紅與姜中平,《鐵膽》是謝賢與江雪。吳回導的《七重天》與《春到人間》,《七》演員是謝賢與南紅,《春》是謝賢與江雪。龍剛導的《播音王子》與《英雄本色》,《播》是謝賢、陳齊頌與沈殿霞演出,《英》則是謝賢、嘉玲與石堅演出。何建業導的《紅鸞星動》,則是陳寶珠、呂奇、馮寶寶和夏萍演出。博物館將贈送本報讀者300張“光藝的故事”戲票,讀者只要下載《聯合早報》手機應用程序,就能免費獲得2張總值18元的“光藝的故事”系列電影票,先到先得,得票者將接獲通知,聯合早報手機應用程序下載方法:.zaobao.com/promo/zbguide。下載早報手機應用程序後,用設置里的�提供新聞線索/聯絡新聞室�方式發送郵件,正文里請寫下你的中英文姓名、身份證號碼、手機號碼、地址、想看電影的名稱和播放日期及時間。欲知各電影的播放日期和時間,請上網查詢:.zaobao.com/culture/entertainment/cinema/story20130927-258046。儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 19:05
With wearable tech comes security headache
High-tech wearable accessories present new risks to firms; concerted strategy needed to protect informationSingaporeWEARABLE tech such as Google Glass may be the playthings of the future, but they could bring much grief to companies.文件倉Industry observers warn that the rise of consumer products that combine technology with wearable accessories may present new security risks to firms."As with any new form of technology, there is always an inherent risk. With wearable tech, the trade-off for mobility and convenience is security," said Arun Kundu, professional services director, Asia Pacific, at Verizon Enterprise Solutions."For example, a wearable tech product such as the Google Glass would require a greater degree of automation in the absence of a keypad. While automation increases, it also means anyone with the intent to compromise your data security can do so with something as simple as a malware embedded in a QR code," he added.The concept of wearable tech is not an entirely new innovation, since such devices used to exist for fitness purposes. The Nike+ FuelBand, for example, can be worn around the wrist to track the distance someone has run. Now, more high-tech wearables are appearing on the market; Google Glass, Samsung's Galaxy Gear and Qualcom's Toq smartwatches are among the few that have got people talking.A report from Juniper Research predicts that wearable tech shipments will grow 10-fold, reaching 150 million devices by 2018. With growing public interest in such devices, companies must stay ahead on the curve and prepare themselves for the challenges posed by wearable tech in the workplace.According to the Symantec Internet Security Threat Report Volume 18, some 32 per cent of all mobile threats attempt to steal information.Eugene Teo, manager of security response, Asia Pacific and Japan at Symantec, said a potential threat comes from connecting to rogue WiFi access points which can be set up by cyber criminals to steal personal or financial information, such as access codes, PIN numbers and passwords.To Steve Lam, advisory partner at EY, a big concern in wearable tech centres around the issue of privacy."With such devices, we can imagine it is now possible and convenient to do an unobtrusive video or audio recording of computer screens and closed-door meetings," he said.Several companies BT spoke to had mixed reactions to the impact of wearable tech on their workplaces.Ifor Evans, chief technology officer of PropertyGuru Group, said his firm is not putting a lot of effort into coping with security challenges posed by wearable tech yet as these devices are "still so thin on the ground"."We are currently working towards a policy on BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) but nothing is in place or set yet," he said, adding that cost was a consideration because a large number存倉of devices may potentially have to be supported by an IT department.Daniel Sim, associate manager, sustainability incubation hub, Fuji Xerox, reckons that the company's BYOD policy will have to change to cope with new challenges."Our application security team will regularly review and monitor the situation and work closely with HR and IT departments to establish a secure data environment and the right of use for the various BYOD platforms in place to mitigate the risks. New security applications will be added accordingly with the rise of wearable tech," he said.While wearable tech is still in its infancy, analysts believe that companies should take a proactive approach in dealing with the phenomenon."There will be additional risks, particularly for organisations that do not already have a BYOD initiative and whose sole security strategy is reliant primarily on having a defensive perimeter around network assets," said EY's Mr Lam.As the trend of wearable devices catches on, it might soon be commonplace for employees to own them. The rise in numbers of smartwatches connecting at work may mean that firms will need to upgrade or overhaul their wireless infrastructure to avoid them becoming overloaded. The wearable devices will also be syncing and sharing data with laptops and tablets through WiFi, resulting in a possibility of viruses spreading across networks.Said Mr Teo of Symantec: "IT departments looking to protect their enterprise environment while supporting mobile initiatives will need to plan an enterprise mobility strategy that takes several factors into account, such as user and app access, app and data protection, device management, threat protection and secure file-sharing. They will also need to consider best-practice security guidelines for using short-range wireless technology in wearable devices."Song Chuang, research director of Gartner, suggests that rather than interfering with personal devices, apps and services such as personal cloud, enterprises should focus on isolating their data and protecting enterprise apps and data on personal and enterprise-owned devices."The isolation means that employees are free to use personal cloud apps in the personal space of their device and the enterprise can reduce the risk that enterprise apps will leak data into the personal space of the mobile device," he said.Jason Brvenik, vice president of security strategy at Sourcefir, feels that wearable devices are additions to today's extended networks that include endpoints, mobile devices, virtual desktops and data centres."To protect extended networks as they continue to evolve requires that we think like an attacker and adopt a security model that is threat-centric, to address the extended network and the full attack continuum - before, during and after an attack," he said.儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 18:36
全球最佳連鎖企業 鼎泰豐第2名
美國有線電視網(CNN)旅遊網站廿六日選出全球廿家最佳連鎖企業,mini storage台灣鼎泰豐名列第二,僅次於美國的7-Eleven超商。CNN指出,鼎泰豐小籠包透明的外皮,讓食客一眼就能看到包子的內餡。以賣食用油起家的鼎泰豐,從一九七二年用一半的店面賣小籠包後,才開始走紅。目前已在全球十一個國家開設超過七十家餐廳,絕大多數的食客都必須排隊一小時以上才能品嘗到美食;在香港的兩家鼎泰豐餐廳更獲得「米其林」的一星認證。全球最佳連鎖企業的榜首,是起源於美國的7-Eleven便利店,目前在全美已有超過七千七百家,在日本更多達一萬五千八百餘家。排儲存前三到五名的,依次是速食業龍頭麥當勞、連鎖咖啡店星巴克及四季飯店;第六到十名依序是摩斯漢堡、無印良品、肯德基炸雞、宜家家居(IKEA),以及墨西哥的兒童遊樂場Kid Zania。第十一到廿名依序是DFS免稅店、希爾頓飯店、Subway潛艇堡、加拿大連鎖咖啡店Tim Hortons、歐洲租車公司Europcar、英國瑪莎百貨(Marks & Spencer)、美國速食中餐貓熊快遞(Panda Express)、英國連鎖日式拉麵店哇尬媽媽(Wagamama)、澳美客牛排館(Outback)與美國肉桂捲專賣店Cinnabon。迷你倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 18:24
(吉隆坡26日訊)亞通(AXIATA,6888,主板貿服組)旗下印尼子公司XL,自存倉以象徵式100美元向沙地電訊(STC)及旗下公司全面收購印尼Axis電訊的95%股權,並承擔後者的8億6千500萬美元(約28億零30萬令吉)債務。亞通發表文告指出,通過66.5%子公司XL,以上述代價向沙地電訊及後者旗下獨資子公司全球通訊投資(Teleglobal)全面收購Axis電訊股權及其債務。XL將持Axis電訊95%亞通指出,一旦完成上述收購計劃,XL將持有Axis電訊的95%股權,印尼股東則持有其餘5%股權,以符合印尼的條例。預料整個收購計劃將在2014年3月31日完成。上述收購主要是頻譜推動mini storage資產收購活動,特別是1,800MHz頻寬,將加強XL旗下2G及3G的服務,使逾6千500萬客戶及全部利益持有人取得顯著的利惠。鞏固印尼通訊領先位置XL總裁哈斯努表示,通過收購Axis,公司將可透過強大的流動數據服務牽引力,鞏固在印尼通訊領域的領先位置。“我相信所有業者都同意領域需進行整合,而這將由XL等能力和意願具備的公司來加速推動印尼的高品質通訊服務發展。”亞通總裁兼首席執行員拿督斯里惹馬魯汀指出,上述活動符合集團在各個營運國家持續投資,以及支持造福各方的市場整合運動,有信心此項整合運動能如柬埔寨Hello和Smart Mobile,以及斯里蘭卡Dialog和Suntel合併般順利。;儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 18:10
房市降溫? 購屋貸款年增率趨緩
8月適逢農曆鬼月,mini storage加上奢侈稅修法恐趨嚴及美國量化寬鬆(QE)喊退等3大利空因素襲擊房市,購屋及建築融資貸款年增率雙降。央行昨公布統計,8月購屋貸款餘額僅較7月增加124.5億元,年增率創9個月以來新低;建築融資貸款餘額減少35.5億元,年增率更創3年多以來新低。 央行官員表示,8月底購屋及建築融資貸款餘額年增率雙降,顯示整體房市沒有去年那麼熱絡。銀行在央行持續執行不動產授信的針對性審慎措施下,對不動產放款的風險控管已經提高。 央行官員說,8月適逢鬼月,本就是淡季,購屋貸款餘額成長幅度減緩,年增率下修為2.79%,但餘額5.515兆元續創歷史新高,顯示購屋市場仍溫和成長。 從8月五都買賣移轉棟數來看迷你倉五都中除台北市較去年減少17.58%,其餘四都皆有2位數成長。央行官員表示,因台北市房價較高,台北市房市交易案件減少對購屋貸款融資餘額的影響,也會比較顯著。 在建築融資貸款部分,8月融資餘額僅1.479兆元,較7月減少35.5億元,年增率僅1.13%,為99年4月以來新低。 央行官員指出,不少建商趕在鬼月來臨前提早開工,使8月建築融資餘額減少,加上建融資放款受管制地區建商最高只能貸款6成5,影響所及,建築融資貸款餘額增幅減少,也是趨勢。 不動產龍頭行庫土銀高層說,「現在只求融資餘額持平就好」,政府祭出奢侈稅、實價登錄等房市控管措施,央行更緊盯特定區域及豪宅貸款,各行庫都不敢太衝,就怕會被請去喝咖啡。文件倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 17:15
Waterfront living and car-free estates are ideas thrown up for Tanjong Pagar and Paya LebarDevelopers and designers will have 1,800ha of land to play with when the Tanjong Pagar container ports and Paya Lebar Air Base make way for homes and offices come 2030.自存倉The two parcels have been described as the biggest blank slates for developers to work on since Marina Bay, adding up to be five times the size of Marina Bay.In his National Day Rally Speech last month, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong caused a stir among industry players when he announced that the two areas will be redeveloped.All the container ports in Tanjong Pagar, Keppel, Brani and Pasir Panjang will be moved to Tuas when their leases expire from 2027.With their prime waterfront location and proximity to Marina Bay and Sentosa, the 1,000ha plot could house a new southern waterfront city with homes and offices.Meanwhile, the air base in Paya Lebar will relocate to Changi East to free up 800ha of land, which is about the size of the whole Yishun town. It is slated to accommodate 60,000 to 80,000 homes.Height restrictions will be removed when the air base makes way for the homes. Life! talks to those in the design and architecture fraternity to see what ideas for the two areas they would put on the drawing board if they had free rein.As architect John Ting, 57, a former president of the Singapore Institute of Architects, says: "Singapore's building plans in the last 50 years were fantastic by any measure. But what we did in the past, where we flattened everything with bulldozers and built from scratch, can't be done again."The first 50 years were powered by engineering solutions. The next 50 years has to be led by architecture and ideas for Singapore to stay extraordinary."natashaz@sph.com.sgAt water's edge in Tanjong PagarMarina Bay may be Singapore's urban showpiece, but architects and urban planners caution against building version 2.0 of the glitzy 360ha district.As DP Architects' director VikasGore, 60, puts it: "Don't build another ritzy playground."While he has no issue with a cluster that caters to the upper class such as those in Marina Bay and Sentosa Cove, he notes: "We have more than enough of them. They dominate the downtown and city-centre waterfront areas. We need more downtown seafront places where the heartlander can feel comfortable."With its proximity to the southern coast, Tanjong Pagar used to be a fishing village before becoming a nutmeg plantation. In 1859, British mariner Captain William Cloughton built the first dry dock there, which kick-started the building of wharves in the area. It is one of the busiest ports in the world today.Waterfront livingThe waterfront location is an asset that should be fully tapped, say architects.Singapore Institute of Planners' president William Lau, 57, says the 1,000ha Tanjong Pagar area offers "an unprecedented opportunity to be a great waterfront city".The new precinct can feature a festival marketplace and serve as a place to watch boats, sunsets and people, he adds. "Such a place will add a different dimension to the cityscape of downtown Singapore."Tanjong Pagar, he says, can emulate the success of old harbourfronts which have been transformed into iconic waterfront cities for both tourists and locals. These include the Sydney Harbour with its Circular Quay, San Francisco's Pier 39 and Granville Island in Vancouver.Most of the architects and planners also want the area to be accessible to the man on the street.DP Architects' associate director Chan Hui Min, 40, says while there can be areas for commercial uses, "the coast should be public like East Coast Park"."The most iconic feature of this place should be a public building or a park, not a privately owned one. Avoid parcelling large areas to one developer alone."Doing so, she explains, would mean less diversity and integration among neighbours. "While allocating a significant plot can attract investment and development, there needs to be a balance. When a piece of land is excessively large, developers start to create inward-looking attractions and treat their connectivity to the neighbouring areas as secondary."Mr Colin Seah, 41, design director of home-grown design firm Ministry Of Design, believes some aspects of Marina Bay could be replicated at Tanjong Pagar."Certain aspects of Marina Bay are fabulous, such as the myriad activities that can be held on its banks and in the water, like the National Day Parade."But the new district will be inherently different as it will be coastal and more linear. It will not be able to... be a contained environment like Marina Bay, which is more circular."He suggests building finger piers or boardwalks which can extend into the sea. To give the area a feel of the marina, access points for boats can also be set up.Housing and transportVeteran architect Tay Kheng Soon, principal architect and founder of Akitek Tenggara, says the two plots at Tanjong Pagar and Paya Lebar could "easily house two million people". This will help meet the housing needs of Singapore's population, which is projected to hit 6.9 million in 2030, up from the current 5.4 million.But Mr Tay, 72, who designed famous buildings here such as People's Park Complex in Chinatown and Golden Mile Complex in Beach Road, suggests thinking outside the box when designing the new towns."New towns should function like one integrated central nervous system. Current housing estates are functional, but they are separate from one another."His proposal: Turn the new housing estates into long strips, with schools stretched out along pathways and on the second floor. Below, community centres or gathering spaces, interspersed with retail shops, can be built.But keep it international, he says. Adding youth hostels and cultural institutions will keep the areas fresh and vibrant. "The elements should all be connected like pearls on a necklace. With these two plots of land, Singapore could show how they can be the most advanced settlements in the world."Style-wise, Tanjong Pagar, with its sea views, could be like Miami in Florida.Ms Maria Boey, 63, vice-president of architecture at home-grown firm Surbana International Consultants, says the long stretch of land could be lined with a mix of different types of buildings.A linear mega-structure can be developed with staggered heights, with shorter buildings nearest the sea so more people can enjoy water views.Ms Boey, who was the studio leader for the Tampines and Pasir Ris neighbourhoods more than 20 years ago when she worked for the Housing Board, says: "Multi-development projects will combine residential, commercial and institutional buildings. Finger-like, low-rise multi-development of eight storeys can be built around canals and marinas, where boats can dock for leisure or commerce."Even with the new plots, Interactive Architects Planners' chief executive Tan Shee Tiong, 63, says planners should still consider building underground.Mr Tan, who was part of a team of architects who planned the first phase of Marina Bay, is also against building another financial district as the current one has yet to reach its capacity.The new neighbourhoods should thus focus on residential projects, he says. "We could put offices and schools underground and reserve the ground above for homes. Planners need to think about more spacious homes with gardens at all levmini storagels."Cruise or carnival hubBesides homes, schools, retail shops and offices, Mr Wilfred Loo, 56, vice-president and head of planning at architecture consultancy firm Jurong International, says Tanjong Pagar should bank on its location to become a cruise hub."The presence of the Marina South Pier, International Passenger Terminal at Harbourfront and Keppel Bay presents the opportunity to consolidate the southern waterfront into a new and more iconic destination," he explains."Singapore has yet to fully realise its potential as a cruise and leisure destination," he says, adding that land masses in Tanjong Pagar could be connected by underground tunnels or bridges.For a fun twist, he also suggests having a water theme park.His pitch: Build a temporary water attraction that can be updated every few months in line with trends. The park would also be a "cooling change" from the concrete and iron structures of most theme parks.Alternatively, the areas near the water's edge could be turned into a spot with a carnival feel. Mr Loo says: "The main promenade that faces the ocean can be used as a venue for buskers. This might put us on the world map as the capital city of buskers. We have to be rebranded as a city that knows how to party."Car-free estates in Paya LebarWith the Paya Lebar area set to be zoned mostly for residential use, architects and planners say it could serve as a testbed for novel housing concepts, such as a car-free neighbourhood.Mr Tan Shee Tiong, 63, chief executive of Interactive Architects Planners, says: "Paya Lebar could be the area where we try new, eco-friendly materials and designs. Maybe we could do away with carparks... Everyone will ride bicycles, take buses or walk."Mr Tai Lee Siang, 49, group managing director of home- grown architecture firm Ong&Ong, adds that fostering community spirit should be a key point. "Planners shouldn't just look at making safe spaces alone, at the expense of fostering community spirit."Paya Lebar Air Base was first built as a civilian airport in 1955 called Singapore International Airport. It became a full military air base in 1981 when Changi Airport opened, and was renamed Paya Lebar Air Base that year.It doubles as a landing point for commercial or VIP aircraft at times. Former American president George W. Bush landed twice there, when he visited Singapore in 2003 and 2006. President Barack Obama also touched down in Paya Lebar, when he attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in 2009.Neighbourhood layoutEasy access tops the wishlist of architects for this area. Besides an efficient public transport system and a layout that makes walking a breeze, they also want to see more routes and facilities, such as ramps, for people with physical disabilities.Professor Andres Sevtsuk, 32, of architecture and planning, and principal investigator of Singapore University of Technology and Design's City Form Lab, sums it up: "Prioritise pedestrians, bikes and public transit over vehicular traffic."Dr Tan Beng Kiang, senior lecturer at the department of architecture in the National University of Singapore's School of Design and Environment, adds: "A walkable town should have car-free zones and cycling and walking paths, which help to promote healthy living and add vibrancy. There's also a higher chance of people interacting when everyone walks in the neighbourhood."This "24-hour vibrancy" is also what other architects hope to see.Mr Frven Lim, 41, director of architectural design at Surbana International Consultants, says buildings should have zones for public activities and private spaces confined to the higher levels. "At the lower floors, semi-public activities such as health-care and supporting services can be stitched between buildings."Such planning strategies, where a space is used for different purposes, create hives of activity that "add value to the real estate because of round-the- clock functionality", he adds.HousingSome architects hope the new housing estate could experiment with new materials. For example, eco-architect and academic Jason Pomeroy, 39, says his idea of a zero-carbon house, or apartment, could be further explored in Paya Lebar.He is building the B House in Bukit Timah, the first carbon-negative home in Singapore which uses no energy to function. The design optimises natural light and ventilation to all of the house. Provisions have also been made to collect and reuse rainwater and tap on solar energy.Professor Pomeroy, who runs Singapore-based Pomeroy Studio whose designers create sustainable buildings, says: "We need to have buildings that go beyond just bricks and mortar. Sticking plants everywhere is great, but that's a superficial level of greening the urban habitat."Using plants to reduce temperatures and absorb rainwater, coupled with using technology sparingly, can lower the amount of energy we use for building." Singapore, he says, has a long way to go before it becomes truly green.More stringent requirements will force developers to look at new ways of building eco-friendly properties and opt for new technologies. Residents will benefit, too, with lower building costs and a greener environment.Instead of skyrise flats, Mr Vikas Gore, 60, director of DP Architects, suggests that the Government look at low-rise, high-density building forms."High-rise and high-density have been bywords in the Singapore housing story. I believe we have not adequately explored low-rise, high-density building forms."This means blocks can be built closer together than regular HDB blocks, while medium-rise blocks can go up to six to eight storeys.Both housing typologies, he says, offer the chance to create smaller, more human-scale spaces for cosier living clusters.This can encourage a greater feel of belonging within the community.He explains: "Paya Lebar is very much in an area that we perceive as the heartland. While it may not boast the unique geography of Tanjong Pagar, it is the kind of area where many people feel comfortable in."Hangars as design clustersGiven Paya Lebar's aviation history, some architects suggest keeping part of the air base's elements in the new project. Mr Dylan Yee, 39, director of the urban planning division at CPG Consultants, says the air base can be developed as a lifestyle destination or a new town around the existing hangars, similar to the Dempsey area, which used to house army barracks.Architect John Ting, 57, suggests creating a design cluster for creative studios in the hangars, such as architecture firms, graphic design houses and fashion designers. "The hangars will make beautiful spaces and keep these creative agencies under one roof," he says. "Many things could happen there... It could result in a mix of ideas. Sparks could fly."For others, the Paya Lebar plot needs a green buffer as it is close to high-density towns such as Hougang.Mr Wilfred Loo, 56, Jurong International's vice-president and head of planning, proposes "experimental farms" on the periphery of the area.These farms could be used for research purposes, such as to help Singapore find new food sources, or encourage agricultural businesses such as ornamental fish or orchid farms to set up shops there.He says: "This is where Singapore can add value to the field of agriculture globally. Where physically possible and commercially viable, some commercial farming should be encouraged."儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 16:41
Zhanjiang’s development plan relies on sea resources
By ZHENG CAIXIONGzhengcaixiong@chinadaily.self storagecom.cnLeaders of Zhanjiang, a coastal city in the western part of Guangdong province, expect the sea to play an increasingly important role in the city’s economic growth in the years ahead.With abundant marine resources, including natural gas, crude oil, fisheries and offshore wind force, the city has unique advantages for oceanic industries.The central government approved Zhanjiang to become a comprehensive experimental zone for developing marine economy in Guangdong in 2011. Local officials say the coastal city should seize this opportunity to develop the city’s oceanic industries.The marine sector is on a track to becoming a pillar industry and playing a bigger part in Zhanjiang’s economic growth in 2020, according to the city’s blueprint for oceanic development.The city aspires to be a model for marine economy. To this end, relevant departments in the city have been urged to map out details and ambitious development plans that apply scientific methods to the industry.Meanwhile, the blueprint requires departments to introduce effective and concrete measures to protect the sea while taking efforts to develop the city’s chemical, steel, fishery and tourism industries.The water at more than 90 percent of the project areas should meet quality standards by that time, local authorities said.It is also moving to enhance protection of coral reefs, wetlands and mangroves.AquacultureKnown as the “city of prawns”, Zhanjiang should also expand its investment in ocean aquaculture industry in the future, local authorities said.Zhanjiang’s prawn output now annually represents more than 75 percent of the country’s total, while its pearl output accounts for 60 percent, according to statistics from the city government.The city has great potential in the fields of ocean medicine, aquatic product processing and breeding, local authorities said.The city’s aquatic product quality demonstration zone for exports was among the first group of 90 national safety and quality zones certified by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine last year.Aquatic exports from Zhanjiang have surpassed 100,000 tons every year for the past six years.It is the top locale in the country for the breeding, processing, export and sale of prawns.Last year, Zhanjiang was assigned the role as a national base for the transformation of the aquatic product industry.Ocean industryGu Jian’guang, director of economic policy research institute with Shanghai Jiaotong University, said Zhanjiang has unique advantages in developing its ocean industry.“It faces the vast South China Sea and has constructed good ports, harbors and related facilities, which have providemini storage a good platform for the city to develop its ocean industry,” Gu told a seminar in Zhanjiang on Sept 23.“Therefore, Zhanjiang has a great potential to develop ocean energy, natural resources, logistics, fishery and port transportation industries,” the professor said.“The city government should fully use its unique advantages to develop ocean industry in the coming years,” Gu added.The city projects its annual oceanic economic output will hit 180 billion yuan ($28.82 billion) by 2015.The sectors that play a strong role in oceanic industries include portside iron and steel, petrochemicals and papermaking, oceanic equipment manufacturing, tourism, offshore oil and gas exploration, and port-related logistics.Construction is underway on massive petrochemical and iron and steel projects on 286-square-kilometer Donghai Island.Built with joint investment from China Petroleum and Chemical Corp and Kuwait Petroleum Corp, the petrochemical complex is scheduled to be operational in 2015.With an initial investment of 59 billion yuan, it is designed to process 15 million tons of crude oil and 1 million tons of ethylene annually.Construction began in late May on the 69.6-billion-yuan Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Co project, which is designed to turn out 9.2 million tons of iron and 10 million tons of steel annually.ResortAuthorities also aim to develop the city into a seaside resort center in South China and an international tourism peninsula.The goal is to receive 43 million visitors a year by the end of 2015, with annual revenue from the sector hitting 25 billion yuan, accounting for more than 6.5 percent of the city’s GDP.With 30 islands in its jurisdiction, the city hosted 18.1 million visitors last year, up 28.1 percent over 2010.Meanwhile Zhanjiang is the gateway for expanding China’s economy southward and for strengthening trade relations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.Guangdong provincial government has since tasked Zhanjiang with leading the push for further modernization in western Guangdong.Zhanjiang’s own blueprint calls for marine research and development as well as the cultivation of oceanic brands by 2015.Located on the Leizhou Peninsula, the port city of Zhanjiang has a coastline of 2,403 kilometers, accounting for about 6.7 percent of the country’s total and 36.4 percent of the province’s total.And Zhanjiang, which administers a sea area of more than 20,000 sq km, has more than 140 islands.The city’s Donghai Island is the fifth largest in the country, while the Nansan Island is the seventh largest.The city has tidal land covering about 100,000 hectares, accounting for 5 percent of the country’s total.180 billion yuanThe projected oceanic economic output by 2015.迷你倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 16:21
早報記者 柯白瑋 發自新加坡圍牆將園區與外界隔離,迷你倉海關在出、入園口設有檢查處,個人未經核准不得進入或居住在內———這“內”就是新加坡樟宜機場自由貿易園區。在今年5月舉行的“第27屆亞洲貨運業及供應鏈獎”頒獎典禮上,樟宜機場連續第27年被選為“亞洲最佳機場”。據新加坡樟宜集團2012年的數據,機場自由貿易園區每年可處理300萬噸貨物。作為一個僅有714平方公里的城市國家,新加坡在1965年獨立後便開始尋找自己的經濟發展之道,島國的天然優勢決定了新加坡在經濟國策上不得不考慮發展對外貿易.如何吸引外資到新加坡投資?為了便利貿易,1969年新加坡通過了自由貿易園區法案(Free Trade Zone Act),該法案詳細說明瞭自由貿易園區(FTZ)的位置和政策,並規定了自由貿易園區的主要監管部門和職責。目前,新加坡共有3個自由貿易園區管理運營機構———新加坡港務集團有限公司(PSA)、裕廊海港私人有限公司(Jurong Port Pte Ltd)、樟宜機場集團(CAG),前兩個集團所管理的自由貿易園區在港口碼頭附近,而樟宜機場集團管理著機場航站樓附近的自由貿易園區。6月26日,樟宜機場集團貨運物流部負責人帶早報記者參觀了樟宜空運中心和機場物流園。新加坡樟宜機場有3個主要航站樓(T1、T2、T3),而樟宜貨運中心和機場物流園的位置就在機場1號航站樓側邊。樟宜貨運中心有一條直接的道路,連接著機場物流園。快速中轉因為未經核准個人不得進入園區,所以在參觀之前,早報記者提前向樟宜機場集團提供護照信息申請訪客通行證,進入機場物流園時,並無任何檢查,在出口會有一個海關檢查站,檢查證件後便放行進入。參觀的第一站是機場物流園。進到機場物流園區後,記者發現整個物流園繁忙有序,園區內有許多物流公司和貨物代理商的辦公樓和倉庫。比如,物流園入口附近,就是FedEx的空運辦公樓和貨倉,而物流園的出口,是UPS(聯合包裹)的辦公樓和貨倉。貨運物流部的負責人告訴早報記者,在倉庫和辦公室設施方面,樟宜機場集團主要是扮演著“房東”的角色,將建好的倉庫辦公室租給機場自由貿易園區內的200多家貨運代理商;但是,在有些情況下,樟宜機場集團是“地主”,將土地租賃給使用者,比如,像FedEx就直接向樟宜機場集團租用土地建設自己的倉庫和辦公樓———“FedEx空貨運快遞中心”(ACE Hub)。機場物流園的面積不大,約26公頃,開車穿過這個物流園只需要十多分鐘。物流園在2003年建成後,20個地段分別通過招標等方式吸引運輸商、物流企業入駐,2006年,這個小型的物流園獲得了亞洲物流獎。機場物流園允許物流企業和製造商提供增值服務,可以進行一些非深度的加工,例如,對時間要求高的產品可以在園內進行配置、部件組裝、返回修理、供應商庫存管理,因為在運輸和海關文件方面的節省,第三方物流服務提供商能夠進行快速補充完成增值。在機場物流園的出口有一條道路直接通向樟宜空運中心,樟宜空運中心的入口處同樣也有一個CAC Customs Checkpoint (樟宜空運中心海關檢查站)。樟宜空運中心面積要比機場物流園大,約有47公頃,在1981年樟宜機場開始運營時,樟宜貨運中心就建立了。和機場物流園有所區別的是,樟宜貨運中心內一般只是對貨物進行簡單的分類、包裝、重組。樟宜機場的負責人說,貨物空運的操作主要是集中在樟宜航空貨運中心,如果進行加工,一般會到機場物流園內。樟宜機場集團貨運物流部的負責人介紹,目前,樟宜空運中心擁有9個航空貨運碼頭、2個快運中心,以及12個貨運飛機停泊港,每個都能停靠最大的貨運飛機B747F。樟宜機場的策略是根據市場和行業改變做出調整、增加設施,比如,在1990年代,新加坡民航局和貨運代理商廣泛徵詢意見,為了適應貨運行業快速改變的需求,建立了Changi Megaplex———一個多功能的租賃倉庫設施。而近年,為了儲藏易腐化貨物,還興建了Coolport@Chan—gi———用于處理易腐化貨物的倉庫。雖然基礎設施�多,樟宜貨運中心卻並沒有顯得雜亂擁擠,這可能和初期的前瞻性規劃有關。樟宜機場集團運營著機場自由貿易園區,樟宜空運中心(CAC)和機場物流園(ALPS)都具備了自由貿易園區的政策條件,也就是說,貨物儲藏在這個機場自由貿易園區內,可以暫不繳納商品及服務稅(GST),海關課稅項目也可以暫緩交關稅,海關通關手續簡單。而從樟宜機場空運中心和機場物流園的設計細節,可以看到園區的設計十分注重提供高效的貨物轉移和貨物通關。樟宜貨運中心和機場物流園本身是自由貿易園區,貨物通關的手續較少,但為了提高效率,這個機場自由貿易園區內的海關檢查點,也是24小時運行。此外,樟宜機場的兩個地勤公司新加坡機場貨運服務處(SATS)和DNATA所負責的航空貨運終端(AFTs),位置靠近12個貨船停泊港灣,從而縮短停機坪的貨物運輸時間。樟宜機場集團物流部副經理Jordan Tan也提到,“在CAC內建立的一些貨物代理大樓也是最大限度地靠近航空貨運終端,從而使貨物能快速中轉。在Megaplex,為貨車和托盤車分別設計道路。”為轉口貿易而生貿易之于新加坡的作用,大概可以用“飲水之源”。新加坡的Trade/GDP (貿易/國內生產總值)比重全球最高,在2008年到2011年間,貿易總額大概是GDP的4倍。因此,新加坡在建國不久就頒佈自由貿易園區法案。新加坡所謂的“自由貿易園區”,主要是指貨物存放在這些指定區域內(除了酒和煙要儲放在特許倉庫,其他貨物都能存放在自由貿易區),可以暫時不繳納GST等稅款,應繳納關稅的物品也可以暫緩繳納,只有當貨物離開自由貿易區並進入本地消費市場時,必須繳納關稅和其他稅款。新加坡的自由貿易園區主要以吸引轉口貿易與提供物流附加價值為目的,在園區內可以重新包裝、分類和重整貨物,但只允許進行一般商業性加工,限制深加工。若需從事除簡易加工外的製造,則需將其進口的原料移運至自由貿易區外的物流分銷園區或工業區內進行。也就是說,新加坡的自由貿易園區對於轉口貿易商人來說,最具吸引力。新加坡國立大學亞太物流學院教授Mark Goh接受早報記者採訪時指出,20世紀60年代,新加坡以轉口貿易為主,從鄰國進口橡膠、咖啡等產品,經加工轉口至西方國家;同時,從歐、美、日進口機械設備和其他工業製成品,轉口至東南亞國家。1990年代之後,產業結構的轉換和升級使得新加坡出口商品結構優化,資本、技術密集,高附加值的產品出口比重迅速上升,以加工貿易方式同發達國家在IT產業進行水平分工自存倉雖然新加坡和香港的貿易都很發達,但新加坡不同于香港的是,香港的製造業現在已經很少,而新加坡的製造業在經濟中仍扮演重要角色。2011年,新加坡製造業占到了GDP的20.9%。在新加坡的商品貿易中,有相當部分是轉口貿易,2012年,新加坡商品貿易中,56%是本地出口,而剩下的都是轉口貿易。Mark Goh教授告訴記者,新加坡是僅次于香港的全球最自由經濟體,整個貿易機制十分開放,因此所劃定的自由貿易園區對新加坡經濟並沒有多大影響,但是由於新加坡出口中有47%是再出口(轉口貿易),而自由貿易園區一般設在港口碼頭或機場航運站附近,極大便利了轉口貿易。在他看來,新加坡自由貿易園區的成功在於其透明的海關監管、清晰的稅制,以及強大的物流和服務。物流企業雲集雖然樟宜機場空運中心和機場物流園合計不到80公頃,但是在這裡,你絲毫感覺不到雜亂擁擠,相反是秩序井然,而這得益于新加坡強大的物流運輸網絡。據新加坡海事及港務管理局(MPA)的數據,2012年,新加坡是全球最繁忙的中轉樞紐,處理著全球1/7的集裝箱中轉吞吐量(3126萬個標準集裝箱),有200條航線聯繫全球123個國家的600個港口。新加坡樟宜機場也是全球最繁忙的貨運機場之一,每周有超過6500個航班,聯絡60個國家240個城市,處理200萬噸貨物。世界銀行對全球貿易物流的最新調查顯示,新加坡、中國香港和芬蘭在全球物流績效排名中位列前三,中國大陸排名第26位。新加坡港口、機場附近的自由貿易園區內,提供集中的物流服務,在園區內就能找到運輸、倉儲、配送等各個環節的專業物流商,極大地方便了客戶聯繫業務。新加坡已經雲集了全球諸多物流企業,根據新加坡經濟發展局公佈的數據,全球前25家物流公司中,有20家在新加坡有業務,而像德國DHL、瑞士德訊集團(Kuehne Nagel)、Sankyu、德國Schenker、美國UPS、日本郵船(Yusen),更是將區域或全球總部設在新加坡。新加坡物流涉及的多個環節實現了無紙化和自動化,除了海關通關使用的Trade Net之外,還有港口網(PortNet)、裕廊港口網站(Jurong Port Online)、海事網(Marinet)、空運貨物社群網絡(Cargo Community Network)。這些電子平台,節省了人力和財力,也提高了政府運作的效率。以港口網為例,這個網站的用戶包括港務局、船公司或其代理行、貨主集裝箱中轉站和卡車運輸業等,累計有1300多家。利用高速的數據交換和通信,該網站將航運業的各方面連接起來,簡化點到點的信息流程,使港口用戶獲得船隻進出港信息、艙位安排、貨物在港所處的狀態、預訂艙位、指定泊位、起重機佈置、集裝箱實時跟蹤等信息。2010年,新加坡的海事部門對GDP的貢獻是7%,也為新加坡僱傭了5.5%的勞動力。在新加坡,有超過5000家企業從事海事服務,其中,超過120家是國際船運集團。2010年,新加坡的航空運輸也給GDP貢獻了約2%,給0.8%的勞動力提供了崗位。政府和私人機構合作樟宜機場的高效運作,與新加坡自由貿易園區的屬性不無關係。樟宜機場原來由新加坡民航局(CAAS)負責管理,2009年7月,新加坡民航局進行了重組,將戰略監管職責和機場的管理職責分開,設立樟宜機場集團負責機場管理,而新加坡民航局則專注于戰略監管。記者從新加坡民航局瞭解到,新加坡機場很多設施是由新加坡民航局投資建成,包括樟宜空運中心和機場物流園,現在由私人機構樟宜機場集團接手這兩個園區的運營,而新加坡民航局更多地將精力放在航空工業和機場的戰略方面。就機場自由貿易園區而言,基本上沒有行政干預,靈活性很大。樟宜機場集團運用專營權對除倉儲外的其他所有航空貨運業務活動進行管理。樟宜機場集團並不擁有貨物處理的設備,也不參與實際的貨物處理,這些設備屬於航空公司、地勤公司、貨運代理商。比如,樟宜機場集團目前將執照發給了兩家地面代理機構———新加坡機場貨運服務處(SATS)和樟宜國際機場服務處(CIAS),SATS和CIAS在營運期間需付給機場專營權費。SATS和CIAS投資興建並運營著機場的8座貨站、2座速遞貨運中心。據Jordan Tan介紹,樟宜機場集團主要會負責照料機場自由貿易園區的安全以及秩序,如不讓物流公司的車輛亂停放,保持道路暢通。樟宜機場集團也會負責給地勤公司發放執照,考核地勤公司的工作效率等這些問題。由於樟宜機場的貨物很多都是中轉貨物,到機場可能才幾個小時,就被裝載到另一家貨機上而後轉運到別的國家或者地區,所以,對這些貨物的檢查管理較為寬鬆。記者觀察到,和中國大陸的保稅區不同,樟宜機場的自由貿易園區並沒有一個嚴格清晰的監管框架,可是,這個園區的運行卻似乎依然高效有序。Jordan Tan告訴記者,雖然行政干預少,但對於園區的管理,新加坡採用整個政府範圍內跨部門合作的方式,樟宜機場能成功地作為航空貨運及物流樞紐,政府機構如經濟發展局、新加坡民航局和新加坡海關等監管部門的機構都是重要貢獻者。就新加坡海關而言,在機場自由貿易園區內,新加坡海關所設的海關檢查站24小時全天候運作,來配合樟宜貨運中心和機場物流園的24小時運作。另外,園區內設置有航空郵件轉運中心和檢驗進口動植物的檢疫中心。Jordan Tan舉了一個例子,來解釋他所說的跨政府部門合作。在機場物流園入口處的“FedEx空貨運快遞中心”是在2012年下半年投入運作的,這個辦公樓和倉庫是FedEx的亞洲區轉運中心。這個中心的設立就是多方機構合作的結果。新加坡經濟發展局是新加坡負責吸引外資的機構,FedEx入駐機場自由貿易園區,就是經濟發展侷促成的。而新加坡民航局則與FedEx簽署了10年的租借協議,授予其獨立營運權。海關則在FedEx的空貨運快遞中心內單獨設立了一個24小時通關的海關檢查站。在FedEx的空貨運快遞中心側邊的兩個飛機停機坪,是樟宜機場集團為了加強基礎設施額外斥資2500萬美元給FedEx修建的。這些機構的合作給FedEx提供了相當具有吸引力的條件,FedEx的貨機可以停靠在自己的停機坪上,貨物可以快速地通過單獨海關通關,並在FedEx自己修建的倉庫和辦公樓內進行分類組裝,然後又可以裝載至FedEx的貨機,運往其他地方,這大大縮短了貨物處理時間。Jordan Tan說,這樣的設計可以使得內部的貨物處理時間從兩小時縮短到只要10分鐘。由此可見,新加坡機場自由貿易園區,既得益于發揮了私人企業的活力,又得益于政府機構之間的合作,而政府部門的策略也具有相當的靈活性。mini storage
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 15:05
SocialWise is Now Offering No-Cost Case Studies that Involve Marketing Small Businesses for 2 Weeks
LOS ANGELES, Sept.迷你倉 27, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- SocialWise, Inc., an internet marketing firm located in Orange County, Calif., has just announced that it is offering free case studies that will involve marketing qualified small businesses for 14 days. Companies that are interested in applying for a free case study--which involves participants receiving two weeks' worth of Facebook content and paid ads--may learn more by visiting SocialWise's user-friendly website.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130927/MN87818)Social Wise has also scheduled a ribbon cutting ceremony in October to help celebrate their official grand opening. Members of the community are welcome to attend the event and learn more about how the company can help solve the social media issue for small businesses.As a video on the SocialWise website explains, while most small business owners definitely understand the growing importance of social media, many are simply too busy running their company to pay enough attention to their Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn sites. Since high quality social media pages can definitely lead to solid customer leads, it is imperative that they have eye-catching pages that are updated frequently with quality content.This is where SocialWise can help; through their effective twofold approach to social media, the company's team of professional writers will create custom and high quality content, which is combined with targeted ads that are viewed by ideal prospects as they visit their favorite social media sites.In order to help show just how effective their approach to social media is, SocialWise decided to offer the 14 day case studies that will clearly show small business owners just how valuable an effective social media campaign can be.As Chuck Goetschel, CEO of SocialWise explained, one case study that rec文件倉ntly concluded was overwhelmingly successful. His company's client, Dr. Daniel Potter, is a well-known fertility physician in Orange County. Dr. Potter wanted to help boost attendance at a seminar he was conducting in Australia. As part of the case study, the team from SocialWise prepared ad campaigns and event pages that targeted both parents and parents-to-be in both Melbourne and Sydney. This resulted in 95 more people attending Dr. Potter's seminar, or 88 percent of the total attendance. SocialWise's efforts also led to a signup rate of more than 11 percent and an impressive financial return on investment of 4,588 percent.Anybody who would like to learn more about SocialWise is welcome to visit the company's website at any time; there, they can read more about their social media services and the no-cost case studies. People may also follow the company through their Facebook and LinkedIn pages.About SocialWiseSocialWise, Inc., was launched in May 2013 as a sister company to the well-established Paradigm Marketing Alliance. From creating and publishing industry-specific posts to driving traffic that results in qualified leads, SocialWise manages every aspect of the social media marketing funnel for clients around the globe. With a dynamic staff that includes a former "Entrepreneur" magazine editor, plus a brilliant social media marketing and design team and a patent-pending automation tool, SocialWise enables businesses to turn likes into leads--and ultimately repeat sales. To find out more about SocialWise, visit socialwisesystem.com/Media Contact: Tommy Huff, SocialWise, 480 243-8054, admin@rocketfactor.comNews distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130927/MN87818PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comSocialWiseWeb site: socialwisesystem.com/存倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:35
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